Inscrit depuis 7588 Jours
The demo was pure awesomeness.. I mean from the beginning main menu piano sounds to the end trailer, this game just breathes pure class and originality..
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
The demo was pure awesomeness.. I mean from the beginning main menu piano sounds to the end trailer, this game just breathes pure class and originality..
100% Agreed
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"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Inscrit depuis 6810 Jours
Posté par FireWire
You get healthpacks that u can use on the fly (red syringes)
And you get packs for your plasmids (blue syringes)

You also got some stuff laying around in the level that works instantly:

Booz: Heals u but lowers your energy for the plasmids (and yes you can get drunk, the screen gets al wobbely and your vision and aiming is worse (and he makes funny hickup sounds))
Smokes: Gives u energy for the plasmids but lowers your health
Bandages: Heals u with no bad effect
Posté par Phaethon360
You store up to 9 first aid kits. The number of kits you have displayed next to the health bar. You can use them whenever you want. Also drinking alcohol and eating restore health.

EDIT: Beaten by FireWire. Teaches me to butt in.
Right thanks.
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6796 Jours

LOL. Pretty funny comment I thought. Hide from Heretic.
En réponse à

Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
Oh dear god this game is phenomenal. The atmosphere is one of a kind. Something that I have never experienced in a game. I just got startled by a splicer who ran past now its gone all quiet. Im afraid to move haha. Im glad I pre-ordered the collectors edition. This game is going down in history.
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Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
I have yet to try the Demo ... Curse Work Curse! oh and Uk People, you can buy the game for £34.99 (or $34.99 to you, you know who :D) from it saves you a fiver! Free delivery as well.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
I have yet to try the Demo ... Curse Work Curse!
Praise the lord for working at home :D
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"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Ce message est en mode Boulet Time (TM). Pour l'afficher, cliquez ici
Posté par kenshin2418
well said good sir, well said.
Posté par dcdelgado
Good for you.
Well that is how it suppose to be in the first place anyways. If a person like the game they should decide for themselfs, friends and other peoples opinions is just a bonus.

I know that Lair didn't get much good reviews but still, I rather have the game infront of me playing it rather someone else say it sucks...etc.

Besides, if it truly was "that" bad as they make it seem, I can always trade it back or get my money back for other games on my list.

Well I just bought God of War 2 and playing it on Ps3 (European, can you think of that now :P) later when it gets a bit darker here I will most definitely fire up BioShock demo again.

Playing: Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Hard Mode!
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Killzone 2 - Dark Sector - God of War 3 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
Posté par FireWire
Praise the lord for working at home :D
The thing is I can leave cauz im just doing a PhD but my supervisor will kick the shit out of me if I do :D
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Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
Just thought you'd slip that in there eh alimo ? :p
En réponse à
FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
I can see it already:

Assignment sheet:

Hours: | Job: | Successful:
2 hours | Working on PHD | Yes
6 Hours | Playing Bioschock demo | Hell yeah, finished it 6 times!
2 Hours | Bashing everything but Blue Dragon | No way, Bioshock was a suprise!
En réponse à

"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6796 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
oh and Uk People, you can buy the game for £34.99 (or $34.99 to you, you know who :D) from it saves you a fiver! Free delivery as well.
Low, low, low prices in the UK! It costs $60 in the US, and $70 for the LE! You guys don't know how good you have it! $34.99, a bargain. Yessirree. Bargain.

I actually found it somewhere for a limited time for $40. Regular though, and the demo is making me want the LE. Thats $30 more :(. I'll decide soon. Do want.
En réponse à

Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
Posté par FireWire
I can see it already:

Assignment sheet:

Hours: | Job: | Successful:
2 hours | Working on PHD | Yes
6 Hours | Playing Bioschock demo | Hell yeah, finished it 6 times!
2 Hours | Bashing everything but Blue Dragon | No way, Bioshock was a suprise!
lol. nice one!

OH SHIT! 24th Aug is a friday and I work that day (payed job) on another faculty from 9 -5pm I guess a sleepless friday night then, ACE! I will play Bioshock the way its meant to be played in the dark with proper 5.1 surround sound Sweet! and then I can get lost in Blue Dragon Ville all week end! :D
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
For the guys who already played the demo

Somewhere along the demo u see these "hole's" in the wall where the little sisters crawl from..

I was near one of those hole's and it was dark, but walked passed it, a little sisters head popped up (u could only see those red eyes of her) and she looked around and disappeared into the hole again. That was a f*ckin awesome moment... hope u guys saw it also...
En réponse à

"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
Posté par FireWire
For the guys who already played the demo

Somewhere along the demo u see these "hole's" in the wall where the little sisters crawl from..

I was near one of those hole's and it was dark, but walked passed it, a little sisters head popped up (u could only see those red eyes of her) and she looked around and disappeared into the hole again. That was a f*ckin awesome moment... hope u guys saw it also...
Ah see I thought I was going crazy. It was a double-take moment. I spun around. "Did I really see that ?"
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Inscrit depuis 7588 Jours
Ok, I played thru it 3 times now, and I still like the game very much.. There's 2 issue's with the graphics though that I noticed and that make me want to see the PC version aswell because I don't know if it's just the platform or the game itself.. They are 1. low-res textures on some things, and 2. you don't see your own shadow at all..

I presume textures in the PC version will be better, but I don't know about the shadow.. Hopefully a player-shadow is in the PC version because it feels a bit fake once you're aware of it it's not there, especially in this game with otherwise great lighting etc, and it shouldn't be a hard thing to do in UE3 I think..

They're just 2 small graphical issue's (at least in the Xbox 360 version) which doesn't make the game less awesome.. I guess it's just the graphicswhore and perfectionist inside of me that notices these things..
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Inscrit depuis 6381 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
[...] 2. you don't see your own shadow at all.[...]I guess it's just the graphicswhore and perfectionist inside of me that notices these things..
Hmm, that's a bit of a let down. I don't think you are being picky, at least for me that's a major issue (in terms of what it does for immersion). But if the game is overwhelming and that's the only thing, we'll let it slip. oh, with low res textures i can live.
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Inscrit depuis 6810 Jours
How to enable HARD Mode:

To enable hard go to your gamer profile in the dashboard and then change your default game settings. Go to general, then change your difficulty to hard.
Start up the Bioshock Demo.
Hard should be highlighted when you have the option to select your difficulty. Make sure not to move the cursor or you will not be able to select hard again unless you hit B and then return.
Hit A.
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
These things dont bother me in the slightest. The atmosphere is so overwhelming that I really didnt have time to notice them.
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Inscrit depuis 6810 Jours

Pitching Bioshock - "just another f**king PC FPS"

But according to senior designer Joe McDonagh many publishers turned their noses up at the title when it was initially being pitched around.

Speaking to CVG about his role in its conception and development, McDonagh said, "Bioshock was a long time in the making. Ever since System Shock II the team had talked about everything they wished they'd done differently.

"Ken (Levine) spent years pitching the game to publishers but no one was interested, incredible as that seems now. I joined Irrational in December 2004 and my first job was to get a publishing deal for the game (I worked as the Business Development Director for the first six months). I remember pitching the game to one publisher who later told a friend of mine that it was 'just another fucking PC FPS that's going to sell 250,000 units.'

"This sort of attitude really pissed me off. System Shock II, for all its critical success, didn't sell very well which turned buyers off. Something I realised very quickly was that as much as your boss won't ever know that you turned down a future game of the year, he will know that you signed up a turkey. You don't get fired for not taking risks. That kind of mentality is driving the industry into a creative cul de sac."
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 7588 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
Hmm, that's a bit of a let down. I don't think you are being picky, at least for me that's a major issue (in terms of what it does for immersion). But if the game is overwhelming and that's the only thing, we'll let it slip. oh, with low res textures i can live.
Don't worry, they're not big issues, I also only noticed them when I played thru the 2nd time and was paying more attention to details.. 1st time I played the demo I didn't notice them at all, the game was just to immersive and impressive..

And even 'if' the PC version has better textures and a player-shadow, the Xbox 360 version will just be as impressive to play, no doubt..
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Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
That is interesting, and I think indicative of the attitude that many consumers are going to have towards the game.
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Inscrit depuis 7588 Jours
Well, we all know high-quality games are usually not bigtime sellers.. The big ignorant masses of gamers outthere rathers buys the Halo's and EA's games of this world then games like Bioshock..

Other fine example is Half-Life.. Most people that bought it bought it to play Counterstrike, most never even touched Half-Life the (great) SP game..

I really hope Bioshock does well.. Not just in sales but also in awards (GOTY?).. Maybe that makes more gamers aware of it.. Also, hopefully this Xbox 360 demo helps getting more people to buy it.. Selling a SP-only game on the PC is really hard because of piracy, so it must do well on Xbox 360 to be succesfull..
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Inscrit depuis 6381 Jours
Just asked my girlfriend to start the download at home, while i'm at work. Now one hour laters she tells me it's at 3%.
Oh well, and i thought i was going home to play it tonight. yes, right. Might as well go to the cinema.

And i really doubt that if there's no shadow (of the main character ) on xbox360 that the pc version will. I think it feels more like a design option than a tweak.
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Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
It's most likely because your character doesnt appear to have an actual model while playing. Look down. You dont have any legs or anything. No body equals no shadows.
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Quoi de neuf ?
  • reneyvane

    reneyvane plus proposer 2 modes d'affichages. Pour viser le 60fps, il faudra souvent faire des compromis (résolution dynamique ou bloqué <1080p). Pas de miracle avec même cpu et la même quantité de mémoire. (il y a 3 Jours)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane @zero2lyon: LoL, avec l'autre news de DF que je relaye sur le forum ou X jeux PS5pro pourrait être calculé en résolution hybride (840p/60fps), ça montre l'usine à gaz, de studio qui ne pourront (il y a 3 Jours)

  • zero2lyon

    zero2lyon @reneyvane: ah dommage j'aurai vraiment aimé que ce soit celle de la PS3 :) (il y a 3 Jours)

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    reneyvane Digital-Foundry à récupérer la présentation de la PS3 en très haute qualité, 65go et se lance dans une nouvelle analyse. [url] (il y a 4 Jours)

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