Battlefield 3 -- Now with *less* suppression!

Inscrit depuis 6841 Jours
Posté par Tinks
Also the fact you can only have 4 man squads max in BFBC2 just blows. Why is 4 the standard? This game comes from roots where 64 players was the norm. On console 4 players isn't the norm anymore, they don't even make split screen. I have more than 3 friends I could play this game with in a squad.
I think the 4-count is because fire-teams have 4 soldiers in them. You usually have 2 fire-teams in a squad plus the squad leader who co-ordinates the two...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
That's the thing that is great about the Vietnam addition to BFBC2. All the guns do damage to the helicopters and the Medic M60 just obliterates their health.
I've heard rumor that the health of the chopper is messed up on console for Vietnam though? That they aren't supposed to die so easy. I think it's fantastic though.

I figured the 4 count was for balance reasons not realism. I guess you learn something new sometimes :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
I can certainly get behind prone if it's not used in a stupid way. In BC2 Having to back away or turn an run when under fire from a long distance was stupid, you should be able to drop down and roll( or dive). I don't, however, like two guys shooting each other and one drops to the ground getting an advantage in the fight- that's just dumb and IRL would get you killed. There should some momentary penalty(aim inaccuracy) when you drop into prone. I know it's a game, but I like battlefield because it feels more realistic, and that "prone fighting" shit that happens so much in COD is lame, IMO. Prone should have real advantages too, like stabilized aiming/accuracy and, of course, being harder to spot. I'd really like to see an ability to use low cover for supported stability too. In the end, it all comes down to balance, obviously.
I really hope they keep the sense of weight from BC/BC2- I've never played a game that practically gave me flashbacks of carrying all that shit...
God I hate the realism argument so much. There was some noob in BLOPS bitching about how much better hardcore was because you couldn't survive a few bullets and then turn and kill several enemies "in real life." Who cares? These games aren't simulators, and they don't aim to be, and thank god for that! I know Battlefield tows the line on realism a lot closer than Call of Duty (arguably--but the damage model says something different), but holy shit get over it. If you can't swing with the movement, play games that don't demand so much of it. That attitude seriously damaged BF2 post 1.0. Penalizing people for going prone is awful. It basically broke BF2.
Posté par Frozpot
I think the 4-count is because fire-teams have 4 soldiers in them. You usually have 2 fire-teams in a squad plus the squad leader who co-ordinates the two...
I'm pretty sure it has more to do with balance and the reduced player count than anything else (and maybe a little console streamlining). BF2 allowed more players in a squad and I would be shocked if BF3 did not. And naturally, there best be a commander mode.
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Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
The hit boxes and damage models are something worth bringing up. They need to iron that shit out, especially crouching hit boxes.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
The infantry combat model is one of the only things about BC2 that's actually worth adopting from Battlefield little (and mentally challenged) brother.
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Inscrit depuis 6841 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
God I hate the realism argument so much. There was some noob in BLOPS bitching about how much better hardcore was because you couldn't survive a few bullets and then turn and kill several enemies "in real life." Who cares? These games aren't simulators, and they don't aim to be, and thank god for that! I know Battlefield tows the line on realism a lot closer than Call of Duty (arguably--but the damage model says something different), but holy shit get over it. If you can't swing with the movement, play games that don't demand so much of it. That attitude seriously damaged BF2 post 1.0. Penalizing people for going prone is awful. It basically broke BF2.
It would only be awful if you use that tactic a lot :P I happen to think the other way is ridiculous. You talk about "noobing" something and then want something that belongs in a twitch shooter. That's not what Battlefield is to me. I said I realize it's a game. I don't want a simulator, but I have ALWAYS hated that dropping shit. Maybe because it is just not a real, natural instinct a soldier would think of and it's ingrained, but it always feels like a exploit to me. It's not like you can't strafe. Prone has real use in it's application, but it's use should be more tactical than you wanting to be a ninja on the battlefield...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
It only ever feels like an exploit to those people who either aren't good enough or are simply unwilling to play the game as it was originally designed. It may not be what Battlefield is to you, but it is what Battlefield was before all the crybabies made DICE basically ruin movement in BF2. BF2 was at its best in 1.0. DICE failed so hard to implement any real bug fixes and instead just kept changing the game that we were playing in fundamental ways. I don't mind a little control over prone spamming, but the delays in BF2 were fucking terrible. But hopefully they implement whatever they need to from day one. So long as movement is fluid and it's not constantly adapted to the whims of pub scrubs I will be happy.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
I'd like to know about kits. I really would like them to stop consolidating them. They really should add back a support kit, and take ammo away from assault. They need to get rid of this ridiculous regenerating health too and give us a health and stamina bar back. These things were just designed to support lonewolf play, and that's not what Battlefield is about. And I know it's been said already, but there really need be multiple conquest modes. Cap outs need to return. There's nothing more exciting in team FPS games than fighting your way back from a cap out, or more satisfying than eliminating a team after a cap out.
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Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
In terms of kits. Hopefully guns will matter more. There are a lot of weapons in BFBC2 that you simply just never need to use. It's just excess for the sake of excess.

It'd also be interesting to see some population limitations in certain classes.
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Inscrit depuis 6841 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I'd like to know about kits. I really would like them to stop consolidating them. They really should add back a support kit, and take ammo away from assault. They need to get rid of this ridiculous regenerating health too and give us a health and stamina bar back. These things were just designed to support lonewolf play, and that's not what Battlefield is about. And I know it's been said already, but there really need be multiple conquest modes. Cap outs need to return. There's nothing more exciting in team FPS games than fighting your way back from a cap out, or more satisfying than eliminating a team after a cap out.
I think it would be great to have the health bar if the damn medics would heal you, and you didn't have crap all over your screen when health is low...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
I want the comma rose back too.
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Inscrit depuis 6609 Jours
Here's what i'm hoping for BF3:

-> Good proning coming back.
-> Also good 64 player maps.
-> Jets back woo! So much fun get owned by awesome dudes on jets :P

-> Bring support class back, and give them LMG's and ammo bags.
-> Improved commander mode over BF2.
-> Make people get points or xp whatever, for complying to commander orders, sucks when squad leaders don't do what you told them.
-> Health shown on the screen, and no regen health.
-> Don't focus much on SP, i don't care. Meat of this is MP.
-> Good conquest maps, don't like rush. I'm sure rush will come back in BF3, but i hope it's the one they least work on :P
-> Bring back old maps, like Strike at Karkand, that was the shit! 24/7 servers ruled :P
-> Improved shooting over BC2, since BC2 shooting was better than BF2.
-> Bring radial menu back!
-> Let cap outs come back. Be able take all flags from enemy team, rules, makes for some very good monets. Oh we are going to win, crap they captured a flag right across the map.
-> More vehicles and weapons. But make guns worth it, not in there for the sake of it, and no one ever uses them.
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Inscrit depuis 6584 Jours
Aye, cap outs should be possible again. It would certainly eliminate the base rape that is BC2 on a lot of servers, which I don't find fun at all, be it on the receiving or the giving end of the spectrum.
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Inscrit depuis 5109 Jours
The way DICE has mapped terrain in levels has changed so much from BF2 to BF:BC2. I can't wait to see how these large maps pan out with all the atmosphere and immersion of the Frostbite engine. It's going to be glorious, glorious warfare.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Aye, cap outs should be possible again. It would certainly eliminate the base rape that is BC2 on a lot of servers, which I don't find fun at all, be it on the receiving or the giving end of the spectrum.
I want all three conquest modes back in.
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Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
I want Grift's tags at least 10 times
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
I want noob knife lunges to go away.
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Inscrit depuis 5109 Jours
Posté par Tinks
I want Grift's tags at least 10 times
ban yo ass
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Nah, I'm not scared :P

Plus, you'll have to get the PC version to get my tags. I dare ya!
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Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
It's already happening. All I need is the copy in my hands
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Inscrit depuis 5717 Jours
PC version is the only answer. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Ripped from Neogaf;

As you can see here, the images on EA's store are hosted by Digital River:

That comes from this page:

Over on EA's UK store is this image.

Here is the link where it is found on their store website:

For those who are having trouble reading the image, it says the following;
This themed expansion pack features four legendary maps from Battlefield 2 boldly re-imagined with Frostbite 2 physics, destruction and visuals. Completing the package are classic Battlefield 2 weapons and vehicles, unique rewards, new achievements/trophies, and more. For those who don't pre-order to secure the limited edition, Battlfield 3: Back To Karkand expansion content will be available for purchase approximately one month after the game's release.
Link to Neogaf;
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours


I wonder what else? Sharqi? Oman?
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Inscrit depuis 6850 Jours
I hope the engine is better than the one used in BC2. No matter what I do I can't get BC2 to run smoothly at all.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 6609 Jours
Karkand? BF2 guns? Please, G36E for mah medic! It ruled. Ok EA you win.

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