GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
And it makes it easier to play all of the modes. I don't think I'd be able to clock in serious hours in this game without playing everything. I rarely play Squad Rush, but that's it.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
So I fully tried the new Rush map. Shit is really really hard. Specifically the last two crates. We rolled through all the others, but the last two are so out in the open it's crazy.
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Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I was expecting it to be a lot bigger, since the rush version of Arica Harbor is huge, but it turns out that it's actually the smallest conquest map yet.
That's the problem I have. You can snipe someone from A to C, the buildings are all in line and crossing the street is very risky. It has a horrible flow to it. I was hoping for something similar to Oasis from BC1 (favourite map, could even stand Rush on it) or at least something the size of White Pass.

Will have to see how it turns out to play with competent team mates, but first impressions haven't been good.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
I like it, but unfortunately you can rape the opposing team pretty easily if you have like, one organized squad and they don't. As with several of the other conquest maps, the linearity presents itself as a bit of a problem. The weird thing though, is that White Pass is easily my favorite conquest map to pub, and it's strictly linear. I do think it's a decent map, especially since it's infi only. I've been waiting for infi only conquest.. and even if this is all we get, it's fun!

I still haven't seen the new rush map in rotation, but I've mostly been playing squad deathmatch and conquest over the last few days. I spent most of today playing engineer finally, and holy shit is it fun! Yes, the Gustav may seem a little over the top, but I honestly think that people are exaggerating how bad it is. The main problem with stuff like the CG and the M-60 is that they're popular. If you didn't encounter them every other second, it wouldn't seem so bad. Once they nerf the M-60, people are just going to find something else to bitch about. I hope DICE does not hurry these tweaks. Do it right. They should have learned this from BF2: scrubs will always find something to cry about.

Granted, I do wish that we could set modified rules. All these perks really muck up the works when it comes to competition, and while I think the game is fairly balanced (outside of the obvious abusive shit!), it would be nice if leagues could tweak their own rule sets. The game begs for some kind of competition mode where teams have to ready up before the beginning of a round at least. Clans want to play this game, but DICE hasn't made it easy on us.

So.. anyway.. after putting off recon and engi since this game came out, I'm glad I bothered to unlock my gear this week. It showed me that I can have a lot of fun with the red dot on the M-95, and that playing engineer is stupid fun. So far I've only been using the AK-74, but I love it. Coupled with the RPG or CG, it's simply a fantastic kit.
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Inscrit depuis 6556 Jours
Posté par Tinks
So I fully tried the new Rush map. Shit is really really hard. Specifically the last two crates. We rolled through all the others, but the last two are so out in the open it's crazy.
yeah also tried the new Rush map. surprisingly BIG! as the conquest mode was very small. liked what i play so far.

But yeah, this game needs more creative playlists. yesterday by chance (well, because the game is shit when people leave and it takes ages until the game balances the teams out. it happened several times that we were playing something like 10 against....1! and when he left, no one was left on the opposite team, and the game didn't end!) we were playing 3x3, and it was super on the night map, rush. me and two squad mates playing super organized and stealthy. very very cool.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Yeah I'm also kinda surprised by the size as well. How a team can cover all that empty space to the side of the crates is beyond me. Maybe in the PC since it has a few extra players it's better? On the first two crates there is basically a field to the left that seems pretty unnecessary.
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Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
Some sweet revenge on a sniper, and again, and again....
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Wow that is amazing haha
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Some sweet revenge on a sniper, and again, and again....
I can only imagine how much XP he and that medic got.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 7017 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Some sweet revenge on a sniper, and again, and again....
LOL!!! That's brutal, just the one guy is being targeted, and don't even get me started on when he began that awesome sprint across to the tree lol, in hopes of avoiding fire.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Those are honestly the worst kinds of people to encounter in video games. Not the sniper, but the griefers. That shit aint really funny. Well, it is, but only in a horrible sorta way.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
That's what he gets for not suiciding really
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Anyone else in the GameBattles tourney on XBLA?! My team has our first match tonight!
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Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
I started playing Engineer. This is seriously fun, way more than Assault anyway. I usually roll with the explosive perk to kill the tanks in two shots but will probably drop it in favour of magnum ammo once I have the AT-4. What's the best weapon to use? I only have access to the XM8 C and it already kills pretty fast without magnum ammo.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Engineer is great. People need to cry less when they get killed by rockets though. Get used to it. The SMG has horrible range, so it's not like engineers are given a lot of options when they move out of medium range. Then again, I do get some sick satisfaction out of killing someone with the gustav who is no more than five feet away from me too. It's just sort of hilarious. I use magnum ammo most of the time because I get frustrated with the increased explosive damage. It doesn't seem to do enough to make the rockets all that much more effective anyway, and when I'm not running with magnum bullets I feel weaker with my gun equipped :)

I'm not sure what the best gun is yet, but I've mostly been using the AK-74. So far I'm not that impressed with the selection, but the XM8 Compact is pretty nifty too. Oh, and I really don't care for the AT-4. The Gustav is better against infantry and I find the guidance system less fulfilling than I expected. If it were as snappy and responsive as the fly by wire SRAW in BF2, things might be different, but it's not. I'd rather use the RPG or the Gustav. I also think that people overstate how much better the Carl Gustav is over the RPG in terms of killing infantry. The RPG packs more of a punch against tanks and kills infi just fine. I still still run with the CG most of the time anyway.

Plus, the repair tool is the real tank killer!
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Engineer is great. People need to cry less when they get killed by rockets though. Get used to it. The SMG has horrible range, so it's not like engineers are given a lot of options when they move out of medium range. Then again, I do get some sick satisfaction out of killing someone with the gustav who is no more than five feet away from me too. It's just sort of hilarious. I use magnum ammo most of the time because I get frustrated with the increased explosive damage. It doesn't seem to do enough to make the rockets all that much more effective anyway, and when I'm not running with magnum bullets I feel weaker with my gun equipped :)

I'm not sure what the best gun is yet, but I've mostly been using the AK-74. So far I'm not that impressed with the selection, but the XM8 Compact is pretty nifty too. Oh, and I really don't care for the AT-4. The Gustav is better against infantry and I find the guidance system less fulfilling than I expected. If it were as snappy and responsive as the fly by wire SRAW in BF2, things might be different, but it's not. I'd rather use the RPG or the Gustav. I also think that people overstate how much better the Carl Gustav is over the RPG in terms of killing infantry. The RPG packs more of a punch against tanks and kills infi just fine. I still still run with the CG most of the time anyway.

Plus, the repair tool is the real tank killer!
I love the CG! So damn fun tearing through buildings with campers inside.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
I use the UMP as engineer. It's pretty sweet

Tagging choppers and shooting them down with rockets is basically the funnest thing in the game

I still blow with guided shit though
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Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I also think that people overstate how much better the Carl Gustav is over the RPG in terms of killing infantry. The RPG packs more of a punch against tanks and kills infi just fine. I still still run with the CG most of the time anyway.
Well the CG has more than double the killing radius of the RPG. I tend to get a lot of hit-markers with the RPG, especially if I see a UAV in the air and fire a missile directly to the station, that's how I usually get them on Panama Canal (and damn it's satisfying). The only reason to use the AT-4 is that I tend to forget I can use my launcher to kill bigger groups, I still have the mindset of spaying them down like I used to with the LMGs.

I looted the AN-94 and M16 today from some corpses and damn they are the shit. The former is so accurate I had the feeling I never missed a shot, the later was great when I was spraying down 3 guys in a row.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Got Platinum in my knife tonight. 500+ tags. The fact Platinum just looks pretty much like the silver star is disappointing though.

Also short update on the tourney. My team is 2-0. The last game we played we shut out the team 4-0 and they were ranked around 5th I believe.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Well the CG has more than double the killing radius of the RPG. I tend to get a lot of hit-markers with the RPG, especially if I see a UAV in the air and fire a missile directly to the station, that's how I usually get them on Panama Canal (and damn it's satisfying). The only reason to use the AT-4 is that I tend to forget I can use my launcher to kill bigger groups, I still have the mindset of spaying them down like I used to with the LMGs.

I looted the AN-94 and M16 today from some corpses and damn they are the shit. The former is so accurate I had the feeling I never missed a shot, the later was great when I was spraying down 3 guys in a row.
Yeah, I just feel like I get a lot of hit-markers with the CG at long range too, and since most of my rocket kills seem to be a direct hit (or a wall hit), it sort of marginalizes the goodness compared to the RPG. Plus, the RPG does more damage to vehicles, which is always handy. I still opt to carry magnum ammo over improved explosive damage though, which could skew my results. Let me know if you settle into a gun other than the XM8 Compact. I'd love some additional opinions on Engi weapons. So far I'm pretty stuck on the AK-74.

I know some people who hate on the AN-94 and M-16, but I think they're both great. I assume those people just need their automatics, which is fine, but since you have to tap out shots anyway it seems sorta moot to me. The AN-94 is still the only assault rifle I have a platinum star with. After that it's: M-60, Saiga, C4, M1911, and the combat knife. I think that's about it.
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Inscrit depuis 7155 Jours
I want a P90 for my engi
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Posté par Slabs
I want a P90 for my engi
I want an AK-47 for assault.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
3-1 now :(
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Inscrit depuis 6869 Jours
I finally got the game, only played the MP and its very good so far. I have to say, MW2 combat feels tighter but the overall gameplay seems better in BC2, it feels like theres just a whole lot more diversity and skill involved. I absolutely love the objective gametypes and the emphasis on teamwork :D

Does anyone know how long it will take to get a decent weapon set? Its a shame they've been captivated by the whole "Unlocking" crap brought to us by IW!!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
MW2 movement is awesome, and honestly, so is the twitchy awesomeness of the gun play, but I appreciate DICE's more "sim" approach. You have to consider things like movement, stance (unfortunately, only with LMG's in this game!), rate of fire, etc. In Call of Duty you're basically firing laser beams with minimal recoil (or in the case of the M16/M4, basically none). But don't blame Infinity Ward for the unlocks, DICE actually started this goofy trend on their own five years ago with Battlefield 2. The only difference is that there weren't any perks/specializations, only guns. It was still lame.

It doesn't take long to unlock some good stuff. I finished my unlocks at around 80 hours of gameplay but I took my time. I didn't wind up playing Engineer or Recon until last week :P For example: Assault's first unlock is the XM8 prototype, which is a great gun.
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