Inscrit depuis 6864 Jours
Everything about it looks far better than the demo, the controls look alot tighter and the hit detection has been much improved. The graphics finally look as amazing as i originally thought they'd be and it looks much smoother! I might buy it afterall :)
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Inscrit depuis 5827 Jours
This is the more impressive looking console game I have ever seen, like in ever.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 5754 Jours
the more or the most? I think it looks great but im just not interested in this game. Crysis belongs in the jungle :)
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
the more or the most? I think it looks great but im just not interested in this game. Crysis belongs in the jungle :)
3 games all set in the jungle? no, would be dumbest decision they could make.
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Inscrit depuis 5307 Jours
Whoah best looking FPS i've seen so far this year!
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Crysis 2 and Killzone 3, best looking FPS titles so far.

I want this game so much!
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Inscrit depuis 5827 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
the more or the most? I think it looks great but im just not interested in this game. Crysis belongs in the jungle :)
The more :P

Yeah for me personally is the most impressive!!

Lighting is beyond amazing!
En réponse à

Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 6006 Jours
Posté par sanex
Whoah best looking FPS i've seen so far this year!
Frack me that looked sweet, got to agree it looks amazing.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Give me the freaking game NOW!!!

Pre-order online shop better send the copy earlier, let me be lucky damn it!
I hope the warehouse guys fuck it up and sends them earlier (been done before in Sweden for Crysis 2).
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Inscrit depuis 6524 Jours
Posté par Sath
3 games all set in the jungle? no, would be dumbest decision they could make.
NY would be the dumbest decision they could make...and they did. the jungle would be welcome at this point imo. although there are better settings they could have used then either of them...

single player doesnt look too bad. i guess it's just the multiplayer that looks awful?
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
1080p Single Player PS3 footage

Looks absolutely fantastic, on par with 360 once fixing the brightness to lower, will remove the washed out crap the PS3 used to have.
Posté par KORNdog
NY would be the dumbest decision they could make...and they did. the jungle would be welcome at this point imo. although there are better settings they could have used then either of them...

single player doesnt look too bad. i guess it's just the multiplayer that looks awful?
I rather have NY than another jungle game.
If they picked jungle again then it would be super boring and the game would be known to only do jungles and nothing more.

NY is a bad setting to pick, but atleast we see more activity, more various stuff.
I wish it was like Washington, of LA or something like that, but ah well, maybe for Crysis 3.

Single Player looks great!
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Inscrit depuis 5827 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
NY would be the dumbest decision they could make...and they did. the jungle would be welcome at this point imo. although there are better settings they could have used then either of them...

single player doesnt look too bad. i guess it's just the multiplayer that looks awful?
Dumb to have variety?

I think you have to take into consideration that they made Crysis and Warhead in the jungle and another one in there would be repetitive as hell.

Im glad they made it in NY even if I hate that many games takes place there.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
360 http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/NIGHTMAR...
PS3 http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/NIGHTMAR...

360 http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/NIGHTMAR...
PS3 http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/NIGHTMAR...

Looks identical, only problem is, my MAIN problem, with PS3 is the damn resolution.
It looks blurry while 360 is sharp and nice!

I mean why do devs make this misstake of not making both version the same resolution, so damn annoying!
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Inscrit depuis 6725 Jours
You think they just made a "mistake"? There is obviously a reason for this. We all knew this game would suffer on consoles.
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Wandering Bear cures vaginas

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
You think they just made a "mistake"? There is obviously a reason for this. We all knew this game would suffer on consoles.
Its not about that.
I mean why is it that they can make the 360 have slightly higher resolution while not on PS3, while we see other games like Killzone and Uncharted being fully 1280x720 and still runs and looks great.

You can clearly see the Ps3 is quite blurry compared to the sharpness on 360, very annoying tbh.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7143 Jours
There's verticality to the geometry in a city, making for a more dynamic environment gameplay wise than the perpetual one layer flatness of the natural landscape featured in the previous games. There are of course other settings that allow for verticality, but jungles sorta aren't one of them unless you.. build tree houses.

I get that the complaint isn't a gameplay concern but one of cities looking generic and boring. That's fair enough. I think the invasion vibe they can sort with that will make up for it though. I definitely don't think it'll be an uninteresting game visually.
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http://www.twitter.com/simonlundmark - Follow me on twitter

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
I have come to accept its in NY though, but I wish it was in a more interesting state or even country.
But there is a reason why its in US for Crysis 2, storybased, but I hope it could be like Washington or California.

But I agree with Simon on that part as well.
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Inscrit depuis 5754 Jours
honestly if you get the ps3 version you won't ever know theres a difference anyways. Looks exactly the same texture-wise.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
honestly if you get the ps3 version you won't ever know theres a difference anyways. Looks exactly the same texture-wise.
You will know the difference because it looks a tad blurry and not sharp.
But if you go by its own merits and not comparing iy (hard not to do), then yes no difference.

Like I said, it looks identical, only thing is 360 looks sharper because of the resolution but a bit higher.
Doesnt make it less of a graphical beauty on PS3.

Well I am getting the PS3 version and PC version (just for eye candy LOL)
So its a win win situation for me here.
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Inscrit depuis 6524 Jours
Posté par Sath
You will know the difference because it looks a tad blurry and not sharp.
But if you go by its own merits and not comparing iy (hard not to do), then yes no difference.

Like I said, it looks identical, only thing is 360 looks sharper because of the resolution but a bit higher.
Doesnt make it less of a graphical beauty on PS3.

Well I am getting the PS3 version and PC version (just for eye candy LOL)
So its a win win situation for me here.
seems kinda pointless to get both, why not just get the PC version since it's going to be beter in every way??

and scoobs is right, except for saying the textures are the same (PS3 has lower res textures). but if you only own a PS3 you wont know the difference in quality, unless of course you make a habbit of playing both console versions side by side?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
I dont want to explain myself for the god knows how many times why I didnt pick the PC version.

BUT, if by the time its out and I regret it, I can easily not open it (bougth it from a online shop that also has a real shop in the city) and change it to the PC version.
Even if I do open the PS3 and I play it infront of my own HDTV and still didnt like it, the trade in value is high enough to get the PC Limited Edition.

So whatever I do, its a win win situation for me LOL

Only difference I see is the pathethic excuse or non at all, for having the PS3 have 1024x720 resolution, its bullshit if you ask me.
How the hell can they pull it off on 360 and make it look so damn sharp but on PS3 its so blurry, only thing I wish Crytek could do is make the resolution high, the blurryness is very annoying.
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Inscrit depuis 6524 Jours
Posté par Sath
I dont want to explain myself for the god knows how many times why I didnt pick the PC version.

BUT, if by the time its out and I regret it, I can easily not open it (bougth it from a online shop that also has a real shop in the city) and change it to the PC version.
Even if I do open the PS3 and I play it infront of my own HDTV and still didnt like it, the trade in value is high enough to get the PC Limited Edition.

So whatever I do, its a win win situation for me LOL

Only difference I see is the pathethic excuse or non at all, for having the PS3 have 1024x720 resolution, its bullshit if you ask me.
How the hell can they pull it off on 360 and make it look so damn sharp but on PS3 its so blurry, only thing I wish Crytek could do is make the resolution high, the blurryness is very annoying.
how do we know the PS3 version is that resolution? because of the multiplayer demo? i'm not sure that is all that reliable? becasue the multiplayer looks a damn sight worse then the footage and screens of the single player (aliasing is WAY worse and it's a helluva lot more blurry), which leads me to believe, the multi is running at a lower res then single player both on the PS3 and the 360. but who knows. the only real difference i see between the comparison screens you posted is the afformentioned drop in texture res on the PS3, hence it looks a little more blurry.
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Now if you look at the PS3 version as a stand alone and not comparing it side by side, yes it looks fantastic in its own right.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CtBgLgrTaI#t=10m10... looks fantastic! just change it to 1080p.
But, you can clearly see the PS3 icons that suppose to be a circle has a slight stretch to it on the sides. And encoding it and uploading it to youtube is crap, can lag behind abit.

Anyways, no harm when I get it and see it for myself on my own HDTV.

I think it was the PC beta config that revealed the resolution.
Yes MP looks worse but thats because A)its a old demo build port from 360 and B) it was made by a different team.

If you have great textures, but the native overal image is lower than the native screen you are trying to fit which is bigger, it will look blurry and stretched.
But if you make the game resolution to a native resolution to fit a monitor it is suppose to be, it will look sharp and good.

When I tried Crysis 1 long time ago, it ran like shit, so I tried to lower the resolution but still use full screen, looked blurry and annoying.
But when I changed the resolution to my native monitor it looks sharp.

Basically, resolution is the issue for the blurry mess on PS3, and Crytek should do something about that if its possible.
If it can be patched, they should dman do it, but we all know thats a wild wishing :(
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Inscrit depuis 6524 Jours
how do you know that is the result of screen resolution? hell, why would the HUD be affected by that anyway? usually the HUD can be scaled independatly of the actual game.

i think we'll need digital foundry to clear it up completely, but based on the footage, it actually looks really good on the PS3, which is more then i can say about the PS3 multi demo, which just looked awful.

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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
have you ever tried to upscale a high end graphical game to with a lower resolution on a monitor that supports high?

Say your native monitor is 1920x1080 but the game runs crap, but you have all the graphical stuff very high, but you want perfomance. Lower the resolution but still keep the graphics the same, you will see the game will look blurry now even though you still have the same graphics setting, because the resolution is forcing itself to get to the edges of the screen to fill it up.

Thats the same situation on the PS3 with Crysis 2.
The graphics and all is the same, but the reason why the screen looks blurry is because the resolution from left/right is less than the 360, so it forces itself to stretch to standard 720p HDTV which is 1280x720 thats why the icons and game overal looks stretched to the sides.

About the icon HUD its simple.
Look at the 360 version, and if you see the player gets damaged from a fall and you see a big red circle in the middle of the screen, it looks like a circle shape.
But on PS3 you see the left/right on the circle is stretched. Even on PC its like the 360 version.

Even when Digital Foundry do this I am sure they will go on a similair thing, but this is how I see it and experience it from PC games I played.

And yes, as a stand alone PS3 version looks really good, but its still pathethic that Crytek couldnt make the resolution right on par with 360 even that is a sub-HD.
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