Flash_Runner @reneyvane: genre comme Sea og thieves ou Helldivers 2 sur Steam ? (il y a 3 Jours)
reneyvane @face2papalocust: On ferait mieux dans discuter sur le forum et le topic PS5 ? (il y a 3 Jours)
face2papalocust @reneyvane: et? Ils le font tous ça pratiquement en online. (il y a 3 Jours)
Blackninja @reneyvane: Quelle version physique ? (il y a 4 Jours)
reneyvane La version PS5 de "Forza-Horizon-5" même en physique impose de créer un compte Microsoft sur le PSN et d'être à chaque fois connecté pour jouer. Vous perdrez le jeu quand le PSN PS5 disparaîtera ! (il y a 4 Jours)
Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)
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Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
I've decided that the 12g slugs are a little too frustrating. They highlight the games poor registration. I miss too many shots that clearly should have been hits. I hope they continue to improve reg.. because it's a super fun weapon despite those issues.
I also think the game needs a hotfix post patch. This spawn lag stuff seems specific to certain pc's. It was happening when I played on a buddies rig post patch, but mine is fine. I also think they need to rethink some of their revisions. The 1911 is still just as good from the hip at uber ranges, but significantly worse in close quarters. All they seem to have done is lower the rate of fire.. which makes it feel sorta clunky. That's why I don't use the Rex and now I'm thinking of changing my primary side arm. None of that is as serious of an error as what they did to the vehicles though. Every land vehicle is soooooo slow now. The quad feels like they've halved the top speed and that's just bullshit.
Maybe a new mode/new maps could bring some life back to it, but for right now I'm just not really too interested in the game anymore.
So I WAS in a tourney for this game, and was signed up and ready to play a 2nd one... unfortunately Game Battles has made some poor decisions so my team basically forfeited by default. Playoffs began and you HAD to play at 9 pm the other day and if you won you HAD to play at 10, no matter what. One of my teammates works past nine so we were fucked before we even knew it.
A shame that I'm not in high school anymore with nothing but time on my hands to overplay games and have ridiculous rank. Not to mention make whatever schedule something like this decides to throw at you.
The playoffs we were in banned mortar and banned firing rockets from spawn. Then the other tournament went so far as to ban even taking down buildings (entirely!) with C4, rockets, nube tube, everything. GG
Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!
I started using the G3 because of the C4 on assault kits, it's a good weapon now and with the C4 it's really the all round best class to use on vehicle heavy maps. It requires to be very accurate though, the clip lasts for up to 3 kills only if you're under pressure, it makes embarrassing a full squad of players even sweeter though. After a few days of G3 exercise I completely went to town on Arica Harbour with the M16 with 35-40 kills each game. Also used LMGs for the first time after the nerf (namely the SAW). If you know how to play with that class they're still beasts, sprayed down entire squads with that.
Even after the nerf, the M16 feels like the best weapon to me. Got quite a few hate messages since I allowed non-friend communication again.
C4 rules. I love playing assault with the Saiga+shot or 870+slugs.
The biggest problem I have with the level design is how limited the choices are. There was so much more variety in any given Battlefield 2 map. Conquest in this game is really inferior to pretty much every single previous Battlefield game. The fact that you can only get air to air combat in one map is really depressing. White Pass is actually one of my favorite levels, despite only having two APC's. I love the vehicles in this franchise even though I prefer playing infantry. It just gives you so many more options in terms of how you want to play the game. And even though this game has much less gameplay variety than previous BF titles, it's still at the top of the FPS pile.
The LMG nerf is mostly a bunch of bullshit by the way. I still think medic is the best combat kit in the game.
And TWL (yes, I know, noob league!) banned the M60 and GC, so I started pubbing a little with different weapons to get used to something new for my medic and engi kits. I'm using the Type 88 right now with the medic, but I'm not sure if I'll stick with it or move to something else. I have to say though, after two pub games with the T88 resulting in KDR's above 4.0, who needs the M60? It just goes to show you--people cry too much about that gun. The popularity of the weapon is what people hate, not its actual effectiveness!
It makes me feel more confident that medic is still the best combat kit in the game. Gun combat, at least. Rockets and tubes really skew that balance completely.
This is a great game, anyway. I think I'm going to uninstall MoH before the beta is over and reinstall COD4. That way I get the best of both worlds and not some half assed game that meets you in the middle.
Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.
You know what I really like about this game? Is it how searching for "North American" servers in the browser dumps you into a Dutch server? No, clearly not. I really dig how when you change the FOV the gun models don't scale. So many people consider this a bug. The developers even consider it a bug! People hate it, but I think it's awesome. It also adjusts the FOV based on its height and not its width. They "fixed" this issue in MoH, and it's just like FOV scaling in any other game now. If you pump it up too high, you get the tunnel vision effect, which is applied to your gun and player model too. You're doing yourself a big favor by allowing the game to display more on the screen, but your gun looks so ridiculous! It looks all skinny and goofy. I love how that doesn't happen in BC2.
Too bad it's probably the last game that they'll ever do that in. :/
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
Game is fun again! woo!
Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)
Can PC players bitch now? Where's our new patch? It's been forever.
You know what's semi-good since the last PC patch? The M9-3. It's not completely useless anymore. It's sorta fun since I hate the shit ROF on the 1911 now.