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I gotta say that this is how a JRPG gameplay should be like...real-time but yet have that turn based element in it.
I loved the game...very fun, beautiful and cool attacks.
[Mass Effect] - [Too Human] - [Assassin's Creed] - [Fable 2] - [Haze] - [Devil May Cry 4] - [Ninja Gaiden 2] - [Dark Sector]
*A New Form of Change*
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Like lets say you are controlling cloud at the time then you have a choice between sora or sephiroth (just tossing names out there) to perform 1, 2 maybe even 3 different combination moves with either one of them. Or you might even have a number of different group combo attacks. All using the kotor semi-realtime battle system.
I think from a battle perspective any game like that would already be awesome just build around it properly. What I wouldn't do to see a final fantasy 7 remake using kotor's system with those minor twists. It could actually expand gameplay too by doing things like knocking your opponent back or surround your enemies in a water prison or something *think kisame water prison technique filled with water so the people trapped inside start drowning and lose some HP in the process for every moment they are stuck in itt* or something.
Man what I wouldn't do to see a collaboration between sakaguchi & mistwalker with Bioware in charge of development duties and as well as having input on the story and universe too.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
Blue Dragon - Lost Odyssey - Eternal Sonata - Final Fantasy XIII - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Heavenly Sword - Assassin's Creed - Devil May Cry 4 - Resident Evil 5 - Mass Effect - Tomb Raider Anniversary - Cry On - Alan Wake - Too Human -Infinite Undiscovery
Very good system, one of my favourites, hope the 4th one uses a similar system.
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Very good system, one of my favourites, hope the 4th one uses a similar system.
Blue Dragon - Lost Odyssey - Eternal Sonata - Final Fantasy XIII - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Heavenly Sword - Assassin's Creed - Devil May Cry 4 - Resident Evil 5 - Mass Effect - Tomb Raider Anniversary - Cry On - Alan Wake - Too Human -Infinite Undiscovery
I'm not super convinced by the system in this game yet, but I think it could get increasingly dependant on timing, and that's pretty interesting. Like Jolli says it has to hold up for 40+ hours though, and that's a test of time only time can, er, test.
I have to say, even though I'm not particularly blown away by this for a couple of reasons, it is a comforting personal caress of a demo, promising so much more awe inspiring games than we've had so far on the system (uh-oh, here comes the colour bias!), I mean I don't even care that the Heaven's Mirror Forest here has like 90% less.. thingymabobgraphix.. than Massive Gears Effect Humans, it still makes me go ":O" like nothing else has so far. Artistically I don't even consider this up there with some of the finest looking RPGs on the PS2, but the sheer fact that it's HD cel shading and very dependant on art instead of poly excess makes it so damn appealing.
Oh yes and actual COLOURS!
I'm not dismissing this yet though! I'm just being a bit cautious based on a mixed set of impressions from playing it.. and truthfully the greatest contribution for me is making the wait for Blue Dragon all the more painful! :)
Woo to japanese support! WOO!
http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610
Blue Dragon - Lost Odyssey - Eternal Sonata - Final Fantasy XIII - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Heavenly Sword - Assassin's Creed - Devil May Cry 4 - Resident Evil 5 - Mass Effect - Tomb Raider Anniversary - Cry On - Alan Wake - Too Human -Infinite Undiscovery
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!
Never Mind. Odly enough i never pressed the Y button.
After play more the demo, the fighting is cool, but has no depth, just press press buttons... they should add something else, feels "easy".
After play more the demo, the fighting is cool, but has no depth, just press press buttons... they should add something else, feels "easy".
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Ten thousand fists in the air
Yeah Jolli, agreed. I rather have good turn based, than weak real time.
This is why cant wait Blue Dragon/LO, both are old school... I just hope that LO, has no random enemies, that will work like on Blue Dragon... besides that i dont really care :D
Ten thousand fists in the air
But then i suppose its a bit boring for the person who isn't controlling the main character (out of battle)
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Wishlist: PGR4 with a FF wheel, 2K Legends Football, and Halo 3 with an XFPS controller. And I can dream that Halo Wars will be a Battlezone PC clone...
Artstyle is very beautifull and really love the gameplay.
This game can't come soon enough in Europe.
...If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with stupidity...
Wii-Code : 5377 1661 9266 4265
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
When I think of playing it for 50hrs+ I dunno if I'll have the strenght to go all the way. But being the RPG junkie that I am (especially JRPG's), I will buy it for sure. Because investing 50hrs. in Enchanted Arms justifies it already - Eternal Sonata has to be better ;)
the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice
Also, pay attention to when special attacks are enabled, as you can use different ones based on your distance to the target, your time remaining and your steps taken.
In fact, mess around a lot in the menus, because there's a lot that isn't immediately obvious about the combat system. There's a guy in the forest who can fill you in on special moves and stuff.
http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610
I think later on it will become quite strategic.
If an enemy is in light i assume you should use dark attacks and vice versa.
The battle plays very much like a Tale of series game, although instead of a 2D point of view you are on a 3D battle field.
It would have been a good idea for them to have pointers on the screen edge to indicate where enemies where positioned, although you can change camera angle its still a pain.
Can't get over how crisp the visuals look, probably the best example of Hi Def i have seen on the 360.
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Also, pay attention to when special attacks are enabled, as you can use different ones based on your distance to the target, your time remaining and your steps taken.
In fact, mess around a lot in the menus, because there's a lot that isn't immediately obvious about the combat system. There's a guy in the forest who can fill you in on special moves and stuff.
Oh and Jolli, I absolutely agree, the game visuals are OUTSTANDING ... for me perhaps the best art direction in a game ever!! I almost shit my pants when I got to the flowers garden :O :O
Blue Dragon - Lost Odyssey - Eternal Sonata - Final Fantasy XIII - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Heavenly Sword - Assassin's Creed - Devil May Cry 4 - Resident Evil 5 - Mass Effect - Tomb Raider Anniversary - Cry On - Alan Wake - Too Human -Infinite Undiscovery