Inscrit depuis 6510 Jours
The very reason gaming has largely become so mundane the last couple of generations - don't pretend like you haven't felt it
i honestly havnt felt it, in fact, i play more games and have more fun with said games then i ever have. but then i have the completely oposite opinion to your own when it comes to controls. i dont feel conformity is a nagative, i see it as a possitive. untill someone comes up with a more efficiant control scheme to cod4, then i'd be more then happy if every game controls the same.

good and bad IS subjective. you may have liked red steel and the way it controlled. but you didnt answer my question....if a future first person game was released on the wii (and a completely new and effective control scheme was out of the questions), would you rather it control like prime, or like red steel?

most people would say prime, becasue its a more fluid and refined control scheme. i'd love for a developer to design their own that is faster, more accurate and more reponsive then any other control scheme so far...but if that isnt an option or is a task that is beyond that developer, then i'd rather it copy a control scheme that is considered by most to be "good", i'd rather that then a control scheme that hurts the game as a whole since half the people dont like it. resi 5 has done the right thing tho, its given us options, much like killzone 2. but if the developer was to chose between say, the influential and crittically acclaimed control scheme of halo, or the dated but still "OK" method of say timesplitters, then i opt for the former every time. since imo, the narrative, gamplay, music etc makes for drastically different games. a new control scheme makes sense for something like mirrors edge since the gamplay is SO different from anything we've ever seen. but if a developer is making a straight up FPS then why not use the best FPS controls out there...you either do that or make your own better ones. what benefit is there in taking a step bacwards?

as i've said, i want the most responsive controls i can possibly get for the genre in questions. i cant appreciate a game that feels sluggish when there are obviously better methods out there. why would anyone choose an inferior option over a better one, so what if its an outright copy...surely you'd want the most affective method? i dont want the "fire" button mapped to the select button for experimentations sake or for it to feel "different"...it would have to be for the better.

it's like being able to pick any type of tire for your car. why opt for some cheap crap when you can have pirelli. the cheap ones are gonne make the drive feel "different" in the sense it has worse grip and handling...but different isnt always good.
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Inscrit depuis 7091 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
I dunno who's to decide what is good or bad though

And fun is subjective. The ever returning crux of people having opinions.
It certainly is. That's why some of us enjoy the controls... not put up with...but actually enjoy them, and as a result, we find the game incredibly fun.
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"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

Inscrit depuis 6510 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
It certainly is. That's why some of us enjoy the controls... not put up with...but actually enjoy them, and as a result, we find the game incredibly fun.
"some" being the operative word there.

going by forum posts both here and elsewhere the controls where getting a lot of complaints....but as i've said...it's irrelivant now since resi 5 has both options.
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Inscrit depuis 6966 Jours
Thank god for the action control, i now feel i can play the whole SP on my own first, then with a friend over live, as playing the demo a few more times on my own became frustrating fast.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Kaz Hirai - Sony

"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do" LOLOLOLOL!!

Inscrit depuis 7036 Jours
I am not exactly sure why the control system in the game is being critisized this much when it was all critically praised and applauded in Resident Evil 4 ?

It's fine the way it is.

PS: The PSN demo is out today. I hear it has an extra level to play apprently, can anyone confirm ?
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TO RENT: MEd, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SC4, GAxe, Fable2

TO BUY IN 2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, SH5, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2, Afro Samurai

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
I think it's fine the way it is.
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"Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherf*cker in the valley"

Inscrit depuis 7036 Jours
Posté par FireWire
I thought the "I think" is implied with each post you make here since it's a FORUM ?

Anyway, yes, It's what I think.
En réponse à

TO RENT: MEd, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SC4, GAxe, Fable2

TO BUY IN 2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, SH5, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2, Afro Samurai

Inscrit depuis 6711 Jours
The new control scheme keeps being labled as the "gears" control method. I think it is going to feel a lot more like Dead Space than GOW. When you strafe with that laser sight I think it is going to feel remarkably like Dead Space. This is such a strange argument. I'm having a hard time deciding how I truly feel about it. It really shouldn't be an argument at all when this new control scheme is completely optional.

Obviously the argument is about the controls in general and while I enjoyed the demo there were moments in it that show you how awkward they can be. There is one section where you approach a building with a broken ladder on the side. You are then attacked from ground level by the "zombies" and from above by those strange bat creatures. It was at this point that the controls hindred my shooting abilities the most and what happened? I naturally got stressed out. Some people might mistake this for fear.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Inscrit depuis 7091 Jours
How did the controls hinder your shooting abilities there? You shoot the flying things, then you shoot the "zombies." I don't see how the controls at that point would have created a stressful situation.
En réponse à

"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

Inscrit depuis 6711 Jours
Well, for one I couldn't actually aim high enough to hit the fuckers. So I turn around. Run down the road a little. Zombies are getting closer. Flying things are in the same fucking position again. Move back... So on. I obviously managed to kill them. I'm just sayin.. it was way more awkward than it needed to be.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7129 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
good and bad IS subjective. you may have liked red steel and the way it controlled. but you didnt answer my question....if a future first person game was released on the wii (and a completely new and effective control scheme was out of the questions), would you rather it control like prime, or like red steel?
The reason prime controls better than Red Steel has to do with the simple fact that the sight is better calibrated. If you're asking me if I want a sight that is all over the place or one that is responsive and fluid, then I want the latter obviously.

But the core aiming is already the same in those two games. What you're asking is basically if I want a badly calibrated right stick for shooting in my 360 games or if I want one that is fluid and responsive.

Ponder if the Nunchuk tilted your viewpoint in a Wii FPS and the Wiimote aiming was like Virtua Cop. That would make the game in question feel nothing like Metroid nor Red Steel. If you're asking me whether I'd want that (successfully pulled off of course - that has to be understood in the context of this discussion) or the game playing it safe by feeling like the already established FPSes on the Wii then screw established.

Because somewhere you're suggesting that Metroid really is all about its environment. No, that games are all about the visual and aureal input and I do not agree with that. Games are about the feeling in your arms and legs when you play them. Skate is different from SSX in a glorious way even though they could play the same if the majority liked SSX more and found skate funky.

Just because a game looks a certain way and tasks you with something similar shouldn't be grounds to just smack everything together into a barely indistinguishable goo. Why do you think people like me were excited by the Wii in the first place? Better stories? Fuck no. The very fact that old genres couldn't slip safely into controlling the same again, but were shaken up to the point where they have to feel different. Red Steel with Halo controls would've been the world's biggest collective MEH, and now it has people anticipating its sequel because it felt different.

I don't want controls to become the mandatory arse-on-couch-eyes-forward equivalent of watching a movie, and that's what you reduce them to if they're just meant to cover the fundamentals in the most low key unstimulating way possible.

This race for the "best controls for the job" and the fact that they can apply to so many games at once is just proof of how one-note gaming has been for the last 10 years. Story and setting go some way, but the reason I'm still here is because once in a while something comes along and feels - for better or sometimes worse - different. It doesn't have to be some kind of Darwinian logical next step or evolution that everyone has to mimic from there on out, it just has to "enable" me in a new way. See this reluctance to have things feeling different is also what makes games more similar already on the planning stage. People obviously want no learning curve, so let's not upset them. The number of FPS on the market is a direct result of that, it's the easiest to pick up at this point and it has safe predictable Halo controls to slip neatly into.

But as we've established over and over, totally different things make us tick as gamers. This hobby of mine is treading a very fine line and has been for a long time. If you take away the sensation of adapting to and learning new controls (the very definition for me when I say "different games") - be it dictated by genre or otherwise, then I'd be bored in a year or two and quit gaming. In fact, I would prolly not quit, my interest would just kinda fade away.
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Inscrit depuis 6711 Jours
Capcom are just going to confuse people. Moving the game towards the action genre with their bright outdoor environments. If they are going to do this then they should go all the way and get rid of the turret.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Inscrit depuis 7091 Jours
Shame on people for getting confused then. Also, I've seen nothing that leads me to believe that the game is going to take place solely in bright outdoor environments.
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"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

Inscrit depuis 6711 Jours
I'm talking about the demo though. You know, the taster. Anyway, I'm out. I'm just making it seem more and more that I don't like this game, which isn't the case.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Inscrit depuis 6510 Jours

seems we're back to crap controls.
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Inscrit depuis 7228 Jours
Posté par KORNdog

seems we're back to crap controls.
LOL, big fail.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
Posté par KORNdog

seems we're back to crap controls.
Quote from one of the people on that site who posted a reply

"Not even bothered by it. I like the realism of control cause it makes the game feel more immersive"

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"Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherf*cker in the valley"

Inscrit depuis 6431 Jours
The only thing solidifying this articles claim is the reference to the demo, bt i was under the impression that the "action" control scheme would not be in the demo, only in the final version?
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Memories, they have a habit of sticking to you like...like a pube on a pipe.

Inscrit depuis 6850 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
That statement has genuinely made my day, If they changed it to run and gun, that really would have been unforgivable, absolutely no way i would have bought that.

"Run and gun".... What a ridiculous idea, I hope they didnt even consider it.
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Resident Evil 5 is the best looking game I have EVER seen!!

Inscrit depuis 6510 Jours
Posté par Jin187
That statement has genuinely made my day, If they changed it to run and gun, that really would have been unforgivable, absolutely no way i would have bought that.

"Run and gun".... What a ridiculous idea, I hope they didnt even consider it.
but it was an OPTION....nothing was forcing YOU to use it....i'd rather it be there then not. now those of us who hate it are either going to have to endure despite it being a chore to play. or just not play it at all.

great job capcom, great job.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7228 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
but it was an OPTION....nothing was forcing YOU to use it....i'd rather it be there then not. now those of us who hate it are either going to have to endure despite it being a chore to play. or just not play it at all.

great job capcom, great job.
I'd rather not play it.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7129 Jours
Well that comes as a relief. It's nice to see that Capcom don't cave to this malarky, it'd be downright absurd if the thick mass of people were to make these decisions. Backseat developers!
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Inscrit depuis 7228 Jours
Posté par Jin187
That statement has genuinely made my day, If they changed it to run and gun, that really would have been unforgivable, absolutely no way i would have bought that.

"Run and gun".... What a ridiculous idea, I hope they didnt even consider it.
Posté par KORNdog
but it was an OPTION....nothing was forcing YOU to use it....i'd rather it be there then not. now those of us who hate it are either going to have to endure despite it being a chore to play. or just not play it at all.

great job capcom, great job.
Posté par SimonM7
Well that comes as a relief. It's nice to see that Capcom don't cave to this malarky, it'd be downright absurd if the thick mass of people were to make these decisions. Backseat developers!
OPTION........ :|

I should be mad at the Forza developers for including driving assists for those who prefer their game that way. Those crazy bastards trying to appeal to a bigger audience, trying to take in all the profits, and what about me? I have to go and ........ignore the option!!!......ah too hard! I hate them!

*calls local police to complain about accessibility ramps for the disabled given that I think stairs are the way the go*
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7129 Jours
If Capcom wanted to make the game these people wanna play, they would've made it. I RESPECT their game design enough to either like it if I like it or dislike it if I don't.

This is every bit as absurd as wanting to have a scriptwriter write different endings to a sad movie so that people who are angry can pick their ending.

A game is an entity, it's a deliberate piece of work. If you don't like how a game plays then maybe it just really isn't for you. Play the other five billion games that happily trot in the footsteps of the familiar.
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Inscrit depuis 6510 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
If Capcom wanted to make the game these people wanna play, they would've made it. I RESPECT their game design enough to either like it if I like it or dislike it if I don't.

This is every bit as absurd as wanting to have a scriptwriter write different endings to a sad movie so that people who are angry can pick their ending.

A game is an entity, it's a deliberate piece of work. If you don't like how a game plays then maybe it just really isn't for you. Play the other five billion games that happily trot in the footsteps of the familiar.
it wouldnt be changing how the game plays tho, just how it controls. an "action" control scheme wouldnt hurt or hinder YOUR enjoyment of the game....but it sure as hell would have alowed MORE people to enjoy it.

those saying they're glad they didnt add this control OPTION just sound selfish to me. but whatever....
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