Battlefield 3 -- Now with *less* suppression!

Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6407 Days
Well I am done with this game till I get a powerful new GPU. It looks like ass without AA and it's stuttering a lot on my old 5850. I am finding it difficult to enjoy the game due to the frame rate fluctuations (for a game like this you need to have the FPS locked at 60 IMO)
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Since 6843 Days
Posted by FireWire
Joined up
ME too! ...Well, at least I applied!
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7085 Days
So got the game yesterday and played some conquest rounds...

Fuck me this is awesome...
Got everything running smoothly on high (textures on Ultra) and AA on the highest setting. Game looks and runs great!

Played around with the attack helo's and the jets... Seems that the first unlock (counter measures) seems like a nessesity to even stay alive, since there's a lot of AA on every map. Although when you got someone joining u as a gunner (if they are good) can take care of most of the guys running around with a stinger/igla).

I also get the impression there's a huge gap between the starting weapons and the unlockables. PLayed against some higher level players and they would sometimes kill me in situations where I was sure I started firing earlier and in burst, but they get one shot off and kill me. (Might be just me needing to warm up though).

Can't wait to play some more tonight!
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 6843 Days
Oh yeah, Definitely there with you. You should get points with the jet just for not crashing right away. It's about impossible to kill anything with just the Machine cannon on it. I managed to shoot down another jet with it once, but I still don't even have Counter Measures yet. The Russian weapons are pretty useless until you get the grip for them too, so getting pwned is par for the course until the unlocks come. This really hits home once you unlock some other weapons...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7084 Days
Posted by Frozpot
Oh yeah, Definitely there with you. You should get points with the jet just for not crashing right away. It's about impossible to kill anything with just the Machine cannon on it. I managed to shoot down another jet with it once, but I still don't even have Counter Measures yet. The Russian weapons are pretty useless until you get the grip for them too, so getting pwned is par for the course until the unlocks come. This really hits home once you unlock some other weapons...
The machine gun on the jets is actually pretty good at disabling and destroying vehicles. If you've got some other noob pilots on a server it shouldn't be very hard to get heat seekers and counter measures pretty quickly.
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Since 7722 Days
BF3 Tweakguide:

Having a GTX570 I run everything on ultra except textures which are set on high and MSAA set to 0.. Ultra textures maxes out the memorusage of my videocard (1.25GB on the GTX570) where high textures maxes out at arround 1GB of videomemory.. It runs fine with everyting on ultra (except MSAA which is turned off) as far as I can tell, but I want to make sure I do not get any stutters or streaming and you do not see any difference between high and ultra textures anyway.. Read the Tweakguide, very handy info..
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Since 7722 Days

Although, this tells a different story again about the GPU memory usage.. That might explain why I didn't notice any performance difference between high and Ultra textures even if the videomemory maxed out on Ultra.. I guess it's back to Ultra (without MSAA) again.. :P

It's clear though BF3 is all about GPU power, a superfast CPU and a lot of systemmemory are not really important..
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6407 Days
Posted by Inflatable
BF3 Tweakguide:

Having a GTX570 I run everything on ultra except textures which are set on high and MSAA set to 0.. Ultra textures maxes out the memorusage of my videocard (1.25GB on the GTX570) where high textures maxes out at arround 1GB of videomemory.. It runs fine with everyting on ultra (except MSAA which is turned off) as far as I can tell, but I want to make sure I do not get any stutters or streaming and you do not see any difference between high and ultra textures anyway.. Read the Tweakguide, very handy info..
wow that's great, tweaking now :)
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6407 Days
Posted by crookedmind
After a couple weeks, roughly 60hours of play, I can say with confidence that this game is no where near the scale of epicness that BF1942 or BF2 was.

BF3's biggest map is smaller than BF2s smallest map. There are not nearly as many vehicles, weapon diversity, or intuitive design for that matter.

And I'm afraid that once the graphics go stale (which I've already gotten used to), this game will literally have nothing going for it longevity wise that its predecessors did.

... Then there's the bugs.

In my opinion it's all very lack luster, and sad when it comes down to it. I know why they didn't release the Karkand pack at the same time now.
Battlefield 1942 had a lot of creative stuff, ramming massive ships to shore line (basically having a mobile spawn point next to flags), transport planes (Desert Combat/Battle of Britain 42) that could also be used as mobile flags, Special Forces BF2 was totally creative (I personally loved the night maps that required you to be stealthy) and that one map where the MEC forces try to invade the stranded US carrier was EPIC.

A lot of creative stuff is missing from BF3 IMO, it would be great if this game had a map like Market Garden (BF1942) where one team spawns in the city and the other team spawns on the outskirts and tries to enter the city. Just the other day I was on Saline Crossing BF3 and saw an APC plunge from the bridge into the river (that was a lol moment) and sadly those are missing form BF3 cause the maps lack creativity.
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Since 7014 Days
Agreed Doom.
I think I said this earlier, but this game feels a little too influenced by MW now. It mixes elements of both games and makes something entirely new.
What's given is a great game (I enjoy the hell out of it), but those of us who prefer a Battlefield game over a MW game will miss those little things that made Battlefield what it really is.

Even in Bad Company 2, their last recent title. Sometimes you'd end up just fucking around with other players blowing things up in cool ways, messing around with destruction, etc.
Now it's just more of a run and gun game. It's not as clear cut as MW, but it's headed in that direction seemingly. Meat grinding hallways, choke points, incredibly directed movement that just isn't how it all started.
How much does destruction even play into this game anymore since BC2? I expected them to build on that not take away. I realize Battlefield and Bad Company are considered separate entities, but I had hoped they'd take a lot from destructible environments in BC2.
It's weird but BF3's maps just feel small. I think even BC2's maps felt bigger than this.

Something I'll chime in on from 1942 too. I remember those spawn points. I remember laying mines all over the enemy carrier so any plane taking off just never made it into the air. Those moments are classic as you mention.

I think DICE/EA got too caught up in changing things up to fit a MW formula, to try and beat them at their own game. To realize that they should just do it with their own game would have been great for us who have enjoyed the series for a long time.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6407 Days
totally agree with your points tinks. sigh...let's hope the Karkand maps hold up well
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Since 7722 Days
I also hope the Strike at Karkand addon will make the game better.. I agree most BF3 maps are not really BF maps.. Only real oldskool BF map in it is Caspian Border I think, and Operation Firestorm maybe.. I also hope they fix most bugs soon, especially the BF3.exe crashing is very annoying..

I do enjoy the game despite all this though.. Strike at Karkand addon will only make it better I bet..
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7085 Days
Posted by Inflatable
I also hope they fix most bugs soon, especially the BF3.exe crashing is very annoying..
Yeah I have that a lot lately, even when just joining a server and when it finishes loading (when I'm still in windows, not opened the actual gamescreen yet) it crashes...

As for the maps, I think it's because Caspian Border is the only map that has multiple objectives in a large area. Also the maps is not designed as a rectangle (like most of the other are...
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 7722 Days
Infact the game has almost become unplayable for me because of that .exe crash, it seriously pisses me off especially when I'm finally in a good game and get thrown out again.. Like FireWire I never had it that much in the beginning, but lately it seems I cannot even get 15-30min of constant play without crashing.. I have no clue why they are not patching it, especially if so many people are suffering from it (everywhere I go I see people complain about it).. Must be a EA thing again.. They have no clue what quickpatching is.. We'll probably have to wait until the Karkand addon until it's fixed unfortunatly.. The game just feels rushed in it's current state.. EA probably wanted to beat the MW3 release or something.. Not very smart.. Would have been better to keep it a few more months in development to fix these bugs and then release a more stable and thus better game..
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6407 Days
A LOT of 0/0 servers in North America, game is kinda dead here, guess all the good servers are in Europe or South America (didn't check).
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7084 Days
Dead.. are you serious? I haven't played much this week (Skyrim) but the game is definitely not dead. There's plenty of packed servers on my battlelog. The number of empty servers is a moot point.

This game won't be dead for a good while. I think you need to adjust your server browser filters.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7085 Days
I never even notice those anyway, I just select the 1-5 slots free servers, sorted on ping and I always get into mostly packed servers!
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 6426 Days
I don't know. I had a favorites list of over 15 servers, only 1 seems to be half way full most of the time now. I'm starting to think MW3+Skyrim+SR3 took its toll.
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Since 6843 Days
Posted by crookedmind
I don't know. I had a favorites list of over 15 servers, only 1 seems to be half way full most of the time now. I'm starting to think MW3+Skyrim+SR3 took its toll.
+ Halo Anniversary. Seriously, too many big games at the same time. They could have picked a better launch window.
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7084 Days
Patch notes for Nov 22 patch
Major client update for the PC version Battlefield 3 as well as a server-side update for all platforms.

The update will be made on Nov. 22nd 7:00 AM UTC / Nov. 21st 11:00 PM PST.

We’ll share release timing on the console patches as soon as we are clear on the timing, these take a bit longer due to console certification process.

---- Client-Side Changes:

-- Visuals, Stability and Performance Fixes:

• General performance and loading time improvements
• “Black Screen” fix for an issue occurring on some PC Configurations
• Stereo and Rendering Support for Nvidia and AMD Graphics Cards
• Adjusted the “stuttering” encountered on some PC configurations.
• Fixed several Crashes when joining MP and Co-Op sessions
• Fixed multiple problems when using multiple monitors (Eyefinity / Surround).
• Fixed visual corruption issues on certain Nvidia Cards
• Improved loading times for certain textures
• Added console command “GameTime.MaxVariableFps” to limit max FPS
• Added console command “UI.DrawEnable” to hide UI for screenshots / videos

-- Balance and Gameplay Adjustments (PC)

• Fixed a problem with high speed mouse movement
• Added back some missing Growlers on Kharg Island Conquest Large
• Added back EOR sound for SQDM and TDM
• You should no longer be able to damage a friendly vehicle when sitting in an open position
• Grenades now drop to ground if you get killed while attempting to throw it(note the affect this will have on Hardcore mode!)
• Spawn protection now should work in Conquest. You should no longer spawn on points too close to enemies
• You should no longer spawn too close to enemies in TDM and SQDM
• Combat areas on Kharg Rush tweaked in order to disallow defenders to access the carrier ship after 1st base is taken and being able to enter the AA gun
• Fixed a problem with revived players not suffering suppression
• Fixed a problem with the camera when being revived in COOP
• Added joystick deadzone setting
• Fixed sound for when climbing ladders
• Fixed an issue with some weapon sounds in first person
• Fixed a swim sound loop error
• Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns, AA guns, and Jet Cannons against infantry
• Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns against jeeps.
• Reduced the physics impact of AA guns and Jet Cannons, players under attack from these weapons should no longer lose control.
• Increased the damage of the 44 Magnum slightly.
• Increased the range and minimum damage of the .357 Round from the MP412 Rex.
• Increased the range of all .45cal and 9mm weapons.
• Slightly increased the range of the P90 and MP7 and PDW-R.
• Slightly increased the range of the 5.56mm PDW-R and decreased the minimum damage at long range.
• Slightly increased the minimum range of the Mk11, SVD, and M39 EMR 7.62mm rifles.
• Decreased the maximum damage and maximum range of the G3 and SCAR-H 7.62mm weapons.
• Reduced the damage from FIM-92 and SA-18 IGLA missiles against aircraft.
• Increased the damage and range of the 40mm BUCK rounds.
• Reduced the damage .50cal weapons do against Helicopters.
• Updated T90 canister shell tweaks to match Abrams canister shells
UI Changes (PC)
• Added round duration and ticket summary at EOR
• Advanced squad polish – should be more intuitive
• Significant changes to the Join Squad functionality (see below)
• Fixed a problem regarding keybindings while playing
• You should now get a better error message when being disconnected via Battlelog

---- Server Update Highlights

• EOD Bot exploit fix
• Several crash fixes
• Anti-stat padding measures taken, disallowing ranked servers to run obscure settings
• Improved team kill kick configuration
• Support for unranked servers. Unranked servers do not report players' scores to Battlelog, but server administrators can freely control all settings

-- Share your profile and stats with new Battlelog functionality

• Ability to share your Profile and Stats pages to Facebook, Google+, and Twitter
• User Profile and Stats pages on Battlelog can now be accessed without being signed in to Battlelog if you know a user's URL
• Single sign on from Battlelog to Origin. If you're not logged in to Origin and join a game server, Battlelog will automatically sign you in to Origin in the background and join the game server

-- Quick notes on Squad changes in the Nov 22 update

• Removed FIND ME A SQUAD option
• Allow players to join empty Squads alone, thus having 1/4 squad members
• Change order of options to LEAVE SQUAD, INV A FRIEND, SWITCH TEAM
• Disable Privacy flag when 1 man squad
• Reset Privacy flag from Private to Public when squad drops to 1 player
• All occupied Squads will now show up colored blue on the Squad Selection screen
• Players who choose not to join squads will also show up as Blue in the "Not in a Squad” line
• Squads that are currently empty will display as white -- if you wish to join an empty Squad, you can choose the first one marked with white text

-- A detailed look at Squad refinements

A detailed look at Squad refinements

Today's PC client patch features numerous tweaks to Squad functionality and is part of our ongoing efforts to make it easier to play with friends and Platoon mates. These changes will also be implemented for consoles when we release the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 updates shortly. Stay tuned for the exact date of the console updates.

First, we need to look at how joining with Squads and Platoons affects the balance of teams. Initially, servers are commanded to equal out each side, so joining with friends can impact that balance while joining with Platoons further hinders this. As a result we have made some adjustments to the in-game Squad management screen.

For PC, you are now able to highlight the various Squads and select which one you wish to join by selecting a Squad and then clicking the Join Squad button. Please note that the Squad Privacy option still allows 2 man Squads which, during 64 player sessions, can lead to players with no squad position –- the number of people with no Squads will be shown at the bottom of the Squad selection list.

After the patch is applied to consoles (in the near future) you will be able to join Squads by cycling through the list and selecting which Squad you wish to join.
•Fixed a problem with high speed mouse movement
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7084 Days
If those are complete notes than there are far fewer balance changes than I had anticipated. Kudos to DICE on this.
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Since 6586 Days
Thank god they're making some changes to helis. There was no way to save a heli when hit by AA/jet gun at low altitudes, you just loose control and crash. Annoying as hell just as getting one hit killed by a stinger/igla. Hope it doesn't take MS very long to certify that shit.
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Since 6156 Days
Awesome patch notes, hopefully it will get me back to BF3. All the black screen and crashing on load issues had turned me away, it was annoying only having a 1/3 chance of actually getting in the game after you had joined a server.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6930 Days
• Grenades now drop to ground if you get killed while attempting to throw it(note the affect this will have on Hardcore mode!)
• Spawn protection now should work in Conquest. You should no longer spawn on points too close to enemies
• Allow players to join empty Squads alone, thus having 1/4 squad members


• Made the UMP awesome again because some people needed it in the Beta and are kinda sad it's gone.... {FAKE}


Eh, what do I care, I'm the Dragonborn bitches.
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Since 6611 Days
I have been taking break from Skyrim, and been playing Bf3 last couple days. Really enjoying the game overall. Very glad i bought it. I like this maps: Firestorm, Kharg Island, Caspian Border, and Canals one. Others i avoid, i only play conquest.

Downloading patch on origin. Nice patch notes. Hope no more crashes when trying load a server! Took them long enough to release a patch....
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