Inscrit depuis 6557 Jours
ahah so true.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7126 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
ah, you'd be one of those using the 1884 akimbo in MW2, before the patch, if you had played the game... :P
Nah, I hate shotties in COD.
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Inscrit depuis 5536 Jours
LMAO at the Hitler video.

I think the whole gravity affecting bullets is a bit exaggerated no? Anyone else agree?
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Steam: Doomsong83

Inscrit depuis 6457 Jours
After playing the demo, I may well have to buy this.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7126 Jours
Posté par Doomsong83
I think the whole gravity affecting bullets is a bit exaggerated no? Anyone else agree?
Actually, compared to real life, it's probably anything but exaggerated. That's why snipers have spotters in real life. You have to compensate for gravity and wind a great deal at that kind of range. And we're talking a matter of several feet in some cases. Plus, I don't notice bullet drop on the XM8 much at all. It's only really a huge consideration for most weapons over a very long range.
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Inscrit depuis 7248 Jours
The beta was good, I really liked the scout!
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 5536 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Actually, compared to real life, it's probably anything but exaggerated. That's why snipers have spotters in real life. You have to compensate for gravity and wind a great deal at that kind of range. And we're talking a matter of several feet in some cases. Plus, I don't notice bullet drop on the XM8 much at all. It's only really a huge consideration for most weapons over a very long range.
I guess it just takes some getting used to. I don't hate it, I've always thought it was ridiculous I can pistol someone halfway across the map in other FPS games.
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Steam: Doomsong83

Inscrit depuis 7248 Jours
Posté par Doomsong83
I guess it just takes some getting used to. I don't hate it, I've always thought it was ridiculous I can pistol someone halfway across the map in other FPS games.
It is exaggerated though. There is no way a sniper shot will dip like that in such a short distance.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6885 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
It is exaggerated though. There is no way a sniper shot will dip like that in such a short distance.
Nope, in real life, a sniper would have to make sight adjustments for range. Try shooting any rifle at range and you'd see it...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6628 Jours
Ruling out the friction of the air you get a bullet drop of about 1,6mm per 100m on a M24 when you're shooting straight. That's not much, but just by watching Biathlon you'll get an idea just how much of an impact wind/friction can make at just 50m. Slower bullets drop off quicker, lighter bullets are more prone to loosing their initial velocity.

Grift got it right, in rl snipers need to measure distance to their target and either adjust the scope with some knobs or compensate for it by aiming higher.
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Inscrit depuis 6557 Jours
in any case, extremely realistic or not, it's an extra factor to take into consideration and it makes things a bit more interesting imo.

a couple of days ago i was passing by noob hill (checking on my noob sniper mates) and there was a guy on the other team on the mounted gun on the building facing B. He was firing at me while i was aiming my rocket launcher at him, and guessing how high i'd have to shoot to compensate for gravity, so i fired up quite a bit high, and just as i fired he killed me. And as i got the kill cam, LOL, i saw my rocket getting there and exploding on his face!
pure awesomeness :D
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Inscrit depuis 7156 Jours
They should do what the ACE 2 mod does for ArmA 2. If you want to play as a sniper you have to make precise windage adjustments based on range and the readings you get from one of these puppies...

It certainly makes each kill feel a lot more earned.
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Inscrit depuis 5536 Jours
I think it's a cool addition and it certainly makes sniping more of a science. Leading a moving target is difficult as high hell but if you tag 'em you feel pretty awesome afterwards. Either way, Recon shouldn't be sniping all the time! lol
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Steam: Doomsong83

Inscrit depuis 6885 Jours
Posté par Slabs
They should do what the ACE 2 mod does for ArmA 2. If you want to play as a sniper you have to make precise windage adjustments based on range and the readings you get from one of these puppies...

It certainly makes each kill feel a lot more earned.
The pace of the game would have to be MUCH slower, as hitting a moving target at that kind of range would be an act of God. No one would snipe, because it would be so difficult. On second thought, that sounds great :D...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7126 Jours
Posté par Slabs
They should do what the ACE 2 mod does for ArmA 2. If you want to play as a sniper you have to make precise windage adjustments based on range and the readings you get from one of these puppies...

It certainly makes each kill feel a lot more earned.
NO! Jebus no! This game doesn't need to feel anymore like a simulator. Battlefield always had that perfect balance for me.

I love Battlefield and I hate ArmA, so please, no! :P
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Inscrit depuis 7056 Jours
I wonder what sniping will be like in "hardcore mode"
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7126 Jours
Posté par Tinks
I wonder what sniping will be like in "hardcore mode"
More hardcore, duh!

I don't like how they've suggested that *balance* was one of the reasons for the PC beta, yet, they only allow us a limited selection of weapons and equipment. I mean, the kit I use seems anything but balanced to me, but how are you supposed to judge what that will look like in the final game? You can't say the S20K is too powerful when you can't compare it to later level unlocks and perks! There's still stuff like additional body armor, etc. They won't actually be able to tweak balance until the full game drops and they can test it in the wild. That's a bummer. They should have allowed us to unlock more stuff in the beta.

I hope this game has some serious server side tweaks that we can run, since we're not getting mod tools or file level access to servers. It would be nice if there was at least a ready-up mode for team play and even nicer if they allowed you to limit/remove certain perks if it's deemed necessary (it may not be).
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Inscrit depuis 7248 Jours
Posté par Tinks
I wonder what sniping will be like in "hardcore mode"
Even more unrealistic I guess. It's like people who think games like GRID are realistic in any way. And then they how bad the car handles by saying "try doing that in real life and see for yourself, you will spin out". Yeah, I guess I will, but doesn't take a genius to see how the game is still completely unrealistic about it.

And by the way, I still think is fun, and my favorite class.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7126 Jours
90% of the people playing Recon in the beta/demo are complete noobs. But yeah, sniping is anything but less realistic in this game over the majority of other shooters.

The only thing that actually leans closer to realism is ArmA and you don't actually want that. You want it to be less realistic, apparently. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I am a Call of Duty fan after all.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6992 Jours
I got another code from Webhallen, this time i used it myself just to see how it runs on my PC.
Runs pretty smooth, not big hiccups :)

I do wanted to use the joystick (360 controller) but it seems that the beta doesnt have any option to use it (even though its in the options).

But from what I played on PC (compared to PS3) I might get it, and if I do, it would probably be on PC, the visuals are better obviously and its a bit cheaper, I was just shocked it ran good on my Radeon 4890 with everything maxed out except the AA and Anostrophic Filter was on 1x and HBO turned off (no idea what that is) and Shadows being on Medium.
I didnt check FRAPS how much I got, but I would think it would be around 40 with its up and downs (just a random number feeling :P)

I just hope the full version has a 360 controller support (*swedish* kom igen nu gossar! :D)

Now one thing I have or had a problem with is the movement, its weightyness.
I dont like it in KZ2 and I dont like it in Bad Company, but atleast the movement in Bad Company is better while the aiming is better in KZ2.

But playing with the mouse for aiming you dont get a sense of weight when you turn the aiming slightly more up than the default, but on PS3 it was annoying, might be the controller (thinking of getting a PS3-360 controller crossover device for shooters I tend to play, which is alot recently) and it was clunky like Kz2, more or less.

I hate using the keyboard for movement though, but using mouse for aiming and such is good.
I might wait a day or so and see if the game supports a 360 controller in the retail version, if so, PC it is, if not, I will pick the PS3 version and maybe get a ps3 + 360 controller device.

PS. Listening to Battlefield 1943 main theme while playing is awesome hehe, great theme.
Ps3 has custom music but it only works in the main menu, when you start the game it stops :(
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6992 Jours
I played the PS3 demo again, but this time I increased the aim a bit more to see if I can lose the clunkyness I didnt feel in PC, and it worked :)

I also looked at control options to see if there is any way to switch the aim/shoot from bumpers to triggers, but nothing, so I guess I wont buy a XCM after all.
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Inscrit depuis 6557 Jours
Posté par Sath
I played the PS3 demo again, but this time I increased the aim a bit more to see if I can lose the clunkyness I didnt feel in PC, and it worked :)

I also looked at control options to see if there is any way to switch the aim/shoot from bumpers to triggers, but nothing, so I guess I wont buy a XCM after all, but I am looking into those Giotech Real Triggers, heard great things about it.
YES! also in the 360 by default the sensitivity is turned all the way down, like 10% or so. Turn it all the way up to 80 or 90% and it's so much better. I keep saying this, although i loved the game, i hated how the aiming worked on the first bad company. It's fixed now, feels just fine.

Also, have people seen this?
a cool how-to video. good tips for the un-initiated. I hope people get good education about BF by the time the full game arrives. This game goes from very good to amazing when played well, with an organized objective oriented squad/team
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6992 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
YES! also in the 360 by default the sensitivity is turned all the way down, like 10% or so. Turn it all the way up to 80 or 90% and it's so much better. I keep saying this, although i loved the game, i hated how the aiming worked on the first bad company. It's fixed now, feels just fine.
Well I have been enjoying playing this game more now on PS3 now that I increased the aim sensitivity much higher (maybe 50%) and you are right mt_sabao, the clunky weight is gone but still feels weighty with faster aim but its not as weird as KZ2. Its faster and smoother, but in KZ2 it feels very slow and framerate is 30 or something or even low, just doesnt feel right.

But unless I dont see a 360 controller support in retail version on PC I am going to buy the PS3 version, but if there is one (without any program doing the job for) then its all for better, and visually, it doesnt matter for me, PS3 has pretty good visuals IMO.

I however have yet to decide if I am going to buy it or not, but I saw videos of single player and MP that hyped me up for the game.

These two...

Single player (I love the view, fantastic!)

MP footage (same level? I hope so)

Too bad the demo wont allow you to unlock scopes :(
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Inscrit depuis 6557 Jours
For you PC gamers, oficial PC overview

Sath, HBO means Ambient Occlusion, but a special technique for realtime. There was a slideshow on a NVIDIA siggraph presentation. Anyways, it's eye candy :)
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Inscrit depuis 6653 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
For you PC gamers, oficial PC overview
Thanks, just came to post that :p

Can't wait for it's release next week.
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