Inscrit depuis 6524 Jours
icons on the 360 version are also slightly oval in shape. so either this is some sort of visual design choice to have oval button prompts, or they forgot the scale the HUD so the buttons where round?

an i know how upscaling works. but i'm not entirely sure this is in effect here. the blur is down tot he textures (PS3 has less avaliable memory, and thus lower res textures) i dont see anything in the images or footage to indicate it's lower res? the stepping on objects is the same too, which wouldn't be the case if the overall resolution was lower.

i dunno. i'll wait for the digital foundry analysis. from what i've seen i'd be perfectly happy playing either of them. hell, i played the PS3 version fo black ops and that was rediculously SUB-HD at 960x544...now THAT is a resolution to be pissed off about.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Yeah I am waiting for Digital Foundry as well, but this is the impression I got from all the talks, but I do know the PS3 resolution is 1024x720 so that has to be involved in this blurryness in some way.

But yeah Black Ops was pure SHIT on all fronts for PS3, just garbage IMO.
Any version should be good if you have one version only, if you have multiple and "friends dont matter for MP or at all" obviously go for PC if you have one that can run it or 360 if you have one, simple.

But all of them look good on their own way.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7120 Jours
Posté par Sath
Thats the same situation on the PS3 with Crysis 2.
Considering how many people play on 1080p devices, basically every console game is upscaled.
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Inscrit depuis 5754 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
seems kinda pointless to get both, why not just get the PC version since it's going to be beter in every way??

and scoobs is right, except for saying the textures are the same (PS3 has lower res textures). but if you only own a PS3 you wont know the difference in quality, unless of course you make a habbit of playing both console versions side by side?
ps3 has lower resolution textures? You sure about that? Haven't seen that said anywhere until now. If thats the case then the 360 version is clearly way better, I was under the impression that the ps3 just ran at a lower resolution.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours

Because it IS running at lower resolution.
Lower the resolution and you will get less detail out of everything. There is a reason why its common sense that you dont upscale your games if its not native, for this reason, it will look blurry.

Textures looks the same, but PS3 has lower resolution so hence the blurry image.
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Inscrit depuis 5754 Jours
Lower resolution textures /= lower resolution. Not even close. That would be a big deal if texture detail were higher on 360. For some reason certain effects look much on ps3, like the water. Why does the water look way different/better on ps3? So strange lol
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Inscrit depuis 5307 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
Frack me that looked sweet, got to agree it looks amazing.
Battlefield will take the crown this year! although Rage could sneak in and take the spoils :)
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Inscrit depuis 5754 Jours
I really don't find rage's graphics appealing at all. And battlefield (on PC atleast) looks better to me.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Inscrit depuis 5307 Jours
I think Rage looks amazing, i just hope its a great game.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Battlefield is boring :P
BF3 has amazing engine though (PC)
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Inscrit depuis 5754 Jours
Posté par Sath
Battlefield is boring :P
BF3 has amazing engine though (PC)
Oh my lord u didn't just say battlefield is boring. There aren't words in the dictionary that could describe how wrong you are.
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
Oh my lord u didn't just say battlefield is boring. There aren't words in the dictionary that could describe how wrong you are.
I played BC2, seen some BF2 videos long time ago, its just boring!
If you dont understand what I want in shooters then you dont know me, I thought it was obvious by now. So no, I am not wrong, a personal preference is never wrong.

That being said, people with retail copies of the PS3 version is saying the MP looks and runs better than the demo (which I thought as much).
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Inscrit depuis 6552 Jours
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
There is tons of 360 gameplay videos on youtube now, you gonna post them too? ;)

Anyways, as much as I want to buy it on PS3, I decided to get the PC Limited Edition instead, I just can't accept the blurry bullshit Crytek did on PS3, its just pathetic what Crytek did with that. No idea the reason behind it, but I am guessing lazyness to port the game from 360 and just tweak it a bit to fit the PS3 hardware.
Everytime I look at the 360 version and then go back to PS3, it just annoys my eyes that I have to avoid it.

I use glasses for long range sight, without them I see stuff blurry.
I put on my glasses when I watch TV and go out (dont use them much in the house nor use the PC) and even though I have glasses on when I look at the PS3 version, it feels like I dont have them on at all and for someone using glasses, the blurryness is a pain in the ass, feels like going all the way back when you didnt get glasses.

Anyway, if they ever patch in a high resolution for PS3 (yeah right) then I might consider it in the future, but for now, screw them.
Now I know my PC can run the MP super well on Advanced setting (seems to be called Very High now) so I am hoping the SP will be the same!

And thank god they made one thing right, the 360 controller is implemented perfectly for the PC version unlike Crysis 1/Warhead was.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Posté par Sath
Anyway, if they ever patch in a high resolution for PS3 (yeah right) then I might consider it in the future, but for now, screw them.
Now I know my PC can run the MP super well on Advanced setting (seems to be called Very High now) so I am hoping the SP will be the same!
Even if you get less performance out of SP, you can at least tailor your playing method to "suit".
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
PS3 glitchfest!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ-X7N_cx3A&feature... AI slides
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOkQ4pisQKY&feature... AI walks to the wall without stopping
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdDhAmPcqy4&feature... Alien confused as hell
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOkQ4pisQKY&feature... Dialog loading playing "catch-up"

Even in PC demo and PS3 demo, in the main menu, the music sometimes had super low bass bitrate, or even sometimes 2 various music track played together at the same time.

Yes the game can be patched, but the bugs and all, I am seeing is coming from the PS3 version, I have yet to see someone show anything from the 360 version, and Pc version cant be played because of some secure code or something not being active before release date.
All in all, Crytek failed badly on the PS3 version badly, not a surprise tbh, but coming from Crysis 1 you would expect a company like Crytek could do the same graphical stuff on both consoles to look identical (resolution only IMO), they are no better than the rest of major multiplat companies.

Well I can't wait to get the PC version, 1680x1050 + Very High with getting around 40fps :D
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Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
That looks insanely good!, so much techical shit going on also.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Crysis 2 CLASSIC MODE in MP, play without nanosuit http://dl.dropbox.com/u/473845/NeoGaf/Lulz.png

Eh, whats the point.
The whole idea of nanosuit is what makes Crysis different from other shooters, nanosuit FTW!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
360 gameplay AI bug http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvHaJr0yL58#t=03m20...
Watch the player jump down and start shooting but the enemy behind the container is completely clueless just as the PS3, so its not only the PS3 with these bugs, its the game itself.

Various 360 videos

Its not only on the PS3 as KORNdog assumes, its the game overal and it needs heavy patching.
So I wont trust anyone if they say PS3 version has tons of bugs and glicthes as the 360 has the same thing. Its all luck if you dont across one while playing, wouldnt surprise me if its the same on PC which I am sure there will be.

Ah well, all games have these issues these days, so hopefully Crytek can fix them and patch them.
Its funny too, they werent ready to release the game a year ago so they delayed it, and this is what we get LOL (minor problems but still).

Seems GAME's new games trade-in value for consoles is as high as a new PC game, might give PS3 version a shot afterall, if I didnt like it on my on HDTV, I can always trade it in to PC version :)
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
I played the Atari 2600 port and the Aliens actually came out of the TV and gave me a bag of Reese's Pieces.
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Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Man, how the hell do people play the first Crysis maxed out and get ~60fps? I was having a problem with the proper resolution not showing up in the resolution list in the game, so I went looking in some forums for help, and it seems everyone, regardless of their specs, is able to get insane performance.

I run it at 1920x1080, with no AA, and all of the settings set at High instead of Very High, and I still only manage maybe 34fps on average.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
run in DX9, and use TweakGuides cheap VeryHigh tweak, lol.

That's what I did.
Didn't get 60 fps on average or anything like that though, and I'm not sure the game would be worth the hassle; it wasn't that great looking.

I think there are Crysis obsessed people out there, who live to get more frames and details in the game.
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Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Yeah, I already played and beat Crysis, but I was considering playing a bit of it again in prep for Crysis 2.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
dude goes missing, you beat the aliens. Where's dude?

We don't know
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Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Maybe prep was the wrong word as I don't give a shit about the story. Perhaps "mild anticipation" would be more apt.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

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