FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7092 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
While I'm sure the game will look good, I don't see the point in bringing up reviews. Most reviews said Halo 3 looked fantastic (or some similar adjective) and would you agree with that? I can think of plenty of exclusive or uber-hyped games that don't look nearly as good as the fanboys/reviews often claim. Not saying GoW3 fits that bill, but for me a review of a blockbuster game (especially an exclusvie) claiming the graphics are "super fantastic" usually means very little.

IMO GoW3 looks really nice, but it seems like only the pro-Sony crowd are the ones with their jaws on the floor. Same goes for Halo Reach. I get so tired of how over-hyped all these fucking exclusives are, while plenty of great multiplat games get shit on when compared to such. yawn...
DING DING DING! We have a winner, close the thread and enjoy the game!!!

Well I just played the demo, gameplay is awesome, graphics are great (not "OMG A PAINTING COMING TO LIFE!", but great nontheless)
And it's definitely going to be a buy for me!
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Inscrit depuis 6952 Jours
New Footage:

Cutscenes look great!! reminds me of some of the Bayonetta boss vids i have watched but less colorfull.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6958 Jours
Definitely going to be epic!

Maybe when I see more proper gameplay footage I might change my mind and buy it because these snippets isnt doing it for me.

Though I gotta say, to be able to use Hades weapon is awesome.
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Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
New Footage:

Cutscenes look great!! reminds me of some of the Bayonetta boss vids i have watched but less colorfull.
Wow, that is awesome, and as well as in Geoff Keighley's own words... this is CG quality stuff. Damn, its all gameplay and did you look at Cronos' fingers when he grazed the rocks!!! those damn volumetric clouds... uffff!!! I used to see them in final fantasy cgs. And yeah at 4:28, its truly portrait coming to life... unprecedant work man... but comparing the visuals to bayonetta is like comparing mario to Ratchet and Clank man both are good but damn, bayonetta/Sega can't even dream to match these visuals :)
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Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
First person Kill?!!!, Letting you feel how is it to be get killed by Kratos?, ripping nails of Cronos... all in-game??? Man... DirectX 11 benchmarks just got PWNED :)
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Inscrit depuis 5617 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
New Footage:

Cutscenes look great!! reminds me of some of the Bayonetta boss vids i have watched but less colorfull.
looks great, i'm playing Bayonetta at the moment and your right some of the boss battles im seeing look as good as this footage.
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Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
Posté par gym4life
looks great, i'm playing Bayonetta at the moment and your right some of the boss battles im seeing look as good as this footage.
LOLOL no, heh heh, gow-2 boss battles look better and more epic than Boyonetta one you gave :):):)

take a look:

and mind you, its also PS2:

NGS2 Statue of Liberty, not much different than gow2 Colossus from PS2 but still more hi-quality than Bayonetta:

And NGS2 Buddha... again not diff from PS2 gow-2 Colossus but better than the one you gave:

I can give you 10s of boss battles that look more cinematic than Bayonetta one you gave here to compare with awesomeness of Cronos battle in gow3... and them being from PS2 gen (Onimusha, Bujingai, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, god of war 1/2 of course...) and still, the Colossi from SotC are the only thing that comes close :)
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Inscrit depuis 5617 Jours
Thor i dont care what you think, i love gow and right now im playing bayonetta and it looks just as impressive as this footage, as cinematic maybe not, and ill be giving gow3 a rent for sure to see how the story ends, as i loved 1 and 2.
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Inscrit depuis 7035 Jours
Calm down Thor, i got this image of you foaming at the moath beating your self senceless using a tub of KY over this video.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
Posté par gym4life
Thor i dont care what you think, i love gow and right now im playing bayonetta and it looks just as impressive as this footage, as cinematic maybe not, and ill be giving gow3 a rent for sure to see how the story ends, as i loved 1 and 2.
Then I'd just respect your opinion and let that comparison talk aside, I mean how can we even compare the texture and scale amount of the two... one is the generic 'several-times-done-on-the-PS2' type boss battle and other is the SotC like where... while you are fighting a boss, you are on a landscape size part of its own body, you just can't beat that with a former one... (you have to see the whole 21 min. gametrailers GTTV episode for the true Cronos batlle details are in the final 5 minutes or so). Being on the body of a monster you're killin' is very rare as its very difficult to execute!
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Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Calm down Thor, i got this image of you foaming at the moath beating your self senceless using a tub of KY over this video.
Haha, I told ya I love your calm-inducing-sarcasm :)
And yes, why not... I'm just seeing PS3 in competition with only its own self, thats something... unexpressible :)
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Inscrit depuis 5617 Jours
Thor please stop talking out of your ass, as the more you talk the more stupid you sound.
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Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
^^ ...just sayin' ^^ ...
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
OK does this Thor guy also act like this or is he/she just having a really, really bad time in this one thread? I've been around this site for a while now but I don't remember anyone THIS bad about the whole blatant fanboy thing.

maybe except for that optimus guy in the halo reach thread lol. But at least he doesn't ever say things about the 360 being better than god or w/e...
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Yeah he's always like this. He strikes me as someone who for whatever reason only has access to the PS3, is prolly a bit younger than the average dude on the site, and rarely - if ever - gets particularly nasty about the whole platform thing though. Mostly over-enthusiastic and a bit prone to get carried away with the hyperbole.

There are worse vices in life.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark
Mode-7 on Twitter: @Mode_7updates

Inscrit depuis 7035 Jours
He is entertaining leave him alone :)
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
as regards to the worse vices in life, so so true.

I forget how young some of these posters can be.
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Inscrit depuis 6496 Jours
just watched the GT blowout and christ all mighty, the game looks amazing. the demo was impressive, but it looks so much better now, maybe even better uncharted 2....didnt think i'd be saying that any time soon.

EDIT : it's actually made me quite giddy, which is weird since i didnt even feel like that when uncharted 2 was being shown. its a level of excitement i havnt actually felt since...well, probably the original playstation.

the scale is insane. and the visuals are stunning. i can't beleive people can't be impressed by this. i dont know how the PS3 can do it, but it continues to impress, despite being the "inferior" spec'd system.
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Inscrit depuis 5858 Jours
Nietzsche and SimonM7, you forgot to add "Paid By Sony!"...
A-HaHaHaHa, bet you just wanted to write that ... just, sooo very much HeeHeeHee ;)!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6958 Jours
Thor you should just stop exagerating like if GOW3 is the end of all in the genre and graphics, gameplay and scale, you want to be the 2nd RAIPTOIR? :P

I re-downloaded the demo again and trying to force myself to like the combat but its so boring compared to NG, DMC and Bayonetta.

Tell me something that GOW has brought to the genre interms of combat with GOW3, because I cant find one single thing that can top the titles I keep mentioning, and I have played ALL of them (except only a demo of Bayonetta and even that is more satistfying than this).

Visuals and scale can just go as far as they want, but whats the point if combat is reptitive and stale?
If you can find me a good combat gameplay of "wow" pieces instead of "graphics and scale" I am happy to watch it, but until then, GOW is overrated interms of gameplay and that is the core of playing a game.
And make sure it has various weapons (lol good luck finding that) to be included.

I keep seeing over and over again people talk about visuals and scale, even after GTTV thats all they talked about, even you.

This my gameplay of NGS2 I did long time ago, I mean damn the combat is just satistfying and polished, and I barely tried to play my best.

Whats funny is that the cutscenes of GOW boss kills may seem brutal and cinematic but thats a few in rare sequences in QTEs ALL the time, but the combat in NGS2 and NG2 is brutal ALL the time, without any of that QTE nonsense and the combat is alot faster and intense and has a proper cinematic "in your face" camera quick and out.

No doubt it will be a epic experience for GOW3 and it will 100%, but after you beat it like one time or two max, then its going to collect dust or going to the shop for a sell/trade and thats that.

And about size of bosses.

Good old NG
Ryu vs Vigoor Emperor (the music *shivers* :D)
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams boss

Sure they arent huge, but they arent focusing on QTEs. It has to be a bit smaller so they can make sure the combat and bosses are balanced and can be achievable in real time fighting (meaning no QTE).

You have to understand that this type of genre is combat heavy focused and Japan knows this. This is why every title that comes out has to top whats out on the market that has the title of "master" slapped on them, and GOW wont last interms of gameplay.

QTEs can be as "cinematic" as they want, they are practically interactive cutscenes. But DMC, NG, Bayonetta...they all do it in real time combat, you control the character ALL the time. GOW's oh so called "cinametic boss fights" is one scripted nonsense that you have to keep looking at the screen and wait for a button to show so you can press...its boring and extremely annoying...just like Ninja Blade.
If you miss a button you get hit and the game will automatically reset the scene again until you get it right or die when your health is lowering to an end.

I know I am being harsh and all, but thats just the way it is. I am sure RAIPOIR will agree, unless someone paid him not to lol :)
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Inscrit depuis 5978 Jours
Posté par gym4life
looks great, i'm playing Bayonetta at the moment and your right some of the boss battles im seeing look as good as this footage.
very true.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6496 Jours
it's all about what you like, NG, DMC, bayonetta, all beyond shit imo. GOW....amazing series untouched by any other. depends what type of combat/gameplay you like.

i like the fact GOW isnt JUST combat, it's platforming and puzzle solving, an element missing from the other games in the genre. GOW is a perfect package for me. it isnt for evyone as you yourself prove, but for me. there is nothing that comes close, presentation wise, gameplay wise, combat wise, story's one of the best series of games i've played. and i'm sure GOW3 wont be any exception.
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Inscrit depuis 5978 Jours
Yeah i hear you, theres also a point in the interview where the dev was asked whats changed gameplay wise, and he pretty much said nothing.
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Prepare To Drop!!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
You misunderstood my comment then. I think you're just excited about games and love your Playstation 3.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark
Mode-7 on Twitter: @Mode_7updates

Inscrit depuis 7035 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
it's all about what you like, NG, DMC, bayonetta, all beyond shit imo. GOW....amazing series untouched by any other. depends what type of combat/gameplay you like.

i like the fact GOW isnt JUST combat, it's platforming and puzzle solving, an element missing from the other games in the genre. GOW is a perfect package for me. it isnt for evyone as you yourself prove, but for me. there is nothing that comes close, presentation wise, gameplay wise, combat wise, story's one of the best series of games i've played. and i'm sure GOW3 wont be any exception.
^^ what he says
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I think i have stood in poo

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