Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
it's all about what you like, NG, DMC, bayonetta, all beyond shit imo. GOW....amazing series untouched by any other. depends what type of combat/gameplay you like.
LOL okay if you say so :P
But many fans of the genre wouldnt take GOW over the others unless you want a epic cinametic experience (GOW).

And considering I doubt you are a fan of it then I guess GOW combat is "good enough" to make you experience the game.

Its kind of like you said to about KZ2s weighty feel is makes it standout from the "COD" titles the oh so "generic" twitch shooters, it has its own feel and its unique, something along those lines anyway.

Samething with GOW. Its not unique, it doesnt stand out when playing it (cinematic approaches aside).
Posté par BLackHawkodst
Yeah i hear you, theres also a point in the interview where the dev was asked whats changed gameplay wise, and he pretty much said nothing.
Didn't he say "now you can grab a enemy and charge with them against others"?
Or the "sonic boot" or whatever it was called. Its also called a DASH and yeah, that is definitely nothing new that other games havent done before, even better at it.
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Inscrit depuis 7034 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
You misunderstood my comment then. I think you're just excited about games and love your Playstation 3.
Wanna know something.. I dont even own a PS3 and I love it more than my 360

My PS3 should be coming in a few months when money is cleared :D

And what gamer does not get excited by games? hell if you dont you should GTFO and get a new hobby

None of that was aimed at you simon i was just saying like well.. you know :)
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 7034 Jours
Posté par Sath
definitely nothing new that other games havent done before, even better at it.
Bit like uncharted 2 then
It does not do anything new or do anything better, but what it does do is do it all "correct" and "epic"
Comparing this to Bayonetta is just wrong on every level, its like comparing DMC1-2-3-4 to NG there the same to a degree, but totaly diffrent.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
so basically not much :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Bit like uncharted 2 then
It does not do anything new or do anything better, but what it does do is do it all "correct" and "epic"
Comparing this to Bayonetta is just wrong on every level, its like comparing DMC1-2-3-4 to NG there the same to a degree, but totaly diffrent.
I have said it all the time.
The experience of GOW IS going to be epic like no other, beats the "shit out of" NG, DMC and Bayonetta and others in the genre by a mile and I stand by that.
However, when it comes to combat specifically, then no, it doesnt do better than others simple.
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Inscrit depuis 5857 Jours
All fighting aside, as KORNdog said, its a perfect package for him, so is it for me, I never challenged NG or DMC gameplay, I don't get into it maybe for someone its the best gameplay. But no one can argue... gow3 has the best damn presentation in the genre (actually, a lot of genres, it talks volumes about its post-processing and anti-aliasing stuff over insane scale and mechanics), has a solid, working and fun gameplay and yeah quite a number of elements missing in other games of the genre.

Adding up to it though, as the gameplay developer iterated there are a number of interesting changes, like the grappling thrust... that lets you get into the heart of battle and the battering ram, that you use to blast-off many enemies. Rest is very fast and more dynamic than before and for me its 'perfect' and how can you better perfection? (I remember same quote has been said by Halo fanboys over and over like forever with halo franchise getting no updates, neither gameplay nor even the presentation.)

Anyhow, enjoy these tasty gifs, right from the of this fantastic title:
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Inscrit depuis 7034 Jours
Posté par Sath
I have said it all the time.
The experience of GOW IS going to be epic like no other, beats the "shit out of" NG, DMC and Bayonetta and others in the genre by a mile and I stand by that.
However, when it comes to combat specifically, then no, it doesnt do better than others simple.
I know the combat is no where near the quality of Bayo and NG and i could never argue that, but god of war is just more "fun" :)
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I think i have stood in poo

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
I know the combat is no where near the quality of Bayo and NG and i could never argue that, but god of war is just more "fun" :)
LOL, I can understand that AND agree to some extend.
Sometimes not even I like complex combat like NG or whatever because it will bore or dont feel like it, but prefer simple combat like GOW and Darksiders, and I loved Darksiders combat. Easy to learn and had its own share of depth, but still easy and fun and satistfying to pull off.

I will say this again, Hades weapon from GOW3 video made me excited lol.
I definitely want to see how it looks like when Kratos use it.

I said this long time ago, until I see enough of GOW3s combat and I saw how much they changed it polished or new addons that looks cool, I might buy it. Not from the hype, but from the actual gameplay.
But, I will wait and see what happens, I am sure we are going to see gameplay videos in these few weeks :)
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Inscrit depuis 5857 Jours
KZ2, Uncharted2, Heavy Rain, GT5 and now gow3... we don't have much left to say, they talk about themselves, I'd love to see competition at least try to make titles like those... but gow3 devs do have some words to say, like how they got inspiration from KZ2 visuals and how Uncharted2 really raised the bar there... check it below:


And can somebody please translate that into layman's terms?"

Thats some super ambitious stuff... I believe!!!
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Inscrit depuis 5616 Jours
Competition dont have to make similar titles to those, as many have made titles better much better.
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Inscrit depuis 5857 Jours
Posté par gym4life
Competition dont have to make similar titles to those, as many have made titles better much better.
Heh ;)... if you say so ...
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Inscrit depuis 5616 Jours
oh i do.
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Inscrit depuis 5857 Jours
Posté par gym4life
oh i do.
Then like before, its your own heh heh, sooo predictable ;)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Yeah, in terms of gameplay they're not at the top of their genres, but in terms of presentation and production values they are definitely raising the bar.

As people care less and less about that core gameplay, the sheer explosiveness and thrill factor of games will become more and more important. It's kinda like the Wii factor, though instead of waggle and fitness it's about context/script heavy experiences but with nearly as little in the way of mechanics, and wrapping that in an incredible presentation. It's the blockbuster, cinematic experience on home consoles, and noone else even comes close.

I dunno how fair it is to expect developers that spend their efforts crafting more freeform and interesting games from a gameplay perspective to also keep up with those graphical/presentation standards though. I think it's pointless in a way because the people that gravitate towards a more hardcore experience, mechanically, will seek those out and look past their surface.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark
Mode-7 on Twitter: @Mode_7updates

Inscrit depuis 5857 Jours
^^Agreed^^ !, one of the best sum up :)
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Inscrit depuis 5616 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Yeah, in terms of gameplay they're not at the top of their genres, but in terms of presentation and production values they are definitely raising the bar.
As are many other devs with equally brilliant games out there.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Not really.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark
Mode-7 on Twitter: @Mode_7updates

Inscrit depuis 7076 Jours
Just watched the GTTV episode, and man, I'm even more excited for it. The game just looks exciting as hell, and definitely backs it up with great-looking visuals.

I also liked the guy's answer to Geoff's question about if the game was only possible on PS3. The guy basically says it's not possible on the PS2 and that it definitely is a PS3 game. He refrained from spouting the tired bullshit that most devs of exclusive games are such fans of aobut how it's only possible on the one system.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5757 Jours
Posté par gym4life
As are many other devs with equally brilliant games out there.
Posté par Ronsauce
Just watched the GTTV episode, and man, I'm even more excited for it. The game just looks exciting as hell, and definitely backs it up with great-looking visuals.

I also liked the guy's answer to Geoff's question about if the game was only possible on PS3. The guy basically says it's not possible on the PS2 and that it definitely is a PS3 game. He refrained from spouting the tired bullshit that most devs of exclusive games are such fans of aobut how it's only possible on the one system.
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Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
I don't know about that Simon. GOW gameplay might not be the most sophisticated out there but it's certainly really fun with its simplicity, as far as I'm concerned at least.

The footage looks great in general, but too bad the story and main character are just idiotic. It was hard to digest in previous GOWs, and it seems even moreso in GOW3.

As far as gameplay vs linearity go, I think the fact that Halo Reach is going to outsell pretty much every other FPS this year, COD Vietnam most likely as well, shows that you still can do games focused on openness and mechanics rather than scripted sequences and be successful with mainstream crowd.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Absolutely, I love the GOW games. I think they're suprisingly videogamey for a popular series with plenty of different elements vowen in, long adventures and one of the most quintessential videogame things of all; full of awesome boss fights.

Didn't mean to sound like I'm in any way criticising the quality of these games, just aknowledging that mechanically there are things that are more in-depth and sophisticated.

I need to stop assuming people are aware of my stance on things. :D
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark
Mode-7 on Twitter: @Mode_7updates

Inscrit depuis 7076 Jours
Posté par szaromir
The footage looks great in general, but too bad the story and main character are just idiotic.
Compared to other games in the genre, the story isn't that bad. I find it coherent and told concisely enough, and any potentially sillyness doesn't bother me like it does in other games(big-breasted CIA agents FTL). Plus, I just completely dig Greek mythology as a backdrop for a game. Gods and Titans fighting it out is A-OK in my book.

Kratos isn't all too interesting as a character, but again, compared to other leads, he's really no worse.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5799 Jours
LOL WTF,Ive thrown into the argument by Sath with no reason at all :P

Anyway the game looks absolutly insane I like it very much.
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Inscrit depuis 6849 Jours
Posté par Thor
KZ2, Uncharted2, Heavy Rain, GT5 and now gow3... we don't have much left to say, they talk about themselves, I'd love to see competition at least try to make titles like those... but gow3 devs do have some words to say, like how they got inspiration from KZ2 visuals and how Uncharted2 really raised the bar there... check it below:
Now see, THor, I was good until you started with the Brand Love. KZ2 and GT5 don't belong in there, IMO( especially KZ2). Heavy Rain is niche, UC2 is like a great movie you come back to( and I LOVED UC2) every now and then because it is extremely linear. Yes, great games, but not destroy-all games. I didn't care much for GOW, but I think this one will be incredible.
I like the new additions to the fighting mechanics- the pull especially- should make for some dynamic, high-flying fighting. The Scale is far beyond everything I've seen( and stomps that Bayonetta footage,IMO). I definitely wouldn't call it CG quality, but easily up there( physics seem non-existant, but we haven't seen everything). And at least I can get behind the art and direction( unlike Bayonetta, which made my stomach hurt).
People also need to realize that complicated doesn't necessarily mean better. Good design requires an understanding of the subject and tone of the game. GOWs combat being simpler than NG doesn't make it worse. You may prefer NG or DMCs combat, but that style may not work in a game like GOW. Not better, different. Also Diggin' the 300 tribute...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 5799 Jours
Ive been saying, this game its not even in the same genre as Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden,DMC why because the game doesnt have the combat design it takes to be taken seriously as one of the top tiers.

Now presentation its another matter completly different so as visuals and scale.

That means the game its bad? of course not but I think it should be compared to other types of games not action ones.


Sath I do agree with you in your comment in the page before,well said.
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