Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Inscrit depuis 5783 Jours
Well the first 24hrs bought about 3million live users online playing so i guess there would be some lag issues, but i played it last night and this afternoon with no lag issues for me.
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Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
I dunno about lag issues, but i been gettin raped somit serious, my K:D ration is like 0.65 which is horrendous althought its improving. Game really shits upon the low levels, beginner perks and weapons are almost useless.
Also, been a while since i played COD4, but everyone seems to be doin the auto aim shit now, so often i die the moment i spot anyone, aint won a single 50/50 chance yet and you die far more easily now.
Im gettin into it again, but i overheated through rage, just hate that auto aim crap.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
Had some horrible lag and connection issues today. We kept losing people randomly. Too many people. For $50 a year they should be able to add some new servers when the most anticipated game of all time releases.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
Only lagged in one game out of the many that I played. Game dropped. Otherwise it's been lag free

I have two major gripes with the game:

1.) The communication system is rough. I don't like how they organized the party/game chat system for this.

2.) I have no incentive to play sniper when anyone with a machine gun takes me out from across the map no matter how bad the gun's accuracy is.
I might as well just use a machine gun too instead of bothering to aim and clicking my stick/holding my breath. At least make the sniper rifles instant kills no matter where you hit
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Well I've soaked in about 22 hours of playing time in the last 2 days...
Damn this game is addicting, damn this game is fun...

Only gripe i'm having are the constant killstreak helo's and planes... It's fucking annoying after a while...
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"Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherf*cker in the valley"

"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
The PS3 servers seems to be up for some, its a mix and back but its somewhat working...if you wait alot, so they aren't fully up.
But ah well, its all good, better than not play the MP at all *sigh*
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Does anyone know how we can find out what the titles and emblems are unlocked for?
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Who said that this was CoD 4.1? I remember someone here said that.

Well anyway he was spot on,yesterday I played the game and before I played it I saw it when I entered my nephews room and I honestly tought he was playing CoD4 MW,same thing to me.

Well dont hate me I hate FPS except Borderlands and that only cause I love the artstyle and the gameplay its addicting.

Well thats my toughts,not that anybody care anyway. ;)
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
other then the terrible lag issues.
You are playing MW2 on the 360?
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
It was KORNdog. I would think the same walking in on someone playing Uncharted 2. After playing Uncharted 2 however, I know that it is a great game. And that is all that matters. Same applies to MW2.
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Band myspace =

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7140 Jours
This game is utterly fucking awesome. I had issues with COD4, issues I voiced in a high pitched, womanly fashion so people would take them seriously, and I never believed they'd go in and address my gripes like they did here.

Now, I should stress - if it's not abundantly clear at this point - that I'm not talking about the multiplayer since I rarely engage in mp in any game. I'm sure that has gotten its fair share of updates aswell, but I'm speaking soley in regards to the single player experience.

The way this game fixes what I found almost dealbreakingly annoying about the first is such a relief, and so much more than I expected, but it's so methodically fixed that they really have to have gone into this with those things firmly in mind.

Like, one thing that I found insanely awkward in the first was its tendency to very forcefully herd you around, move forward with awkward intensity in some places without your participation and grind to a complete halt in others. One obvious such area were the breaching situations where you could tell the game wanted you to stand in ONE PLACE and wait for animations to play out, or you'd be shoved around like a pinball. I could never seem to stand where the game wanted me to, so I was always shoved around and felt like I was trapped on a conveyer belt in a menacing factory. Here they circumvent that by letting you breach, and it's AWESOME. You get to be in on the action, and it's slow mo god damn sex.

Also, animations where the "supporting characters" do awesome things don't play out in as close proximity anymore, meaning they don't break the illusion and immersion by having characters just run into you and again, shove you around. When crazy stuff happens, they cleverly happen in your peripheral vision, or in your direct line of sight, and they feel dynamic and AWESOME.

Another more practical thing was how I was sometimes confused as to where the other dudes headed, because they would just take the fuck off sometimes and I'd have to kinda rub my face against the invisible walls until I found the way. As I kinda stumbled and spun my way around to the right place, they would've cleared everyone out and waited for me like wind up toys. Here, you always have a clear indicator as to where your "teammate" is, and while they still technically stop and wait in sections, they have more "steps" on the way where they hold up, and the game disguises this with far greater success to the point where that too feels entirely natural and dynamic.

Just in general the levels are more cleverly built to give you a false - but believable - sense of openness and coherence. They no longer have infinitely spawning enemies from retarded places, no longer jarringly make distinctions between "here you must kill everyone to proceed" and suddenly going "here you can keep killing dudes until your beard turns gray because for some reason now you need to keep moving to trigger the next bits". The age old problem of stupid invisible walls is played down by actually being open when it needs to, and having a masterful sense of an "obvious" route that you are propelled down by the game's excellent pacing and sense of urgency. It's just superbly crafted.

There is much more to it, and to why I'm so taken with this game, but that you really should find out for yourself. It's shocking and gripping and thrilling and awesome. It improves on its predecessor in ways most sequels don't even try, and every single obstacle in the way of COD4 being a cinematic fucking masterpiece are removed here.

I'm stunned, to be honest. Simply wow.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
You should join us online at some point :D
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Oh ok,yeah the same could be applied to some sequels I agree.
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Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Sweet mini-review Simon - it makes me even more excited as I wait for my copy to arrive.
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Inscrit depuis 7102 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Just in general the levels are more cleverly built to give you a false - but believable - sense of openness
I'm not too far in, but I'm still not really getting any sense of openness aside from one snowy part early on. I'm still having the same problem that the first had where I feel like I'm just along for a ride, and my sole duty is to not die in order to see what is supposed to happen next. That's all well and good considering that there's some awesomely cinematic stuff going on, but it's also the kind of thing that will prevent me from ever giving it a second play through.

Also, I don't understand how anybody can find getting incessantly shot at from rooftops even remotely entertaining.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par xfire
World of Warcraft 10,864,799
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer 7,596,564
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer 5,278,606
Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer 4,376,578
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Singleplayer 2,162,150
Today's xfire top five thus far. I imagine tomorrow when the game actually launches on steam we'll see it top COD4.

I'll be watching for its longevity, which I suspect will decline much more rapidly... but that's good for business!

That's minutes played by xfire users. There's still 100k individual xfire users playing COD4 daily.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
See, long live CoD4 MW1 :D
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Acert93
See, long live CoD4 MW1 :D
And yet, that doesn't make the slightest difference.. in ya know.. anything.

The whole, "but, you still have MW1!" rationalization is still a little insulting.. but hey.. it's not half as insulting as making a fuss over this garbage, and then buying the game anyway, which is exactly what thousands of PC gamers have done. Way to go, guys! It's really no wonder publishers walk all over gamers, when we eat shit with a grin.. and then leave a healthy tip.

All indications are that the PC version is doing fantastically well, which is hardly surprising, since as others have pointed out, the hardcore audience is a niche anyway. It's nice to see PC games performing well, but it's not like this game would not have sold fantastically if it still had its "legacy" features. Now that the Steam version is unlocking, I suspect it will dominate Steam and xfire stats for some amount of time.

They don't really have much competition on the PC. Call of Duty 2 through 6's combined numbers really decimate every other FPS on the platform.. and maybe even every other game period.

Available MP tweaks:


HD Hacks video:
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Inscrit depuis 6548 Jours
I hate you guys. By the time I get to play this on SUNDAY you'll all be prestige or whatever...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
PS3 servers are up and running perfectly, sweet!
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Inscrit depuis 6548 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
And yet, that doesn't make the slightest difference.. in ya know.. anything.

The whole, "but, you still have MW1!" rationalization is still a little insulting.. but hey.. it's not half as insulting as making a fuss over this garbage, and then buying the game anyway, which is exactly what thousands of PC gamers have done. Way to go, guys! It's really no wonder publishers walk all over gamers, when we eat shit with a grin.. and then leave a healthy tip.

All indications are that the PC version is doing fantastically well, which is hardly surprising, since as others have pointed out, the hardcore audience is a niche anyway. It's nice to see PC games performing well, but it's not like this game would not have sold fantastically if it still had its "legacy" features. Now that the Steam version is unlocking, I suspect it will dominate Steam and xfire stats for some amount of time.

They don't really have much competition on the PC. Call of Duty 2 through 6's combined numbers really decimate every other FPS on the platform.. and maybe even every other game period.

Available MP tweaks:


HD Hacks video:
This means as we discussed already if it would be that much of a deal, people wouldn't buy it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
This means as we discussed already if it would be that much of a deal, people wouldn't buy it.
Except it is a big deal, and people don't actually vote with their wallets. Even in recession, people have more money than sense. It's the same complacent attitude that makes political activism a total wash, and the kind of hype that makes trashy films and music popular. This is frat boy entertainment.

And for whatever it is actually worth, if it weren't a big deal, MW2 would have already captured more of the COD4 audience than it already has. I'm sure MW2 will stomp COD4 on Xbox Live in its first week.
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Inscrit depuis 6521 Jours
Posté par Acert93
You are playing MW2 on the 360?
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Inscrit depuis 7060 Jours
Kinda glad i did not buy it (was not intrested anyways, but i do like reading about games specially when bored at work)
It is nice to see some people stand there ground though on issues like this.

Imagine if halo had its best online features and modes took out, would still sell like free sex..

Fight the good fight, even if the other side does not give a fuck.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
Im thinkin of finishing up single player and trading it in for FM3 or AC2 next week, the game is just fuckin annoying. Single player on hardened is just a rape fest but i think i can plow through it, with its randomly spawning enemies and tight corridors gettin nades rained down on you.
Multiplayer is even worse, the framework is ok, but i just dont get how i keep gettin killed, i hardly ever spot anyone in the open, and when i do run into someone i lose, even if i get the jump on them, i dunno how they keep their reticle on me, its like its locked to me whereas they move i have to manually adjust it. Heck even firing from the hip i get raped. It also really encourages camping, i seem to be the only poor bastard out actually looking to shoot someone, everyone else just finds a corner and stays there.

Maybe its just me needing to readjust after being so good at UC2, but this just gets on my tits, i litterally boil with rage, thank fuck the 360 controllers can take more punishment than the flimsy ps3 ones.
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