Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
God i hate swordbase with a passion specially on CTF i get soooo lost on it :( powerhouse is fantastic love it, feels like a old halo map with freshness swordbase reminds me of that horrid halo:CE map where the map was like a space ship ripped down the middle and you had to use portals to travel from one section to the other... hated that map.
lol, that was my fave map in halo: CE.
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Inscrit depuis 7032 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
lol, that was my fave map in halo: CE.
My mates also loved it, it was as simple as running to the top left hand part and grabbing the sniper and raping the opposite side, but i use to get so bastard lost on it.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 6591 Jours
I know exactly which map you mean. Didn't stop me and my friend playing hours of vs sniper against each other. Also I remember that crazy map where you were teleported from one corridor to the next. It was a horrid map, but we played it because it was completely random. Every time someone of us would teleport to that room with the rocket we'd say "he's in the room" and sure as hell a rocket or grenade would be flying your way.

Anyway, if it's one thing that already pains me after the second slayer game, it's the spawn system. Never ever has it been so bad. I don't understand. Halo 3 has a very good spawning system, it took players years to set up the first spawn traps that were good for maybe 2-4 kills. Now it seems completely random.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
I think you mean Boarding Action? We had some legendary one-kill-to-win sniper games on that map back in the day
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Inscrit depuis 7032 Jours
Posté par deftangel
I think you mean Boarding Action? We had some legendary one-kill-to-win sniper games on that map back in the day
yeah boarding action sounds right, was a damn fine sniping match (no shields) i just personally got lost tooo much.
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I want my games room finished now :(

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Well, I'm pretty confused, but I haven't read up on Arena as much as you have obviously. Are they still using the truskill ranking per playlist, but hiding the ranking?
That's my understanding yes. So in any game of Arena (or any other game types), regardless of whether you're at the start of a season or in the middle of one - your TruSkill is being used in the background to determine the match. The divisions are then there to compartmentalize things and add the competition/progression/ranking element on a seasonal basis to discourage rank resets, second accounts etc which compromised TruSkill matching in Halo 3.

The cR and commendation systems to not appear to be well implemented at the moment. I thought the original idea of commendations was to build up data about a persons playstyle which can then be useful in team games and as badges for players who aren't necessairly the best slayers to show. I.e. if a player happens to be a great driver, he's really useful in some situations but presently there isn't really a way of showing that. Having a "Vehicle expert" commendation scored on medals for splatters, driving assists, how many times they pick up an objective carrier etc. would give players an incentive to specialise in that area if they're good on it and have something to show for it. That's what I inferred from the Ars stuff when it was announced. It's a pretty piss poor implementation of this idea at the minute.

The cR system is a bit of a black box and with only limited things to do with it right now it seems a bit lost as well. People like extraneous reward systems and it's quite feasible to integrate one here without harming the gameplay. There should be more stuff to do with credits and a more visible display of how they tie in with the commendations and what cR bonuses are available for achieving them.

The point of them in my view should be to reward players for doing good things in the game, especially when slaying isn't the primary objective. It's the intention I think but implementation at present is way off.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
Well, if they're extraneous rewards, than they'll never really matter. They don't effect your score (your real score, you know, the one in game), and all you can unlock is armor.. so.. it's hard to see how it's going to vastly improve in retail. I don't mind that stuff, it's sorta fun. The irony is that people play the meta game in many games more than the actual game! Such extraneous rewards and achievements can be detrimental to how the game is supposed to be played.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
i think meta game stuff is all fine and dandy as long as it doesn't interfere TOO much w/ the acutal game itself and how ppl play it. in reach's case, i can't see this being all that much of an issue.

I just really, really, really want to get my hands on some invasion! the vids of it look so fantastically fun
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Inscrit depuis 6966 Jours
Wow, they really need to get rid of that one ridiculous ability...I forget the name, but it's the one where you curl up like a scared little baby when people shoot at you. ;)

I dunno, maybe COD4 has ruined it for me, but the gameplay is really annoying me. I guess I've been spoiled by being able to choose my own gear in COD4 and not having to unleash an entire clip to kill someone. I just don't have the patience anymore for that shit.

Will give it a go here and there, but I'm far from hooked. I'm doing pretty ok in terms of kills mind you, but it's just not clicking...
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-- "Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb" --

-- "You're under arrest, and I'm breaking up with you..." --


Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours
Team Slayer Pro and SWAT should be the modes you play.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Well, if they're extraneous rewards, than they'll never really matter. They don't effect your score (your real score, you know, the one in game), and all you can unlock is armor.. so.. it's hard to see how it's going to vastly improve in retail. I don't mind that stuff, it's sorta fun. The irony is that people play the meta game in many games more than the actual game! Such extraneous rewards and achievements can be detrimental to how the game is supposed to be played.
Welcome to the next three years. That discussion is going to run and run. Done right, I think they can be a fun way to augment the actual gameplay proper. If someone can unlock some cool armour because they have fun playing the game a specific way (i.e. being the vehicle driver which normally goes unrecognized) then more power to them.

Reading the relevant Weekly update, they seem pretty congniscant of the balance required but it's a hard thing to get right.

On another note, I just played some Invasion on Boneyard. I see what they are trying to do, I think it needs more work. It definitely needs more players per team and whilst I appreciate the intention of getting netcode data, they need to make it so everybody gets a round of attack and defence. Otherwise in my view people will stop playing it. I'm quite tolerant but others are less so, three guys I'm on with now have played 2 games and that's enough for them.

Boneyard itself feels a bit bland and the vehicles don't feel that powerful. Moreover, nobody uses them at the minute. The feel is markedly off compared to the rest of the game.

People will bitch about initial spawns & loadouts on the Elite side but once people grok the routes into the ship they aren't actually a problem. Party splitting is, however.

I don't think it's a write off but the format needs a lot of work and putting it out there at this stage might turn some people off. That said, it'll be the best feedback they'll get.

I'm a bit worried the same thing will happen to Overlook / Generator which strikes me as some experimental stuff to get networking data. If the map is too big, it's not going to be as much fun.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6935 Jours
More videos from Papa Phaethon

WHAT THE %#$! DRIVER!? | Starring: Vehemence, Phaethon360, and Anonymous Noob Driver

InVaDeD | Starring: Phaethon360, CrazyKiller246, and WayOfTheGamer

At this rate I'll need more minutes. But you need to spend money for those not points. Lame.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.


Inscrit depuis 7211 Jours
Was that guy driving the warthog drunk?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6935 Jours
Or ballsy. Either way it was pretty epic that we survived a head on collision with the tank. I had been spectating, ready to respawn on Vehemence when all of a sudden I was spawned into the passenger side of the hog. I just launched grenades like crazy.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
Posté par deftangel
Welcome to the next three years. That discussion is going to run and run. Done right, I think they can be a fun way to augment the actual gameplay proper. If someone can unlock some cool armour because they have fun playing the game a specific way (i.e. being the vehicle driver which normally goes unrecognized) then more power to them.

Reading the relevant Weekly update, they seem pretty congniscant of the balance required but it's a hard thing to get right.
Yeah I'm just not seeing how any of that is relevant. The game itself should be providing the incentive to play it properly. But hey, if people want to live in an imaginary world where their KDR doesn't have an impact on team objective games, more power to them I guess.
Posté par deftangel
On another note, I just played some Invasion on Boneyard. I see what they are trying to do, I think it needs more work. It definitely needs more players per team and whilst I appreciate the intention of getting netcode data, they need to make it so everybody gets a round of attack and defence. Otherwise in my view people will stop playing it. I'm quite tolerant but others are less so, three guys I'm on with now have played 2 games and that's enough for them.
Sounds like a worthy successor to BTB! Not having each team play both attack and defense sounds really broken. Bungie makes great games but Halo has always been at its best in Team Slayer imo. I love that there's so much variety in what games you can play, but the more quantity in objective modes we get, the less quality I see. They've never done anything even remotely as entertaining as conquest. Even assault is no search & destroy, etc.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Well Grift, saying that they have never done anything remotely as entertaining as conquest I assume you are speaking in terms of your opinion and not stating such as fact correct, b/c by the way you type it I get the impression it's like you are making an objective criticism. Again, Ill assume you are just speaking of your personal taste as i can only imagine how many millions of talented gamers might disagree with the quality of Bungie's game types.

Here is the thing, Battlefield is really fun, but I have already started to grow tired of bad company 2, it's still a good time, but I think Halo's game types and massive variety and overall quality give that franchise legs that so few other shooters can manage.

Either way, I think Bungie is doing a great job adding new and interesting ways to play Halo, even if they are not as much fun as slayer (and what really ever is in Halo), I think Bungie certainly has the talent to make some really exciting game types. I can only imagine how much fun things will get once we are playing customized games with the final product.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
That's why they play oddball all the time in MLG I guess? :P

And hey, I love Halo CTF and Assault, I just think that they're poor compared to other attack/defend games. Hell, the scoring in Halo has never really made much sense to me. I hate the fact that public games can so easily end in a tie, or worse, can force you to play rounds on the losing side that are absolutely futile (because you literally can't win). And honestly, I think it's pretty objectively correct to say that something like three-plot pails in comparison to conquest. Bad Company 2 is a great game, but I can see how one might get tired of it. It has a lot of its own issues, and while it actually has more variety in gameplay than pretty much anything else out there (all contained in two game modes!), I feel the same strain. I can't wait for, and hope that noobs don't ruin, Battlefield 3.

When aren't we talking about our personal taste? I don't need to qualify every opinion as an opinion when it's obvious that's what it is. The best objective modes in Halo are CTF and Assault. Oh no! I did it again!
En réponse à
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Sounds like a worthy successor to BTB! Not having each team play both attack and defense sounds really broken.
I should stress that's only for the beta, so they can get as much networking/matchmaking data as possible. Like I said, appreciate the reason for it but it's not helping matters.
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Inscrit depuis 6961 Jours
Posté par Jato
Wow, they really need to get rid of that one ridiculous ability...I forget the name, but it's the one where you curl up like a scared little baby when people shoot at you. ;)

I dunno, maybe COD4 has ruined it for me, but the gameplay is really annoying me. I guess I've been spoiled by being able to choose my own gear in COD4 and not having to unleash an entire clip to kill someone. I just don't have the patience anymore for that shit.

Will give it a go here and there, but I'm far from hooked. I'm doing pretty ok in terms of kills mind you, but it's just not clicking...
Halo is no longer my favorite FPS and the Reach beta is hardly ground breaking in terms of gameplay mechanics, but it can hardly be denied that Bungie made significant improvements that add alot of fun to the Halo experience. I'll be exploring more of it's features this weekend.

But I understand what you're saying. Transitioning between COD and the beta was a little difficult for me as well, but you'll find that the more distance you put between the two games the better Reach will be. At least that's how it's felt to me.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
That's why they play oddball all the time in MLG I guess? :P

And hey, I love Halo CTF and Assault, I just think that they're poor compared to other attack/defend games. Hell, the scoring in Halo has never really made much sense to me. I hate the fact that public games can so easily end in a tie, or worse, can force you to play rounds on the losing side that are absolutely futile (because you literally can't win). And honestly, I think it's pretty objectively correct to say that something like three-plot pails in comparison to conquest. Bad Company 2 is a great game, but I can see how one might get tired of it. It has a lot of its own issues, and while it actually has more variety in gameplay than pretty much anything else out there (all contained in two game modes!), I feel the same strain. I can't wait for, and hope that noobs don't ruin, Battlefield 3.

When aren't we talking about our personal taste? I don't need to qualify every opinion as an opinion when it's obvious that's what it is. The best objective modes in Halo are CTF and Assault. Oh no! I did it again!
we are always talking about personal taste, it's just that quite often we get carried away w/ our own opinion, which is almost always far less qualified than we act like it is

it's just in the manner of how ppl present their opinion though. I'm FAR from perfect, but i TRY to use phrases like "i prefer" or i use the old fav IMO more often then necessary just to make the point, but again, it's hard to convey that all the time i know perfectly well.

It's just that many ppl say things with a sense of objective truth that just gets on my nerves.

but i was just giving you a hard time for what I thought was a pretty bold statement ;-P not a big deal by any means.

Played a bunch of rounds of Invasion tonight and I have to say it's really a great gametype for taking advantage of the different armors but once the Elites start using the swords it can often get a little out of hand.
my biggest gripe about Invasion is that out of all the games, not once did I see the Elites win. Not sure if that's just being on a bunch of good teams but it seemed a little unbalanced.

Still, boneyard is one of the best Halo maps I've played in a long time. Nice and very interesting to play Halo on such an open huge map.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours
Everyone I played with tonight agreed Invasion is broken. Besides some bugs the design if poor. Not enough players, too much open space requiring running, and for some reason they start you off with some pretty lame weapons that do not fit the large open map. And of course it isn't quite open (junk yardish) with minimal vehicles.

One thing we talked about tonight is that every gun in Halo 3 had a role where it excelled and was either difficult, non-ideal, or non-functional outside that role. The Reach beta really hasn't found that balance. The AR is pretty worthless; the range is limited but once you get into range you can close and go for melee anyhow. And for some reason Bungie has maps like Power House where there the map is quite large.

There are a lot of niggles like this. For the most part the armor abilities are right on, but it really requires a lot of refinement. They better hope they have no more Sword Base maps and get things tightened up. There is a good foundation but a lot of refine. I am just hoping they go away from this bullet-sponge model + worthless weapons. But it is to my advantage as I am owning all the AR players with the pistol ;)
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Inscrit depuis 6833 Jours
Nee update, talks about the planned fixes...


This ones for Grift...
Currently in the Beta, when you throw a melee you can almost immediately follow it up with second smack. The end result is that players who’ve gotten the drop on unsuspecting chumps are often penalized if they keep firing and take the fight up close. In the fall, the time delay between melee attacks will be slightly extended. Up close, melee will no longer be a trump card you can play no matter the situation. You will need to use it wisely.

The second issue stems from a larger than ideal melee contest window that allows two players to strike simultaneously – something our sandbox guys call “clang.” The end result? The double melee.

Without getting all technical, let’s just say the fix will result in fewer instances of both players landing killing blows at the “exact same time,” which will reduce both the amount of simultaneous melee deaths you experience and the amount of times players can appear to mistime a melee and still be rewarded with a clean kill.

Fixed for fall.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
It's good that they're on top of this stuff, but I hope they're not just ignoring how weak some of the weapons are in favor of making melee weaker.

Played some Invasion last night at a buddies. I dig it. It has issues but I see a lot of potential. It's the best new mode we've played at least. Invasion Slayer is pretty cool too.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
I agree w/ Grift on this one, I don't think they need to nerf the melee as much as they need to make most of the weapons, especially the AR, a more valuable and thus more fun to use tool for combat.

It's a fine line to walk though as every game w/ high damage weapons (CoD for example) has the issue of camping out the ass, something Halo doesn't seem to have problems w/ nearly as much as many other shooters.

I remember when they increased all the weapon damage w/ the 1.05 patch for uncharted 2 and I thought it would make the game more fun as I hated the bullet sponge effect in that game, but it also resulted in WAY more campers and less use of the cover system and platforming. Then they nerfed the FAL and it just ruined the game for me and a lot of other people.

So while I'd love to see the AR and some other weapons get a damage increase, I really hope Bungie can find a way to do this w/out making the game too camper friendly. I'm so glad I'm not a designer working at Bungie lol.
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