GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
* Coop game browser.

* Custom game browser.
So very doubtful. I'd love to be wrong.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Pretty sad when such highly demanded--and useful--features are pretty much "pie in the sky, we never can really hope for it" type of stuff.

Hopefully the up and coming ambitious developers turn an ear toward this sort of stuff.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 7826 Days
Speaking of graphics, I'm still waiting for Halo 2 to look like this.

Honestly, it's a bit pointless to assume how close Reach will look to that trailer considering this is Bungie. Even when they start releasing the first "in-game" shots they will somehow find ways to downgrade the final game to looking even less impressive.
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Since 6979 Days
bah dont like that shiny tin effect, but i'm sure Reach will give us an excellent looking Halo game.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6864 Days
Posted by vspectra06
Speaking of graphics, I'm still waiting for Halo 2 to look like this.

Errrr... Halo 2 does look like that in cutscenes, especially in shots of such a small size like your example.
Posted by vspectra06
Honestly, it's a bit pointless to assume how close Reach will look to that trailer considering this is Bungie. Even when they start releasing the first "in-game" shots they will somehow find ways to downgrade the final game to looking even less impressive.
People who think anygame during gamneplay will look as good as the pre release screenshots or cutscenes/trailers must be extremely naive.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
Posted by Jin187
People who think a Halo game will look as good as the pre release screenshots or trailers must be extremely naive.
They count on it! ;)
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Since 6006 Days
err i think most people on here have now stated that it wont look like that, but close is more than good enough.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7119 Days
I posted this on Bungie, what do you guys think?

There are mixed opinions of modern warfare's Kill Cam, personally I both like it and hate it. It's great to see how you got killed, but as the person doing the killing its annoying because it gives away your location. I definately do not think the MW2 kill cam should be used "as it is" in Halo Reach, that would be terrible!

Here is an idea which doesn't make it like MW2 at all! Just expands on what Halo already has.

Integrate theater mode into the post game lobby. Bring up the game statistics, see who got the most kills, largest killing spree, most headshots, stickies, or even who killed who the most, etc. Select any of stats to watch the kill cam, you can keep watching different stats until next game has been found.

Good thing about this is instead of having to forward through 15minutes of gameplay, you can automatically find all your or another person's (sprees/sniper/suicides/stickies etc) kills from the match and save them.

There should also be an option to autosave "my kill cam" without having to drop out, this is in case you do particularly well e.g 50 kills, but have no time to view them all before the next match starts.

It would be great as well if there were a system in place to upload footage online, this would be really helpful for people who don't have capture devices.
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(F-1) Graphic Artist
The Don Barracuda

Since 6878 Days
Posted by Jin187
People who think anygame during gamneplay will look as good as the pre release screenshots or cutscenes/trailers must be extremely naive.
I just watched the first realtime gameplay demonstration for halo 2, and the final game didn't look far off at all. In fact, the only technical difference was a lack of self-shadowing during gameplay( they still did it in cutscenes). Granted, shadows make a big difference, but most of the difference was in art direction. The models and animation didn't change. They DID show some gameplay features that didn't make it( the combo melee attack comes to mind). Still, Halo 3 did some VERY nice things graphically- it was the AA, the hideous human models, and the weak key-frame animation that held it back. I can't vouch for the AA, but they HAVE adressed the models and the animation( in the cutscenes anyway). Hell, the facial structure is finally adressed and they probably won't need so many polys during gameplay. I just want to see the animation transitions and the feeling of weight during gameplay, and I'll be set...
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Since 6878 Days
These are all from the final Halo 2. I'd say they got pretty close to what they were shooting for. They even managed to get some self shadowing on a few of the lights in the game. You do have to pay close attention though.
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Since 6864 Days
Posted by BLackHawkodst
err i think most people on here have now stated that it wont look like that, but close is more than good enough.
I'm sure it will look very close indeed, cutscenes will probably look just as good (If not better) but all i'm saying is that during game play, it just wont look as good. Cutscenes always look better than gameplay in almost every game out there and its naive to expect otherwise.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
"Close" isn't a technical word ;)

And no, if the custscenes are realtime they will NOT look that good...

Sorry, it must be that my explaination of what Bugnie did was way over everyones head. It is simple: They ran their engine at like 1fps and rendered at highest LODs and then supersampled the image to get quality IQ you won't see any any game this generation. Period. Impossible. End of story.

If you think the finish product looks better it is because you subjectively looking at art. Which is fine. But subjectives and "it looks close" really don't say anything other than, "I don't understand what I am talking about, but I want to believe therefore it will be."
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 7012 Days
Posted by Acert93
"Close" isn't a technical word ;)

And no, if the custscenes are realtime they will NOT look that good...

Sorry, it must be that my explaination of what Bugnie did was way over everyones head. It is simple: They ran their engine at like 1fps and rendered at highest LODs and then supersampled the image to get quality IQ you won't see any any game this generation. Period. Impossible. End of story.

If you think the finish product looks better it is because you subjectively looking at art. Which is fine. But subjectives and "it looks close" really don't say anything other than, "I don't understand what I am talking about, but I want to believe therefore it will be."
4 questions.

Will Bungie have been the first developer to do such a thing with a cutscene this generation?

Should that cutscene end up looking exactly as we saw it in the final retail build of Reach, which it probably won't if it's actually true real-time, will Bungie have been the first developer to use the well known trick of using in-game assets in video form so they can sneak in all sorts of other really cool touches not possible in real-time to make the retail build of their game's cutscenes look even better?

Does that Reach cutscene actually look better than any cutscene from any released game this entire generation -- including Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Batman Arkham Asylum and Star Wars Force Unleashed? (Subjectively looking at art not factored in)

Are all the amazing cutscenes in Uncharted 2 or Batman Arkham Asylum 100% real-time or did they also pull the same trick of running their engine at like 1fps and rendered at highest LODs and then supersampled the image to get better quality?
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6878 Days
Well, I know for certain Batman is running video. If you're playin' the PS3 version it would be harder to spot because of the higer quality video, but on the 360 you can tell when the cutscenes go from video to realtime by the change in clarity. Don't get me wrong, not all of the cutscenes are video.

As far as the Image quality debate goes, I don't think anyone believes it will be as good as this vid. That being said, I think what most people are referring to is the models, textures, and animations should remain intact( with LOD changes in poly count and texture resolution). That would be enough for me. I expect similar lighting, but with lower quality shadow maps. Still, until I play it myself, it's still up in the air.

@Acert93- I get what you are saying. I do think there are almost two different conversations going on. It won't be quite as good, but most of us will be quite happy with "close". You are kinda beating a dead horse ;)...
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Since 7012 Days
I already know the answers, was just interested in how Acert would answer them.

Unless Bungie strictly adheres to all their cutscenes being true real-time, they can easily get away with cutscenes that look as good as that video, simply by making the cutscenes videos :P

Although, they'll probably run into disc space issues.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6988 Days
Posted by Acert93
"Close" isn't a technical word ;)

And no, if the custscenes are realtime they will NOT look that good...

Sorry, it must be that my explaination of what Bugnie did was way over everyones head. It is simple: They ran their engine at like 1fps and rendered at highest LODs and then supersampled the image to get quality IQ you won't see any any game this generation. Period. Impossible. End of story.
Your explanation? That's exactly what Bungie themselves said literally days after the event. There's no need to get high & mighty, we get it. The cutscene is effectively kicked out at the same res as their screenshot viewer frame by frame and put back together.

That says to me, asides from the resolution and level of AA, everything else in that cutscene represents the visual benchmark they are aiming for in cutscenes

So taking them at their word on this (i.e. no tricks) then pretty close is what the vast majority of people would describe it as.
Posted by Optimusv2
Unless Bungie strictly adheres to all their cutscenes being true real-time, they can easily get away with cutscenes that look as good as that video, simply by making the cutscenes videos :P
Bungie have already stated a preference for running their cutscenes in real-time so as to not disconnect the player with two levels of quality. I can't see them changing that approach even if they had the disk space, which they don't.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7143 Days
More than anything I just hope they clean up the image quality. ODST is a stunner sometimes but you can barely tell through the heavy aliasing. It's especially telling because I went back and played Crackdown for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and that game still looks superb thanks to the sharpness and great use of colour. If they just re-released Halo 3 with proper HD resolution and AA, the clearing in the jungle early on in the game, with the water stream and the Phantom ship dropping soldiers would suddenly look surprisingly great instead of being a jittery little mess.

I don't care how much they improve the graphics if the base picture quality doesn't improve, then it'll just be hopelessly videogamey and jarring to look at anyway.
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6988 Days
They said they're going to improve the AA and I don't think they would be daft enough not to.

I'm in two minds with regard to Halo 3 though as that lighting model is gorgeous and it does set it apart from plenty of other games, IMO.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7143 Days
I fully agree, I'm being sincere when I say I think ODST is stunning. It's just way more stunning than comes across most of the time.

When you see thumbnail shots of the city bits with ships flying in overhead and their lights are contrasted against the dark skyscrapers and the red sky, that looks fucking ace. It's just too bad it never pops the same way when it's playing in front of you on the telly.
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
Posted by Acert93
Pretty sad when such highly demanded--and useful--features are pretty much "pie in the sky, we never can really hope for it" type of stuff.
Tell that to Infinity Ward.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by deftangel
Your explanation? That's exactly what Bungie themselves said literally days after the event. There's no need to get high & mighty, we get it. The cutscene is effectively kicked out at the same res as their screenshot viewer frame by frame and put back together.
Yeah, MY explaination. Because when people HERE were posting that it was real-time and quoting BUNGIE I called it BS.

Revisionist history is always funny!

And my post was specifically addressing those right above mine that a) thought Bungie was backing them up and b) that they had the gall to postulate the game could look even better.

Sorry, when people dismiss common sense and say Bungie can do the level of AA, etc as in this thread then, yes, I think it needs addressed.
That says to me, asides from the resolution and level of AA, everything else in that cutscene represents the visual benchmark they are aiming for in cutscenes
That is awful vague. If you mean by resolution output (720p versus say 640p) and [MS]AA I disagree that they give us a solid idea of what the game rendering will look like. Now if you put into the vague "Resolution" bucket output resolution, texture resolution/filtering and LOD, geometry LOD, shadow resolution and filter quality, well, there could be a huge gulf in quality.

The game isn't going to look the same with aggressive LOD, shadows that disappear 10 feet ahead of you, and bilinear filtering, oh, like Halo 3. Bungie released similar PR material with this same technique for Halo 3, so I don't know how we can say that this video tells us the graphical benchmark. All it says it was offline rendered with their engine tools and game assets.

So we know the art, but how that ends up on screen can look night and day.

"AA" is also vague. Unless you are including under "AA" all forms of aliasing -- texture, edge, and shader -- then no, I don't agree that the video can be simply quantified as "Halo Reach--Commercial Release... just add some edge jaggies" and ta da, end product. Taking your 7x7 supersample and using in its place a negative LOD (swimming textures) and bilinear filtering (nasty mip transitions) and no AF (vasalene textures) absolute destroys image quality. Most Xbox Games are victim to these issues, so unless Bungie has really cranked up the IQ to match the video it isn't a very good metric for what the retail product will be.
So taking them at their word on this (i.e. no tricks) then pretty close is what the vast majority of people would describe it as.
I am not talking about tricks.

I am simply pointing out that saying that the normal definition of Resolution and AA doesn't even begin to address the IQ deficit between what Bungie did and running the game at normal resolutions. It isn't "tricks" but the benefit of SuperSampling the image. AF and AA are rendering tricks aimed to address the quality deficit but there is a lot more to it. Bungie isn't tricking anyone--but fans who are in love with Bungie products aren't putting into perspective what a massive supersampled image does to IQ.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by SimonM7
I fully agree, I'm being sincere when I say I think ODST is stunning. It's just way more stunning than comes across most of the time.

When you see thumbnail shots of the city bits with ships flying in overhead and their lights are contrasted against the dark skyscrapers and the red sky, that looks fucking ace. It's just too bad it never pops the same way when it's playing in front of you on the telly.
Bungie uses a high quality HDR pipeline, but art preferences aside ODST is a technical joke. Besides all the IQ issues (sub HD, no AA, horrible texturing smearing), low poly budgets, broken shadows, all in a pretty static environment ODST has this amazing ability where in FireFight things fade out at ridiculously close distances. When your mates say, "Oh, the sniper riifle is over there, just keep looking, it will pop in" you know your game has some issues.

I find Bungie really uneven graphically. You had some great set peices (like the sky boxes as you mention) but then you see their butt ugly humans, poor technical tradeoffs, and their horrific human models, and you scratch your head.

The games play find, technically their focus is elsewhere, and the fans don't care about the graphics because they a) love the art theme and b) will defend Bungie to the death. As long as they lead the pack in AI, and keep evolving large # coop games and online MP features I think their focus is solid. But that doesn't magically upgrade the graphics engine.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7143 Days
Well, I am asking specifically for them to clean things up, get proper AF and AA and higher res stuff in there, because then the underlying potential of the visuals would be done justice. As is, screenshots of the game that are resized and mask the IQ problems show what I reckon is that potential. The games themselves, during fleeting moments where the aliasing isn't as prevailent, also show glimpses of it.
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark

Since 6979 Days
So were all in agreement Halo Reach will look amazing!!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7143 Days
Haha, great dc, I think you might aswell put a dynamite stick in acerts pants. :)
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark

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