Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par FireWire
Btw I only play hardcore TD and hardcore S&D.. I prefer people going down immediately instead of having to empty a clip...
You never have to empty a magazine into someone to kill them in COD. Two bullets to the chest with most weapons will kill someone. Two bullets! That's not even close to a whole mag!

From a lot of guns.. it's just two bullets in any hit box.

I hope they adjusted HC in MW2. In COD4 you could kill someone from full health by hitting them in the chest with a smoke grenade!

That's why I never cared for HC. It's a really lazy implementation of a "realism" mode. All they did was significantly up the damage of every action, without any regard to balance or playability. Vanilla modes reward aim a lot more, because head/neck/chest hit boxes actually matter.. In hardcore you can just hit people anywhere and it's effectively the same result.

Everyone should just use stopping power and play vanilla modes instead :P
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Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I hope they adjusted HC in MW2. In COD4 you could kill someone from full health by hitting them in the chest with a smoke grenade!
This still happens. I couldn't believe it when I killed someone by accident with a flash grenade.
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 6991 Jours
Í'm done with MW2. The constant lag (haven't gotten more than 2 bars for the last week or so now) is just unbearable. Especially now that they've decreased the health you have an even bigger disadvantage, since whoever sees who first, wins.

Áctually, I'm done with online gaming altogether. It's sucking too much of my time and it's mostly frustrating Still got a good 25 hours out of it, so I guess it was worth my money. And I'll get atleast half back when I sell my copy. :)
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Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
Health decreased? Well and when you're playing this late at night you can expect to get dropped into an American lobby every single match. ;)
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Inscrit depuis 6446 Jours
Things in MW2 that make you want to go out and punch an orphan - my top 3 countdown:

3) Ammo. Why is there so little? I'll be getting on a decent killstreak, only for me to have nothing but my measley pistol left. You know, in real warfare, the army wouldn't send you out to battle with a couple of mags at your disposal. Sheesh.

2) Respawning. Seriously, how Infinity Ward has managed to bugger up respawning as bad as this is beyond me. Never before in a game have I consistently been put in instant danger when respawning, with no time to react at all before being pounded with bullets.

1) The winner... Campers. I FUCKING HATE THEM. I don't have a problem with the odd camper - all games have them. But really, I'm facing at least 5/6 campers a game in MW2, and it's pissing me off beyond belief. Sometimes I don't care if I win or not, so long as the campers get the necessary treatment.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Which oddly enough, were all issues in vanilla COD4. Didn't anyone play that game? :P

Start picking up guns off of corpses blmbox, unless you can't do that anymore.
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Health decreased?
Jato needs Juggernaut? ;)
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Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
Posté par blmbox
2) Respawning. Seriously, how Infinity Ward has managed to bugger up respawning as bad as this is beyond me. Never before in a game have I consistently been put in instant danger when respawning, with no time to react at all before being pounded with bullets.
This is my single biggest beef. No joke, if you kill someone, you might as well pull a 180 because you can be sure they spawned 20 feet behind you. I could see spawning being a difficult issue to sort out if one team's players are spread out over a map; how do you not spawn an enemy near them in this case? When player distribution is fairly even though, there's no damn excuse to be killed by someone you just killed literally seconds after their demise. Also, I'm not a fan of instant respawns in objective game modes. I've really taken to playing Domination lately, but it's frustrating trying to defend a point when there's an endless stream of enemies trying to take it. Dying is nothing more than a minor annoyance if you're on the offense. I wish there was at least a small buffer period, and who knows, maybe it would force players to actually devise plans and work together instead of incessantly running in solo.

That reminds of another problem...not with MW2 though. How the fuck are there people playing on Live without headsets? If I see that I'm the only person on my team with a mic, and the other team has 3 or 4 people with mics, I'll quit. Not being able to communicate is damn annoying.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
I can see how it would be annoying if you're playing a small game of S&D (or CTF) or something, but I don't really see what the big deal is with random players.

If your team is even half aware you should be fine anyway, especially if there are three or four people you can still communicate with. People have been playing Counter Strike for like a thousand years without any mics at all without serious issue. I'm not saying that it doesn't enhance the game greatly when you have good coms.. it's the only way to seriously play the game.. but people pubbing online are hardly serious.
Posté par Ronsauce
Shit....I was unaware why I liked HC...but apparently it's because I favour reaction time over aiming... even though I'm pretty much not a fan of twitch shooters at all. Weird.
I missed this. All I'm saying is that aim doesn't mean shit in HC. That's not some weird theory, it's a damned fact. The foot hit box is equally as deadly as the head. That's rewarding reaction much more than aim.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
So I got the game for Xbox, I know very late. I haven't played online, but beat the SP. I have to say the SP was incredible, I love how they increased the amount of missions/places where you have to be quiet and snipe silently, that's just awesome. I agree with Simon on that betrayal part, it sort of did make me feel bad. The storytelling overall though, was a couple of notches below COD4.

Also, since no one seems to be mentioning this. The graphics in this game are just awesome. Running at 60fps, with so much stuff going on......WOW. Particles are specially awesome in this game as well as animations. The level of detail is also uniformly high throughout the game.

As for the PC version, do you have to play online through Steam or what? Since I read somewhere about being VAC banned if you use all these mods now coming up.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
You have to play on InfinityWardboxlive.
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Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
It just boggles my mind considering that if you didn't buy the tard sku, you have a headset. Why not use the damn thing.

And while most people pubbing online aren't serious, winning is still enjoyable, and the tiniest bit of communication ameliorates that. Plus, just being able to talk with a few good peeps who have a sense of humour, even while losing, can still make the session a whole lot more fun and way less stressful.
All I'm saying is that aim doesn't mean shit in HC. That's not some weird theory, it's a damned fact. The foot hit box is equally as deadly as the head. That's rewarding reaction much more than aim.
When the enemy is a good distance away, despite the bodypart specific aspects of aiming not really being an issue, being able to aim at all determines how well you can do. Keep in mind, I'm not talking about the PC version; I still find it takes a decent degree of aiming ability to get kills consistently with a controller.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
It just boggles my mind considering that if you didn't buy the tard sku, you have a headset. Why not use the damn thing.

And while most people pubbing online aren't serious, winning is still enjoyable, and the tiniest bit of communication ameliorates that. Plus, just being able to talk with a few good peeps who have a sense of humour, even while losing, can still make the session a whole lot more fun and way less stressful.
Yea I hear ya... I think Party Chat is partially to blame.. but I'm still a big fan of it. I don't really want to talk to 90% of the random assholes that play games online anyway.
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Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
Most of the game modes don't allow Party Chat though...or even cross-game private chat.
I don't really want to talk to 90% of the random assholes that play games online anyway.
Ha...yeah... despite my bitching about people not having mics, the second someone sings or says something racist, I mute them. I consider myself lucky to have even one person on my team with a mic who isn't a 12-year old bigot.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
They're not bigots, they're just suburban white kids who think that the "n-word" means you're bad at Call of Duty!

If it makes you feel any better.. it's just as bad on the PC.. especially in Call of Duty.
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Inscrit depuis 6991 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Jato needs Juggernaut? ;)

Seriously though, I never used Juggernaut. I don't want to sound like a whiny bitch or anything, but I feel juggernaut is for people with the wrong mentality in the game. You should aim to hunt down and kill people as quickly as possible, not wait and hope to stay alive. ;)
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Health decreased? Well and when you're playing this late at night you can expect to get dropped into an American lobby every single match. ;)
I suppose there's that too. ;)

IW did actually change something concerning the matchmaking, as the last couple of days I had it searching for games with 50 ms ping instead of 100 ms, but it didn't do shit for me unfortunately. Oh well, enough whining from me... :)
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Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
They've removed Juggernaut haven't they? There's a death streak called pain killer which is effectively the same but you only get that if you die 4 times in a row.
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
And it only lasts 10 seconds.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
They've removed Juggernaut haven't they? There's a death streak called pain killer which is effectively the same but you only get that if you die 4 times in a row.
Yes. I was responding to Jato's need for more health. I guess he just needs to die four times in a row instead.

PS. You'll need those 10 seconds. Someone just spawned right behind you.
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Inscrit depuis 6991 Jours
Obviously you are pulling things out of context, as I was explaining that the lag hurts more this time around, seeing as you die quicker in MW2 compared to MW1.

Which is a fact whether you like it or not. Whether it's because the weapons are more powerfull, the hitboxes are bigger, auto-aim is ramped up or the recoil is far less, I don't know. I guess I didn't literally mean 'health is decreased in MW, I need more of it' perse.

But whatever, spin it whichever way you want...
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Just jokin' around man.. take it easy.
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Inscrit depuis 6991 Jours
You see what this game has done to me IW?! I'm an emotional wreck! Can't even take a joke anymore! Arghh...

@GriftGFX: Fair enough. :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours - LMFAO - and I thought dual SMG's were silly :P
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Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
I was so bummed out about the PC version i bought the PS3 version and i'm finding myself oddly... enjoying it more than CoD4 on PC. What's wrong with me?
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
I'll never understand why people opted for a console version just because they were upset with the PC gaffe.
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Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Things in MW2 that make you want to go out and punch an orphan - my top 3 countdown:

3) Ammo. Why is there so little? I'll be getting on a decent killstreak, only for me to have nothing but my measley pistol left. You know, in real warfare, the army wouldn't send you out to battle with a couple of mags at your disposal. Sheesh.

2) Respawning. Seriously, how Infinity Ward has managed to bugger up respawning as bad as this is beyond me. Never before in a game have I consistently been put in instant danger when respawning, with no time to react at all before being pounded with bullets.

1) The winner... Campers. I FUCKING HATE THEM. I don't have a problem with the odd camper - all games have them. But really, I'm facing at least 5/6 campers a game in MW2, and it's pissing me off beyond belief. Sometimes I don't care if I win or not, so long as the campers get the necessary treatment.
Concerning ammo, its because you get a perk that adds more and an add-on.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

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