GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
Posted by IamLegend
Completed the game on legendary about three weeks back enjoyed it quite abit
Posted by deftangel
Now that to me is a bit disappointing seeing as they were going on about having bigger environments and more AI on screen and their LOD system so to me that should translate into, well, epicness. I can't describe it accurately but I'm sure we're talking about the same thing. I'll try to reserve judgement until I've finished it and replayed the first few levels, could still be jetlagged for all I know. The GAF thread didn't offer up anything to reinforce my initial impressions it must be said and I'm unsure of them as it is.
That's just the feeling I got. There's nothing that compares to the scarab encounter in Halo 3, for example. And there definitely could have been! It's still a great campaign though, and the vehicle sections are top notch, even in co-op. The space combat stuff was fun, but I actually preferred the other vehicle sections. But honestly, it's a terrific campaign. Halo 3 may be a little better, but it failed to take advantage of the epic story they could have told. This isn't anymore daring, but they handled everything very well. I can't say it's my favorite Halo campaign, but it's solidly executed, and I appreciated the story more than I thought I would. Knowing the outcome ultimately didn't make it any less awesome.
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Since 6877 Days
Posted by Tinks
My friend tells tale that if you beat the game on Legendary by yourself you get some unlocks otherwise not available. How about Legendary by yourself? Anyone ever done that in a Halo game?
HALO 1, but that was back when I had a little thing called time...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6979 Days
Having a blast with SP and cant wait to get back to it tonight!! will jump into some Firefight games also :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6005 Days
Going to have to wait until very late tonight as work is hella busy!! :(
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7011 Days
My copy of the game hasn't even been opened yet :(

Can't wait to get some free time to dedicate to this thing.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6877 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
My copy of the game hasn't even been opened yet :(

Can't wait to get some free time to dedicate to this thing.
Woah, bummer man. We all know what kind of Halo nut you are, so that must be killing you, lol...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6444 Days
Would somebody please explain to me how to beat the first two elites with plasma swords in the campaign? I have no chance of killing them before they reach me (my assault rifle doesn't even eat through their shields before i'm converted to tasty spartan onna stick), a sticky plasma doesn't stop them and i die in one hit. How the FUCK am i supposed to beat that? Any good ideas?
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
Posted by Frozpot
Woah, bummer man. We all know what kind of Halo nut you are, so that must be killing you, lol...
The kind who doesn't even play multiplayer? ;)
Posted by Megido
Would somebody please explain to me how to beat the first two elites with plasma swords in the campaign? I have no chance of killing them before they reach me (my assault rifle doesn't even eat through their shields before i'm converted to tasty spartan onna stick), a sticky plasma doesn't stop them and i die in one hit. How the FUCK am i supposed to beat that? Any good ideas?
I played the campaign with three other people, so it's hard to really compare. The amount of shields they're given on Legendary is insane though. The plasma pistol only sorta helps.
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Since 6444 Days
I'm only playing on Heroic, but i'm going at it solo. Still after 10-ish attempts the AI bugged out and the fucker started running away from me, giving me ample opportunity to kill him. I would have never gotten past that part without that little bit of temporary insanity though :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7067 Days
I did them with the shot gun drop down and it's on the floor

Shoot (close) *stunned*, melee, shoot.

Fullly charged plasma pistol takes their shield down, magnum or BR shots at the head, dead.
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Since 6444 Days
They say that the AI is supposed to be smart on Heroic and Legendary, but all i notice is me being made out of brittle corroded porcelain and the enemies something akin to solid tungsten. It just feels like they pit you against these unfair fucking hordes of nearly intestructible alien fuckers who if theylook at you funy you are instagibbed :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6877 Days
I'm playing on heroic and am not having too hard a time( I have died a few times, lol). Sword guys- plasma pistol+ DMR/Pistol/needle rifle head shot. Dogde to the side. Sneak behind if you can. I haven't had almost any problems with sword elites if I see them coming :) Or you could Plasma+melee+ head shot. I guess you really have to master the head shot :P Incredible game.
You can also toss a grenade to give yourself time- he'll dodge..
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6444 Days
Is there a fucking dodge move that i missed or something? That guy just ran straight towards me like the goddamn juggernaut, i'm to slow to get away and to weak to kill him before he got me and nothing would bloody stun him of what i had on me at the time (rifle and handgun), including plasma grenades that didn't bloody kill him on a direct, sticky, hit. After the explosion he just kept running after me, one-shotting me before i had time to get him.

Currently i'm stuck having two cloaked elites and two hunters on my ass, and i could totally clear that shit if i had another player with me, so that one could draw the hunters attention while the other shoots it dead, but doing it alone is tantamount to impossible. And they take so much goddamn damage that it's not even funny (so far i haven't managed to kill eve one while expending one needler clip, two assault rifle clips and two grenades straight into it's back), and ofc they one-shot you most of the time. Either i suck balls or this game has severe balancing issues when it comes to the single player mode. Like said, having a friend with me would probably help out a LOT, but i don't have that option currently and the game is pissing me off to no end.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6621 Days
Heroic is a tough nut alone. But imo it's manageable. I've only played the first 3 missions on Legendary with a friend and that was very hard, felt like Halo CE all over again when 3 high ranking Elites meant pure terror.

I'll definitely play it alone on Legendary and grind my way through it.

No, I don't think it has balancing issues. Everything felt really good so far, nothing like storming the hangar in Truth and Reconciliation.
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Since 7104 Days
I was playing some Firefight last night with my roommate and a friend of ours. It was a TON of fun. In what particular instance, I was distracting/trying to kill an Elite by engaging him head on with a shotgun while my roommate went in for the assassination. Well, just before he had the assassination, I fired at the Elite, but the bastard did his little evade move to the side and I ended up blasting my roommate in the face. I definitely watched the replay over and over again. It played out so damn perfectly.

Also, when I heard about the hologram AA, I wasn't sure it'd work all that well. I was using it in some Team Slayer last night though, and hot damn, it was ridiculously easy to trick people with it. If you see a red blip coming towards you from around the corner...just fire the hologram off as a temporary diversion/weak bullet sponge, and gain the upper hand. It was also good for drawing out invisible folks by making them fire on it. Good stuff!
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by Megido
They say that the AI is supposed to be smart on Heroic and Legendary, but all i notice is me being made out of brittle corroded porcelain and the enemies something akin to solid tungsten. It just feels like they pit you against these unfair fucking hordes of nearly intestructible alien fuckers who if theylook at you funy you are instagibbed :P
Bungie believes (wrong IMO) that smart AI = more health for enemies and less health for you.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Questions:So how large are the biggest battles? I am hearing a lot about how NOT huge they are... and wtf no scarab battles? Are you kidding?!!
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7067 Days
Sorry Megido but I'm crying with laughter here :D
You did say you wanted a challenge.

I know the bit you're on:

There's a sniper rifle up the roof at the back (dead soldier), hit Hunters in the orange spots (neck and back)

Get your eye in because it gets tougher :p
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Since 7104 Days
Posted by Megido
They say that the AI is supposed to be smart on Heroic and Legendary, but all i notice is me being made out of brittle corroded porcelain and the enemies something akin to solid tungsten. It just feels like they pit you against these unfair fucking hordes of nearly intestructible alien fuckers who if theylook at you funy you are instagibbed :P
I didn't really get that impression at all. I haven't played on Legendary yet, but on Heroic, the damage the player takes vs the damage the enemies take seems extremely fair, and the tactics the Elites use are much better than anything else I've encountered in other games.
Bungie believes (wrong IMO) that smart AI = more health for enemies and less health for you.
"In extensive playtests, players confirmed simply making the AI stronger helps it appear more intelligent." Bungie believes it because that's how it appears to players it seems.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Just because someone runs a test doesn't = true. It may have been true of their sample, it may be true of their methodology and parameters that they were willing to test, and it may be a simple up/down, etc.

The reason I think they are wrong is that my years of playing--and I am not a casual gamer and I have a strong eye in terms of AI--is that developers often use "give more HP" as a way to make games harder--but that does NOT mean the AI is better. Not at all. Actually the reverse. It is the cop out way instead of making the AI more intelligent.

This is no different from, "Make the AI shooter better--it makes them seem smarter!"

I know a lot of gamers who equate hard w/ good AI, but they are totally different things.

Just because the dotes they use in sampling (and they absolutely focus test people who are NOT hardcore gamers) think hard=smart doesn't make it so. If anything they are re-inforcing a casual stereotype and is the #1 reason I HATE SP games. The AI frankly sucks in almost EVERY shooter. Now I understand these games cater to 10M users and amazing AI =! better game. But the direction was already set toward the, "Make them have more health, dish more damage, and this way they can see the AI do more stuff, giving the impression they are smarter." Halo 3 is already a bullet sponge game. They made Reach worse in MP with the AR in the Beta. I am sure this appeals to many but definately not my cup of tea. And people can like it ... just don't tell me more health makes for "smarter" AI. Good design, maybe, but not smarter AI.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 6444 Days
The tactics elites use? The only tactics they use is hauling ass when you take their shields down :P And where you get fair from when everything except for grunt kills you in one shot whereas you ahve to take on a legion of hunters with a veritable pea-shooter i don't understand. Like said, with 4 player co-op i think most of my problems would be non-existent, but the game has to be fucking playable alone as well :P

Those extensive playtests only show one thing, that the average Halo playtester has the average intelligence and perceptiveness of a sponge.

I got past the bit i was stuck on though, after like a billion tries. Once i found a hidden rocket launcher that got rid of the first hunter and then i managed to deal with the second one. You'd be surprised how much easier it is to kill a hunter when you don't have a second one shooting fuel rods up your bum. The elites realy weren't a problem, after the bajillionth time i played it i knew exactly when and where they were, so i just bashed their heads in. But really, the difficulty in this game comes from how strong the enemies are, not that they are smart or work in teams or some such. They are fucking amor plated tanks and you are a gentle tree-hugging Llama that at best can spit to defend yourself from the onslaught of the alien horde. Fitting i guess, since we know what happens to Reach by the end of the campaign.

Thank god for multiplayer, cause i won't be wanting to play through that campaign more than once :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 7104 Days
Posted by Megido
The tactics elites use? The only tactics they use is hauling ass when you take their shields down
Nope, not at all. I've had numerous encounters where pairs of them will divide and conquer via pinning me down with constant fire while flanking me quickly. Running and hiding around corners to get the quick melee has worked for them as well.
[quote]But really, the difficulty in this game comes from how strong the enemies are, not that they are smart or work in teams or some such. They are fucking amor plated tanks and you are a gentle tree-hugging Llama that at best can spit to defend yourself from the onslaught of the alien horde]/quote]
I think your game is broken.
The reason I think they are wrong is that my years of playing--and I am not a casual gamer and I have a strong eye in terms of AI--is that developers often use "give more HP" as a way to make games harder--but that does NOT mean the AI is better.
I agree, but Bungie isn't saying more HP = better AI. The stuff I was reading came off more like "some players find that more HP makes the AI seem better....with one of the reasons being that longer life allows for more behaviour to be demonstrated."

Regardless, I'm quite impressed with the Elites' AI in Reach. I haven't had this much fun fighting AI enemies in a long while, and this isn't solely a perceived fun due to them taking more damage.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 7048 Days
Posted by Frozpot
HALO 1, but that was back when I had a little thing called time...

It's so true
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
Posted by Megido
They say that the AI is supposed to be smart on Heroic and Legendary, but all i notice is me being made out of brittle corroded porcelain and the enemies something akin to solid tungsten. It just feels like they pit you against these unfair fucking hordes of nearly intestructible alien fuckers who if theylook at you funy you are instagibbed :P
They're pretty smart too. I've played around with Elite's a good deal. They actual pick up on simple kiting tactics better than most people on Xbox live do ;)
Posted by Acert93
Questions:So how large are the biggest battles? I am hearing a lot about how NOT huge they are... and wtf no scarab battles? Are you kidding?!!
I don't know, but they don't really stand out as being especially large.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by Tinks
I knew our baby was loud, but that loud? And how did they know my bed time :( (Seriously, no joke).
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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