Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Inscrit depuis 6618 Jours
Watching this trailer I'm very lucky I didn't do it before I played the game. There are several scenes of one event that I would label as on of the most spectacular moments in any game and a huge surprise after a short wtf-moment. Great trailer, just don't watch it if you don't want to get spoilt.
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Inscrit depuis 6447 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
LOTR is as far from obscure as something can be, and I think enough people know who Slipknot are to warrant them not being labelled obscure.
But if you put the two together, it is obscure. That's kinda the point.
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Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
I'm not sure that's an appropriate use of the word obscure.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
As you may be aware, our very own PST*Joker has made assertions on BASH that the MP AC130 and several other MW2 features were influenced (without any recognition) by him and other PC modders.

A few hours ago, I saw a Tweet go out from a community member suggesting that Joker issue a takedown notice of Infinity Ward's AC130 vid on Youtube.

"@pstjoker I just thought you should send youtube a DMCA take down notice regarding the #MW2 AC130 video. See how youtube responds." (@therealrudedog)

I think Joker took up the idea and I can only assume he's more surprised than anyone that a few minutes ago YouTube yanked IW's AC130 video right off their official channel.

Just a few minutes ago I spoke to PST*Joker and apparently he did make the takedown claim and YouTube did take down the original official video from their IW channel. Joker forwarded this reply from IW's community manager:

"Really? Copyright infringment claim? :sigh:"
Funny pic:
Funnier because: doesn't even exist!
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
5million in 24hrs? hmmm lets see if that happens.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Kaz Hirai - Sony

"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do" LOLOLOLOL!!

Inscrit depuis 6003 Jours
Picked up my copy today, man cant wait got all my Live buddies rareing to go!!!
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
So what's the cheapest price for the game right now ? is it still £20 from makro ? The Makro store in Bristol is just WAAAAY toooo far from me (9 miles)... cant be bothered to be honest...
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
Morrisons I think £25.

I just came out of Tesco with MW2 for PS3 and Marvel Ultimate alliance 2 360 £52.99 the lot :)
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DLC is the work of the Devil

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Went tesco extra and they where sold out of the 360 version?, then went onto Sainsbury and picked up a copy for £30 :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Kaz Hirai - Sony

"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do" LOLOLOLOL!!

Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
grrrrr Morrisons' too far too .... grrr wish I had a car. I think I may be taking a trip down to Makro later today. £20 sounds to good to pass up. I'll make sure I ring them before I go to see if they have any stock left.
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Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
scratch that... didnt realise Makro required you to have a membership card which u cant get unless u have a business ..... never shopped there... HOW LAME!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
MW2 (PC) took the top spot on Steam again. Horribly disappointing. This is why we can't have nice things (anymore). Most people apparently don't even mind that they're getting shafted. All that matters is that IWNet works, apparently, not that we're paying more for less. The consumer has no influence in this industry, because people eat the hype whole. They will buy anything if you put enough money into marketing it.

Consumer whores, suckers, etc.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
Why don't you just buy the console version for less than half price and be happy in the knowledge that you shafted them.

That's what we've done ;)
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DLC is the work of the Devil

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par roxwell
Why don't you just buy the console version for less than half price and be happy in the knowledge that you shafted them.

That's what we've done ;)
Giving them money and boosting their sales isn't shafting anyone.

Plus, if I was okay with playing an Xbox Call of Duty, I'd buy the PC version.

And I don't fault most people for buying the console version, if that's what they want. What pisses me off are the people who are actually opposed to the lack of features, who bought it anyway. The complacent consumer, "might as well get used to it," attitude is very sad. Shame on them.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
All I know is someone got shafted and it wasn't me.

I know you want the PC version but for that money it's still a good game on console.
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DLC is the work of the Devil

Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
Im sitting here fighting myself tbh, theres no way im gettin the PC version, it is well and truely screwed, but the prices of the 360 version is sorely tempting. I won't deny i enjoyed the first game and spent a ton of time in the MP (until my bro borrowed it and i never saw it again), it's just i know they will shaft us on DLC map packs...
Still £26 from sainsburys is sweet (would cost more than £6 in petrol to get to makro). I know I wanna make a point and not buy it, but i feel like im missing something, and to get it for half price is surely screwing someone out of money.
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Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Giving them money and boosting their sales isn't shafting anyone.

Plus, if I was okay with playing an Xbox Call of Duty, I'd buy the PC version.

And I don't fault most people for buying the console version, if that's what they want. What pisses me off are the people who are actually opposed to the lack of features, who bought it anyway. The complacent consumer, "might as well get used to it," attitude is very sad. Shame on them.
You're doing your part and I respect you for standing up to this. Wish all gamers were like you then we wouldnt have had DLC announced before game releases and DLC prices that are so above the roof they cant even see it.

I wasnt going to buy MW2 at all to be honest. Not my favourite genre but those prices are what spiked my interest. I am still debating right now since I cant get it from makro. Cant afford to buy more games this year. screwed myself with a PS3 and a new Elite.
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Inscrit depuis 6547 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
MW2 (PC) took the top spot on Steam again. Horribly disappointing. This is why we can't have nice things (anymore). Most people apparently don't even mind that they're getting shafted. All that matters is that IWNet works, apparently, not that we're paying more for less. The consumer has no influence in this industry, because people eat the hype whole. They will buy anything if you put enough money into marketing it.

Consumer whores, suckers, etc.
When will you give up this fight? It's not like you're fighting a noble cause, some evil dictator who's murdering innocents. These guys make one of the best and more entertaining series in video game history, and they are a company whose purpose is to make money, and they do whatever they want to their product (which according to the reviews, was pretty good -96 in metacritic at the moment). Why don't people stop acting like children, crying for features which only a very tiny fraction of their customers really need? Do you really think these people (PC gamers) who bought the game like to be robbed (in your words) or instead, they just want to get home from their jobs, load the game, hop into to an online match and have some fun, and couldn't care less about the console, or dedicated servers and whatnot?

And this minority would just probably just open up the console, take the textures out, increase FOV, decrease all graphical effects etc etc strip the game down so that they can have the extra edge. Might as well just stick to MW1 no and stop complaining no?
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Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
When will you give up this fight? It's not like you're fighting a noble cause, some evil dictator who's murdering innocents. These guys make one of the best and more entertaining series in video game history, and they are a company whose purpose is to make money, and they do whatever they want to their product (which according to the reviews, was pretty good -96 in metacritic at the moment). Why don't people stop acting like children, crying for features which only a very tiny fraction of their customers really need? Do you really think these people (PC gamers) who bought the game like to be robbed (in your words) or instead, they just want to get home from their jobs, load the game, hop into to an online match and have some fun, and couldn't care less about the console, or dedicated servers and whatnot?

And this minority would just probably just open up the console, take the textures out, increase FOV, decrease all graphical effects etc etc strip the game down so that they can have the extra edge. Might as well just stick to MW1 no and stop complaining no?
There is so much wrong with that statement i don't even know where to start, it's this sort of beligerance and ability to accept anything that is being shovelled your way that gives consumers the bad deal they often get. It's the same argument that was put forth by fanboys when MS was failing to admit the RROD, the whole "shut up and like it" stance. These features are important to a lot of people, they are staples of everything since doom, the whole PC community has evolved based upon these features.
The only choice the consumer has here is to try and make their disappointment known in any way possible, sure a lot of it is seen as "trolling" but it's not like activision will listen to anything else.
Just because the features aren't something you are aware of, or feel the need to use doesn't mean they are any less important to other consumers. I'd like to see your stance if something they removed actually impacted on your enjoyment of the game, maybe taking the multiplayer component out altogether, or making you pay extra to unlock it, and i'd bet there would still be people making excuses for it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
When will you give up this fight? It's not like you're fighting a noble cause, some evil dictator who's murdering innocents. These guys make one of the best and more entertaining series in video game history, and they are a company whose purpose is to make money, and they do whatever they want to their product (which according to the reviews, was pretty good -96 in metacritic at the moment). Why don't people stop acting like children, crying for features which only a very tiny fraction of their customers really need? Do you really think these people (PC gamers) who bought the game like to be robbed (in your words) or instead, they just want to get home from their jobs, load the game, hop into to an online match and have some fun, and couldn't care less about the console, or dedicated servers and whatnot?

And this minority would just probably just open up the console, take the textures out, increase FOV, decrease all graphical effects etc etc strip the game down so that they can have the extra edge. Might as well just stick to MW1 no and stop complaining no?
Way to miss a point that's been described so many times that I feel silly trying to explain myself again. It's got nothing to do with "the extra edge." Call of Duty 4 mods don't effect vanilla pubs. And yes, they absolutely can do whatever they want with their product--and I can absolutely not like it. This is a fundamental shift in PC gaming, and for all the casuals out there who don't want or expect anything else, well, good for them I guess. I'm much more disappointed by the excessively weak wills of those who claim to be against this shift, yet purchased the game anyway. I'm not about to pay for less, and frankly, neither should anyone else.

Apparently the only fights worth fighting have to do with "evil dictators" lol.

You're clearly in the "might as well get used to it," camp.
Posté par mt_sabao
Might as well just stick to MW1 no and stop complaining no?
Posté par Tomarru
I'd like to see your stance if something they removed actually impacted on your enjoyment of the game
It's their game! They can do what they want! ;)
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Inscrit depuis 6547 Jours
Posté par Tomarru
I'd like to see your stance if something they removed actually impacted on your enjoyment of the game, maybe taking the multiplayer component out altogether, or making you pay extra to unlock it, and i'd bet there would still be people making excuses for it.
Yes, they actually removed the party chat on the 360, which is a pain in the ass i tell you. My CoD nights were not only a gaming routine, but also a social one. I could catch up with my friends in Portugal and UK, and not having the ability to party chat is a bummer, now we will have to rely on the game chat, and it's going to be shit to everyone. But you know what, i tried to understand why they did it, and to some extent it makes sense (tone down cheating). So i'll buy the game anyway and live with it. If it was a show stopper for me, i wouldn't buy the game.

If they would've taken the multiplayer out would i still buy the game? Yes, i've spent money in crappier SP games, i think the 10h out of its SP, judging from the other games, would be enough to justify it. If they would make me pay extra money to play multiplayer? Probably yes, again, I've played over 100h of MW1, so the money would be well spent.

I think in the end the amount of people buying the game goes to show how much people (the majority) don't care about these features, and not so much that they are marketing tools or "consumer whores". Activision and IW are companies, trying to maximize the return for their (huge) investment. You as a consumer have to decide if you buy it or not. If the majority decides not to buy it, they'll get the message.
Now don't go calling others tools or whores, while they're having fun, and you are sulking.
Posté par GriftGFX
a point that's been described so many times
Too many times, let me add that
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Inscrit depuis 6547 Jours
Again, just to stress my point.

I pay 10euros to go to the movies, and that's 2h of entertainment. 5 euros to rent a dvd and 20 to buy one which you see 3 or 4 times. And for a game like this, we pay 50 euros and I've enjoyed it over 100h (and can only imagine how many hours some of you guys must have invested). Also, we pay the same for games now -- which are developed by teams of hundreds, over the course of years, with ridiculous budgets -- as we paid for games 5 years ago when they were developed with ridiculous smaller budgets and by teams of 10+. So my point is, again, I do think we pay too little for (some) games, considering what's invested in them and how much fun i get out of them, and I can't help but feeling how childish all these complains are, and how out of phase with reality some of remarks are, when in reality it's more than normal that these companies are just trying to maximize their return.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Again, just to stress my point.

No one is complaining about Activision and Infinity Ward trying to make money.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
I don't feel bad about buying this for the 360 at all. It's fun and yeah I think it's shitty what they have done to PC, but I'm not gonna let that hamper my enjoyment of a great 360 game.
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
Exactly, noone is complaining about them making money, we are complaining that they are using it as an excuse to reduce freedoms within the game. They know the PC market would just make new maps instead of paying for DLC so they cut all that out by making their own proprietary system.
My point is, COD:MW2 has a higher RRP, lower costs (they didnt have to make a new engine), less features, and less flexibility. It's still a AAA game, and only one of a handful being released this winter, that is why people want it.
You pay 10 euros to go to the movies for 2h of entertainment, but this is the equivalent of them trying to force you to buy specific brands of confectionary to go along with your movie whether you want to or not.
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Quoi de neuf ?
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