Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Moving on: lets talk guns!

Who has a favorite so far? I'm mostly playing assault (which will remain my main), so my opinion here is limited mostly to assault rifles. I still love the S20K, but in terms of my kit specific weapons, I have to say that I'm leaning towards the AN94 as my personal favorite. I thought the M16 would be better, but I'm leaning towards damage over speed and accuracy in this case. It's pretty good with the red dot too, which I was a little hesitant to use, but I'm doing it anyway. I hate having to give up the lightweight specialization :(
Haven't unlocked the AN94 yet but I do enjoy the XM8. I hated the F2000 in this game, my god did I hate using it just to get the bronze star for it.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Yeah, the F2000 is garbage. I haven't touched it since the beta and I'll probably never use it again. I'm not a fan of the AUG either. The M416 and AN94 seem to be my two favorite assault rifles so far, with the M16 coming in a very close third place. The autoshotty will always have a special place in my heart though. I just had an amazing game with it on Port Valdez or whatever it's called. Now that C4 is less effective against M-COM stations, I've been having fun surrounding them with explosives and then arming them. You just let some guys come along and try to defuse and you'll kill a big group of noobs ;)
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
I'm maining Recon but I'm working on getting all the guns. SVU sniper rifle ftw! I prefer the multi shots over the powerful single shot m95.
I played against a high level user in the 20s with the USAS. Somehow he was getting head shots on me from across the map with it. Guess it must be pretty beastly?
Engineer is my 2nd fav. Been using the UZI with that class and loving it. Just unlocked the last gun for that class but haven't tried it yet.
Now I'm working on unlocking everything on Assault with Medic going last.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Also: is it just me or is the M60 way too good?
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Also: is it just me or is the M60 way too good?
That's the word on the street.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

Inscrit depuis 5760 Jours
Love the m60. The only gun any medic should use.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Also: is it just me or is the M60 way too good?
When used to its full potential, yes. The other LMGs pale in comparison. The difference is marginal at shorter distances though.
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Inscrit depuis 6652 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Also: is it just me or is the M60 way too good?
Yep. I have been steamrolled by an enemy team with lots of medics, and mostly all of them using the M60. It's just the better LMG for the medic.

Since i just unlocked everything yestarday will go back to medic for a while, and use again my M60!

When was geting the unlockes for engy, was messing around with it. Wow, that M2 Gustav Anti tank gun, is great vs people. I was sniping snipers, and killing lots of people, and hitting those slow Blackhawks haha, one hit on the tail, it would crash!
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Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
I'm not entirely sure. How exactly does the motion sensor ball work? Apparently if you don't move you won't get spotted but can you move at all? If yes, how much exactly until you show up? Anyone here tested it? That thing is a major pain in the ass, there just needs to be a way to counter it.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
It will spot you whether you move or not. The motion sensor ball was nerfed a bit from the first because you got more than just 2 and could essentially create a wall of sensors (in this one if you throw the 2nd ball the 1st will deactivate). It was broken in the last game basically. There is no answer for it other than to have teammates using them as well.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
I finally unlocked my magnum ammo specialization. I have to say, I'm not really that fond of the specializations at all. The game has too much customization, which ruined Call of Duty for me, and I'd prefer for it not to ruin Battlefield for me too. I'm still having loads of fun regardless, I just wish the genre didn't cater so completely to noobs these days. Most people don't even play these games for the fun of combat and competition anymore. They find their fun in silly RPG gimmicks. It's lame.
Posté par Viginti_Tres
When used to its full potential, yes. The other LMGs pale in comparison. The difference is marginal at shorter distances though.
Are you sure? I'm seeing people sprayin' the M60 in CQC and taking names. It seems like it's almost the most powerful weapon in the game--at any range. I sorta hope it gets nerfed.

Oh, and it's official: The AN94 is my gun.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
There are well over 200,000 (250k?) people on the PC leader board too! That's not a bad start!
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Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
The M60 kills with the same amount of bullets as the AN-94 (4 to the body) at short range, the SCAR-L, 9A-91 and UMP 45 kill with 4 bullets as well. The M60 has the lowest rate of fire of all automatic guns, but it doesn't loose much of its stopping power over distance. It kills with 4 bullets at any range without attachments, you want the magnum ammo attachment for the AN-94 to be able to do the same (otherwise it's 5 to the body).

The other LMGs get outclassed by SMGs at short AND long range, that's the problem. If they at least didn't loose their punch over distance they'd be viable guns. The M60 could loose a bit of stopping power to get it in line with the AN-94 without crippling it. By using the M60 "to its full potential" I mean doing what LMGs are meant to do: Provide cover fire for your team mates while they do the objective stuff. I'm usually in some window on the first floor of a building mowing down any enemy who wants to retake our flag. The other LMGs utterly fail at this.

As for the specialisations I agree. I'll be testing the body armour next as is effectively seems to reduce incoming damage by 25%. If it proves to be a life saver the majority of gamers will run with it, just like in CoD4 with juggernaut.
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Inscrit depuis 6478 Jours
So many people here been playing hardcore mode much? I think I'm liking that mode a little more but maybe just b/c it's new?

I don't have time to play this game much at all, you guys with all these fun toys unlocked are making me sick ;-P
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Inscrit depuis 6883 Jours
Haven't been able to put much time in yet. Hate snipers. Hate the COD level shit. Love the game, though...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Posté par droezelke
Has anyone noticed there is a memory leak in BC2 on pc?
Can't say I've noticed it if there is one, and I haven't rebooted my rig since the game came out and I've been playing it pretty often.
Posté par Frozpot
Haven't been able to put much time in yet. Hate snipers. Hate the COD level shit. Love the game, though...
To be fair, it's not the kits fault, it's the noobs fault.
Posté par Viginti_Tres
The M60 kills with the same amount of bullets as the AN-94 (4 to the body) at short range, the SCAR-L, 9A-91 and UMP 45 kill with 4 bullets as well. The M60 has the lowest rate of fire of all automatic guns, but it doesn't loose much of its stopping power over distance. It kills with 4 bullets at any range without attachments, you want the magnum ammo attachment for the AN-94 to be able to do the same (otherwise it's 5 to the body).

The other LMGs get outclassed by SMGs at short AND long range, that's the problem. If they at least didn't loose their punch over distance they'd be viable guns. The M60 could loose a bit of stopping power to get it in line with the AN-94 without crippling it. By using the M60 "to its full potential" I mean doing what LMGs are meant to do: Provide cover fire for your team mates while they do the objective stuff. I'm usually in some window on the first floor of a building mowing down any enemy who wants to retake our flag. The other LMGs utterly fail at this.

As for the specialisations I agree. I'll be testing the body armour next as is effectively seems to reduce incoming damage by 25%. If it proves to be a life saver the majority of gamers will run with it, just like in CoD4 with juggernaut.
Well, I still hope they nerf it. I see people spraying and winning practically every encounter they're in. I've always hated LMG's. 300 rounds in a magazine, accuracy from standing (and apparently from the hip), and ungodly amounts of damage. At least in BF2 your stance actually had a huge impact on their performance. Now you can fire them from any position and if you use the M60 it's pretty dominant. Not a fan.

I thought the Rex (the revolver) was going to be the best pistol too, but after using it, I'm pretty sure the M1911 still dominates.
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Inscrit depuis 5484 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
So many people here been playing hardcore mode much? I think I'm liking that mode a little more but maybe just b/c it's new?

I don't have time to play this game much at all, you guys with all these fun toys unlocked are making me sick ;-P
Only touched normal mode once, then went straight to Hardcore, only because it's the mode I'm used to in MW2. I may go back to normal when I've unlocked more guns, extra bits.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Hardcore sucks, just like it does in Call of Duty, and for the same exact reasons. The damage model is ridiculous.

Anyway, here's some info that y'all will probably find handy:

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Inscrit depuis 6652 Jours
Honestly i think M60 is too good, as someone who uses it. I have been steamrolled when enemy team had like hell can't even remember, i saw medics everywhere, and mostly everyone carrying the M60, we got slaughtered on that night map lol.

Nice picture there :)

Just had a great match! Really enjoying engineer and my lovely Gustav :)

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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Already level 25. Crazy
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Probably going to have to start all over since my accounts were hijacked. Sigh.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
This game really rules. There are some things I don't like about it as a Battlefield vet, that I love about it as a Call of Duty vet. And while I don't really like the over use of customization in either, it's ridiculous fun regardless. My current main kit is Assault + AN-94 + M1911 (the god side arm) + default tube + red dot + magnum ammo. It's amazingly effective at both CQC and long range combat. Occasionally I switch out the AN-94 for a Saiga and replace the magnum ammo with the 12 round shotty specialization and the red dot with lightweight, which turns assault into an armor killing monster.

I have yet to really experiment and customize any other kit.

Multiplayer GOTY? It really might be. There will be some serious contenders (especially on the Xbox) later this year though. On the PC side the only thing I see surpassing it.. is.. DICE's other game?
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Inscrit depuis 6883 Jours
I want to know why the mounted Crew serve weapons are so neglected. I racked up so many kills it's ridiculous. As long as you have someone to watch your six and spot enemies( which STILL doesn't happen near enough). I am lovin' the game though.
@Grift- which DICE game we talkin' about? Medal of Honor or BF3( not sure if thats out this year)?...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Totally agree Grift, it's not Battlefield 2 but it holds it's own.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

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