Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7060 Days
I like Stockpile, at least on Power House. The key is working with a) friends in a party and b) friends who actually, you know, work together.

In our group I am definitely the best combat player in close and long range so we set out with me going straight into their nest--the goal was simply to force them to protect their flags. As I can take most people out 1 on 1 pretty quickly it turned into my tieing up 2 players or a combination of the defender and spawning players. From there the other players first snagged the close flags and worked out who would defend based on where the enemy was or who would go out.

As a group it is a blast. Playing outside parties sucked though. Playing with 3 other rambos sucked as well.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 5755 Days
Gave it a go and had a blast with friends, but i confirmed that i am indeed crap at Halo MP! :(
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Since 6966 Days
I must say, it's starting to click now, and I think it's mainly due to me getting pretty lethal with the pistol so I'm not completely useless when spawning. Also, I'm getting certain routines going now that I know are succesfull. For instance, when I haven't been able to pick up another weapen, I'll use the pistol first (or nades if I have em), and then quickly switch to the AR to finish them of, or melee if close.

Getting to know the maps helps as well, and I think Sword Base is awesome!
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-- "Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb" --

-- "You're under arrest, and I'm breaking up with you..." --

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7089 Days
You'd think it would be pretty easy to find a key at this point. I need one for a buddy. I could just mail him my copy of ODST but I don't know when he'd actually get it.
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Since 6420 Days
Mail him your copy of ODST? Did you not use that to get into the Beta then?
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6934 Days
He hacked into Microsoft's secret retail chain keycode database and STOLE one like thousands of others. YOU ALL SHOULD BE BANNED FROM LIVE!
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Since 7018 Days
Man, the Overlord Assassin (elites) or whatever with the lock on cursor for the needler is way too good. So brutal

You can't prove anything Phaeth!
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7089 Days
The Needler locks on in anyone's hands. That's just how the gun works. It has really bad side-to-side tracking though, so it's pretty easy to avoid being killed by it if you know you're getting tagged. Never run straight at a Needler. Halo 3's Needler is pretty brutal too.
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Since 7074 Days
I dig the needler. Pure anti-jetpack gold. I tend to ditch my AR in favour of it.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6420 Days
Man, I really want to play this after hearing the fun people are having with it. Shame I never had the desire to buy ODST.
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Since 5945 Days
Bring the BR back!
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Since 6966 Days
Damn, just went 18-4 with a spree of 13! Lol, awesome...
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-- "Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb" --

-- "You're under arrest, and I'm breaking up with you..." --

Since 6833 Days
I think i've finally adapted to this new style of Halo, at first i kept trying to play the game like Halo 3, trying to use the DMR like a BR and getting bad results. I still did quite well but it was all quite frustrating as i never really felt confident with confrontations and all just felt way too foreign, I almost went back to Halo 3. Its taken 5 days but i finally understand how the game works and it is absolutely awesome! It plays much more like a sequel to Halo:CE than Halo 3 which I prefer and pistol brings me so much joy, I love it! However, the rapid fire beat-downs and armour lock continue to infuriate me!!!

As for Invasion, its flawed but its brilliant with lots of potential, it shows you what the DMR is really all about and its so much fun even as an elite. When you have a good team of elites, its actually sometimes more entertaining than being a Spartan sneaking around with camo assassinating people.

Invasion needs...

Extended time limit
More Vehicles (Mongoose' should be readily available at all times)
Improved sense of direction
16 Players
Option for Spartan vs Spartan and Elites vs Elites
Get rid of that 2-man team crap

I think Reach could very well be better than Halo 3, it really is that good!
Posted by IamLegend
Bring the BR back!
No thanks, I would choose this new Pistol over the BR all day!
In reply to
Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6934 Days
Eh, not me. I would take a 3 headshot kill over every weapon in Reach. But I think their health system strengthens the shields to bullets but ironically weakens it to frag grenades. It's a messed up system. We need Health System Reform.

All I want is Halo 3 with armor abilities Bungie. I don't think the pistol should be the best weapon in the game by making every weapon worse or by not counting headshots for shields.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7089 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
or by not counting headshots for shields.
lolwut? You apparently don't want Halo 3 with AA.

The BR is not a "3 headshot kill." I don't know what Halo 3 you played. It's not 3SK weapon. Headshots do not kill shields faster in Halo 3. This isn't the first time we've talked about this. Headshots have never done more damage to any hitbox of a shielded opponent in Halo. And while I love the new pistol, I think the DMR should be 3+1 (4SK) like the BR. I also think that the BR would own the pistol at any reasonable range, so while I lean on the pistol, I would appreciate a good long range weapon. The DMR isn't bad, but it's no Battle Rifle.

The relative weakness of the DMR and NR have made me start using the noob combo more than I did in Halo 3. It's not Halo 2 levels of ownage (with the plasma pistols ridiculous tracking in that game), but it's still very effective. It's nice in combination with the pistol too.
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Since 7018 Days
I completely agree with Jin on basically everything he is saying

Also what's with Invasion Slayer? That shit is weird all around in my opinion. It's basically capture the hill? Holding points but they spawn mostly right next to your opponents base and your own. So it makes it awkward to play.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7060 Days
I find it funny that I am steamrolling with a Pistol as my weapon of choice. In this regard I agree with Pants. Something is wrong with the other guns if I just saw screw it and run around with the Pistol. Of course the Halo 3 BR would be a mini-death star in Reach (3S+1HS, fast fire rate).
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 6833 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Eh, not me. I would take a 3 headshot kill over every weapon in Reach.

All I want is Halo 3 with armor abilities Bungie..
Sounds like you want Halo 1 with Armour abilities :)
Posted by GriftGFX
I also think that the BR would own the pistol at any reasonable range, so while I lean on the pistol, I would appreciate a good long range weapon. The DMR isn't bad, but it's no Battle Rifle.
If your accurate, the Pistol can take someone down in almost half the time it takes with a BR at close/mid range. Also the DMR is miles better than the BR at shooting across map. On a map like the invasion one, the a BR user wouldnt stand a chance against a DMR user. Either way, they are completely different weapons for different situations and shouldnt really be compared.
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Since 6591 Days
Why is something wrong with the pistol when the AR can't keep up? It's a semi automatic head shot close range weapon, it should be the best default gun in its ball park if used correctly. We're playing Halo games since 9 years and it's still in people heads that the pistol is a complementary weapon, a classic secondary just like in any other FPS. News flash: it's not. The way it works in Reach it's clearly designed to replace the AR once you learn how to wield it.
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Since 6833 Days
Posted by Tinks
Also what's with Invasion Slayer? That shit is weird all around in my opinion. It's basically capture the hill? Holding points but they spawn mostly right next to your opponents base and your own. So it makes it awkward to play.
As far as I can tell, the "Hill" capture basically summons vehicles for your team although i may be completely wrong but that's what i've noticed.
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Why is something wrong with the pistol when the AR can't keep up? It's a semi automatic head shot close range weapon, it should be the best default gun in its ball park if used correctly. We're playing Halo games since 9 years and it's still in people heads that the pistol is a complementary weapon, a classic secondary just like in any other FPS. News flash: it's not. The way it works in Reach it's clearly designed to replace the AR once you learn how to wield it.
Spot on.
In reply to
Since 6991 Days
Posted by IamLegend
Bring the BR back!
That weapon was too easy. Truth be told.

Headshotting someone with a pistol, or a DMR, or a NR takes a LOT more aiming skill and patience. BR was just 'swing your aim around neck height, one bullet will catch the head'

Reach, IMO, ROCKS. Way better than Halo 3. They just need to sort out the bugs, fix the exploits, and tune up some of the Invasion stages.

Also: I don't agree with people that are saying the DMR needs to be a 4 shot, or it needs quicker reticle recovery or whatever. That'll just make it too powerful, especially at closer ranges.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6957 Days
Bungie have been pretty clear, pistol and AR fulfil similar roles for skilled and unskilled users respectively. If you are good, you should always prefer the pistol. Bear in mind, Bungie's definition of "good" will be in the context of millions of players and not those who post on messageboard forums or know what MLG is.

If TruSkill works as advertised (and by my Arena experience being all pretty much well matched games it seems to be) then things should balance accordingly and less skilled players won't have to fear pistol wielding maniacs on a regular basis.

Where I think AR will beat the pistol when they are properly configured is extreme close range (i.e. within melee distance) where by it's going to be pretty hard for the pistol guy to get the shields down quicker than the AR guy who will then come in for the melee. Because of the health changes, simultaneous melee's will always favour the player who gets shields down first and is cognizant of the fact.

Right now this is busted because of the melee bug. I dare say it'll feel quite different even if that is the only thing that gets fixed (it won't). I know full well playing the beta with my Green Thumb set up that I've a high chance of winning getting two melees in first. I play with this in mind but I won't get away with it in September.
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Since 6420 Days
I got to play the Beta today, as one of my mates has it - we played splitscreen online. A few points and observations:

- The control scheme, although it took me ages to get used to, is miles better.
- The visuals are great. I don't think they're particularly flattering on Boneyard, but on the other two maps they're awesome (plus they still have like half a year to polish it all up)
- The DMR is much harder to use than the BR, but I prefer it.
- I think that the Needler Rifle - or whatever it is - is far too ineffective.
- Assassinations rule. Simple as.
- Loving the AR design, but I wish it'd do just a little bit too much damage.
- Headhunter is far and away the best mode of the lot. The sheer fun and frustration it involves is fantastic.
- Armor abilities. Are. Awesome. They work a trillion times better than the equipment in Halo 3.
- Jetpack is my personal favourite, although each of them serve their own purpose effectively.
- Loadouts add a surprising amount of variety to the game, especially in something like in Invasion when you reach the latter tiers.
- Powerhouse is my favourite map of the three, followed by Swordbase and then Boneyard. I like the size of Boneyard, but I'm not a fan of the design.

Overall, it feels like Halo but still remains completely fresh. The armor abilities completely change the pace of the game, and Headhunter is going to be a mode I'll play non-stop when the full game is released.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7089 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Why is something wrong with the pistol when the AR can't keep up? It's a semi automatic head shot close range weapon, it should be the best default gun in its ball park if used correctly. We're playing Halo games since 9 years and it's still in people heads that the pistol is a complementary weapon, a classic secondary just like in any other FPS. News flash: it's not. The way it works in Reach it's clearly designed to replace the AR once you learn how to wield it.
It's only ever been that way in Halo CE (and now Reach). Bungie obviously wanted it to be a complementary weapon (the role a sidearm should play) in Halo 2 and Halo 3. It makes me angry that people cried so much that DICE nerfed the ROF on the 1911 in Bad Company 2 when it's perfectly acceptable for a pistol to be the best gun in Halo!

note: I do not want them to nerf the pistol in any way.
Posted by Jin187
If your accurate, the Pistol can take someone down in almost half the time it takes with a BR at close/mid range. Also the DMR is miles better than the BR at shooting across map. On a map like the invasion one, the a BR user wouldnt stand a chance against a DMR user. Either way, they are completely different weapons for different situations and shouldnt really be compared.
Thanks to its crazy rate of fire, that's absolutely true (with the pistol), but I'm just not understanding the advantage that the DMR has over the BR. The DMR is slower and it does less damage. No spread, sure, but it has massive amounts of bloom! They made the DMR and NR as replacements for the BR and Carbine respectively, so they absolutely should be compared. And really, even by bungie's own admission they're weaker as to result in longer encounter times. That's their purpose, and it's just not one that most people seem to agree with. There's nothing about Halo's encounter times that screamed brief.

The DMR is a good weapon, but I still think it should be slightly stronger (or faster--but not a combination of both). That's just my take on it. I understand that you're thrilled to play the game with just the pistol, but there are other weapons in the game and I don't think what we're seeing now represents anything I'd call "weapon balance." The weapons that shouldn't be compared on the other hand: the pistol and the battle rifle. The DMR is the BR's replacement--not the pistol.

On the other hand, Phaethon's assertion that the DMR should (or the BR did) do more shield damage to the head is just flat wrong.
In reply to
Since 5945 Days
Posted by RC_Master
That weapon was too easy. Truth be told.
Please post a link to your bungie stat page for halo2 or 3.I need to see that before replying to your above mentioned comment or should i say a big ass lie.

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