Mass Effect - The Normandy

Inscrit depuis 6644 Jours
Posté par Sath
You should make a new one, because he looks very similair to mine.


They dont look that similar, only the hair and beard :P

Having a great time playing again :D
Infiltrator is kinda fun... But since we are mostly in such close fire fights, dont end up using sniper as much as i wanted...

And oh Benfica ftw :D
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Its the same, you just made it look uglier :P hahaha ;)

Here is my female Shepard (camera phone :(
I love this type of short hair on girls, so its good that this game allows this style :D


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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
What the hell is going on in here?, shemales and Goonies looking creations, it must be the effect Soverign is having on your minds your all going crazy!!!
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6618 Jours
Just finished the game. Amazing ending, loved the bit in the citadel when you get out to get to the citadel tower. In the end I let the bastards die in their ship I hated the Tourian bastard in the council, so he had to die...

Can't wait for Mass Effect 2. This was the best game I have ever played, and I'm not exaggerating, so fun so challenging and such a great story. Hopefully the story of Mass Effect 2 will be even more intense.

Anyone knows how the song in the credits is called? Like it alot.
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Just finished the game. Amazing ending, loved the bit in the citadel when you get out to get to the citadel tower. In the end I let the bastards die in their ship I hated the Tourian bastard in the council, so he had to die...

Can't wait for Mass Effect 2. This was the best game I have ever played, and I'm not exaggerating, so fun so challenging and such a great story. Hopefully the story of Mass Effect 2 will be even more intense.

Anyone knows how the song in the credits is called? Like it alot.
M4 part 2 by faunts
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Inscrit depuis 6860 Jours
Posté par Sath
Here is my female Shepard (camera phone :(
I love this type of short hair on girls, so its good that this game allows this style :D

Dont you wish your shepard was hot like mine... Dont ya!? :p
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Just finished the game. Amazing ending, loved the bit in the citadel when you get out to get to the citadel tower. In the end I let the bastards die in their ship I hated the Tourian bastard in the council, so he had to die...

Can't wait for Mass Effect 2. This was the best game I have ever played, and I'm not exaggerating, so fun so challenging and such a great story. Hopefully the story of Mass Effect 2 will be even more intense.

Anyone knows how the song in the credits is called? Like it alot.
Yeah i loved that song as well, glad you also loved the game ;)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6449 Jours
i chose to save the council lol

if you let the council die do you get to decide which human gets a seat on the council?

i chose anderson. and now hes on the council

im just intrested how the game played out if you let them die?

Next spoiler post in this thread and bans might be in order! ~ Mods
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par jioann00
i chose to save the council lol

if you let the council die do you get to decide which human gets a seat on the council?

i chose anderson. and now hes on the council

im just intrested how the game played out if you let them die?

Next spoiler post in this thread and bans might be in order! ~ Mods
you still get that choice

what i want to know is

if you save the council do they still kill sovereign, from the options it gave you it seemed like you had to choose, i put the glaxy before the council, but if sovereign gets killed anyway it seems like a pointless decission
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Inscrit depuis 6449 Jours
oops sorry.

how do you put that black stuff over your writing?
i havnt seen any instructions, and ive asked before with no reply.

korndog, i'll just say... erm... yes.
the mission is success
goal is achived regardless
i saved the you know who
but i wonder how mass effect 2 is gonna work for the ppl who didnt save the you know who from the you know what :) because i think the you know who are a big part of the story
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par jioann00
oops sorry.

how do you put that black stuff over your writing?
i havnt seen any instructions, and ive asked before with no reply.

korndog, i'll just say... erm... yes.
the mission is success
goal is achived regardless
i saved the you know who
but i wonder how mass effect 2 is gonna work for the ppl who didnt save the you know who from the you know what :) because i think the you know who are a big part of the story
i dont think the sequel will transfare data over like most think it will. i dont think it'd going to transfare paragon/renegade status or choices made. i think it will simply transfare your shepard across to the new game. so you can start as a fully leveled, full stats shepard ready for the next game. sort of like when you chose an existing ID when you start a new game, only it will be the sequel. your shepard's look, armour, weapons and stats all ready for mass effect 2.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
[spoiler ] [/ spoiler]

Without the gaps.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
Posté par ramses01
Well I bet EA is regretting that price for bioware now. It seems that ME more or less bombed, on a relative basis, at retail. Over on vgchartz have ME at ~195K for last week. Given that it was black friday and release week, I thought ME was a shoe-in for 600K+. Boy was I wrong.

If these numbers hold up and traditional drop offs follow, I would say that the trilogy might be in jepardy as ME is headed for a ~1m sell through.
And people trust VGChartz because... ?

Seriously, the change their numbers all the time.
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My Blog:

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Dont you wish your shepard was hot like mine... Dont ya!? :p
Honestly...both look good :P

But good thing I didn't pass Eden Prime when I created her.
Her upper lip is wierd, but yesterday I found a normal female lip :P
Gonna recreate this version with better lips :D
Posté par KORNdog
i dont think the sequel will transfare data over like most think it will. i dont think it'd going to transfare paragon/renegade status or choices made. i think it will simply transfare your shepard across to the new game. so you can start as a fully leveled, full stats shepard ready for the next game. sort of like when you chose an existing ID when you start a new game, only it will be the sequel. your shepard's look, armour, weapons and stats all ready for mass effect 2.
My thought exactly...however I think Paragon and Renegade stats will stay, considering how you were in the past effects the future.
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours
Completed it last night

Best game ever award imo is to go to Mass Effect, loved the ending, fantastic, already 1/4 the way through it again (main plot) on hardcore :D
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Nice Fear, wasen't it fantastic!

When Sovereign ship came and the space battle began and the music hit, awesome!

Dc, you should check out the music track called "Uplink", now thats pretty much the only track I have heard through out the OST of this game that REALLY hits the spot of a 80's sci-fi...and thats the whole electronic piano awesome :D

I have never seen Blade Runner, but there is this shop called Sci-fi Bokshop were they sell almost everything with fantasy/sci-fi in minded.

I searched for Blade Runner and they are gonna get Blade Runner: Final Cut (Blu-Ray) on December 5th...I am soooo gonna buy it. It is gonna be my first Blu-Ray purchase so its a nice starts :D

This is the trailer that sold me to get the movie on Blu-Ray. I saw the original trailer and all, and it looked okay, but with this trailer being in HD, damn I want it!

BioWare have added the same haircut Ford got as Deckard in the movie, same one I took, same one I got in real life :P, how about that :D
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours
Sath if you used charm read how much WOW factor was there when saren blew his own head off when you charm him i had to hit the fucking guide button to pause it cause even the misses was just WTF! FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!! ea ...please dont screw us :(
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Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours

The misses Shepard, she started it this morning

Yes a girl that plays games ... and she hotter than jade, and she is mine so stop dribbling you little pervys
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
i'll chk it out :)
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Sath if you used charm read how much WOW factor was there when saren blew his own head off when you charm him i had to hit the fucking guide button to pause it cause even the misses was just WTF! FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!! ea ...please dont screw us :(
yeah that bit was amazing!
Posté par ManThatYouFear

The misses Shepard, she started it this morning

Yes a girl that plays games ... and she hotter than jade, and she is mine so stop dribbling you little pervys
yeah well i'm sure one of my girlfriends plays games i just cant remeber which one (looks through the little black book of bootycalls ;p)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
A bit goth :P

Well I had Charm full, but I only got one option to use it and I didn't see that happening.

Maybe Kana Shepard (my female Shepard) will persuade Saren :P
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Here is my female Shepard. I decided to again, go with Soldier class, its just my type of class really.

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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6449 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
[spoiler ] [/ spoiler]

Without the gaps.
thanks! :P
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Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours
She a rock chik, so, hence that shepard looks like that ;(

Also Fr0sty but that LTD ED blade runner with 5 disks :D iw anna watch it again...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
I forgot the Blade Runner trailer link :P

Very cool!
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
When I played with the male Shepard I never got this armor :S
I found this in Chora's Den when I killed beat Fist

Maybe you get different type of armor depending what gender you choose to play as.

Looks awesome though, its a heavy armor called "Assassin I"
Reminds me of the Crysis armor the nano exoskeleton suit :D
Damn it, I wish I could find it for my male Shepard.

Anyway, here it is.

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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

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