The Devil May Cry 4 thread!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Iso, Iw oudlnt waste my time trying to complete the first part of the demo to reach Berial, because part 2 begins were part 1 ends, but without the timer.

I for one will go back through the door I came for the last level on part 1 and keep making the enemies respawn so I can get my skills up and my rank.

So far I have gotten SS one time, and making taunts when you get high ranks increases the bar for higher rank, which I didnt know.

Really cool taunts.

But too bad it wasent all that great for you Iso, somehow I knew.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6354 Jours
Posté par Sath
Iso, Iw oudlnt waste my time trying to complete the first part of the demo to reach Berial, because part 2 begins were part 1 ends, but without the timer.

I for one will go back through the door I came for the last level on part 1 and keep making the enemies respawn so I can get my skills up and my rank.

So far I have gotten SS one time, and making taunts when you get high ranks increases the bar for higher rank, which I didnt know.

Really cool taunts.

But too bad it wasent all that great for you Iso, somehow I knew.
i love boosting your sword power by pumping L2...makes your sword swings much stronger. pump it up before the boss helps a little.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
i love boosting your sword power by pumping L2...makes your sword swings much stronger. pump it up before the boss helps a little.
Well I do it everytime before the boss, but I have learned the technique to rev it up after each attack with the sword which makes the rank bar go up faster and I get daouble the damage on each attacks.

Works perfectly on ground and air.

Sometimes I can't get it in, but when I do, the combos is amazing to pull off.

I am sure the DMC veterans will make videos of big and fast combos like NG fans do in NG and DMC fans on DMC.

I can't wait to see those hardcore DMC players to do alot of this stuff.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
i don't know why u gays are complaining, i thing the graphic and the gameplay are great, by the way this is my first DMC game i played & i enjoyed the demo, about being easy, i am sure it will get harder on the later stage of the game, or u can change the difficulty setting in the menu full version of the game, if u want it harder. 360 counsel really need it a title like this, cos all my 360 games are fps same old same old, its time to change & play something fresh till NG2 comes out
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Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
I hope that one word is just a typo.

As for the game, it just feels too much button mashing for me. Don't know how the difficulty affects to this.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
I just realized that the demo was available last night and while it was laughably easy i still see great potential in this. I enjoyed it a lot. The graphics are great, the 60 fps really makes it look smooth. I feel perhaps a little disappointed in that it plays almost exactly like DMC3, you'd think a new character would add more than just the Devil Bringer, but so far he has all the same moves as Dante? Anyways, great stuff, looking forward to tearing those demons new ones in DMD mode :D
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By Crom!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Iso, you should try the game with the legend himself...Dante.

That bastard can switch styles on the fly which makes the game ALOT more fun and it got alot of variety in combos.

I can say this, if you get your DMC skill up as much as Ninja Gaiden skills, combos will somewhat never be the Dante.

PS. I think he was suppose to type "guys" not "gay". If that is what he meant...I shall chop his head off :P
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
Yeah well it's just the demo. I might gave the game a new chance but first I need to see the PC version. If it is ported badly there goes the final chance for DMC game. Other thing is the difficulty, I want it to make me cry not those devils :p
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Iso, according to pretty much everyone who has played DMC3, it says it is as difficault as Ninja Gaiden.

Now I haven't played it, but that is what they say.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Sath: no, DMC3 is clearly easier than NG, No question about it. Well i guess it depends on if you played the evil version of DMC or not. See in the Japanese release, when you died at the hands of a boss you could just try again, but when it came out in the US and Europe you had to play the whole goddamn level again, unless you had a yellow orb. But that wouldn't really make it harder, just more annoying i guess.That was fixed again in the SE version though.
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By Crom!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
But doesn't it depend how good the player is to determine if it is hard or not?

I can say now that NG is not hard, it is annoying, and I am sure there are alot of people gonna agree with me (don't pay attention to Iso :P).

In NG they made it cheap, they don't give you anything, except the enemy got triple damage and got weapons that doesn't come in their hands after around 4-6 levels in the game...chepa and annoying.

But I don't know...I play theese type of games because its fun to play and kick some ass, I don't play it for its difficaulties and all.

Capcom said this demo is on Easy...but when I get the full game I am going with Normal and above that (as much as I can).
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
NG also got new bosses in harder difficulties :D and NG isn't really that hard only boss that is frustrating is Alma and that because of bad camera angles.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Sath: I know, i've logged MANY hours in both games. DMC3 is just the same with the cheapness, what happens in Dante Must Die is simply this: more enemies that can take huge amounts of punishment and you yourself can take only a few hits before the Game Over screen rears it's ugly face, heckling you. I'd still say that NG is the harder game, even if it is because of cheap enemies.

As for the demo being on easy, i sure hope so because the only enemy providing any resistance whatsoever is Berial (shouldn't that be belial?lol). All the other enemies just stand around, accepting their inevitable doom.

Isomac: Alma...tell me about it. I'm stuck at her now. Or rather, i only try every now and again to beat her and so far about six months of sporadic attempts hasn't yielded much in terms of positive results. And i'm only on Very hard. Oh the shame!
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By Crom!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Everybody hates Alma....I just hope Almas twin doesn't show up in NG2 :(
The camera is horrible in NG against bosses.
Big bosses, tight camera, tight area to fight them wtf :S

About I said I have only heard people saying it is crazy hard, but I guess letting enemies have more damage health while you have non makes it harder.
Forces you to use all the skills you have learned with evading, combos, super attacks...etc.

But in terms of AI and all, I say NG has the best one yet. They actually evade your attacks and knows exactly when to attack you, which is great, It feels organic if you could say that.

I remember in DMC1 and 2 when I went up to hard and such, the enemies coouldnt die at all, I kept shooting and slashing the beasts but nothing happened, well atleast that was how it felt :(

But I guess these type of games is like this....they say its harder but its not. They just make the enemy have stronger health gauge and a bit more powerful weapon and thats it. While you get nothing in return.

Atleast in NGB you got nunchuks in the very beginning while in Sigma you got nothing :S

But I for one can't wait to get DMC4 and NG2...I have no doubt that I will play months and maybe even years.

NG2 is no doubt thats for sure. I have owned all "next-gen" like NG, NGB and NGS and played them for years and still love them...until I stopped last month :P

I did try go God mode in God of War 2...damn that was hard :P (not being sarcastic).

I hope God of War 3 is gonna be pure bass which I have no doubt it will be!.
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*A New Form of Change*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
First of all, I cant wait.

Human and Devil hunter, aye.
I hope Devil Hunter is very hard then and human just Normal.

I don't see any Easy, but i think Capcom just did this to the demo so people wouldnt freak out with its difficaulty :P

PS. What is with "Automatic"?

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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
I still have nightmares about that Alma fight :P Do you have any potions left? I almost ruined my game by having only one potion with me. I think it took 4-5 straight hours of gaming to defeat Alma. My problem was those pillars she kept throwing. Camera swings to different place and I jump straight to that pillar. Cool thing is that after Alma comes that fun military level. Thats one of my favourite levels in NG.

I will try to play some more DMC4 because I saw videos from the demo where was all kinds off cool looking combos. After that some NG mission mode :D
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Devil May Cry 4

Dante's styles!

Check out each video...OMFG he is so damn awsome!

Damn it Capcom, release a new demo with Dante instead

The gunslinger is totally my style.

The whole Equilibrium gun shooting, and switch it to sword and finish the bastards off.

If you guys noticed, its the same level in the demo but with Dante...maybe mission mode? I hope so!
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*A New Form of Change*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Posté par Isomac
I will try to play some more DMC4 because I saw videos from the demo where was all kinds off cool looking combos. After that some NG mission mode :D
Didn't you promise no more NG :P

No Dante, I Will Cry!
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Sath: automatic means that you don't have to hold down the RB/R1 to do special moves and stuff. Unless i remember it wrong. I never played with that setting myself.

Isomac: yeah i have like 4 small potions and a big one. And i've gotten real close to beating her several times, we're talking a couple of pixels left on the health gage here. My main problem is actually hitting the bitch. She evades almost anything except for them guaranteed situations which are few and far apart :P
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By Crom!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Ah, well we will soon find out what the automatic will do.

Megido have you watched those youtube videos of people defeating Alma on very hard and master ninja.

I watched all the boss videos and thats how I killed them. Not that it wasent easy, but still. You get the idea of how, then its up to you.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
Best tactic is just wait when she does those moves when you can damage her. If she doesn't do those just wait. I think you could damage her in the beginning of the battle with couple of moves. When she is laying in the ground thats the best time to do some serious damage. Heheh but usually those other enemies are there and ruin the opportunity.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Almas adopted children from underworld :P
Nasty buggers :D
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
Just tried out the demo and I LOVED IT. 60FPS for the WIN! but I realized that I, now, suck at it ... I need to practice :D amazing art though it!
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Just tried out the demo and I LOVED IT. 60FPS for the WIN! but I realized that I, now, suck at it ... I need to practice :D amazing art though it!
Alimo if you REALLY want to see the full game...check this link out.



Same goes to you Iso.

That is how it is done!

Dante is so freaking bad ass!

Nero is so damn fast once in Devil Trigger.

I seriously want this game no Capcom, i am ready to face my demons :P
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6880 Jours
Holy Shit! sath ... those two videos are AWESOME!

/off to practice more ...

I wish these games had VS multiplayer ... even though it will be a mess but imagine chopping each other off Yummy! :D
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

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