Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
Is there a way to check that stat on console? I haven't seen it or noticed it
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
I think it'll be on the soldier page once the soldier page actually works.. and BCS should be adding the ability to parse console stats soon too.
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Inscrit depuis 6709 Jours
Ooh, speaking of snipers- Just played a game where they were SO thick on the attacking team that I was forced to counter-snipe. Nothing worse than getting sniped while trying to take down a chopper. What's worse is I kept getting revived by my teammates( normally a good thing, lol) so I could change my class, and I kept getting picked off! Oh yeah, just got the AN-94! Very good gun, I have been smoking people with it. I managed a 32/12 game with it. I am finally starting to really enjoy the assault class. I have been having tons of fun with the engineer too...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
Yea, the AN-94 is definitely one of my favorite guns. I've been switching between it and the M-16 (and the Saiga) when playing assault. It was the first gun I got a platinum star with.
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Inscrit depuis 6452 Jours
I had a lot of fun with the Saiga recently. Still have to get used to it but it's the most fun combined with the Recon kit. The downside is that I constantly loose my matches. No matter how many kills/caps I have we always seem to have the biggest noobs running at the same point over and over again when there are others to cap.

The difference is huge. There were nights where I didn't drop a single game and went MVP 90% of the time (the other 10% was my buddy as the gunner on my chopper), now I still do very well, get a ton of motion mine assists and we still loose miserably.

And I forced myself to play Rush. Never again. Such a crap mode, my team couldn't get anywhere near the first set of crates, they were so bad at countering the other team. 2 tanks guarding the entrance behind some cover and snipers behind every bush and stone. We got rid of the tanks, killed their snipers and I rushed their crate and then a sniper shoots me and I can't win the next head on shoot out. Almost broke my controller and quitted the game.
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Inscrit depuis 6709 Jours
You should keep trying, you will find good teams. I've been lucky recently, and have been getting 3 good teams to every one bad. The need to adjust tactics is why it is such a great and challenging mode( especially when both teams know what they are doing)...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6452 Jours
Got into an ok match on Rush today. First time I used the NS2000 with 12 gauge slugs and magnum ammo. What a beast that gun is. I liked camping right before the M-Com stations with that and some motion mines. Pop out of cover and kill someone, then duck back behind it pop up from cover again and kill another... all that with one shot at 20-30m distances until my team blew up both crates. I also managed to kill two guys with one shot. It seems a bit hit and miss sometimes though, on someone standing still I wasted 3 shots before I got him. It's my new favourite shotgun now.

It's really the only way I can see myself leveling up the Recon and Assault classes. I can't stand sniping and I can't stand the early assault guns you get.
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Inscrit depuis 6709 Jours
It's funny, I never use shotguns...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
You should try them! They're fun. I don't like the slugs though.. they sorta ruin using them like.. a shotgun.

Saiga FTW! The NS2000 is a beast though! And absolutely wild looking.
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Inscrit depuis 6709 Jours
Hmm, perhaps I will try the shotty next time, Grift, but If I hate it... I blame YOU!!! ;)...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
Like any gun in this game, expect a slight adjustment period! But seriously.. running around with 12 rounds + lightweight in the Saiga is sorta amazing.
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Inscrit depuis 6709 Jours
All right, I'll admit the Saiga is quite the "blast". Earned me some new weapons for the Sniper. I was raping me some people today! I think I got the ace pin on all but one of my matches. Had a K/D of 4.20 with the AKS-74U and an award score of 11600 for a total of 13540. My highest yet! Not as good as You've been posting though...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
I just got M60 and I am not sure if I like it that much. I have more fun with Saiga and AN-94.. I got 16k score with Saiga (15k awards :p). Huge scores are just a matter of luck anyway when some awards give you 10k points alone.

Oh and since others are posting some screenshots I might as well put this here :)

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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 6709 Jours
OK, LOVE this game, but can some explain how a damn SHOTGUN can snipe me from 50 meters away? It's that damn 870, and it has been annoying me quite a bit.

On another note- finally got the M16, and it is every bit as awesome as everyone says! Now it's time to unlock the rest( done with Assault and Vehicles). Also, I friggin' OWN helicopters with the mounted MGs...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
There are upgrades for the shotgun that take what is usually similar to a buck shot, to a single slug. The cross hair for the shotgun also changes from a circle to a more accuracte crosshair. It takes some getting used to, to head shot with it.
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Inscrit depuis 6477 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
OK, LOVE this game, but can some explain how a damn SHOTGUN can snipe me from 50 meters away? It's that damn 870, and it has been annoying me quite a bit.

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Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
Started doing the UAV trick with the c4 with 3 friends. If everyone has the explosive damage and are carrying extra c4 it blows it up in one run and you even bring the UAV back to you unharmed.

Also my knife is sitting at 5 gold Stars now :D. I wanna get it Platinum. That's equivalent of 10 gold yes?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
^^ Honestly I think that's a pretty douchey tactic. Friendly fire should be on on most servers, not this noob friendly you can't hurt teammates bullshit. It inspires some pretty bad habits in people too. Like, for example, when I'm putting C4 on a tank and a teammate fires a rocket right in front of me! It can't hurt him! He's on my team! Naturally, it detonates your C4 and you suicide because your teammate is a fucking noob. The UAV thing is entertaining, especially when you hunt tanks with it, but using it to roll through rush is lame. There's no reasonable defense against it and the fact that it doesn't even harm the UAV is bullshit.

I like the 870, I was having quite a bit of fun with it the other day, but I still think the Saiga is the much easier weapon to use. It's also the third gun I've hit platinum with! Woot!
With developer DICE set to unlock two new multiplayer map variations for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 owners on Tuesday, March 30--that's tomorrow, by the way--publisher Electronic Arts has issued forth a new trailer detailing the so-called VIP Map Pack 2.
New layouts, coming soon!

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Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
I expect they'll make it so the C4 falls off the UAV eventually. When this happens though is up in the air probably.

Having those two maps for those modes is awesome looking. I'm glad there will be another boat oriented stage to play rush and a new city filled map to play on Conquest.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
Posté par Tinks
I expect they'll make it so the C4 falls off the UAV eventually. When this happens though is up in the air probably.
The UAV has been pretty exploitable since the beta, so I don't expect them to make many changes. They seem to be focusing on stuff like the M60 and 1911 instead. I'm actually glad that there are plenty of vanilla PC servers with friendly fire. I wish people would have made that the standard. The only game I've ever played where I accept that team damage is game breaking is Team Fortress 2. Friendly fire would ruin that game, yet, in most cases it's detrimental to turn it off.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
The new map layouts are supposed to come out today, just a heads up. I'm looking forward to some additional variety. It's much needed.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
So has anyone actually tried the new map layouts? I've only played the conquest map so far, but it's pretty solid I guess. I was expecting it to be a lot bigger, since the rush version of Arica Harbor is huge, but it turns out that it's actually the smallest conquest map yet. It's very linear, again, but it's also an infantry only map, which made me crave an entire infi only game mode. Squad DM and Rush only sorta count. I also spent a day unlocking my Recon gear, despite needing Engi's unlocks more. I really just wanted to run around with the M-95 with the red dot on it, which is a lot of fun!

Maybe I'll start Engi now. I need to find that gamestop code that gives me the AK-74 first though.

Oh, and a note to all PC players: You really want to read this guide. It eliminates negative mouse acceleration (aka mouse smoothing), and it makes the input feel about a billion times better. If you haven't noticed, regardless of your in game settings, the faster you move your mouse, the less it moves your camera. Yeah, who ever wanted that?

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Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
I've tried mainly the Conquest map. I enjoy how much it is to players advantage to make full use of the buildings in the new conquest map. You aren't occupying buildings so much in the others, so it's a nice change.

I'll try the Rush map tonight more. I came into one play of it as the game was ending.
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Inscrit depuis 6303 Jours
I enjoyed them, but this game is starting to already grow a little stale for me. They really needed to launch with more maps IMO. Now that I have unlocked everything and have played all the maps to death I've noticed my play sessions aren't lasting nearly as long before I get bored.
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Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
You need people to play it with. It is endless joy with a full squad and even more friends on top of the squad with you.
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