Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Every single COD game is like this and MW2 will be exactly the same.
Classic hate/stealth troll. Cool stuff.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Classic hate/stealth troll. Cool stuff.
Please explain to me how stating FACTS is a stealth troll? Then show me when I've ever said that i hate the game.

Classic hate/accusations. Cool stuff.
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Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Posté par Jin187
The sniper mission was good, but even that was extremely scripted with hardly any (if any) room to do your own thing and tackle the mission your own way. Every single COD game is like this and MW2 will be exactly the same.
So, if the sniper mission was good, and is still good even though its scripted etc, then it's a good thing that MW2 will be the same.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
The problem is that all the other seemingly less scripted levels felt far too scripted and linearly confined. After quickly breezing through the campaign the first time, I had absolutely no desire to play it again as there was no room for variability. Couple that with endless respawns(which yeah, I know they are doing away with for the sequel), and the result was a fairly underwhelming single player experience.
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"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

Inscrit depuis 5970 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Please explain to me how stating FACTS is a stealth troll? Then show me when I've ever said that i hate the game.

Classic hate/accusations. Cool stuff.
Posté par Ronsauce
The problem is that all the other seemingly less scripted levels felt far too scripted and linearly confined. After quickly breezing through the campaign the first time, I had absolutely no desire to play it again as there was no room for variability. Couple that with endless respawns(which yeah, I know they are doing away with for the sequel), and the result was a fairly underwhelming single player experience.
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Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Maybe you should take your own advice and shoot yourself.

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"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

Inscrit depuis 5970 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Maybe you should take your own advice and shoot yourself.

Nah that is reserved just for U!

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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7137 Jours
I don't mind scripted, I don't mind linear, those things can be done to great effect. Look at Half Life 2.

COD4 wasn't just scripted and linear, it was really clunky with how you "pushed" the experience "forward" if you will. For me to enjoy it there doesn't necessarily have to be more ways to tackle a situation, but it has to be flexible and "adapt" to me rather than mechanically transporting me through the game like it's some kind of factory. The other characters didn't feel like living people when they bust through doors and stuff, they felt like part of a machinery. A machinery that you had to sort of navigate alongside.

It doesn't have to be that way even if they make it a very directed, deliberate and guided experience.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
I don't mind scripted, I don't mind linear, those things can be done to great effect. Look at Half Life 2.

COD4 wasn't just scripted and linear, it was really clunky with how you "pushed" the experience "forward" if you will. For me to enjoy it there doesn't necessarily have to be more ways to tackle a situation, but it has to be flexible and "adapt" to me rather than mechanically transporting me through the game like it's some kind of factory. The other characters didn't feel like living people when they bust through doors and stuff, they felt like part of a machinery. A machinery that you had to sort of navigate alongside.

It doesn't have to be that way even if they make it a very directed, deliberate and guided experience.
i dissagree tbh. i thought those aspects worked incredibly well in cod4. but as people have said. it's scripted to a point where repeated play throughs offer ZERO variation. it's IDENTICAL almost down to the bullet. but for that first play through, i honestly enjoyed it more then practucally all action oriented FPS's...EVER...killzone 2 only recently surpassed it imo. cod4 certainly did a much better job at a scripted experience then resistance 2 tho imo...although i did enjoy that also.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7137 Jours
I think the problem I have with it lies in your squad being the thing to make the game advance instead of you yourself pushing it forward. That's what makes KZ2 a better experience for me, it never feels like someone keeps pressing pause and play on the "stuff that goes on", because the game reacts to ME, not everyone BUT me.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
I think the problem I have with it lies in your squad being the thing to make the game advance instead of you yourself pushing it forward. That's what makes KZ2 a better experience for me, it never feels like someone keeps pressing pause and play on the "stuff that goes on", because the game reacts to ME, not everyone BUT me.
again, i dont really think thats the case. they both work in very similar ways.

both games stop dead in their tracks untill you pass a certain invisible line in the world. they work in exactly the same way, the difference being that killzone 2 manages to do it all in a far more viceral way.

take the bridge level in killzone compared to any situation in cod 4...enemies will CONSTANTLY respawn unless you and your squad move forward. the same is true for cod4 and it's endlessly spawning enemies. garza wont open a door unless you cross a line and trigger that scene, same with price in cod 4...they work the same as far as i'm concerned. just as scripted and linear as each other...and both amazingly good becasue of that.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7137 Jours
It's just so much more frequent in COD that the canned animations interrupt what you're doing, or you have to wait for them to happen.

I lost count of the times Pierce got up to a door about to breach it and I got up beside it on the other side and a dude would come and stand where I was standing, just FORCING me out of the way. Then, I'd stand in another position at the next place, and someone was gonna mount a charge on the door, again he came from behind and just shoved me out of the way. As they breach, I sometimes tried to run into the room all actiony like, but you couldn't kill the enemies because they were part of the breach animation and were destined to die at the hands of the guys that were with me, not me. I'm glad the game even allows you to get any shots in ever.

A lot of times I would shoot my way through defenses and arrive early at a certain point only to find that nothing happens. The camera team and the movie shoot obviously arrive with my squad, so there's nothing to actually do while waiting for my guys to catch up.

Other times because of this I've tried kind of playing at the pace the game seems to want me to, only to find PERPETUAL FUCKING SHOOTOUTS because the enemies never stop coming. Then, shooting my way through it reaps the same reward.. a door destined for canned animation opening and at that point I stayed the fuck away from there while the characters all do their thing, as to not break the illusion that I'm in any way playing a role in this game.

That just does NOT HAPPEN in Killzone 2. If a door needs to be opened by someone else that's explained in dialogue and there's some special circumstance surrounding it. Here there's no reason why they won't let me open a completely normal door - like, with a door knob - and shoot the dudes. Instead I have to wait for the game to be all cinematic.

All of these things can be attributed to being part of this squad who go cutscene on you all the time.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Please explain to me how stating FACTS is a stealth troll? Then show me when I've ever said that i hate the game.

Classic hate/accusations. Cool stuff.
Oh so it's a FACT that the single player campaign isn't going to change at all in MW2 now? Even though that's primarily what they talk about in the GI reveal? It's cool dude, I didn't realize that you played the game already.

lol bold text makes you right...

I'm not even saying that it's a FACT (lol) that it's not going to change, but it's been the primary focus of all of the attention on MW2 thus far. All they've talked about is the campaign and the focus has been squarely on changing the SP experience in COD6.
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Inscrit depuis 5970 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
because the game reacts to ME, not everyone BUT me.
I Recommend u should start playing games on Wii
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 7811 Jours
I want team killers booted after 2nd kill, online.

I'd absolutely love a map editor like Far Cry 2... but we'll never see it, because DLC will be a big emphasis on the cash cow, known as MW2.

A couple of gunship missions... not just one... something special like the jet/hostage mission at the end of COD4.

Co-op would be nice... but no way is it a deal breaker. No zombies please... neat idea for WAW... keep it in that franchise.
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Inscrit depuis 5970 Jours
The new footage in this teaser is sweet as well as the colours in the game seem to be really vibrant.Can,t wait for the complete trailer on 24th may!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par anm8rjp
I'd absolutely love a map editor
Buy the PC version :P
Posté par anm8rjp
I want team killers booted after 2nd kill, online.
Vote-kick :)
Posté par anm8rjp
Co-op would be nice... but no way is it a deal breaker. No zombies please... neat idea for WAW... keep it in that franchise.
There is co-op, just not the campaign. I would not mind seeing another survival co-op mode, but I suppose it being replaced by the special ops scenarios is much more interesting anyway.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
So, if the sniper mission was good, and is still good even though its scripted etc, then it's a good thing that MW2 will be the same.
Never said it was a bad thing, if thats what you like then thats great.
Posté par GriftGFX
lol bold text makes you right...
Yes it does.
Posté par Ronsauce
Maybe you should take your own advice and shoot yourself.

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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7137 Jours
Posté par IamLegend
I Recommend u should start playing games on Wii
What makes you think I don't? :O

The whole reason I mostly don't bother with multiplayer is because I can't realistically play something that goes on forever and lacks closure considering how many games across all these formats I want to play.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Only part I read.
Posté par SimonM7
What makes you think I don't? :O

The whole reason I mostly don't bother with multiplayer is because I can't realistically play something that goes on forever and lacks closure considering how many games across all these formats I want to play.
That's a real shame. You're missing out on the best part of gaming.
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
i wouldnt say it was the best part. but he's missing out on a BIG part.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
i wouldnt say it was the best part. but he's missing out on a BIG part.
Well, personal preference, naturally.. but I assumed that was a given.
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
it's a pretty grandiose statement even if it is personal preference...unless of course you prefer the mulitplayer component of every single game you've ever played?...but that seems unlikely.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
it's a pretty grandiose statement even if it is personal preference...unless of course you prefer the mulitplayer component of every single game you've ever played?...but that seems unlikely.
Well no.. definitely not. And I do enjoy a good single player game every now and then. I just greatly prefer the multiplayer experience in general. There are plenty of games in this generation though were MP is tacked on. If it's just there to increase the games perceived value, then that's lame..

Hell I have no problems with MP-only games.
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