It's now the NOD's turn to get their own cast trailer, with some Lost, some Battlestar Galactica and especially some Kane :)
It's now the NOD's turn to get their own cast trailer, with some Lost, some Battlestar Galactica and especially some Kane :)
Electronic Arts released this new trailer of Command and Conquer 3, this time showing the cast of the GDI side, and proving once and for all that good actors aren't enough when the directing isn't good.
EA released these four images from the Xbox 360 version of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. The PC version will be released next week, while the X360 version is a couple of months off.
Electronic Arts released this video of Command and Conquer 3 showcasing some of the cutscenes from the Nod part of the game. It's always a pleasure to see the infamous Kane again!
EA released this trailer, showing both cinematic and in-game sequences from Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. It seems like they got some big names in there, with people from Lost, Battlestar Galactica and even some anchors from CNN. Given that the PC images have all been in 4:3, the footage could be from the Xbox 360 version. We'll have to wait a little bit longer than March to play it on console though.
EA released these images from the Xbox 360 version of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, to be released this summer - a couple of months after the PC release.
Electronic Arts released these 7 images of the much awaited Command and Conquer 3. Looking good.
Announced a few weeks ago, Command and Conquer 3 is now visible in motion thanks to this trailer. And it's quite convincing :)
We got our hands on two new images from Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, to be released next year on PC and Xbox 360. The graphics looks great, as it's supposed to be a really early build of the X360 version.
It's not really a surprise, but it's still good to have a confirmation. The cult RTS game series Command and Conquer will soon also be on Xbox 360 with its latest entry called Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. First screens inside.
Update: Third image added.