The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Posté par blmbox
The main quest probably took me about 20 or so hours to complete, so I guess it differs based on how much you space it out and how quickly you get things done.
Yeah it took me 30 hours to complete but at least 25 of those hours was me dicking around wiht other stuff.
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Science, bitches. It works.

Inscrit depuis 5836 Jours
Posté par blmbox
The main quest probably took me about 20 or so hours to complete, so I guess it differs based on how much you space it out and how quickly you get things done.
Trying to get it done too, been 20hrs now and still a way to go before i finidh up the main story.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6893 Jours
I suppose it did not help i pretty much 5 shot the "boss"
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Inscrit depuis 6879 Jours
Hate when that happens. Games need to scale
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
LOL... the game does scale.
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Inscrit depuis 6893 Jours
It was more due to my overpowered enchants and blacksmithing on my daedric weopens and bone armor, then a combination of well placed points :)

The talent trees are odd though majority (1 hand mainly) the final points are not worth the tree climb, the final point is meant to be legendary like the Warcraft talent trees but most are just meh.
With most of the trees the best points are right at the start (increase block/Armour/damage) and points afterwards are just.. dodgy, best tree for quality points is bows.
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Inscrit depuis 5129 Jours
About half way through too i think?
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Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
It was more due to my overpowered enchants and blacksmithing on my daedric weopens and bone armor, then a combination of well placed points :)

The talent trees are odd though majority (1 hand mainly) the final points are not worth the tree climb, the final point is meant to be legendary like the Warcraft talent trees but most are just meh.
With most of the trees the best points are right at the start (increase block/Armour/damage) and points afterwards are just.. dodgy, best tree for quality points is bows.
Never even made it to lvl 100 in archery and that was ALL i used through the intire 80 hours playtime. I wanted to for the sake of the paralysis perk, but i think i completed the main quest around 96 or 97. I've never been happier for a game to end tbh. It's going to annoy me slightly that i havnt done everything and found every location. But i dont think i'll go back to it. It's all just too boring. For the last 30 or so hours I was litterally playing just for completionists sake. Realised life was too short, finished the story and shelved it. How people find this entertaining for 150 hours is beyond me? I just dont get it.
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Inscrit depuis 5137 Jours
Well i found GTA/Duesex/ Unchartecd ect... to be complete bore fest, so different strokes.
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Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Btw, if you found the combat in skyrim to be shallow and shite (which it is) dont even bother with that new LOTR game, christ almighty is it repetative, i made it about an hour. Couldnt force myself to play a second more.
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Inscrit depuis 5129 Jours
Posté par sanex
Well i found GTA/Duesex/ Unchartecd ect... to be complete bore fest, so different strokes.
GTA is great but the rest i agree..., anyway just got to some massive amazing cave!!, and had some epic fights, enjoying the combat allot.
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Inscrit depuis 6280 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
Btw, if you found the combat in skyrim to be shallow and shite (which it is) dont even bother with that new LOTR game, christ almighty is it repetative, i made it about an hour. Couldnt force myself to play a second more.
I thought as much. Pretty disappointing considering how awesome Dark Aliance was... expected better from Snowblind.
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Inscrit depuis 5836 Jours
Posté par fabreezwait
GTA is great but the rest i agree..., anyway just got to some massive amazing cave!!, and had some epic fights, enjoying the combat allot.
Should be reaching that local soon, cant wait.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6280 Jours
The stupid latest version update has made the game so much more unpolished for me. :( Prior to it I had no real glitches or bugs at all, now I'm getting some really strange NPC and enemy behaviour - and weird glitches related to killing moves. Should have just not downloaded it because, prior to it, my version was absolutely fine!

Also just completed the the civil war quest line and thought it was pretty short and underwhelming, although I thought they did the Battle for Whiterun scenario really well, actually felt like a battle was taking place outside the city gates which really surprised me.

My character has gone from an honourable warrior to a nasty villain (so he's in character to do all the Dark Brotherhood quests et al), but I'm gonna start again soon. After being a dual-wielding bad ass, I wanna create a Gandalf-esque staff-sword combo guy. :D
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
All of the secondary quest lines I've done have been a little underwhelming to be honest. The Dark Brotherhood was much better in Oblivion.
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Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
All of the secondary quest lines I've done have been a little underwhelming to be honest. The Dark Brotherhood was much better in Oblivion.
Yup, but then i think oblivion was a much better game in most areas tbh. The guild questlines in skyrim are rediculously short too.
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Inscrit depuis 6708 Jours
Posté par blmbox
My character has gone from an honourable warrior to a nasty villain (so he's in character to do all the Dark Brotherhood quests et al), but I'm gonna start again soon. After being a dual-wielding bad ass, I wanna create a Gandalf-esque staff-sword combo guy. :D
Have you tried the sword/shield combat? I know some people bitch about the combat, but I find the Sword/shield play very satisfying. I like it much better than dual wielding, which feels a bit brainless. I LOVE the bow too.

@Korn I actually don't mind the short side quests, there is already a stupid amount of stuff to do/find in the game. I'm 80 hrs in and I've barely started the main quest...

I also can't believe how different the game is just from a visual standpoint with the mods available...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6280 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
Have you tried the sword/shield combat? I know some people bitch about the combat, but I find the Sword/shield play very satisfying. I like it much better than dual wielding, which feels a bit brainless. I LOVE the bow too.

I also can't believe how different the game is just from a visual standpoint with the mods available...
Yeah I've tried sword/shield combat. I like the whole strategic dynamic of it, particularly with the shield bash etc. But I disagree that dual wielding is brainless; I think you have to manage your stamina pretty carefully and pick and choose your power attacks on certain enemies - there's definitely a tactical element to it. I actuallly really dig the dual wielding combat in this game, and I've played that way for about 45+ hours (as well as archery, which I agree is awesome).

But I'm itching for a sword/staff combo playthrough. I wanna be Gandalffffff!
Posté par KORNdog
Yup, but then i think oblivion was a much better game in most areas tbh. The guild questlines in skyrim are rediculously short too.
I think the only thing Oblivion does better is, as Grift says, the general quality of the MAIN side quests - there are actually some gems in Skyrim based on my playthrough, but the main ones have been fairly underwhelming (I'm mostly talking about the civil war though, really). Everything else Skyrim does better though: better world, better gameplay, better visuals, better art, better music... erm, yeah, better. :P

But that's just my opinion and, to be fair, some of those aspects are pretty subjective.

I also can't really comment too much on side quests as I haven't done any of the guild quests yet (apart from Companions).
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Inscrit depuis 6353 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
Have you tried the sword/shield combat? I know some people bitch about the combat, but I find the Sword/shield play very satisfying. I like it much better than dual wielding, which feels a bit brainless. I LOVE the bow too.

@Korn I actually don't mind the short side quests, there is already a stupid amount of stuff to do/find in the game. I'm 80 hrs in and I've barely started the main quest...

I also can't believe how different the game is just from a visual standpoint with the mods available...
Once you start the main quest propper, you'll be finished with it about 2 hours later. I was expecting it to be short, they usually are, but the main quest in skyrim was barely 5 hours long. But even the guild questlines have been really short. It seems that rather then having quests with substence, cinematic moments or depth, they instead opted for the assassins creed approach to game design, and threw hundreds of arbitrary tasks at you. Dont get me wrong, i expect a certain degree of fetch quests in a game like this, but i expect them to be padding around a much more involved main quest. Skyrim isnt like that at all tho, it ALL feels like padding. I played for 80 hours and not one single quest impressed me. They all felt underwhelming, and they are all forgettable. In a years time i wont be able to look back and reflect on memorable moments, because there wearnt any.

Oblivion, fallout, NV, morrowind. They're all much better games then skyrim.
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Inscrit depuis 6893 Jours
^^ i agree a lot of quests are fillers, but i do NOT agree that oblibion was better, maybe fallout and morrowind, i wont be able to argue that, but oblivion..
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Inscrit depuis 6893 Jours
ok after using fortify potions and upgrading all my gear (draedric) ... duel enchants etc, i might have to up the diffuctly after 1 shot a dragon and not in sneak.
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
^^ i agree a lot of quests are fillers, but i do NOT agree that oblibion was better, maybe fallout and morrowind, i wont be able to argue that, but oblivion..
Better overall? Hell no. None of those games are "much better" than Skyrim. New Vegas is pretty great though.

That said, there are definitely some quest lines in Oblivion that are better than they are in Skyrim.
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Inscrit depuis 6893 Jours
i never did all of morrowinds so i cant comment and when i said cant comment on fallout i ment vegas, i hammered F3.
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Inscrit depuis 5129 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 5836 Jours
I really hope so :)
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