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The very sad thing is that CoD4 still provides this shity noob gameplay. The controls are just bad, i hate this noob aiming. From gameplay view i am very disappointed, because it hasn't changed from the predecessor. Another disappointing thing is that the AI is just bad. It's like CoD2/CoD3, lots of enemies with no brain runs over the war field. The game is all about massive enemies to get the feeling that you are in the middle of a war.
To be fair, i will judge the game when the final version is out and you can see more media. But after seeing this demo i have to say that the E3 presentation looked much better (E3 presentation looked amazing) than this demo.
@ GriftGFX
lol, the game is nowhere near better as R6+GRAW combined. Maybe the graphics looks more realistic, but from gameplay view it's just bad like CoD2/CoD3. The only CoD game with good gameplay was CoD1. Anything above is just a kiddie shooter.
lol, the game is nowhere near better as R6+GRAW combined. Maybe the graphics looks more realistic, but from gameplay view it's just bad like CoD2/CoD3. The only CoD game with good gameplay was CoD1. Anything above is just a kiddie shooter.
As for the R6/GRAW comparison.. well I guess if you prefer "tactical" shooters (which, I would argue that Ubi's recent bastardized versions of both franchises aren't really all that tactical anyway) then I guess Call of Duty wouldn't be for you.. but I like action games and I love FPS.. two things that Ubi is hardly capable of capturing at all. GRAW is a pretty average game.. and R6 is a shadow of its former self.
If anything has been dumbed down to a "kiddy" level, it's Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. As for "noob" aiming -- I'll take "noob aiming" over blindfiring around corners and lines of sight that you shouldn't even have. Third person cameras in first person shooters? You can keep'm.
I honestly don't understand how anyone could bitch about the controls. The default binds? Sure.. but that's something I've got to adjust in just about every shooter. I think the controls are great.. and I also think this is going to be the best COD since the original.. easily.
COD3 was fucking terrible.
Here's the steps to use them ...
1. Right click on your desktop icon and then click on properties.
2. Change the target line to read: Copy this - +set thereisacow 1337 - after this "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Demo\iw3sp.exe"
3. Click ok.
4. Enter the game by double clicking the desktop icon as you normally would.
5. Turn on the console (it's in options)
6. type this in the console (press ~ to open the console) before you start a map: /spdevmap bog_a
This will s.tart the map loading.
7. Once the map is loaded and you are playing. Open the console again and type: /give all
Here are some other ones to try after type /give all:
/r_desaturation 4 (black & white mod)
/god (can't be hurt or die)
/demigod (can't die but can be hurt)
A clan m8 posted in our forums, pretty fun, we get to experience plenty weapons! Im trying at the moment and is cool :D
"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."
EDIT: Strange.. some of the weapons feel a little off. Why is the M16A4 fully automatic? I also noticed (this could be mostly in my head, I'm not sure) that the M4 and M16 both seem to have slightly more recoil/diversion than they did in the 360 MP beta. I wonder if that's in my head, or the product of additional tweaking to the weapon balance. They're still FAR more stable than any other assault rifle I've used so far. Even the G3 has an insane amount of kickback compared to the M4 and M16.
That's still a fraction of the total weapons in the game. I think there are like, 40+ weapons in the campaign. Cool find though. I wonder if there's anything else we can unlock via the console.
And with all respect, but R6 on realistic is worlds apart from CoD, because it requires the player to act in a tactical way. But i've not started to talk about R6. That was you. When it comes to gameplay and FPS i can just name: Red Orchestra Ostfront, BiA, Battlefield series, GRAW PC, MoH Airborne, HALO3.
COD3 has noob aiming. That's actually another way in which COD3 is much worse than COD2. You can basically use the camera adhesion to cheat your way through the game, thanks to all the console centric aiming aids that are forced on the player. All you need to do is throw smoke everywhere and let the autoaim take over -- which will lock on to HEADSHOTS with the M1 right through the smoke. It elevates the M1 to another level, and takes much of the challenge of Veteran out of the game. Challenge which is quite frankly poorly designed anyway, since all it entails is making it so your allies literally CAN NOT kill the enemy with bullets (only grenades) and makes the enemy fire seek out your head like every nazi has an aimbot. If you can't see where COD3 fails at copying COD2's formula, I'm really not surprised that you don't see the good in the franchise at all.
If you don't like.. well.. good for you I guess. The fact that you think MOH:Airborne is somehow more advanced is.. well.. also ridiculous. It has a less linear campaign design, which is cool, but then it fails to move forward in so many other areas it's not even funny. MOH is a franchise whose mechanics are just now starting to grow up, yet somehow COD is a "kiddie shooter." Please. The most interesting thing about MOH is the lean and peak mechanic.. which while cool would never function in a game as fast paced and action packed as Call of Duty. It would seriously damage Call of Duty's multiplayer too, since movement is so important and MOH is so.. rigid by comparison.
And nothing is challenging? You don't expect Veteran to be challenging? No gameplay at all? Give me a break. I'm quite pleased with the direction that Call of Duty is heading, especially in terms of the much needed redesign to the multiplayer component of the game.
It's no achievement in AI, I'll give you that much.. but that's never been one of Call of Duty's strong points. Enemies do use cover though -- they even blind fire around corners which is a new element to the franchise.. but I'll submit to that one bullet point.
The ammount of weapons and headgears you can choose from in GRAW 2 is just crazy!
Sure GRAW1/2 is more tactica, however the controls are clunky and the animations are a bit wierd, not only that but the character itself is infront of the damn screen which is hard to see what you are aiming at.
With animations I mean that when you are trying to go around the corner it get stuck on the well and such, VERY annoying.
The aiming needs to be fixed, because you can't do anything about it which is wierd.
However the level design of its environment changing from light to dark, shadows...etc. is amazing.
It is just hard to see the soldiers because they are wearing camo and are blended with the grass or stone...etc. add that with the shadowing, lighting...etc. its more realistic.
Now I haven't played COD4, but from what I have seen its great, and I am obviously gonna adjust to its gameplay mechanics to very good at it.
PS. It is just not reasonable to say FPS MP on consoles are less tactical.
IF you are playing with a friend or groups of friend and you all have mics andkeep talking to each other then its all tactical.
Just because PC FPS>>>>Console FPS doesn't mean PC version is better at being tactical.
It isn't about aiming nor what control scheme between control and K&M, its about who you are playing with and how.
PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5
I'm not sure about weapons. There will be quite a few weapons in COD4. Like 40+ in single player, at least. Not sure about MP.
I wish Alliance: The Silent War wasn't CANNED.. because that game was going to be the ultimate gun nerd sim. 200 fire arms from nearly 200 years of history in one game.. with simulation balistics. But the guys who were making it fucking shelved it so they could work on a new graphics engine for SECOND LIFE ONLINE of all things. It's always a shame when an FPS team loses a player to an MMORPG.. it's even worse when we lose a great FPS entirely.. especially to what amounts to a 3D chatroom.
But so far I think GRAW 2 has best weapon selection...however, with the customization in COD4 we can see a wide variety of personal likings.
PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5
I'm not sure about weapons. There will be quite a few weapons in COD4. Like 40+ in single player, at least. Not sure about MP.
I wish Alliance: The Silent War wasn't CANNED.. because that game was going to be the ultimate gun nerd sim. 200 fire arms from nearly 200 years of history in one game.. with simulation balistics. But the guys who were making it fucking shelved it so they could work on a new graphics engine for SECOND LIFE ONLINE of all things. It's always a shame when an FPS team loses a player to an MMORPG.. it's even worse when we lose a great FPS entirely.. especially to what amounts to a 3D chatroom.
For example: you've got very big maps and tanks. Anything requires more skills and to act in a team.
My Blog:
COD4 is however realistic considering that they got professional man from the army to help them out from models to sound.
One thing that is a bit bummer in COD4 is that it doesn't have recoil what so ever.
Counter-Strike had great weapon recoil, and that took skills to aim perfectly everytime.
I wish and hope COD4 has recoil in the weapons in the final product which I highly doubt it.
PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5
This is pretty classic too:
Note: I'm not bashing Halo's gun play.. I actually think it's very refined and the balance between firefights, melee, and grenade use are expertly tuned.. but it's far from being more realistic.
That's not even considering the fact that you can turn the reticle off in Call of Duty.
I saw two footages of some guy using machine gun and the shooting didn't have any recoil.
But I better play the game myself to experience the truth about it. Although you played both versions from beta and SP and you saying it is in there, I will take your word for it.
PS. Do we really need another "This FPS game is better than Halo, and vice versa" thread? :S
Why not Crysis then? Crysis has better weapon realistics than Halo does which is closer to COD4, than Halo.
PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5
Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.
Even the M4 has a considerable amount of recoil in the demo.. not nearly as drastic as the G3 or AK-47, but it's still very noticeable. But I'm not going to try to convince you to like it.. I'm just pointing out the facts. There is recoil -- there is deviation -- oh, and when your reticle turns red, it doesn't change your accuracy (or the shape/size of the reticle) at all. It's about the most "noob" feature the game offers, but it's not entirely uncommon for the cross hairs in many a game to change color to indicate that you're targeting an enemy and not a friendly.
If it bothers you that much, play with them off, or don't bother playing at all.
Many people have no problem with the way the game controls. You say it's easy and simple, I say it's intuitive.. and no more simple than many of your examples of FPS games that supposedly have vastly superior gameplay.
I did generalize Halo's recoil a bit before.. the SMG isn't the only gun with recoil, the sniper rifle and AR have small amounts of it as well. But that doesn't really change the fact that Halo's gunplay is pretty simple by comparison. Not knocking it, because I love me some Halo and I think it's pretty well adjusted and it all blends together nicely.. but it's anything but more realistic.
The footages I have seen gives you like the normal army weapons with modifications that Crysis has.
But I don't see why we should compare it to any game, can't it just be a stand alone experience without comparing it.
PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5
We already exhausted the topic of pants.
Halo 3 was just used as a point of comparison.. but it doesn't even matter. We don't need to compare and contrast to point out that some of Milhouse's complaints (specifically the reticle/auto-aim claim -- the recoil -- the apparent lack of headshots) are just.. not true.