GTB Et c'est Gene Hackman qui nous quitte maintenant :/. Ca fait quelque chose ces pages du cinéma qui se tournent. (il y a 4 Jours)
reneyvane L'actrice US "Michelle-Trachtenberg", 39 ans, est décédée, l'éternelle petite soeur de Buffy, dans la série éponyme pourrait avoir succombée des suites opératoires d'une transplantation du foie. (il y a 5 Jours)
Driftwood @face2papalocust: c'est en ligne ;) (il y a 2 Semaines)
face2papalocust @davton: Ah trop bien merci hâte de voir. (il y a 2 Semaines)
davton @face2papalocust: spoiler : c'est cool :D (il y a 2 Semaines)
Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."
Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!
Arcade mode hotness.
(but i suppose they always were going to, lets wait for gamespots review for a fair one :P)
Gametrailers Overall -- 9.4
My Blog:
CoD4 looks awesome, I cannot wait to play it.. Just 2 more days..
How much better could this have possibly looked at 30fps? Although I'm very happy they stuck with 60fps, but wow not bad at all :)
Might have to rethink my decision to make this game a 2008 title.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.
pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite
CoD4 looks awesome, I cannot wait to play it.. Just 2 more days..
And yea.. vehicle heavy team shooters are wonderful, but I don't think every game should go in that direction either. I find it perfectly refreshing that Call of Duty is sticking to its infantry roots. If I want to tank, I'll go play BF2. There is plenty of room in this genre for variety.
I see the MP44 in a weapon list on a clans site. I wonder how that will work out. It's sorta nice to see a COD2 weapon in the mix.. but it's also strange that it's the LAST weapon you unlock. It was only ever a service weapon in WWII. Surprised that more modern assault rifles didn't make the cut. In the SMG category there's a P90, but no F2000 for the AR users.
So what platforms is everybody getting this for? I was planning on getting the 360 version, but have decided to go with the PC version instead.
Steam gets it on the 12th, so that's a bit late.. Therefor I think I'll go get it retail (release is 8 or 9 november here in the Netherlands).. And maybe I can still add that retail version to my Steam account if I want to..
Steam gets it on the 12th, so that's a bit late.. Therefor I think I'll go get it retail (release is 8 or 9 november here in the Netherlands).. And maybe I can still add that retail version to my Steam account if I want to..
Page 4 of IGN review 9.4 out of 10
Call of Duty 4 offers 16 maps and thirteen multiplayer variants out of the box. PS3 and 360 support 18 players online (a number that could increase at a later date) with PC offering 32-player matches. Other than the number count, multiplayer is identical for all three systems. This is in terms of modes, map layouts, visual fidelity, and performance. Top to bottom, COD4 runs fantastically. On consoles you may see a few random moments of lag hit, but in my experience, these were so rare that I hardly noticed them.
The 16 maps that come with COD4 are all worthwhile. There are some really strong maps. Even the "small" maps are fairly large. But travel in COD4 is brisk enough that unless you are playing with less than eight players, it never feels too big. Plus, COD4 uses a smart respawn system. When you respawn you are placed in a safe location as close to another teammate as possible. You are meant to be reinforcements coming in to battle. Because of the close respawns, you will usually be right in the thick of things rather than having to trek across the map to find some action. This isn't always the case, but more often than not, you won't be tossed to the other end of the world when you die.
The game modes offer considerable variety. There are your standard deathmatch and team deatchmach, of course, but also a number of objective-based modes. Sabotage is my personal favorite. Each team has a base and there is one bomb placed in the center of the map. Your goal is to retrieve the bomb, plant it in your opponent's HQ, and guard it until it goes kaboom. With players able to respawn, this becomes a frantic battle for possession of the bomb. It can last upwards of 15 minutes before either team scores, because possession changes so quickly and so often.
Multiplayer requires teamwork. Three guns are always better than one.
Along with some solid objective modes, there are several variants that can be toggled. The two that prove most interesting and are almost like modes themselves are Old School and Hardcore. Old School uses classic FPS multiplayer rules. You start with an Uzi and must find and weapons on the map. There are no classes, but there are perks placed like power-ups on the field. Jumping ability is increased and the ragdoll is kicked up a notch from realistic to ridiculous. Hardcore is the opposite. The HUD is removed and bullets do "true" damage (so it's more or less one shot, one kill). You do get classes and perks, though. You can also toggle on both modes to get Old Core, which takes elements of each to create a fun bonus variant.
Most often you will see Hardcore and Old School in Team Deathmatch. But these variants can work for any of the objective-based games as well. This gives players considerable control for unranked matches. Ranked play features predetermined playlists from Infinity Ward. However, those who have had issue with other playlist-style ranked modes, know that COD4 appears to offer a far wider variety. It won't be like Halo 3 where every other game is Shotty Snipers. We hope.
The wide variety of maps and modes make class creation all the more essential. You'll benefit from having classes specific for corridor-heavy maps or specific objective modes. In this way you can be properly prepared, as any good soldier would be, when heading into battle.
Closing Comments
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a fantastic game. The single-player experience is easily Infinity Ward's best work to date. Calling it intense may be an understatement. The overall story is standard action movie fare, but the relationships built over the short five hours of play are surprisingly strong. Though the single-player lacks length, the multiplayer should keep you invested in COD4 for the long winter. This is a truly fantastic multiplayer offering that's as deep as any other online game available.
Infinity Ward has done it again. Call of Duty 4 is a winner.
IGN Ratings for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (X360)
Rating Description See Our Glorious Home Theater Setup!
out of 10 click here for ratings guideGet Ratings Information
9.0 Presentation
If this is war, consider me a future draft-dodger.
10 Graphics
From top to bottom, one of the best-looking console games around.
9.5 Sound
The explosions will shake you; the constant sounds of gunfire will put you on edge. The end song is an added bonus and properly immortalizes the unfortunate phrase, "Go deep and hard."
9.5 Gameplay
An excellent shooter that is as intense an experience as you can find in gaming. The multiplayer is also top-notch.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
The single-player experience is brief, but there are many other things that will hold your attention once the campaign is complete.
Outstanding OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Simply put, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is an instant classic. The fact that Infinity Ward has created a modern-day masterpiece probably isn’t surprising given their impressive track record to date, but our lofty expectations were actually surpassed in many ways. The single-player game was particularly surprising, as none of us expected the game to have such a compelling, narrative-driven campaign. It’s one of the best stories of the year, and it instantly thrusts Infinity Ward into the storytelling pantheon with developers like Valve and Irrational. Of course, one can’t forget the multiplayer, which is just as addictive as we hoped it would be. Infinity Ward has officially killed off the WWII FPS genre, and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next.
Page 3 of TeamXbox Review 9.7 out of 10
This is the most intense, cinematic game in the Call of Duty franchise, and that’s really saying something. The multiplayer gameplay is excellent too, especially when you enable Old School or Hardcore modes.
Modern Warfare looks excellent, running at a buttery-smooth 60 frames per second. Unlike many games, the multiplayer action looks just as good as the single-player campaign.
This is one hell of a great sounding game, especially when you crank up the 5.1 Surround Sound during combat. The score is also excellent, perfectly creating a mood without ever being intrusive.
Although we would have liked a little co-op love, there are plenty of multiplayer options to keep you busy for months. We’re particularly enamored with the multiplayer structure, which rewards players for sticking with the game for a while.
Modern Warfare features an excellent story that is bound to make Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy crowd jealous, and the team AI may be the best seen in a game to date. Gotta love that AC-130 sequence, too!
1up review 8.6 out of 10
Just as the campaign is a satisfying thrill, COD4's multiplayer is treated with equal craftsmanship. A party system fueled by a wealth of playlists of differing maps and modes provides for near-endless entertainment, and a combination leveling/in-game achievement system keeps the carrot at the end of the stick. From levels 1 through 55, there are various rewards to unlock: new weapons, attachments, camouflages, and "perks." These perks are extra abilities that you can grant your character that give you certain advantages. Stopping Power makes your shots more powerful, Deep Impact allows for better bullet penetration through materials, Last Stand lets you draw your sidearm when you've been shot for a final attempt at revenge...other perks allow you to carry more ammo and grenades. And for every weapon, there are challenges that you can complete to unlock further upgrades. Most boil down to "shoot enough people," but there are more interesting challenges, like shooting down enemy helicopter support.
The best way to contain so many options is by total character and class customization. The Create-a-Class feature lets you differentiate your weapon loadout and perk assignments dependent on the situation. There are default classes like "Assault" and "Sniper," but this is the best way to employ your rewards in the game's various multiplayer modes. With 55 levels of progression (and multiple passes through the ladder -- you can surrender all of your unlocked stuff and start over with an emblem of honor), it can be daunting for those starting out at the bottom. You don't get much cool gear or perks, and you'll likely be trounced in the first handful of games by guys who can run faster and shoot better than you. But advancement is quick, and you'll get new guns, better sights, and more valuable perks soon enough -- and that quest for better gear is when the addiction sets in.
With proven mechanics, brilliant visuals and sound, a satisfying campaign, and robust multiplayer, COD4 is one of the best FPS packages of the year -- no small feat, considering the competition.
Well after playing it in Campaign for about an hour I'm going to have to up the difficulty. I have it on just below veteran. Its progressing too fast. Looks excellent. My teammates are getting a bunch of kills. Very cinematic in areas.
Online... everything I'd pretty much hoped for. Lobbies are what you'd hope for in a COD game all along. Party system. Solid... not the functionality of Halo3, but it gets the job done in all areas from what I've seen. Looks different, but on par with the GRAW series, plus it has a party system. I've only played online about 1hr 45 mins. Played a lot with friends on domination. Fun, yet games are too chaotic and quick paced. (in domination) I played Search & Destroy, (my favorite gametype in the BETA) and came to realize, I'm going to be spending most of the Winter playing COD4... and probably Search & Destroy. Think Seige from GRAW, with 2 bases to defend/attack.
This game has I think 16 multiplayer maps, & I didn't play them all yet.
Lovin this game.
I think most of FPSphiles will like this game, if not love it. I know sticking my neck out there, after COD2/3's multiplayer sucked for the most part (online)... for this not being Halo... its multiplayer is about as fleshed out and perfect as can be in my opinion. Everything the BETA impressed me with and more, can be found here. I can't wait to play tomorrow night. If you played the Beta and really liked it, you'll love this game. I'd give it a 9.5 so far... singleplayer 9.2, multiplayer a 9.7
Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!
after playing the beta on the 360, i was so surprise how a fast paced online fps could actually, you know, be fast paced played with the controller :) i truly loved it.
And nothing beats lying on my puff on my living room, with my girlfriend and friends on the couch mocking me everytime my ass is hand over to me ;) the way its meant to be played
Crazy in depth overview of the available server settings for this game.
So when are you gonna upgrade that old 6800 GriftGFX? The very reasonably priced 8800GT is here now, and runs CoD4 on max detail without a sweat.. Dual-core CPU's are also pretty cheap now, and so is RAM.. So what are you waiting for?
Crazy in depth overview of the available server settings for this game.