Since 7011 Days
Something I posted on Bungie's forum. I believe all those Spartans we saw, except for Lone Wolf, are Spartan IIIs of Alpha Company who survived Operation PROMETHEUS.
If there's anything I've learned from reading the books, it's not to entirely trust ONI to be honest or to handle things in the most up front or honorable way possible. I still remember the very shady tests they put Master Chief and Cortana through the first time they were introduced to one another -- and when the Chief had first received the completely perfected Mjolnir armor with the improved Covenant shields.

How can we be so certain that all the Alpha Company Spartan IIIs died in Operation PROMETHEUS as claimed by ONI? We have no proof at all, and Kurt's investigation and sources that he was in contact with to get information on Alpha Company just suddenly stopped communicating with him.

Most of Noble Team can very easily be survivors of PROMETHEUS. Hell, for all we know, much more than the Spartan IIIs in Noble Team managed to survive Operation PROMETHEUS, but certain elements in ONI decided that they wanted their own further top secret group of Spartans that they could use as they please, even more secret than the Spartan III program under the command of Chief Mendez and Kurt.

It's a known fact that Kurt never entirely bought any of what he had heard about Alpha Company's demise, or else there's surely no way in hell he would've been so aggressive in investigating what happened.

Colonel Ackerson even seems to have slipped when talking about the potential of the Spartan III program around Kurt, Mendez and some Rear Admiral. He used the word "was" in a sentence similar to this shortly after the many accomplishments of the Spartan III Program were listed: "That was only a fraction of the Spartan III Program's potential"

Kurt instantly caught on to the use of the word was, as if there had been other missions that he was not notified of. There could be survivors from Alpha Company, and I suspect the only reason that Jorge guy even knows about Pegasi is because he's also a member of the Spartan III Program.

Yep, I think that, as Bungie has stated, they really did heavily modify that cutscene. They attempted to throw us off with the Jorge-052, Carter and Kat names and such. Those Spartans, except for the new #6, are all Spartan IIIs from Alpha company. It's potentially even possible that Noble Team was never sent on Operation PROMETHEUS in the first place, if there were truly no survivors.

Lone Wolf is either truly a mystery third survivor of Pegasi, or it's Tom. Think about it, how the heck does some random Spartan, this Carter, have the officer rank of Commander, and how does some random Spartan know about Pegasi? Even Kelly, Master Chief, Fred, Linda wouldn't know about such a thing if they looked at a Spartan III.

Colonel Ackerson once literally hadnded Kurt an upgrade in his rank simply because he didn't want Kurt taking orders from NCO drill instructors. I would think that something similar would be done to an even further top secret group of Spartans that he knew about.

That Spartan that mentioned Pegasi spoke as if he had some real details of what went down beforehand, but was looking for further clarification.

I'm pretty much certain about it now. Noble Team are Spartan IIIs of Alpha Company. Bungie modified those names, because if they had the As on them, everybody would know they were Spartan IIIs who were still alive from Alpha Company.

Those Noble Team members, besides the #6 are all in the 26-28 age range.

Kurt instantly spotted when he was getting ready to train the first wave of Spartan IIIs that they didn't the psychological and genetic markers put in place by Dr. Halsey.

It's how we probably have a Spartan with a bionic arm transplanet and how we have a dude who apparently looks to have scratched a skull into his helmet's visor.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6006 Days
Very interesting read, i'm cant wait to find out who the hell the Noble team are.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7118 Days
I'm on the Halo Reach forums aswell.

You're saying they're all Spartan IIIs expect #6, there are people saying that the Noble Team are all Spartan II's, only #6 is a Spartan III but he/she was good enough to work with Spartan IIs.

I havent read the books so all this speculation is rather confusing, I'll just wait till Jan when they release more info lol.
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(F-1) Graphic Artist 360style.net
The Don Barracuda

Since 7011 Days
Nah, #6 is absolutely a spartan III, but I firmly believe that all of noble team, except #6 are Spartan IIIs from Alpha Company

All of Alpha Company was suppose to have died on Operation PROMETHEUS.

I believe Lone Wolf to be from Beta Company.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6450 Days
I hope I won't have to read the book to understand what the heck is going on.
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Since 7011 Days
Posted by blmbox
I hope I won't have to read the book to understand what the heck is going on.
You most likely won't need to, but I guarantee that your having read the book will surely enhance your experience.

Halo : Fall of Reach and Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx are absolutely required reading to get the most of Halo Reach the game. Also, reading them won't feel like a chore, believe it or not.

I didn't appreciate the Halo series as much as I do now, until I read those books. You get a true understanding for what the heck makes a Spartan so amazing, what types of augmentations they underwent, just how mindblowingly amazing Mjolnir armor truly is. I learned things about Spartans and the Mjolnir armor that you absolutely never learn from the games, and it makes you all the more excited to play anything Halo related.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 7104 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
You get a true understanding for what the heck makes a Spartan so amazing, what types of augmentations they underwent, just how mindblowingly amazing Mjolnir armor truly is. I learned things about Spartans and the Mjolnir armor that you absolutely never learn from the games, and it makes you all the more excited to play anything Halo related.
It's too bad the games have never really given the same kind of care to such things.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 7011 Days
Honestly, after re-thinking all of the games, Halo : Combat Evolved easily did the best job of this. A number of the things present in Fall of Reach are present and accounted for in Halo : CE. Keyes' tendency to play with or chew on that pipe of his, was also present in Halo : CE, at the start of the game I believe.

It, overall, just gave off a very similar vibe to the book I thought. The part where the chief looks at the helmet footage to see what happened before he got there also gave off a pretty nice vibe.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 7104 Days
Still, a Mass Effect-level of additional info would be awesome.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6979 Days
Halo Effect RPG Bring It!!!!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6450 Days
I think it would be pretty cool to utilize the sheer depth of lore available at Bungie's disposal with regards to the Halo franchise. Perhaps either leaving around scattered records/documents a la Bioshock/Batman: AA for your character to find, which detail the Spartans' history or whatever, or simply having a kind of codex as seen in Mass Effect.
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Since 7011 Days
Bioware, with what they are doing with Mass Effect, would blow minds with a Halo RPG.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 7149 Days
Posted by blmbox
I think it would be pretty cool to utilize the sheer depth of lore available at Bungie's disposal with regards to the Halo franchise. Perhaps either leaving around scattered records/documents a la Bioshock/Batman: AA for your character to find, which detail the Spartans' history or whatever, or simply having a kind of codex as seen in Mass Effect.
Grabbing abandoned military AIs would be a good way to do that, most of them are pretty basic.
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Since 7011 Days
I honestly think something in the vein of what Bioware does with the Mass Effect series is the most obvious progression or branch off point for the Halo franchise, if I ever saw it. It allows those numerous story driven moments of curruption or ultra secrecy inside the UNSC or ONI Section 3 to truly come through without feeling as if they're doing too much for a shooter.

Hell, it would be a perfect opportunity to toss in that cam probe that Master Chief uses so often in the books, and hooks directly to his helmet to see if an area is safe before he or his team moves in. There's so much potential for it. As a matter of fact, it could be like putting one of their major books around the Halo universe, a new one, of course -- in game form -- not so different from Mass Effect.

I'm reading through First Strike now -- and man, the level of potential is just mind blowing -- mind blowing.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Haha, my point still stands that there are games currently released that look downright amazing, and appear every bit as clean as that Reach cutscene not just during cutscenes, but even during gameplay. Maybe they are pulling some type of trick to makes me believe the image quality is better than what I'm seeing, but Batman Arkham Asylum and Star Wars : Force Unleashed look positively stunning, and are some of the cleanest looking games I've seen this gen.
You guys are moving targets. I don't care about opinions, art, or "OMG best game ever."

Halo Reach--and no game for that matter--can recreate the IQ of the video. It wasn't realtime. Period. And it won't look that clean. Period. And NO game this generation has that level of IQ (due to what looks like 7x7 supersampling which directly impacts edge, textureing, and shader aliasing). There may be games that look better but they DON'T have better "rendering integrity." If they look better it is because they have better art and better pairing of assets with technology.

After all a fully dynamic GI solution rendering a cube is still... a cube.

So all the statements earlier in this thread about Bungie could do this in realtime and it was realtime, etc are complete BS. Argueing other games even look better as "proof" it was such shows an inability to differentiate technology and "graphics."
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 7011 Days
Don't get too bent out of shape. I ultimately don't really care so much about how exactly they achieve whatever impressive, or lack there of, look they'll achieve with this game, but what I do know for a certainty is that there are games currently available that are doing such a fantastic job from a visual standpoint, that I don't find what I see in that Reach cutscene as unachievable as some may think.

Will it look every bit as good as that? Who knows. I have no idea what the Xbox 360 title "Halo : Reach" will look like visually when all is said and done. I do, however, know that there are games currently release with more impressive looking cutscenes than that one. I don't doubt that you're totally correct in stating that better art and better pairing of assets with technology have a great deal to with why I or any other will feel that things we've seen from other games look even better. Can't really disagree with that.

With that said, I look at games like Assassin's Creed 2 or Batman Arkham Asylum, and think to myself that if Reach is anywhere as well off in the aliasing department as those two games are, then that alone will go a long way. I can't believe how technically impressive AC2 is, and yet has so little signs of aliasing. Also, we have to consider what it is we are talking about here. In Bungie's case, I surely understand the doubt. It sure as heck won't be the first time that they say "this is the bar they are reaching for in actual gamplay" or "this is real-time" only when see the same scene in the actual retail version of the game, it doesn't look anywhere quite as good.

There's no way gameplay will look that good. However, If Bungie wants Reach's cutscenes to look that good, they can absolutely do that, probably not in real-time, but they can do it. That wasn't some gameplay section of Halo Reach; it was, according to Bungie, just a highly modified cutscene. There are cutscenes in games this generation, on this console, that look leaps superior to that Reach cutscene. Hey, maybe very few of them are pulling that crap off in real-time, perhaps they are just using in-game assets with various added effects and are spitting it back out to us gamers in the form of a high quality video, all the while claiming it's "real-time" when it isn't, but hey at least it looks impressive either way. I'd love for the cutscene to be possible in real-time, but if it isn't, I say go ahead and use the exact same tricks so many other devs are obviously using in their games. If a lot of the insane cutscenes in Batman Arkham Asylum and Force Unleashed are real-time, then a lot of devs have a lot of catching up to do :)

All I really want from what I saw in that reach trailer is a few things, really. I know we won't get something that looks that unbelievably clean, it won't happen, I know that. Not because it isn't possible -- other devs have already done it this gen, I know, I have the games. It probably won't happen because Bungie apparently seems to pride themselves on their cutscenes being true real-time without any tricks in their final retail builds.

All I really want is that awesome animation, that is light years ahead of the stuff in Halo 3. I would also like to see those awesome character models, or at least models that come very close to that. Don't want another random switch from what I saw in the original Halo 3 reveal trailer. The face models are fantastic and believable now. The cutscene was handled better than just about every single cutscene in the entirety of Halo 3.

Can you imagine what this Halo 3 cutscene could've looked like with Reach's quality?


To hell with the graphics from the reach cutscene. Just the better character modeling and animation alone would've skyrocketed this cutscene.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6450 Days
Alright, calm it Kermit!

You seem determined to rain on this parade, so to speak? :P
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Since 5785 Days
I agree opt is does not matter how they get the look as long as it's close using the same models and animations I'll be very happy
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Since 7011 Days
Bungie also talked about the specific facial animations being some new tech they are using, so that leaves no excuse for it not being in final game.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6006 Days
Posted by icemanufc
I agree opt is does not matter how they get the look as long as it's close using the same models and animations I'll be very happy
+1 agree
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 5785 Days
Game Informer Jan 10th is what im hearing may have the story?
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Since 6991 Days
Posted by Acert93
You guys are moving targets. I don't care about opinions, art, or "OMG best game ever."
lol! It seems that Bungie always gets a free pass
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
They do. And when the over the top claims from fans get smashed they act like they never said it. ho hum.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 5785 Days
Yet Bungie games always deliver :)
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by icemanufc
Yet Bungie games always deliver :)
Gameplay is good. Per Graphics, I don't think they always deliver. But graphics make a good game not.

I posted this on B3D about the graphics.
Per the previous discussion comparing this to the FM3 pre-release footage, I think the analogy is probably right. FM3 was using in-engine assets rendered at at high LODs and higher resolutions and scaled down. FM3's gameplay has the same technology and assets but fidelity is obviously lowered.

Take out the supersampling effect from the Halo Reach video (which impacts edge, texture, and shader aliasing) and factor in LOD issues and I think we are seeing what Bungie is aiming at. Which ain't bad necessarily. It had a lot of light sources, I like the stylistic human models, and the shadows had some small issues (e.g. filtering could be seen) the general impression was excellent (some of the best shadows seen this gen; FM3 seems to have very similar shadows so I am optimistic here).

What is more of a concern is aliasing. Lots of lights could cause lots of killer aliasing. Likewise all the sprite grass could end up being an aliased mess; if they are going for a bit of a complex lighting model I am not sure that stuff will look very good (stuck out like a sore thumb to me in the trailer). I am hopeful texture filtering (and not a negative LOD bias) finds its way into the game and that Bungie addresses the aliasing issues with MSAA (or other technique other than MB and DOF).

But all I really care about is the gameplay. ODST (oh how I loath you!) shows you can have large battlefield with dozens and dozens of covenant on screen. If Bungie can create a squad based game design that is slightly more tactical while not turning into Halo:GRAW/RB6/GoW2 I will be happy. I like the Halo gameplay, the gunplay/melee/nades and vehicles are some of the best design balances I have seen in a game, and the AI is actually good/fun.

Toss in traditional Bungie focus on social features (4 player online coop and the like) I will be happy.

In terms of features there are two must haves missing from Bungie games.

* Coop game browser.

* Custom game browser.

Look Bungie, if I setup a killer custom game--because you give me great MP mod abilities and a decent map modifier--but no one can find me, then those features are almost pointless.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

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