Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
Supposedly Halo 3 has a lot of guest / high profile voice recordings.
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Inscrit depuis 7045 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
Shut up man! Halo 3 butchers every other game in animation. Perhaps the chief had diarrhea, and so to not make a mess he just walks a little stiff.

Besides it also has 4 player online co-op and great art!
Wow. point taken.

Posté par Acert93
Supposedly Halo 3 has a lot of guest / high profile voice recordings.
It had Michelle Rodriguez (dont give a crap i cant spell her name) in Halo 2.

She said "It blew right through us! 50 Cal, Rockets, didn't do a thing!"
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Inscrit depuis 7102 Jours
As long as David Cross is back as a marine, I'll be happy.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours

List of known actors.
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Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
i had to immediately repeat that cut scene cause at first, it sounded like Cortana.

i was like WTF!!

and yes, Halo 3 does butcher every other game out there in any aspect. was there ever any doubt?
En réponse à

Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

Inscrit depuis 6521 Jours
well we at least know who tha fanboy is in this thread now dont
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Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
well we at least know who tha fanboy is in this thread now dont
if you didn't know by now then...i don't know what to tell you haha
En réponse à

Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Heretic
and yes, Halo 3 does butcher every other game out there in any aspect. was there ever any doubt?
I dunno.. I heard some people thought it was going to flop.
Posté par KORNdog
well we at least know who tha fanboy is in this thread now dont
Which one? :P
Posté par Phaethon360
He probably had diare -- hey LEBATO figured it out! IS RIGHT today!
Oh look I found another!
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Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
Posté par Heretic
i had to immediately repeat that cut scene cause at first, it sounded like Cortana.

i was like WTF!!

and yes, Halo 3 does butcher every other game out there in any aspect. was there ever any doubt?
No doubt baby none whatsoever! :D Of course I say that with respect to how different other titles are which Halo 3 probably couldn't properly be compared to, but on a technical level and attention to detail artwise level its king of the hill right now on the 360.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6521 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
No doubt baby none whatsoever! :D Of course I say that with respect to how different other titles are which Halo 3 probably couldn't properly be compared to, but on a technical level and attention to detail artwise level its king of the hill right now on the 360.
yeah. if you ignore bioshock. only thing really that halo has going for it is the sheer amount of content. considering it has single player, 2 player split screen co-op, 4 player online co-op and a very in-depth multiplayer, plus the likes of forge and the reply mode...nothing can really compete. but there are plrenty of other games that better it/ will better it in seperate departments. like bioshock owns it graphically. and bioshock owns it artistically, and bioshock owns it story wise....that sort of thing. obviously halo rapes bioshock in terms of multiplayer, but thats not hard since, well, bioshock doenst have one.
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Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
yeah. if you ignore bioshock. only thing really that halo has going for it is the sheer amount of content. considering it has single player, 2 player split screen co-op, 4 player online co-op and a very in-depth multiplayer, plus the likes of forge and the reply mode...nothing can really compete. but there are plrenty of other games that better it/ will better it in seperate departments. like bioshock owns it graphically. and bioshock owns it artistically, and bioshock owns it story wise....that sort of thing. obviously halo rapes bioshock in terms of multiplayer, but thats not hard since, well, bioshock doenst have one.
I think its the other way around Halo 3 owns bioshock graphically, but I respect your opinion. You are entitled to think what you want, but I believe Halo 3 is the most impressive looking title to touch the console and believe me thats something I didn't expect I'd be saying after seeing a number of titles.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6521 Jours
really cant agree, but halo 3 was gonna sell by the shed load anyway even if it looked like is halo afterall. that name sells a lot.
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Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
really cant agree, but halo 3 was gonna sell by the shed load anyway even if it looked like is halo afterall. that name sells a lot.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7102 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
like bioshock owns it graphically. and bioshock owns it artistically, and bioshock owns it story wise
None of those things can really be stated as fact at all though. Bioshock's corridors look great, but they are just corridors(and occasional rooms) and can't really compare to Halo 3's range of tight corridors to vast, wide-open areas. Bioshock's water is also very nice, but it could be argued that Halo's is better(deformation ftw).

In terms of art, Bioshock's environment looks amazing, and the Big Daddies are interesting to look at as well, but the splicers are some of the *most* boring enemies I've ever had the displeasure of looking at. By that same token, Halo's marines, brutes, and even the MC are all pretty uninspired. The covenant's technology is pretty nice looking though. But really, this is definitely subjective.

And I'm not quite sure how you can say Bioshock owns Halo 3 in terms of story. Bioshock's is good, but Halo 3's might be as well. Not being good and not appealing to you are two different things.
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Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
Oh for the record (since I missed that story and artistically stuff..)

I like Halo 3's art a lot more. Can't begin to stress that enough. If it were totally up to art between these 2 games and they were the only factor to consider my purchase I wouldn't even consider bioshock for 2 seconds.

I can admit bioshock's art looks fantastic, but its part of the reason I'm passing on the game. It isn't something I'm particularly attracted to. Story wise as good as it may be.. I'm much more interested in how Halo 3 ends than any story that would accompany Bioshock :) I know some people may look at bioshock reviews and totally fall head over heals in love and think its a title everyone should get, but regardless of what reviews say Halo 3 and Blue Dragon are far more important to me.

If it were earlier in the 360's life I probably would've jumped at Bioshock, but for me it arrived at a bad time. Blue Dragon is out same month and to me the choice between those 2 is clear and i'll be playing that and beating it as much as I can until Halo 3 is out.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
really cant agree, but halo 3 was gonna sell by the shed load anyway even if it looked like is halo afterall. that name sells a lot.
i call bull on this statement for 2 reasons.

1.) the name alone isn't selling this game. the quality of the game is selling this game. Halo would not sell on its name alone. the quality of this game is fucking awesome. i can guarantee you if Bungie named Halo 3 something else, it would sell a shit load.

2.) and its my birthday!
En réponse à

Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

Inscrit depuis 7045 Jours
Posté par Heretic
2.) and its my birthday!
Oh really?

Any one care?


...nope, no one cares.

Lol Happy Birthday man.

How old?...err how young?
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par Myro
Oh really?

Any one care?


...nope, no one cares.

Lol Happy Birthday man.

How old?...err how young?
24 years young!

this wait is killing me! its far worse than Halo 2's wait.

the anticipation is killing me. i NEED to Finish the Fight!
En réponse à

Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

Inscrit depuis 6688 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
As long as David Cross is back as a marine, I'll be happy.
He's going to be frightened prisoner #2
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Supposedly Halo 3 has a lot of guest / high profile voice recordings.
Oh, where did that get out from? Link?
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
Memory from words said a long time ago (game design, typing speed, and a memory! Someone throw water on me!). It was said a long time ago, maybe even by Bungie, that there were a lot of high profile people who wanted to have a role in Halo 3 for voice talent. I believe they said it would be surprising. This was said in 2006 I am pretty sure. If I find a like I will let you know... nothing escapes me... sans the obvious!
En réponse à

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
It was stated in a weekly update the one where they showed Cortana's voice actor and stated how emotional it sounded as she was doing her voice acting.

Bungie stated how they had some incredible people here and if even half of them made the final cut. Halo 3 would be quite an awesome experience or something of that sort.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Memory from words said a long time ago (game design, typing speed, and a memory! Someone throw water on me!). It was said a long time ago, maybe even by Bungie, that there were a lot of high profile people who wanted to have a role in Halo 3 for voice talent. I believe they said it would be surprising. This was said in 2006 I am pretty sure. If I find a like I will let you know... nothing escapes me... sans the obvious!
Yes, they hinted at some celebrity talant, but didn't drop any names.

Julie Benz isn't coming back, but Keith David and Ron Perlman are in.
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Inscrit depuis 7062 Jours
ppl complain because theres a good reason to complain. Halo is supposed to be the game to set the bar for top of the line gfx and gameplay on xbox360, like it did on Xbox. But its not. Its not a big improvement over the older Halo games, other than new weapons and vehicles. The animations are all pretty much the same too. Oh yeah, and they pretty much straight up bullshitted about the gfx from that 1st E3 trailer:

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Inscrit depuis 6977 Jours
Posté par CockKnocker
ppl complain because theres a good reason to complain. Halo is supposed to be the game to set the bar for top of the line gfx and gameplay on xbox360, like it did on Xbox. But its not. Its not a big improvement over the older Halo games, other than new weapons and vehicles. The animations are all pretty much the same too. Oh yeah, and they pretty much straight up bullshitted about the gfx from that 1st E3 trailer:

Are you a bit loopy?? you just replied to my post in were i said this
Posté par dcdelgado
Hey under his armor he is wearing a rubber suit and its very hard to walk in a rubber suit covered with armor! ( oh god have i just revealed my secret passion for wearing rubber suits :s )
which was a joke reply to Lebato post, so why are you replying to me with your message above????????????
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

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