Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
no wonder, playing with no shadows, no smoke, fog, no textures etc etc :P
lol, and slow down whenever an enemy is nearby:P

360 for me:)
En réponse à
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours

The server options are insane :) I am glad I am getting the PC version as my old clan is going all out on CoD4.
Below is a complete breakdown of the PC Server-side options available in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare including the default server options for setting up any server as well as config file options for modded servers complete with small descriptions for each. The Black Bullets are parent configs which can be altered with the white bullets being child configs of the parent. Keep in mind that all servers using MODDED config files will be UnRanked. All servers using default config files with no changes will be Ranked.

For example:
• Disable certain classes. (Means you can disable any Class you like)
o Disable Assault class (Is a breakdown of a class you can disable)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PC Version]:

Stock Un-modded Server Options:

Start Server Options:
• Game Mode
• Dedicated
o No
o Internet
• Max Players (1-32)
• Min Ping
• Max Ping
• Voice Chat (Yes / No)
• Auto-Balance Team (Yes / No)
• Map Voting (Yes / No)
• Punkbuster (Yes / No)
• Map

Game Mode Settings:
• Old School Mode: Enabled / Disabled
• Hardcore Mode: Enabled / Disabled
• Spectating: Team Only / Free / Disabled
• Killcam: Enabled / Disabled
• Friendly Fire: Enabled / Shared / Reflect / Disabled

Team Deathmatch Settings:
• Score Limit
• Time Limit


ModWarfare Server Settings:

Config File Options:

This config allows you to limit the number of classes per team. (i.e. 1 Sniper Per Team)
• Limit the amount of players per class.
o Assault (1-32)
o Spec Ops (1-32)
o LMG (1-32)
o Demolitions (1-32)
o Sniper (1-32)

This config allows you to disable certain classes altogether. (i.e. No Demolitions class on this server)
• Disable certain classes.
o Disable Assault class
o Disable Spec Ops class
o Disable LMG class
o Disable Demolitions class
o Disable Sniper class

This config allows you to disable specific weapons, but still allowing that class and other weapons in that class. (i.e. No M4 Carbine but all other Assault weapons okay.)
• Disable specific weapons.

This config allows it so certain classes don't drop their weapon. (i.e. The snipe rifle disappears once the sniper dies, therefore it can't be picked up by another player)
• Disable weapon drop per class.
o Assault class doesn’t drop weapon after death.
o Spec Ops class doesn’t drop weapon after death.
o LMG class doesn’t drop weapon after death.
o Demolitions class doesn’t drop weapon after death.
o Sniper class doesn’t drop weapon after death.

This config allows you to disable specific types of grenades. (i.e. No Smoke Grenades)
• Disable specific grenades.
o Disable Frag Grenades
o Disable Stun Grenades
o Disable Flash Grenades
o Disable Smoke Grenades

This config allows you to disable specific perks. (i.e. No Stopping Power)
• Disable Specific Perks.

This config allows you to fully customize the 5 default classes available when not using Create A Class. (i.e. Customize the default Assault Class)
• Fully Customize Default Classes.
o Customize default Assault class
 Assign Primary weapon.
 Assign Primary weapon attachment.
 Assign Secondary weapon.
 Assign Secondary weapon attachment.
 Assign Special grenade.
 Assign Perk 1.
 Assign Perk 2.
 Assign Perk 3.
 Assign custom camo scheme.
 Assign Amount of Frag grenades.
 Assign Amount of Special grenades.
o Customize default Spec Ops class
 Assign Primary weapon.
 Assign Primary weapon attachment.
 Assign Secondary weapon.
 Assign Secondary weapon attachment.
 Assign Special grenade.
 Assign Perk 1.
 Assign Perk 2.
 Assign Perk 3.
 Assign custom camo scheme.
 Assign Amount of Frag grenades.
 Assign Amount of Special grenades.
o Customize default LMG class
 Assign Primary weapon.
 Assign Primary weapon attachment.
 Assign Secondary weapon.
 Assign Secondary weapon attachment.
 Assign Special grenade.
 Assign Perk 1.
 Assign Perk 2.
 Assign Perk 3.
 Assign custom camo scheme.
 Assign Amount of Frag grenades.
 Assign Amount of Special grenades.
o Customize default Demolitions class
 Assign Primary weapon.
 Assign Primary weapon attachment.
 Assign Secondary weapon.
 Assign Secondary weapon attachment.
 Assign Special grenade.
 Assign Perk 1.
 Assign Perk 2.
 Assign Perk 3.
 Assign custom camo scheme.
 Assign Amount of Frag grenades.
 Assign Amount of Special grenades.
o Customize default Sniper class
 Assign Primary weapon.
 Assign Primary weapon attachment.
 Assign Secondary weapon.
 Assign Secondary weapon attachment.
 Assign Special grenade.
 Assign Perk 1.
 Assign Perk 2.
 Assign Perk 3.
 Assign custom camo scheme.
 Assign Amount of Frag grenades.
 Assign Amount of Special grenades.

This config allows you to adjust the movement speed of each class. (i.e. Increase Run Speed of Assault, Decrease Run Speed of Snipers)
• Adjust player movement speed per class.
o Adjust movement speed of Assault class.
o Adjust movement speed of Spec ops class.
o Adjust movement speed of LMG class.
o Adjust movement speed of Demolitions class.
o Adjust movement speed of Sniper class.

This config allows you to disable night vision.
• Disable Night vision.

This config allows you to disable all background music.
• Disable Background music.

This config allows you to disable the hit icon so that players don't see when they've hit a target.
• Disable Hit Icon (small ‘x’ in cross hairs hitting a target)

This config allows you to disable kill cam for all players.
• Disable Killcam.

This config allows you make it so only Headshots register.
• Make Headshots Only.

This config allows you to make it so players lose a set number of points for dying. (i.e. -1 point penalty for dying)
• Enable Point loss for deaths.

This config allows you to make it so players lose a set number of points for suicides. (i.e. -1 point penalty for a suicide)
• Enable Point loss for suicides.

This config allows you to make it so players lose a set number of points for team killing. (i.e. -1 point penalty for team killing)
• Enable Point loss for team kills.

This config allows you to set the type of spectator mode for players in spectator.
• Spectator: Team Only / Free / Disabled

This config allows you to enable Radar for all players at all times.
• Force UAV (Always have radar)

This config allows you to disable all kill streak rewards. (i.e. No UAV Radar after 3 kills, No Airstrike after 5 Kills, No Helicopter support after 7 Kills)
• Disable Kill Streak Rewards.

This config allows you to disable specific kill streak rewards. (i.e. UAV Radar okay, No Airstrike after 5 kills, Helicopter support okay)
• Disable Specific Kill Streak Rewards.
o Disable UAV Recon (Radar) reward.
o Disable Airstrike Support reward.
o Disable Helicopter Support reward.

This config sets the type of friendly fire used for all players if enabled at all.
• Friendly Fire: Enabled / Shared / Reflect / Disabled

This config allows you to set the time a Team Killer has to wait to re-spawn if at all. (i.e. Team Killer waits 35 seconds to respawn.
• Adjust Spawn Delay time for Team Killers.

This config allows you to auto kick Team Killers (i.e. Team Killers auto-kicked after 3 team kills)
• Enabled Team Killer Kick.

This config allows you to adjust the Maximum health for all players. (i.e. Players start with 50% Health for Realistic damage)
• Adjust Max Health of Players (1%-100%)

This config allows you to set the time Suicides have to wait to respawn. (i.e. Suicides have a 35 second wait to respawn)
• Adjust Spawn Delay for Suicides.

This config allows you to set the time it takes for Health to regenerate if at all. (i.e. 5 Seconds to full regenerate health)
• Adjust Health Re-gen Time.

This config allows you to disable Health Regeneration completely.
• Disable Health Re-gen.

This Config allows you to disable forced respawns.
• Disable Force Respawn.

This config allows you to adjust the amount of time you can sprint in seconds. (i.e. 25 seconds of sprint time)
• Adjust amount of Sprint time available.

This config allows you to enable or disable Hardcore Mode for gametypes.
• Hardcore Mode: Enable / Disable

This config allows you to enable or disable Oldschool Mode for gametypes.
• Oldschool Mode: Enable / Disable

This config allows you to disable specific HUD elements or all of them. (i.e. No Icons but Obituaries okay)
• Disable specific HUD Elements.
o Disable Obituaries.
o Disable Objective Icons.
Sweet :)
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My Blog:

Inscrit depuis 7144 Jours
Yeah PC version for me as well. Played on an HDTV with a 360 pad though! :P
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Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
O god, hearing everything, I wish I had a pc that could run COD4. Reminds of the good 'ol days playing COD. Multiplayer was just amazing, up to 64 players! I have to say, the 360 multiplayer version of COD2 really pissed me off. I really hope they get the players up to 24 on the 360 soon, back when playing COD, that was the sweet spot of big battles.
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Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
@ anm8rjp
When I saw 1up 8.6, I was thinking WTF. So I just go to read it and they gave it a 9.5. But yeah I dunno if you meant that or what but I didnt believe it for a second.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
360 version for all the way, the campaign warrants a large screen and full surround sound to really enjoy it. I wont be playing Multiplayer on it so i'm not to bothered about the supposedly superior PC multiplayer experience.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7107 Jours
what the PC version doesn't have SP and Surround Sound?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
So when are you gonna upgrade that old 6800 GriftGFX? The very reasonably priced 8800GT is here now, and runs CoD4 on max detail without a sweat.. Dual-core CPU's are also pretty cheap now, and so is RAM.. So what are you waiting for?
The money to burn on an upgrade. Parts are relatively cheap now, but I do need a new motherboard, ram, and CPU as well. I don't plan on upgrading my GPU while I'm still stuck on socket 939. I have to admit, it's really tempting to sell my PS3 to help fund a PC upgrade.. but I have a few reasons not to, too.
Posté par Inflatable
Looks like there's hardly any need for mods, so many options in the standard game.. What I also like it that when you run a default server it's automaticly a ranked server.. I know I will run a private server for me and my friends, maybe I'll open it up sometimes and turn it into a public ranked server.. Enough to play arround with, that's for sure..
Yeah, I like that too. My team will be getting a match server, and if we can use it as a ranked pub on our downtime that would be pretty fantastic.
Posté par Scarface
lol, and slow down whenever an enemy is nearby:P

360 for me:)
It's really not as bad as you might think.
Posté par Acert93,1774.msg22732.html#msg22732

The server options are insane :) I am glad I am getting the PC version as my old clan is going all out on CoD4.
I posted that :P
Posté par PlumbDrumb
what the PC version doesn't have SP and Surround Sound?
It does, but no couch!
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Inscrit depuis 7144 Jours
It does, but no couch!
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7107 Jours
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Purchased, and installing.

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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7107 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Posté par PlumbDrumb
En réponse à
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
I am getting this in the next couple days when I get my car back from the body shop (grrr to all teens without insurance who decide to wrecklessly ignore traffic rules)
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My Blog:

Inscrit depuis 6731 Jours
Sniper missions kick ass amazing game 4 hours to complete ? must been using god mode or something im 11 hours in on Veteran and 3 missions in to Act 3.

Some superb levels and some dam frustrating missions be prepared for some restarts on few missions. Seriously your outnumbered like 100 odd to 2 at one part it so hard until you worked a plan had to keep trying different things.

Edit: oh oh oh nearly forgot AC 130 cobra mission was so sweet proper like military videos you see on TV scary stuff.

Oh and the AI like to rain nades at you relentlessly keep you on your toes i guess :)
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
I couldn't get it today, the gamestop I went to had 120 preorders, lol. But that's fine, we are not in a drought right now.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
BTW, I wonder who will be the first idiots to give it a score below 9?
En réponse à

Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7107 Jours
wonder no more, I haven't played the game, but I give it a 7.3 out of 10
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6959 Jours
Posté par PlumbDrumb
wonder no more, I haven't played the game, but I give it a 7.3 out of 10
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Been playing for a little bit, and it's awesome. I haven't touched SP yet.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7107 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Gamespot gave it 9/10
En réponse à

Street Fighter 4... Believe.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
You level up pretty quickly in this game. I guess that's a good thing, considering how much content you need to unlock in MP. I think I'll quit tonight once I reach level 25. I'm actually a little surprised by the pace of the level system, but pleasantly surprised, since I'd rather just have everything available to me anyway.

I think this game may speed up the pace of my next upgrade too. It's playable, but it's hovering over that line where it wouldn't be, and that doesn't sit well with me. I'm still raping fools, but I think it would aid my performance greatly if my system were more up to par.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
You level up pretty quickly in this game. I guess that's a good thing, considering how much content you need to unlock in MP. I think I'll quit tonight once I reach level 25. I'm actually a little surprised by the pace of the level system, but pleasantly surprised, since I'd rather just have everything available to me anyway.

I think this game may speed up the pace of my next upgrade too. It's playable, but it's hovering over that line where it wouldn't be, and that doesn't sit well with me. I'm still raping fools, but I think it would aid my performance greatly if my system were more up to par.
Cmon man, do the game some justice. This guys are loosing nights of sleep to deliver the goods and you're ruining it!
Heck, i'll give you 10 euros to help you with that upgrade!
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135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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