Mass Effect - The Normandy

Inscrit depuis 6975 Jours
Posté par Sath
Dc yeah, Feros was very cool, the atmosphere at the Skyway...holy shit beautiful

By the way, everytime I use my digital camera to take a image the screen looks like shit :S
It gets waves, the color aint the same...etc.
Dc how do you do it ?
my digi cam is 2yrs old, but its a sony 6mega pixel, maybe thats why??
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par Slabs
Pep-Pep Shepard, Infiltrator, Paragon and SUPERSNIPER!

(No that isn't the default guy)
Lmao Slabs your guy looks like a crackhead :P
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Inscrit depuis 6519 Jours
Posté par Sheps

Lmao Slabs your guy looks like a crackhead :P
lol, he does, he's sort of the not quite as bad ass variation on my guy.
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Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
lol, looks like he's about to puke and he's desperately trying to hold it in, but he knows its coming. he knows. :P
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
thank you oh god of god ....where did it say press x-a lol it never told me
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6984 Jours
Ok, my Shepard is now basically a god, did a little bit of the main questline and applied a bit of strategy to levelling up and things are almost too easy now. Just lift the baddies and shoot em down. I love this game, I'm just afraid I'll finish it too soon!
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Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
Posté par JeromeMorrow
I'm just afraid I'll finish it too soon!
Dont worry, You will want to finish it again and again... and AGAIN :D
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
What level were people when they left the Citidel for the first time?. I'm Level 7 having just become a Spectre. 4 hours 20 minutes in but I have been doing a lot of running around exploring doing side quests chatting etc.

Am I way behind the curve because it kinda feels like it :S Then again, first RPG an all etc.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Cant rem deft but i am currently level 36,for Feros sorry guys i did not like it that much compared to everywhere else, but enjoyed the story section ... i loved the moon section though had a real sence of "you should not be here" and "exploration" was awesome ...till i could not get off rofl

Lvl 36 my main stats are maxed now just filling out the others, hard as nails and love it :D
*charges room /cast master shoot thingy, entire room dies*
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
my digi cam is 2yrs old, but its a sony 6mega pixel, maybe thats why??
Well now that you mention 6 mega pixel, mine is 4MP, thats why I guess.

Ah well, to be honest, my cell phone grabs better image than that :P

Decided to name the thread "The Normandy" :P
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Playing: Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
By the way ..... where the hell was the radio/tv adverts for this game ? everywhere i look its kane and lynch, and nothing but "internet banners" for this game ... MS marketing are a bunch of tight lazy bastards .
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Inscrit depuis 6546 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
By the way ..... where the hell was the radio/tv adverts for this game ? everywhere i look its kane and lynch, and nothing but "internet banners" for this game ... MS marketing are a bunch of tight lazy bastards .
Yeah, they should do more ads in the cinema. My jaw dropped when i saw for the first time God Of War or Gears of War ad in the cinema. It just makes you want to play. and Mass effect, i could easily imagine some could cinema ads...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
MS baby is Halo, and now that Halo3 is out and is old, Mass Effect took the throne of all games, MS got lazy and is bathing themselves in royal way in their money pile.

Meaning...yes, MS is bastards!

They should have advertised Mass Effect heavily, just like they did with Halo series.

I have yet to see ONE commerical for Mass Effect on TV, and I haven't.
Why make one if they are not gonna show it off all the time, especially with such a big title as Mass Effect.

Damn MS, damn you to hell!
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
All i think is they have not sequred the rights to 2-3 and dont want to spend there money on a future EA game ...

But this happened with Viva Pinata and others, MS take a note from SONY cause ninty have, use the media and ADVERTISE! word of mouth only gets so far, and dont advertise on web sites like GT n shit, cause them/us have already made up our minds if we are getting it and already know most things about it

Advertise to the people at, how great this game is

GotY my arse
Game of this Generation YES!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Alright people, I can confirm that it works!

If you unlock any weapon achievement, after you choose your class, then you get another option which is called "Select a bonus talent".
And because I unlocked the assault rifle achievement, I can only use that one.

For example I chose infiltrator and in the potray, Shepard had the omni-tool in his left hand and a shotgun on his right, but once I chose the bonus talent to assault, it quickly changed from shotgun to assault.

So it works, good to know for my next Shepard :D
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
I am a shock trooper if that means anything
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par Sath
So it works, good to know for my next Shepard :D
My next shepard will look exactly the same as this one

i fell in love with him in a none gay way ... but next time he will be nasty *evil Joker grin*
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
I forgot to mention, that Lebato asked of how to "unlock" an untrained weapon, theres your question man ;)

My next Shepard is gonna be female, but after the female, I am gonna make another Shepard, because I the omni-tool!

Mass Effect is a sci-fi, and and picking soldier is boring to be honest.
It feels like they slaps GRAW in MAss Effect.

However, if some of you seen FF The Spirit Within, you get to see such tools as the Omni-tool in that movie, and for me thats just awesome.

I love seeing the whole hologram devices were you get to you use it, very advanced technology for your advantage.

Soldier is just regular weapons, add mods and get some grenades, and thats that.

But with Omni-tool it gets much better, sabotage, destroy their shields...etc. thats just awesome.

With biotics, it feels like a futuristic wizard, which is cool.

I wish I didn't pick soldier, and the only reason I chose soldier was because of the damn assault rifle was available, and this was before I knew you could unlock-

I am probably going to pick up Infiltrator with both female and my next male Shepard.

Infiltrator is like special ops, which I like :D

One thing that infiltrator is bad at is the armor section.
They can't get higher than medium, while Soldier class can go up to heavy, which means more protection.
But thats why there is mods to the armor.

Ah well, now I know what I am gonna do.

One thing that I noticed in the character creation is that, no matter how much you tweak each place on the face, the main difference is the face structure.
I found one that is close to mine, but with those minor tweaks, looks much better.

Ah well, good to know that my first play through is just for the main story and all, but my other play throughs, is just for better weapons, mods...etc.
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6975 Jours
Posté par deftangel
What level were people when they left the Citidel for the first time?. I'm Level 7 having just become a Spectre. 4 hours 20 minutes in but I have been doing a lot of running around exploring doing side quests chatting etc.

Am I way behind the curve because it kinda feels like it :S Then again, first RPG an all etc.
When i left i was around level 11/12, i am currently lvl39 and i have only done Noveria and Feros of the main missions, with another 4 main misions chapters to go judging by the prima guide :).
Posté par ManThatYouFear
By the way ..... where the hell was the radio/tv adverts for this game ? everywhere i look its kane and lynch, and nothing but "internet banners" for this game ... MS marketing are a bunch of tight lazy bastards .
I also agree, i really would like to hear what the sales are so far?
Posté par ManThatYouFear
My next shepard will look exactly the same as this one

i fell in love with him in a none gay way ... but next time he will be nasty *evil Joker grin*
My next Shepard will be an evil female, and i would like to see what ash says when i try to pull her, as she is a God fearing person from the conversations i have had with her?
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
I wonder if we are ever gonna get to use these deviced!?

Garrus got his own little pimp shades, and there is 2 guards in Normandy that also have them.
But I wonder if we can use them, looks very cool.
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
I would assume if you find the right armour its hat will match that...i would assume.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
I would assume if you find the right armour its hat will match that...i would assume.
Headgear :P

But yeah, I doubt it.

I just fought Saren, sacrificed Kaiden to save Ash and the nuc...good day! hahaha
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6929 Jours
Sure would have been nice with a proper tutorial :(.

Im not getting what the RB does, it says I can map certain stuff to X, but in a fight when I push X nothing seems to happen. And there is alot of other stuff that aint really clear to me.

Im really having trouble with the mechanics in this game and I do not enjoy the combat a whole lot. Damn, I wish they had gone with the same battlemechanics that was in Kotor. Im playing soldier and if you guys got any tips please let me know (im only level 9).
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Inscrit depuis 6975 Jours
Posté par Ajsomfan
Sure would have been nice with a proper tutorial :(.

Im not getting what the RB does, it says I can map certain stuff to X, but in a fight when I push X nothing seems to happen. And there is alot of other stuff that aint really clear to me.

Im really having trouble with the mechanics in this game and I do not enjoy the combat a whole lot. Damn, I wish they had gone with the same battlemechanics that was in Kotor. Im playing soldier and if you guys got any tips please let me know (im only level 9).
Yeah a more in-depth manual would have helped.

Right if you hold down the RB button, the power wheel containing you and your squads power\attacks will be shown, you can then select a power, and target a bad guy, then when you let go of the RB button the attacks will all be unleashed on there targets.

The X button MAPS the power you select to the RB button, so now if you quickly press RB and then let go, the attack will be unleashed straight away, i love the combat, but its something you will get better at overtime.

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
My awesome gf ordered the game for me as an early xmas present, so i'll upload my shepherd next week ;)
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