Images PS3

Killzone 3 is without a doubt another strong exclusive title on Sony's console. Guerilla released a new batch of images from the preview code of the game and you just need to come inside to see them all.

10 images

  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
  • Killzone 3 images - 10 images
Commented on 2010-12-17 21:11:00
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2010-12-17 21:12:57
Man I LOVED the single player story mode in Killzone 2!! Its not a Halo or Crysis but damn it was fun!!! Really looking forward to it :)

I enjoyed the beta as well, not as laggy as KZ2 at all
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Commented on 2010-12-17 21:48:03 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
Man I LOVED the single player story mode in Killzone 2!! Its not a Halo or Crysis but damn it was fun!!! Really looking forward to it :)
Hmm, not quite sure what you mean by that. Crysis' singleplayer was its main downfall in most reviewers eyes and Halo's campaign, though epic, had ridiculous AI, in fact some of the worst AI of all time whereas Killzone 2 didn't :S is that what you meant?
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Commented on 2010-12-17 21:51:20 In reply to shazui
Posted by shazui
Hmm, not quite sure what you mean by that. Crysis' singleplayer was its main downfall in most reviewers eyes and Halo's campaign, though epic, had ridiculous AI, in fact some of the worst AI of all time whereas Killzone 2 didn't :S is that what you meant?
Oh wow. Halo has the worst AI of all time?... :O
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Commented on 2010-12-17 21:58:04 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Oh wow. Halo has the worst AI of all time?... :O
Dear god yes :L there's actually a few articles on it somewhere. Hang on I'll dig one up
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-12-17 22:00:01
I love Killzone 2 (except the abnoxious controls) the MP for Killzone 3 is so damn unbalanced its not funny at all.
Weapons, classes, horrible balance in the beta, I hope they fixed it and is more like Killzone 2.

Controls are much smoother and responsive now, but it still feels a bit stiff when you aim around and stop and aim again, not as smooth as other NORMAL FPS controls LOL
But anythings better than the bad Killzone 2 controls.

That being said, I can't wait to buy it in February, looks amazing!
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Commented on 2010-12-17 22:04:58
Was going to post about the inevitability of Halo comparisons and fanboy wars coming up in this topic but I was beaten by it actually coming up/starting...

That aside this looks really cool =) Due to not owning a PS3 I can't comment on how either of the other two games ran but I can say that at least KZ2 and this one really good and interesting. Perhaps with the addition of even more diverse environments this series can end/carry on at a high.
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Commented on 2010-12-17 22:29:41 In reply to shazui
Posted by shazui
Dear god yes :L there's actually a few articles on it somewhere. Hang on I'll dig one up
I'll give you friendly AI, but I can think of no other game aside from the first FEAR game with comparable enemy AI...
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2010-12-17 22:34:04
Halo has good AI and the AI in KZ 2 was surprisingly good as well! BUT nothing beats F.E.A.R.'s AI
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Commented on 2010-12-17 23:00:05
Yeah F.E.A.R had great AI, was definitely one of the game's saving graces. KZ3 looks great, just like it's predecesor looks like it's gonna be one of the best FPS games out there, probably best FPS of 2011. We shall see :)

@ below: Hey :)
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Commented on 2010-12-17 23:04:24 In reply to shazui
Posted by shazui
Yeah F.E.A.R had great AI, was definitely one of the game's saving graces. KZ3 looks great, just like it's predecesor looks like it's gonna be one of the best FPS games out there, probably best FPS of 2011. We shall see :)

Welcome here dude!!
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Commented on 2010-12-17 23:58:13
Graphics look good, but I want them to nail the controls, and add some variety/personality to the game.

I've had killzone2 since june now and i'm still struggling to finish it. I just find it an adverage game. Alot of whats working against it though is that damn ps3 controller! I've been spoilt with the 360 controller when it comes to console fps games..i just cant get used to the ps3 controller, and its seriously the first thing i take into consideration now when deciding what multiplatform fps, or racing game, i'm going to get. I need my triggers!

Saw a vid on GT earlier using move on it. I'd actually seriously think about getting move if it makes a difference for the better
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Commented on 2010-12-17 23:59:53
This game is going to rock.
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Commented on 2010-12-18 00:06:26
Posted by shazui
KZ3 looks great, just like it's predecesor looks like it's gonna be one of the best FPS games out there, probably best FPS of 2011. We shall see :)
Someone delayed the shooter of the year named Crysis 2 and nobody bother to page me? sad, really sad.

I really don't know what the troopers at Guerrilla have againts good image quality. If it isn't blured to a mess like the previous killzone, it's a grainny effect that goes against the image making the aliasing even more noticeable.
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Commented on 2010-12-18 00:10:07
It doesnt look or feel like a departure from Killzone 2 in visual terms, I mean it looks a bit better and everything but its very similar looking to the last game. Its expected of course, but its always more interesting when some sort of different dynamic is thrown in. But I have heard of jungle environments so perhaps its more varied than what they have shown. But if I would be showing off the jungle levels and not the stuff that looks straight out of the last game.
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Commented on 2010-12-18 00:40:28
The detail is out of this world. Cannot wait to get my hands on this next year! :O
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Commented on 2010-12-18 02:29:28
Atmosphere in this game is amazing looks good in pics too
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Commented on 2010-12-18 02:31:23 In reply to Xion4360
Posted by Xion4360
It doesnt look or feel like a departure from Killzone 2 in visual terms, I mean it looks a bit better and everything but its very similar looking to the last game. Its expected of course, but its always more interesting when some sort of different dynamic is thrown in. But I have heard of jungle environments so perhaps its more varied than what they have shown. But if I would be showing off the jungle levels and not the stuff that looks straight out of the last game.
Guess you missed all the snow and ice footage then ;)

Guerilla games are making crytek look silly. I feel kinda sorry for them, with the whole backlash from the PC community and then having to go up against an obviously superior console shooter - killzone 3. This mops the floor with it visually too from the looks of things, not just from a gameplay standpoint.
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Commented on 2010-12-18 02:45:04
No I didnt miss it, Ive been keeping an eye on this game. but still, like I said before, why not show fresh looking, differentiating stuff instead of this

also, Crysis 2 looks to be more wide open and vertical with its environment. The linear and limited scope of the level here gives it a pretty significant advantage, plus the focus on PS3 versus PC,360 and PS3. It adds up.
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Commented on 2010-12-18 03:15:36
So other than 300 foot colossal moving bosses, beautiful snow and ice levels and gigantic mountainous vistas it needs to differentiate.....

Crysis 2 also looks to have smaller 'battles' with lower enemy counts and smaller bosses, not to mention not as varied an environment (snow particles and interaction is very processing heavy) so I would say Crysis 2, in some aspects, has a much more limited scope than K3 - that and it looks quite a lot worse graphically.

Hit the nail right on the head with the one platform focus though. Yet another reason why generally exclusivity > multiplatform (and, tbh, why Crysis 2 should've stayed a PC exclusive)
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Commented on 2010-12-18 03:24:49
what about the imagery here is so different from Killzone 2 is my question. Not much, it looks aesthetically more or less just like it. Thats what I meant. As a person looking at the screens, I would just think it looks like more of the same, but If I were looking at screens of the same exact thing but in a jungle setting, that would be much more eye catching because then I would be like ok, this is not killzone 2. That would be much better for promotional images.

as for Crysis, it would have looked a lot better had it been PC only yes, but money is more important.
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Commented on 2010-12-18 09:42:41
I came to the KZ2 party late after first trying the demo and hating the simply awful and indefensible control delay. I tried the demo once again many months later and to my surprise they had added a "precision" patch which did enough to alleviate this problem for me to try the full retail game. It still was a bit laggy but it seems as though that has been further improved for KZ3 which would make the controls close to perfect.

My other main criticism with KZ2 was the long stretch of samey environments at the earlier part of the game which made it feel a bit repetitive but towards the end of the campaign Guerrilla really opened it up with some stunning vistas and some vehicle gameplay that felt better than the FPS stuff. The sequel at this point seems to be addressing all my complaints nicely and I think it may just be the shooter to beat in 2011.

Still, I miss the dual functionality of the weapons from KZ1, they should have brought that back this time.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-12-18 10:09:41

The controls are even better in Killzone 3, yes even with "precision" on in Killzone 2.
Though when you aim around and stop and start moving your aim again, there is some weird stiffness to it, I can't explain it exactly, but its not as smooth as games like COD, Halo, Crysis and other FPS games that has NORMAL controls.

But it is much more playable this time around, so no worries :)


As a busniess, any busniess, they want as much money back of the loss of the development as possible.
Besides, sure Crysis was a graphical benchmark, but alot of people couldnt be able to play it, so EA wants more people to play it and enjoy it...what other way to do it than put it on consoles.

I remember Crytek said they are developing the game seperetly on each platform, meaning no ports on any of the platforms.
On PC it will look great considering you can MOD the hell out of it, on consoles...what you see is what you get.

For example Crysis 1 did look good, but IMO it looks dated unless you put in some very high MOD settings into it, again...mods is what made Crysis 1 so damn good looking, and to give you good perfomance.

I am glad Crysis 2 is on consoles as well (yes I have a PC that can run Crysis on high/very high around 30-40 fps), as I am not a big graphics whore, I think the trailer they released was badass...especially the slide and shooting!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-12-18 11:57:22
Yeah, but you have to agree that the character details and levels like the snow level are great, but also take in considerations that the levels are much more bigger, more vast.

Also, the level int he beta that had the mech, i really HATED the grain filter, I dont understand why they added that nonsense in it.

I also agree about the framerate, sometimes it went a bit too slow than normal.

Again, when they add so much graphics into a game + tank like controls and the engine isnt optimized to go above 30 fps, it becomes annoying.
There is a reason why games like Halo, Crysis (with good enough FPS) and COD is liked for its controls and framerate. Its fast and smooth and with the help of the controls, no complaints.

I said this before, I will say it again...making your aim move slow and feel weighty doesnt change the gameplay, that is not what sets you apart from the rest of the shooters.
Gameplay, modes, features do, I still wish they could get rid of the weighty feel of the controls in Killzone period and make them normal like COD, Halo...etc.

I guess this is where my precious Crysis 2 comes in LOL :)

But compared to Killzone 2, controls are fine in Killzone 3, but they better damn well fix the classes and weapons in the multiplayer, in the beta it was horrible.
If they havent overhauled the MP since the beta, then I will stick with Crysis 2 MP (considering I love it much more than KZ).
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Guerrilla Games

$135 of $400 per month

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