Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
nono i didnt mean to reply to any message. sry. i was trying to do something and i didnt realize i clicked reply.
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Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
Posté par CockKnocker
nono i didnt mean to reply to any message. sry. i was trying to do something and i didnt realize i clicked reply.
ok no probs.

I agree halo did not make its target graphics in the e3 trailer, but its still looks very good.
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Now I NEVER go into threads and bash the game like alot of people do, that just takes away the excitement for others which I think is rude.

But I do have to say this though...

All I have to say in terms of graphics for Halo 3, I expected to be amazingly great like the E3 2006, were they said something about this is how it is gonna look like in gameplay...etc.

But these screenshots I have seen isn't exactly identical, looks downgraded with different textures and all.

As this is gonna be "THE" game for the 360 that "everyone" have been waiting for, I am surprised it doesn't look any better.

I have been watching all the screenshots available from the latest released, and there are just a FEW that looks very great, but some just look good or decent, which is Halo 2 HD with some next-gen attachements.

I have still not decided if I am going to get Halo 3 or not, but if I do, I couldn't care for online play what so ever, it is all about the story for ME, and once I am done with the story thats about it, don't know if I am gonna keep it or return it back with an excuse :P.

I do love the story though, and that is the only thing that is making Halo for what it is for me, not the gameplay, which I see is a, like its a trend for internet, which is obviously overused "generic" gameplay, except the Forge which is basically a Halo Map Editing, which is way cooler than Far Cry map editing.

But other than that, it's the story really.

*Maximum nano shield defence activated*
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Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours


I laugh everytime someone says they bullshitted about the graphics. More like they exceeded the trailer lol. You trying to tell me the new footage isn't on par with or superior to whats shown in that E3 06 trailer? You can even see all the areas that were still incomplete in the trailer. The best parts of that trailer texture wise is matched by the new gameplay footage. The lighting is actually better and more intense. The art is on par with or superior to the best parts of the trailer. There is tons more detail on the ships.

It's obvious people are just looking for things to complain about right about now especially when they sit there and deny that the current gameplay footage isn't on par or superior to that E3 06 trailer. Hell even from that extremely low quality video leaked cutscene it's obvious the Master Chief model looked amazing and has a ton of detail. Not quite sure what was up with his walking animation, but it almost seemed to me like he was limping or something.

Yea animations aren't drastically changed from Halo 2, but they used that to their advantage by adding a ton of enemies and they really improved the ai it seems. Sometimes its like people are becoming less and less concerned about what would make a game most fun and instead want more graphics at the expense of whats best for the game. You've got to be out of your mind if you don't think Blim's gameplay footage looks on par with the video i posted.

Screw screenshots we know they don't do the game justice look at the GAMEPLAY videos. I see textures in gameplay videos that look just as good if not better than what was shown in the documentary. You people trying to telling me those greenish untextured areas in the documentary look better than the kind of stuff we are seeing on a wider scale in the new halo 3 vids? Lets cut the crap please :)

lol didn't meet E3 06 trailer my ass. Seems people are unwilling to admit Bungie delivered on their promise. The lighting from just the replay 2 video blim posted and what we saw on the pelican kills the lighting we saw when all those ships were flying overhead in the E3 06 trailer. Why nobody pointing that out? Oh.. thats right :)

The game's biggest problem is the incredible lighting clearly doesn't come across too well from screenshots, but it totally shines in gameplay videos.

Hell Bungie just proved pretty soundly why a developer's own engine is better than lazily uses someone elses game engine. Halo 3 should've just been 8 enemies tops to satisfy the people that value graphics over a fun game.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Well it do look great and all for sure, but thats just a few screenshots that makes it so. The lighting as you said Op, its awesome.

Those are my favorite ones, and I have no doubt that the game is gonna look like that time to time, depends on location and all that.
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Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours
Bah I'm doing it again I guess it only matters what I think. I guess if people don't think it matches E3 06 trailer than thats totally their perogative.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
Posté par CockKnocker
ppl complain because theres a good reason to complain. Halo is supposed to be the game to set the bar for top of the line gfx and gameplay on xbox360, like it did on Xbox. But its not.
I stated this before E3 2006, so I am being consistant: I don't think Bungie is the most technical in regards to render technology. Not bad, but I think there are a lot of better Xbox examples. I was shocked at E3 2006; and you can tell that the game uses the same tech and general IQ as E3 2006 with some minor changes.

Not every gameplay shot is going to be cinematically jaw dropping. There is a reason cut scenes rule. You pick perfect lighting and conditions for maximum visual effect.
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
The whole presentaion is now on the home page, in better quality and at 1.2gig!!
En réponse à

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par Acert93
I stated this before E3 2006, so I am being consistant: I don't think Bungie is the most technical in regards to render technology. Not bad, but I think there are a lot of better Xbox examples. I was shocked at E3 2006; and you can tell that the game uses the same tech and general IQ as E3 2006 with some minor changes.

Not every gameplay shot is going to be cinematically jaw dropping. There is a reason cut scenes rule. You pick perfect lighting and conditions for maximum visual effect.
Yeah I agree with you here. I guess I went a bit too far though.
Like it depends on location to location, lighting to lighting.

Like this one looks great. But I am sure there are gonna be massive scale maps and just epic battles in the single player that non of us have seen, like nobody outside the Bungie studio have seen.

This is like the beginning, and Bungie can do a great story and they most definitely want to make this last stand of Halo as epic and great as they just can, so I am sure it will look great in many cases.
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Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours
*sigh* Don't have bit torrent on my new laptop and I only have 1 hour of battery life left. No way I'll be getting that 1.2GB file through this :(
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7047 Jours
Posté par CockKnocker
ppl complain because theres a good reason to complain. Halo is supposed to be the game to set the bar for top of the line gfx and gameplay on xbox360, like it did on Xbox. But its not. Its not a big improvement over the older Halo games, other than new weapons and vehicles. The animations are all pretty much the same too. Oh yeah, and they pretty much straight up bullshitted about the gfx from that 1st E3 trailer:

Before i would have agreed with you, but they did achieve the trailer.

Look at the backgrounds and environments, exactly the same/better.

The only thing we were really concentrating on was the chief and his shiny armour. Now that the shine is gone, we complain.

Check out some of the cut scenes of the game, it looks amazing. (although it does contain spoilers)

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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours
Chief in that cutscene looks highly detailed.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
Chief in that cutscene looks highly detailed.
Well duh, they exceeded pre-rendered technology! I hear they cured cancer too.

Supposedly the game has gone gold.. but Bungie hasn't say anything so I'd take that as a rumor for the time being. Of course, I just got in, so they could have confirmed/denied that this morning for all I know.
Hell Bungie just proved pretty soundly why a developer's own engine is better than lazily uses someone elses game engine. Halo 3 should've just been 8 enemies tops to satisfy the people that value graphics over a fun game.
Ooh man you're laying it on thick.
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Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours
Yea laying on the truth thats what I do :)

Your're trying to suggest the E3 06 trailer was pre-rendered?

Haha why you guys so adverse to admitting Bungie did an incredible job? You saying the Master Chief in the leaked cutscene didn't have a lot of detail on him? He looks great. What Bungie is doing with their own technology is a damn good reason for developers to give companies trying to slang their questionable game engines the middle finger. So you can use all the sarcasm you like, but Halo 3 is a technical and artistic showpiece for the console.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
No, I'm just saying that they also exceeded the Starry Night trailer, cured cancer, and relieved my morning back pain! And you're right, as always, middleware sucks.. just look at Mass Effect. What a buggy mess of a game!

Oh and on a less sarcastic note, I've never said that the game doesn't look great.. it does.. and you're still laying your "truth" on thick.

To clarify, UE3 is a powerful middleware tool, and it's not "lazy" to use middleware--at all. Yes, it's great to see a developer that can achieve great results with their own programming staff, but not everyone has those resources, and to suggest that Halo 3 is a prime example of why middleware sucks is ridiculous. That's like saying Bungie is lazy, because they used Havok instead of writing their own physics engine from scratch.

That would of course be an equally ridiculous statement. In the coming years we'll see plenty of games built on a variety of middleware platforms that will achieve this level (or better) of visual fidelity. If this is seriously the new benchmark (which I'm not as convinced it is, but I'm willing to accept that opinion) than I can guarantee you that it's one that people will meet in the near future.

And that's just looking at things from a technical vantage point, since art is subjective and the way I see it, Halo does not represent the best the platform has to offer in that regard.
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Inscrit depuis 7092 Jours
Acert couldn't have put it better about the cinematics and the lighting. that's the same thing i told Sath.

i agree with what Opt is saying. Bungie is doing things that devs right now can only dream of. its a masterpiece for the 360 and will be known as such.

this is the game to beat in every category that is out there. just like everybody wanted games to copy Halo 2's online structure, same thing is going to happen with Halo 3 only on a bigger scale.

its going above and beyond what any game is doing now in terms of graphics and features. game play is something that i won't get into cause we all know its there along with the deep and immersive story line.

any game that can get 2 of the most well respected developers to hold their games for next year is definitely doing something right!
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Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours
So you already found out that one of the as of yet unannounced features of Halo 3 is curing cancer :) Thought I was the only one that knew about that.

Yea I suppose you're right, but a number of devs with major upcoming titles coming are more than capable of making their own engine, but instead decided not to. The developers that usually aren't able to are the ones whose games we could care less about anyway when you think about it.

Mass Effect as great as it looks doesn't really change my opinion when it comes to devs using their own engine. I've said many times I wished Bioware went with their own engine, but whats done is done. When a dev uses their own tools or engine their game has a certain uniqueness to it that they lose when they use someone elses engine. People look at Halo 3 and say "wtf its pretty much halo 2, with improved graphics and some new weapons and vehicles" and my response to that is "thank god its still halo. Next gen Halo if I ever saw one"

I don't mind developers using physics engines they didn't make, but a rendering engine a base graphics engine scares crap outta me. Next thing you know developers will be doing things in ways they don't really want to simply because they are forced to by the engine. With their own engine atleast they have a better chance of achieving that. They might fail in the process, but atleast its a full fledged product of their own design inside and out. I'm not saying Mass Effect isn't bioware's work, but I'm a weird guy I'd gladly take a greatly improved kotor engine designed to take advantage of the 360 over UE3 even if it means less impressive graphics as a result.
If this is seriously the new benchmark (which I'm not as convinced it is, but I'm willing to accept that opinion) than I can guarantee you that it's one that people will meet in the near future.
I agree with that 100% I may think its the best looking title on the 360 from a technical standpoint, but I'm well aware others can achieve it as well. I'm not crazy enough to think this is something no other developer is capable of doing. Just saying I'm impressed with their effort.

Yea art really is subjective I suppose. Even so I'm impressed by the lengths at which bungie's artists have gone to make an environment or objects within the game look great. Yea middleware is helpful, but I like games to see games maintain their cool own little unique aspects. I mean Halo 3's lighting, number of enemies, look of the environments, scale, and other aspects are a result of bungie's own experimentation the way it should be.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7047 Jours
I just saw this, if you look in the background you can see a covy cruise ship glassing an area.

You need the 720p version to see it, but it looks pretty cool.
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Inscrit depuis 7092 Jours
what time?
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Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
New Map Guardian from PAX - Offscreen the crowd love Halo

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Sweet. Guardian does indeed look a lot more like Lock Out now that I've seen someone actually walking around the map. The energy sword looks a lot cooler now that it's been adorned with effects too. Too bad they don't have a download link. sucks.

The plasma turret looks awesome, and was that a firebomb I just saw? Now we're talkin.. OOOOH Flame thrower FTMFW.

EDIT: Oh, there is a DL link, durr.. quicktime only though. I wonder if Guardian will be filled with as many different interesting jumps as Lock Out was. One can only hope.
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Inscrit depuis 6979 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Sweet. Guardian does indeed look a lot more like Lock Out now that I've seen someone actually walking around the map. The energy sword looks a lot cooler now that it's been adorned with effects too. Too bad they don't have a download link. sucks.

The plasma turret looks awesome, and was that a firebomb I just saw? Now we're talkin.

EDIT: Oh, there is a DL link, durr.. quicktime only though. I wonder if Guardian will be filled with as many different interesting jumps as Lock Out was. One can only hope.
Yep there streaming sucks, the download mov file is only for part 1 though, i did not know you could now get an Invisibility cloak?
En réponse à

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Yep there streaming sucks, the download mov file is only for part 1 though, i did not know you could now get an Invisibility cloak?
You could get an invisibility cloak in Halo 2.. and the Halo 3 MP beta :)
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6987 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
EDIT: Oh, there is a DL link, durr.. quicktime only though. I wonder if Guardian will be filled with as many different interesting jumps as Lock Out was. One can only hope.
There's probably even more actually :)
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par deftangel
There's probably even more actually :)
I'll probably spend a whole freak'n day just experimenting with jumps when I get my copy.

Bring on September :)
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