Inscrit depuis 6883 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I agree the M60 and CG are retard-strong. But I don't play a game to keep my KDR as high as possible. I don't give a shit about stats, I just use guns that feel good and are fun to use. The M16 is really deadly, but more importantly for me, it just FEELS very fun and satisfying to use/fire. Same goes for some of the less deadly weapons, I use them often just b/c they are FUN to use, even if it means I die more than I would with the M60.

It's fun to play to win and do well, but I'll never understand those who just find the best weapon in the game and stick to it. How they don't get sick of the game playing it that way I will never understand.
Thats exactly how I feel. I do maintain a decent KDR though(between 1.25 and 2.5 most of the time. Sometimes a little more or less). I DO like the PP-2000. That think jacks people up, but I run out of ammo pretty fast. THe AK-74U is sweet as well. I've been the engineer a lot recently, but I switch up classes constantly...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par Tinks
Yeah on console I think the damage is different. No one really uses the noob tube either because of the controls or the damage scale, not sure. You can hit people at their feet with noob tubes and they don't do anything. They're also virtually useless on tanks and take several to take them down.
Well, they're an anti-infantry weapon. They made them weak against armor for a reason. Their best use is probably to take out walls and the baddies behind them, but they're really easy to aim on the PC. You can get close range kills with them too, you just have to hit the enemy directly and get an impact kill. There's a timer that limits the detonation at close range. It's a safety feature. I've heard that M203's actually use something simular in real life, but I'm not sure. I watched a friend play the 360 version a little the other night, and I did notice that his games were far more overrun with medics than I'm used to seeing on the PC, so maybe that's why we seem to be experiencing something different.

Don't aim at the feet at close range. It's not supposed to work.
Posté par Doomsong83
Squad deathmach on PC sometimes turns into a noob tube fest.
Don't forget Carl! The Gustav + 8 rockets = domination.
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Inscrit depuis 5534 Jours
Yeah I can't forget that lol I use it all the friggin time!
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 6626 Jours
This is how you properly fly a heli:

This man knows his stuff. Watch the other tutorials if you want to get good at flying. The way he was diving on the tank at 0:47-1:00 is exactly how I roll on that map. So much fun and so satisfying.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
There's another good youtube video out there explaining how hellfire missiles work on the attack helos.

People need to know this stuff.
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Inscrit depuis 6626 Jours
Hellfire missiles are impractical. I like using the increased damage perk on the attack heli. As the guy in the vid says, it means you need lesser strafes on tanks, thus reducing the time you get exposed to enemy fire. I usually do 2-3 strafes until it dies, it's also way more effective against infantry. Staying alive is of highest priority, and mobility is the biggest strength of the heli.

I love the M416, btw. My K/D ratio started climbing again after I got it unlocked. The AN-94 doesn't fit me at all though and I doubt the M16 will yield any better results.
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Inscrit depuis 6868 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I love the M416, btw. My K/D ratio started climbing again after I got it unlocked. The AN-94 doesn't fit me at all though and I doubt the M16 will yield any better results.
The AN-94 is the perfect weapon for me, i love my burst fire weapons and its very accurate with pretty decent damage. The M16 is a close second, it would be first but theres just a little too much recoil on it for my liking.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
The AN-94 does great damage. It's beastly with magnum ammo. The M-16 is nice too, but the AN-94 is the best burst fire weapon imo (and from what I've seen, on paper).
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Hellfire missiles are impractical. I like using the increased damage perk on the attack heli. As the guy in the vid says, it means you need lesser strafes on tanks, thus reducing the time you get exposed to enemy fire. I usually do 2-3 strafes until it dies, it's also way more effective against infantry. Staying alive is of highest priority, and mobility is the biggest strength of the heli.

I love the M416, btw. My K/D ratio started climbing again after I got it unlocked. The AN-94 doesn't fit me at all though and I doubt the M16 will yield any better results.
Hellfire is far from impractical under the right circumstances. They do a ridiculous amount of damage to armor. The gunner's tracer takes a lot of skill to put it into practice, but it's ridiculously effective. Plus, your gunner doesn't need to paint targets, infantry can do it too. A painted target will go down in one pass every single time with a hellfire. I have to disagree. It makes the helo far more effective if it is put to proper use. Your gunner is already deadly effective against infantry, so you should only ever have to play clean up on infantry targets anyway.

It's sorta sad that there is only really one map where you can have some actual air battles, but I would only want to use the extended damage perk if I didn't have a good gunner, or if I didn't know I had infantry on the ground painting targets for me. The tracer dart pistol is wildly under used, but I can't say I really blame people. Having to give up your 1911 for it is pretty rough. I don't even use it as engineer, since it's easy enough to hit targets with the CG (or RPG-7) without it, and it's just as easy to shoot down helos as it is to hit them with tracer darts in the first place.

Shooting down attack helos with the CG is just a joy. It's maybe my favorite thing ever.

I'll agree with you 100% on the M416 though. That gun is awesome. The XM8 is pretty close, but I prefer the more stable M416. Plus it has the best iron sights of any assault rifle, which frees up great perks like 2x grenades (or lightweight, or whatever)!
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Inscrit depuis 6883 Jours
Yeah, I just discovered the awesomeness of the M416. I have almost every class unlocked except the sniper. Also, I still don't have the C4 option for the engineer, when do you get it? Definitely agree about taking down helos. I always jump for joy when one goes down no matter how, but when it's me and I get the CG on it, it's damn satisfying, not to mention relieving. Helos and Snipers- I hate them. They also need to fix it so they can't ram me with the damn helo without it blowing up either, that's ridiculous. ..
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
There is no C4 option for engis, only assault and recon.
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Inscrit depuis 6626 Jours
Well lets agree to disagree. I'll only say that against a good team with 2-3 tanks shooting at you constantly you don't want to hover with your heli for one second. Of course I'm never on a team that is smart enough to do that... :(

There is some news on the patch front:
Our current plan is to allow Steam to test the patch tonight and all being well we will look to release R7 client and R10 servers on Wednesday morning European time. I'll update more on that later once the details are finalised.
We aren't going to tell you what weapon balance tweaks we have done, we want your unbiased views on the changes before we detail what has changed.
Good decision on their part. Seems like the changes are only minor, which is good.

The full list of changes is available here.
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Inscrit depuis 6626 Jours
This should be rather interesting for you Grift (any PC player really):

I've seen that a few times on consoles, too. Couldn't hit a standing target at 5m.
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Inscrit depuis 6883 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
There is no C4 option for engis, only assault and recon.
Woah, I didn't even think to look for it for Assault! Thanks...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I hope that list is for consoles too...
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
It's clearly not, but I'm sure you'll get some kind of change log soon. You're definitely getting a patch soon. As soon as Microsoft lets them patch it, at least.
Posté par Viginti_Tres
This should be rather interesting for you Grift (any PC player really):

I've seen that a few times on consoles, too. Couldn't hit a standing target at 5m.
I'm a little hesitant to make any tweaks that are specific to server latency, since I tend to play on a variety of servers.
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Inscrit depuis 6868 Jours
The knifing needs to be patched in this game, its so clunky and so random. Its incredibly frustrating how easy it is to miss!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
The Dr. Pepper stuff comes out on the 360 tomorrow, and there's a new map (layout) pack too. Squad DM and Squad Rush though, so don't get too excited! I'm still pretty happy about a new DM map though. I think Squad Deathmatch is a little underrated, it's actually a lot of fun when you're playing with other people. Nelson Bay should be a good addition to the game mode. Moar!
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Inscrit depuis 6892 Jours
The new server browser is a lot better than the old one.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Posté par Jin187
The knifing needs to be patched in this game, its so clunky and so random. Its incredibly frustrating how easy it is to miss!
The platinum star I have for my knife says otherwise :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par Tinks
The platinum star I have for my knife says otherwise :)
I have a platinum star and then some with the knife and still think it's pretty shady.
Posté par Isomac
The new server browser is a lot better than the old one.
Sooo much better. The M60 definitely feels a little different but it's still good, and the 1911 too, though I wish they would have just left it alone. Seems harder to hip-fire it at super long range targets. Overall I think everything feels pretty okay. There's a slight delay when I hit enter game now, but if they fix that I'll be pretty happy with how this shaped up so far.

I just spent some time with slugs and the 870. I take back everything I said about slugs. Holy shit are they fun.
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Inscrit depuis 6892 Jours
How should you use the 12x zoom? There is so many ranges where you see dudes and I think it's impossible to know what dot or what ever to use for aiming. I mean there was dude quite close to me, maybe 50 meters. He didn't move (he was aiming (lol) with the protube) and I tried to shoot him in the head 3 times. None of the bullets hit him at all... Then I said fuck this and just used pistol. I also get much better results with the red dot.

At least the game saves your weapon selections now.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
I don't use 12x zoom. That would require me to snipe.
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Inscrit depuis 6883 Jours
Posté par Isomac
How should you use the 12x zoom? There is so many ranges where you see dudes and I think it's impossible to know what dot or what ever to use for aiming. I mean there was dude quite close to me, maybe 50 meters. He didn't move (he was aiming (lol) with the protube) and I tried to shoot him in the head 3 times. None of the bullets hit him at all... Then I said fuck this and just used pistol. I also get much better results with the red dot.

At least the game saves your weapon selections now.
Until you get the hang of it, you kind of have to take a test shot and see how high/low you are hitting. I think it depends on the gun too. They can get pretty far out before you get to the second notch down. Just watch where your bullets are landing...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
The patch is pretty nice, but there's some kind of weird spawn lag going on now when you click enter game. They really need to fix that.
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Inscrit depuis 6626 Jours
God damn, BC2 is so frustrating with a garbage squad. Yesterday no one cared to repair my heli while I manoeuvred it dangerously close to them and I had to fly it to the bitter end (was awesome though, I was on like 5% for several minutes taking out 3-4 tanks and 3 helis). This happened again in a tank where the engineer refused to repair me while he stood directly beside me.

Today I land my heli for repairs, my useless gunner - who was only good for stealing my kills anyway - doesn't have the engineer kit and as I step out he takes off with it, spins upside down and crashes.

tl/dr: Playing BC2 without friends is fucking horrible.
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