GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I really don't care about how it looks. I think it looks great on my computer with a mix of medium and low settings, actually. I just wish the framerate were a bit higher, that's all.. and not for looks either.

I think my accuracy is being effected by the game performance, which is what bothers me most. I find myself relying on pray-and-spray tactics entirely more often than I'd like to. The thing is, if you play smart, it hardly matters. Though it may matter enough to convince me to sell off my PS3 for the extra funds.
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
You already have the game??

Damn you! :P
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
You already have the game??

Damn you! :P
Yes and I'm loving it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
The master server list seems to be down. WAKE UP IW, FIX IT, I WANNA PLAY!
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
The master server list seems to be down. WAKE UP IW, FIX IT, I WANNA PLAY!
Good!! I hope it stays down until I get the game.. ;)

I've heard the SP should keep you busy for at least 5 hours.. ;)
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6960 Jours
Gotta beat it atleast twice for them Achievements! Thats 10hrs. And if you play it with skulls on then - oh wait.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours
I got it today, finished it tonight, but i cant say I'm disappointed, The ending was damn near the best ending of any game I've ever played.

Its well worth slaughtering lots of Russian Nationalists to get there, i don't really want to reveal anything, but one thing that bugged me was, when the SAS n USMC teamed up, in what crazy arse universe would the ELITE SAS join up with a rough bunch of see shoot soldiers?!

Anyway, both sides of the campaign were so awesome and so COD, Can't say it played as good as the demo did on my PC, but it was worth it.

I'm really impressed and can't wait for more.

PS I feel your pain grift, its pretty much impossible to aim when your getting 10 FPS and getting shot to shit, and changing the settings to low or off really doesn't do much, that concerned me, and thats where the i saw the most significant signs of a port, the graphics settings were pretty much unchangeable due to how it had been made for next gen consoles.
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Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Got it yesterday in the afternoon. Beat it on normal, and am now playing through the campaign on hard. This game is way more difficult than COD 2, but much more enjoyable at the same time. At some points, the game looks ok, still always better than COD 2, but at others, it looks amazing (I'm playing on the 360). I'd say the mouse and keyboard is definetely the way to play, but for the money, I'm more than happy with the 360 configuration, though I can't imagine playing with the dualshock.

Can't wait to get online, and hopefully this will occur before I get Mass Effect...I think you all know why.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par Sheps
I got it today, finished it tonight
Posté par JeromeMorrow
Got it yesterday in the afternoon. Beat it on normal, and am now playing through the campaign on hard.
WTF really? Do you guys just played the whole ~7 hours straight? Damn.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I finished Halo the day I bought it.. I don't see the big deal.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I finished Halo the day I bought it.. I don't see the big deal.

I guess it's just me then.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I just played a crazy game of Sabotage on Crash: Here. It lasted for the entire round duration, and we planted the bomb at the very last moment. Pretty intense. I called in several Helo's and Airstrikes.. yet somehow managed to keep missing people with them. Between that, and the guy planting the bomb to score himself some last minute extra credit, they ruined my screenshot. That game was EPIC.

Amazing game on the whole. The additional game modes are great. I was a little upset that there was no traditional CTF, but considering the great variety in what is there, I don't really mind much anymore.

Games like that also make leveling up a breeze. In the end, it was worth nearly a thousand XP, and pushed me into the next rank. I've noticed the amount of XP you need to rank up is getting significantly larger now.. but still, 2004 XP isn't hard to get.

FPSOTY! Multiplayer at least. I won't really comment on the SP since I haven't touched it. I'll give that award to Halo 3 for now.. but I haven't played Bioshock either.

What a great year to be a shooter fan. I can't wait til the league season starts.
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Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I just played a crazy game of Sabotage on Crash:
Games like that also make leveling up a breeze. In the end, it was worth nearly a thousand XP, and pushed me into the next rank. I've noticed the amount of XP you need to rank up is getting significantly larger now.. but still, 2004 XP isn't hard to get.

FPSOTY! Multiplayer at least. I won't really comment on the SP since I haven't touched it. I'll give that award to Halo 3 for now.. but I haven't played Bioshock either.

What a great year to be a shooter fan. I can't wait til the league season starts.
ah so you see, you start getting the whole point with leveling up! :D
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
ah so you see, you start getting the whole point with leveling up! :D
I'm actually pretty happy that I'll be done with it by the end of the week (hopefully). The point of this game is not about leveling up to me, but I would like to have all of the kit equipment and perks available. I would have played the game just as much this week if it weren't for the experience system.

I enjoy the compeditive nature of the game.. if I really wanted to level up, I'd go play oblivion or something. I'm playing so I can practice, and learn how to play the game well enough to compete. Even if I weren't going to be competing, I'd still enjoy the basic compeditive nature of the game. The people who played BF2 the most, often use the unlocks less than anyone else (since they're banned in competition in that game).

Thankfully, this isn't like 2142, where you have to unlock the most basic of all equipment. I mean frags... seriously?
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
WTF really? Do you guys just played the whole ~7 hours straight? Damn.
I heard the sp was 4-5hrs so its not that much of a big deal, two 2hr sessions and your done.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I'm actually pretty happy that I'll be done with it by the end of the week (hopefully). The point of this game is not about leveling up to me, but I would like to have all of the kit equipment and perks available. I would have played the game just as much this week if it weren't for the experience system.

I enjoy the compeditive nature of the game.. if I really wanted to level up, I'd go play oblivion or something. I'm playing so I can practice, and learn how to play the game well enough to compete. Even if I weren't going to be competing, I'd still enjoy the basic compeditive nature of the game. The people who played BF2 the most, often use the unlocks less than anyone else (since they're banned in competition in that game).

Thankfully, this isn't like 2142, where you have to unlock the most basic of all equipment. I mean frags... seriously?
You see, just like any other game or sport its all about goals and achievements. And i see you got the point about the goal of fragging the other player before he does it to you, getting more points than the opponent. Ok, done. That's been there for ages. But now can't you see that this leveling/unlocking system it's just another set of goals/achievements which will add up to the others, and will enrich the gaming experience?

Starting off with a disadvantage (which i understand is a difficult thing to tackle, balancing this disadvantage so that it doesnt become frustrating and doesn't detract you from overcoming it) is just another challenge, which in my oppinion just adds up to the overall competitive experience. Letting the other runner start with a minute advance, doesn't it even make it more challenging?
Getting killed time and time again by a weapon you still haven't unlocked, just to make you play better, get points and unlock it! That sounds good to me!

Its like not seeing that the kissing and foreplaying is also part of sex and not just a means to get you, you kow, to orgasm. You are supposed to enjoy it all! (oh, what a lovely metaphor i have there!Don't tell me i didn't convince you with this one?!)

But it'll probably boil down to a matter of taste and we can only but agree to disagree.
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
I got the game today, installed it.. Played a bit SP (Prologue), and about an hour online MP, and I'M LOVING IT!!!!! :D

The game looks awesome (even better then on the Xbox 360), runs like a sharm, and finally I can fully enjoy and focus on the game with my good old keyboard+mouse controls.. I was kicking major ass online, played 3 maps on a 20 player FFA server, and finished 1st on 2 maps (who says you cannot win with default kit??).. This is the game for me.. It's like getting the old feeling back of playing Counterstrike in the early beta days, but now with kickass graphics.. I really love this game already.. The graphics are awesome, the gameplay is awesome, and I really like the leveling and the extra things like UAV, Airstrikes and Helicopters.. Really fun!

Overgrown is sick looking..
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Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Nice impressions guys... Hopefully i get my copy tomorrow! :)
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Mwahhahaha, I just got my copy. And I pre-orderd ME :D
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 7811 Jours
Search & Destroy is the best gametype IMO.

And NO ONE is getting through COD4 on Veteran in under 4 or 5 hours, trust me.
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Inscrit depuis 6523 Jours
played a few hours of SP and about 40 minutes of MP... LOVING IT! it's like they went into my brain and made a game just for me!! :D
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
Posté par Jin187
I heard the sp was 4-5hrs so its not that much of a big deal, two 2hr sessions and your done.
One review house says 5 hours (another 6-9) but I haven't heard any reliable 4 hour comments... that said, I know a couple people who took over 11 on the 2nd most difficult setting, so I will see for myself. Most FPS are pathetically short these days with a trend of many being under 10hrs--SP definately isn't worth the money in that regards for me (going to the theater is much cheaper per hour--short SP games are definately rentals). Orange Box and Bioshock be the exceptions here. If you are looking at value for Single Player then FPS is definately not the genre to invest in as most of the big FPS this year--CoD4, Halo 3, UT3, and the like have very short campaigns for SP. I remember the era when SP was pretty standard in the 20 hour range :|

Of course games like Mass Effect and The Orange Box break away from that trend.

And I am off to play CoD4 now.
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My Blog:

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
Grift, what kind of framerates were you seeing with your 6800GT?
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My Blog:

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Mostly 30fps @ 1024x768, most settings low, textures medium and I believe model detail on high. I've tried pushing some settings lower, but it doesn't do much.. I think my CPU is holding me back too. It seems a little unstable here and there, but it's playable. I just see myself playing this game a lot, a lot more than my PS3.. which is why I'm considering pawning the latter to help fund an E6850 and an 8800GT. It would make a huge difference.

And yea.. most FPS are terribly short. I haven't played one recently that isn't, really. I guess Orange box (HL2 + Ep 1 + Ep 2) is considerably long, but that's a little different. At least this game has a multiplayer mode that's really, really compelling, unlike something like Prey which you finish in 6 hours and then you're done with it for good.
Posté par anm8rjp
Search & Destroy is the best gametype IMO.

And NO ONE is getting through COD4 on Veteran in under 4 or 5 hours, trust me.
S&D is good, but not necessarily my favorite. I'm really enjoying a good game of Sabotage (which is basically the same as Halo's "Single Bomb" mode) and Team Deathmatch is always a good time. I think we're going to be playing S&D in TGL though, so I'll probably be playing a ton of it.
Posté par mt_sabao
You see, just like any other game or sport its all about goals and achievements. And i see you got the point about the goal of fragging the other player before he does it to you, getting more points than the opponent. Ok, done. That's been there for ages.
I think it's probably best that we keep disagreeing. If you ask me, the theme you're talking about is sorta like telling a basketball player that he has to unlock his sneakers before he can actually play the game the way it's meant to be played. But ya know what? Basketball has been played for ages, so why don't we mix things up a little and make new players play barefoot? :P

The sports comparison really doesn't help your argument. A sport is not something where the rules evolve depending on the players experience.. and neither should a standard MP FPS game. But thankfully, the impact that it has on COD4 is really quite small by comparison to some other games (2142).. it's at least not so significant that it takes away from the fact that it's an otherwise stellar game.

It's unfortunate that developers think compeditive games need this kind of progression. They're plenty compelling enough without it, and there's plenty of evidence to support that statement. People play thousands upon thousands of hours of compeditive FPS games without the want or need to progress a rank as a means of supplying themselves with new equipment. Some people might think that it's unfortunate that you progress so quickly in Call of Duty, I think it's a blessing.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
I'm getting constant 60fps at 720p :P

Honestly, this game is amazing. I haven't touched MP--and don't plan to until after SP campaign--but I know that is amazing from since I played the beta. And up to 18 players?!? I can't wait to be honest.

Having said that, the SP campaign is going nicely so far. That chaos typical of COD, I love it. I wasn't expecting certain mission though, which I thought was amazing. the one in the night where you are bombarding from a plane....WOW!

I played for a couple of hours, I guess another session and that's it? That's ok, it's looking good enough to play twice and veteran should be interesting.

As for the graphics? Well, best looking FPS out there I believe, some textures are just incredible. Graphics problems I did not see before? Shadowing is often jagged, and sometimes strangely butter smooth. This is specially true on NPCs. Some drops in framerate, but considering the graphics and what the game is doing, nothing to complain about.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

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