Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata Demo on Japanese MP

Since 7006 Days
I wasn't so impressed with the field of flowers it was nice, but looked a bit messy.

What struck me was when you go into a battle and the characters look so smooth and the textures are beautiful, on a HDTV it really stands out like no other game i have seen so far.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7053 Days
Posted by Jollipop
I wasn't so impressed with the field of flowers it was nice, but looked a bit messy.

What struck me was when you go into a battle and the characters look so smooth and the textures are beautiful, on a HDTV it really stands out like no other game i have seen so far.
It wasnt impressive per se but MY god what an atmosphere!!!! and like you said the crispiness of it all is mind blowing. I cant wait to get my hands on the game! from now on it's a tie between Blue Dragon - lost odyssey and Eternal Sonata! Please Jap developers keep these games coming :D
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Blue Dragon - Lost Odyssey - Eternal Sonata - Final Fantasy XIII - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Heavenly Sword - Assassin's Creed - Devil May Cry 4 - Resident Evil 5 - Mass Effect - Tomb Raider Anniversary - Cry On - Alan Wake - Too Human -Infinite Undiscovery

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
I was more impressed with the Night Level, what was it called, Heaven's Garden? Now that level in HD was impressive
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ready for Bear season?

Since 6650 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
I was more impressed with the Night Level, what was it called, Heaven's Garden? Now that level in HD was impressive
Yea that night level was pretty nice. As the boss, big boar :D
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
Posted by UrukHaiPT
Yea that night level was pretty nice. As the boss, big boar :D
Indeed, and I kicked that boss's ass so many times. That defense system is awesome :p
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ready for Bear season?

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
found a site that had MP3 rips of all the music in the demo
just click on "Rips" under the title and there you go :P
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Since 6787 Days
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Since 6835 Days
Played the demo! It was fun, but I can't stand the stupid YOUNG, REALLY YOUNG characters saying their stupid power attacks every 5 seconds. SIGH.
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7123 Days
Posted by NeoNemesis
Played the demo! It was fun, but I can't stand the stupid YOUNG, REALLY YOUNG characters saying their stupid power attacks every 5 seconds. SIGH.
That's the primary reason I wish I could play the Japanese voices actually. It's somehow more bearable when you can't understand it directly.

I have a couple of complaints, but I think it's going to be good. I think the fact that I expect more from the exploration aspect of the game has a lot to do with Bethesda. Elderscrolls made small RPG areas seem so.. small.
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Since 7006 Days
Hopefully if it's anything like Tales of games, you will exit towns on to a world map.

I have heard you have to visit polka's town fairly often, so i imagine the game has a world map of some kind.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7146 Days
I think the whole freedom thing is just a projection of not really liking these types of games though, with all due respect to Grift. Sort of like when people level complaints at VF for not having multi-layered arenas like Dead or Alive, disregarding the fact that it wouldn't actually enhance what the game is trying to do.

Likewise, "interaction" in these places is just a product of assuming they're actual "environments" when in fact they're just branching areas for combat to take place in. Running away from the enemies is really like running away from the game.

In a game like Elder Scrolls the combat doesn't make up 80% of the game like in typical jRPG, and it's in fact infinitely more shallow (yes it is, yes yes yes it is) because emphasis is put elsewhere in western rpgs. Whether this is a good thing or not is entirely up to preference, but in understanding the difference there's also an explanation to why the world here is rather sparse.
In reply to - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Since 7006 Days
I think that because JRPG's also force you to continue the story it makes little sense to have other things to stop you from progressing through the game.

WRPG's are more about leveling up and making your own story from what the world has to offer.

Where as you may enjoy the freedom of Oblivion, I for one don't, it becomes tedious and boring to me and i feel i have no objective as such. (either that or i have too many objectives that i get sidetracked and never finish many of them)

You say Elderscrolls made "small?" RPG worlds seem so small, what is a small RPG.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
Posted by Jollipop
have you played FF12, that had huge area's and alot of content.
indeed it did. Too bad the overall game blew chunks though :p
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7123 Days
Posted by SimonM7
In a game like Elder Scrolls the combat doesn't make up 80% of the game like in typical jRPG, and it's in fact infinitely more shallow (yes it is, yes yes yes it is) because emphasis is put elsewhere in western rpgs. Whether this is a good thing or not is entirely up to preference, but in understanding the difference there's also an explanation to why the world here is rather sparse.
More shallow because the emphasis is on exploration and not turned based combat? Riiight.. guess that's why FF12's combat system plays like a western RPG! I think it's totally silly to fault a roll playing game for putting emphasis on the elements that truly make it an RPG.

PS. The zones in FF12 are not huge.. and the combat in BG/KOTOR and soon Mass Effect is awesome.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7146 Days
Combat in Oblivion is more shallow than any Final Fantasy game yes, I have no idea how you don't see that. The quests, AI, multiple paths and plethora of ways to play the game gives it depth, the first person whacking people in the head doesn't.

FF12 doesn't play like a western RPG, in fact it's very much like a Final Fantasy game except there's no interruption between moving around on the world map and getting into a fight. It employs an AI programming mechanic to have your extra characters do stuff while you reposition yourself, but it's really not THAT vastly different. Also, it's 100% based around its combat, and even though a lot of Final Fantasy purists dislike the game for its radical approach, it has that in common with every FF game and pretty much every jRPG aswell.

EDIT: Well, looking at your post now it doesn't look like the one I replied to. I don't fault any game for anything, I merely defend jRPG for "feeling small" like you put it. They don't strive for the same exploration thing Oblivion does but instead invest everything in their combat.
In reply to - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7123 Days
Combat is more shallow in Oblivion, sure, but that doesn't make the game more shallow by any means.. it's actually quite a bit more of an RPG than most JRPG's imo. And yea.. it's totally different, if you can't see the connection between FF11/12's combat and timed combat (a la western MMORPG's), as well as some similarities w/ Bioware's own combat system than well.. I have no idea how you don't see that.

I think putting an emphasis on any of the "four pillars" is generally negative. RPG's shouldn't be based on purely around combat w/o exploration.. there should be some sort of balance imo between story, exploration, combat and customization (another area where JRPG's typically fall short). I think the only developer that successfully manages all of these issues is Bioware, personally.. far better than any Japanese developer. Their games certainly aren't any more shallow.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7146 Days
I see the similarities in the way someone would see similarities between aforementioned Dead or Alive and Virtua Fighter. I've played both KOTOR and FF12 enough to realise they're really nothing alike beyond that point, something I expect Optimus can confirm what with his going on about how it should be like BioWare's Star Wars epic.

I never said Oblivion is shallow (any issues I have with it would be the exact opposite!) I said its combat was, and thus faulting Eternal Sonata for not having areas that feel large compared is a bit unfair. (replace "a bit" with nothing :))

Whether you feel a game SHOULD be a certain way also comes across as a bit irrelevant, because even though I might hypothetically think fighting games "should" employ location based, realistic damage where people break legs and stuff, that doesn't really make Virtua Fighter flawed.
In reply to - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Since 7006 Days
Thing is Grift that the area's in FF12 are huge (same for 11) yes you have to zone, but it doesn't make the area's any smaller.

You add all those small zones up together and the world maps is massive.

Customization shouldn't really comes into a JRPG as the point of the game is role play, "play a role or roles of a set of characters that the developer intended you to play", so we can leave that one out, only time i like to see customization is in online gaming.

Story, JRPG's have some of the best stories in computer games, yes they can appear to be a bit samey from time to time but thats probably a cultural thing :P.

Exploration is something which comes down to individual prefernce, if i wanted to spend hours exploring a vast world i would get an MMOPRG not a single player RPG.

Combat is a tricky one, as you can never satisfy everyone, so you either have to satisfy the fans who you already have who like the "shallow" combat, or go with something new and perhaps appeal to new fans, but end up alienating your old fans (FF12).

Personally what i have seen from Mass Effect combat wise sends me to sleep (infact the whole game looks boring to me), so i can't see how you think bioware manages to cover all bases.

If all JRPG's started to play like WRPG's i think i would have to give up video games, so i'm glad there is diversity like this.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7146 Days
Well, role play in the west means creating a role that's separate from your own and living through that. It's in essense the opposite of what japanese RPG's are doing, and that's why they usually have NO set personality but rather wants you to fill those shoes.

The AI of Oblivion is crafted so it reacts to the kind of person you chose to become, and that's definitely admirable in its own right.

jRPG just never cared much about any of that though, and that's why you'll get so many people united in the love for a pre-defined character like Cloud or Sephiroth, or the heartbreaking death of Aeris, while on the other side of the world map you have people just working out which path to take through a game, experimenting with its myriad of distractions. Indeed, for different people, either of those could bore you stiff, but that's just how they're different.

And indeed, like Jolli says, if they were to "dillute" eachother and create a cross breed of ill-defined games, I think people from both worlds would abandon gaming in hordes.
In reply to - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
this debate is still going on? Geez, it's just different strokes for different folks. End it at that
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7146 Days
And rename "discussion forums" "mute nodding forums"? I think not!
In reply to - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Since 7015 Days
I can't speak for Mass Effect's combat other than the fact that I'm really interested in the story especially after reading this book (still not finished), but jolli I'm pretty sure you'd fall in love with kotor if you gave it a chance.

It really is that good easily up there with final fantasy 7 I think if not better in some ways. Kotor is really one of those games that I think only come along once in a blue moon. I think Kotor's story surpassed the Star War's movies (bold statement I know) but its damn good.

Fun combat, amazing story, incredible voice acting, incredible music, great art and overall production values just through the roof I think, great characters, perfect pacing. The game is god's gift to humanity. I'm dead serious lol it was meant to be.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
Posted by SimonM7
And rename "discussion forums" "mute nodding forums"? I think not!
no, but this is a pointless argument. It's like arguing over which is better, comics or manga...
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ready for Bear season?

Since 7015 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
no, but this is a pointless argument. It's like arguing over which is better, comics or manga...
Manga of course hahaha I couldn't resist =P
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7098 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Manga of course hahaha I couldn't resist =P
with all the knowledge the Japanese posses, you would think they would figure out how to stop making their books backwards :P
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ready for Bear season?

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