Inscrit depuis 5303 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 5473 Jours
Gfx are suppose to be good and it is nice with city settings they got nice lights.
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Inscrit depuis 6447 Jours
Shame that the demo's broken...
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Inscrit depuis 6860 Jours
The game freezes at the start of a match EVERYTIME!! Has anyone managed to play it yet?
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Inscrit depuis 6874 Jours
Posté par Jin187
The game freezes at the start of a match EVERYTIME!! Has anyone managed to play it yet?
I haven't had any issues at all...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Me either, and I played for a while earlier. I'm not impressed by the visuals, or by how they've streamlined (read: dumbed down) the suit powers, but I do like that they went back to square one for the multiplayer modes and reinvented Crysis a little. I still don't think it's particularly great, but you can see that they put a lot of care into trying to emulate different games. Crysis multiplayer was a hodgepodge of ideas lifted from Counter Strike and Battlefield, and this time we have something that's a little (a lot) more Call of Duty.

There are changes that are clearly for the better, but they're following a lot of trends that I absolutely hate. The game is filled to the brim with bars to fill, items and powerups to unlock, with killstreaks following along the way. The worst features in modern FPS games are basically finding their way into every big blockbuster, which has me anticipating stuff like Red Orchestra 2 or Natural Selection 2 with bated breath. They may or may not deliver on my expectations, but at least they're actually trying to deliver some real depth to the genre instead of following Modern Warfare. We have enough of that going around already. And bring on March 1st so we can see if DICE will continue to water down the ingredients that made Battlefield great.

Not that I was ever too interested in what Crytek was doing with MP (their free game looks sweet though!), but it's an interesting take on current trends and it's interesting to see them go back to the drawing board. I'm hopeful that the campaign will live up to where they started this thing still. I'm also still mighty concerned about the setting and plot. Crysis didn't actually end.. and there really should have been a second expansion pack to tie up the loose stuff.
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Inscrit depuis 6874 Jours
I thought it was dumbed-down power-wise at first too, but it's pretty much all still there, you just don't have to use one thing at a time like before. I find I like this better over-all. The strength stuff is there but you don't need to "choose" it- Holding down jump or Melee will give you your strength abilities( all but steadier aim which was weak before), speed is enabled for sprinting( although it would be cool if he sprinted as fast as before) and you get the slide. Armor and cloak are better as well, IMO. It's all just put more cohesive and intuitive. The only thing really missing is the real-time weapon config.
The graphics get better as I play, as I start to notice the subtle details in the visuals. I really don't like the particles, but there is destruction(glass breaking looks weak and the breakage is toned down but you can still cut trees apart), very nice natural lighting, and tons of detail in the environs and objects. Interiors look quite good, and the best trees ever...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
I'll try this demo tonight!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 7813 Jours
My impressions...

Crysis2... pretty graphics but kinda rough around the edges... I think COD titles look smoother or BF Bad company looks just as good if not better. Crysis 2 actually looks really aliased... and I noticed pop in a lot. I think I was critical... because this is a new engine... and its Crysis. How COD developers do their thing with their "old" engine I'll never understand.

Gameplay is very nice. Almost the same control scheme as COD... so easy to pickup if you play COD.

Lobbies/interface are nicely set up... auto mute other team in one button push. Similar experience to COD in lobby setup... but slow to load lobbies, maps and game compared to COD it seems.

I'm going to play it more tonight... only played 2 sesssions last night. Demo map is really cool for a small map. Closed Quarters and Sniper positions. If they improves some things for the retail... I'll pre-order.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
I thought it was dumbed-down power-wise at first too, but it's pretty much all still there, you just don't have to use one thing at a time like before. I find I like this better over-all. The strength stuff is there but you don't need to "choose" it- Holding down jump or Melee will give you your strength abilities( all but steadier aim which was weak before), speed is enabled for sprinting( although it would be cool if he sprinted as fast as before) and you get the slide. Armor and cloak are better as well, IMO. It's all just put more cohesive and intuitive. The only thing really missing is the real-time weapon config.
The graphics get better as I play, as I start to notice the subtle details in the visuals. I really don't like the particles, but there is destruction(glass breaking looks weak and the breakage is toned down but you can still cut trees apart), very nice natural lighting, and tons of detail in the environs and objects. Interiors look quite good, and the best trees ever...
No, it's still definitely dumbed down. Holding down jump or melee aren't the same as strength anymore than sprinting is the same as speed. Speed would also increase your reload time, for example, and strength allowed you to pick up objects and people and throw them for dozens and dozens of yards (meters). And even if it were the same (and it's not), simply making those powers automatic isn't dumber how? They've also removed prone and elan, which are hopefully present in the PC version. I'm also sort of missing any elements of large scale combat in the multiplayer. It's not that Crysis 1 MP was worth returning to--but there are definitely ideas they moved away from that are better than some of the ideas present here. Like I said before: they have abandoned previous copycat ideas from good games for copycat ideas from a bad one.. but maybe for the best!

And the shaders are clearly good, but they're pushing them at the extreme sacrifice of image quality, which I think is a poor trade personally.
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Inscrit depuis 6874 Jours
It may come down to MP though. The speed may be reduced to facilitate. It could also be the specific map as far as throwing stuff, although I think that would be a great differentiator. I don't see dumbed down, I see different. The lack of prone always sucks, but I hate leaning (it never feels right,) in most shooters, although KZ2 did it well. The reload stuff is now a "perk" which I can see your point on, I guess. Like I said (and seems you did to), it's not "dumb", it's different. The strength powers aren't automatic, you have to choose to do them, and I think the current approach is more intuitive. I know PC gamers like to get that micromanagement vibe ,though, by having to manually flip through stuff, but that doesn't make it "smarter"...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Different in this case is clearly dumber imo... Making the game play itself for you is not just "streamlining," it's making it easier and simpler for the sake of access for people who can't learn to do it the other way. I'm also not really keen on this idea that you have to "flip" through anything in the original Crysis.. why? Because you have to actually activate all of your abilities to use them? Have you heard of hotkeys? And perks? Yeah, they're copying the worst parts of the most successful games in hopes of reaching the same idiot audience. And no, I'm not saying that everyone who plays COD is a noob..

Holding down the button instead of tapping it is about as close to automatic as it gets without the game actually doing everything for you.
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Inscrit depuis 6874 Jours
Yeah, but using more strength in a punch or jump shouldn't require some extra step. I think those are going where they should, but they could probably think up some more interesting things. Regardless, I think it is doing alright, just not mind-blowing yet. I think I'll pick it up for PC even though my rig probably won't run it were I want it too. Hopefully I can get great results regardless...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Why shouldn't it require a step to use an armor ability? Ultimately it reduces the skill curve in favor of ease of use. I can not see how that's not the very definition of dumbing down. I'm not always against a little streamlining. Obviously some people draw that line in the sand at different points. Some people are fine with the game doing everything for you, and some people want to rely on things like timing and micro instead of duuuuhhhh click. ;)

That said I like arcade games more than sims, so I'm in favor of a little dumbness from time to time too.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
When I played Crysis games on PC and using the 360 controller now and then, I could switch to any of the powers super quickly and it was very easy to navigate and pick what I wanted.
However when I heard about what they were doing for Crysis 2 I got dissapointed a bit when they did this "power combo" thing.

Though I havent played Crysis 2 yet (damn demo exclusive) so I dont know how it feels like, I hope its good.
They could have easily put in the first Crysis power wheel into the consoles.
But it was a bit annoying to keep hearing the suit voice everytime you kept switching powers each few seconds.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
The radial menu in Crysis 1 is sorta pointless, unless you insist on handicapping yourself with a gamepad. I do like that they're button presses in Crysis 2, which I absolutely assure you is why we've lost powers in the conversion to multiplatform. There simply aren't enough buttons, I guess.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
I didnt see that as a problem, never got in my way of seeing it as a handicap.
It was like using the power wheel in Mass Effect.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
When you use the radial menu instead of hotkeys you're adding a pretty significant chunk of time to your actions. Sure, it may not seem like adding a split second to your actions means much, but a split second in combat is pretty significant. In Crysis, you can activate speed, run up on a baddy, and activate strength and pummel him. If you use hotkeys you can do these actions as quickly as you can react (and think to do them), but if you use a radial menu you're simply adding an unnecessary step to the process. Granted--Crysis isn't so demanding that you can't get away with crippling yourself with a gamepad, so using a context menu to activate your suit powers isn't really going to make a big difference. I just prefer to do things "right."

Now in Crysis 2 you don't even need to think or react to do these things. The game does it for you.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Again, I didnt have a problem during Crysis and Warhead using the power wheel at all, even when I was playing with mouse/keyboard I still used it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par Sath
Again, I didnt have a problem during Crysis and Warhead using the power wheel at all, even when I was playing with mouse/keyboard I still used it.
Again, just because you don't understand why that's a handicap, doesn't mean it's not one.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Again, just because you don't understand why that's a handicap, doesn't mean it's not one.
Just because you dont use it doesnt make it a handicap.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par Sath
Just because you dont use it doesnt make it a handicap.
And you're being an idiot.

I've explained myself pretty clearly. It is a handicap. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. Adding time to your actions is holding you back, period, even if the game is easy enough that it doesn't matter.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Now I am an idiot because I play it differently than you and you call it a handicap?
So now mods can call others "idiot", great forum :/

And half to one second is "adding time to my actions" is a handicap? in a gameplay like Crysis?

LOL, if you say so.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Yes. Adding a half second of time to your actions is absolutely a handicap.

It's not about playing differently, it's about playing better. You're choosing options that give you slower feedback on all counts. Granted, using the radial menu isn't half as bad as using an Xbox controller, but it's still a handipcap. So is using the scroll wheel to change weapons in other shooters. Getting out of that habit would ultimately make a big difference in how well you'd be able to play a PC game. Hot keys absolutely make you capable of reacting quicker in every situation, in nearly ever game. Opting out is clearly a handicap regardless of how willing you are to accept that.

And refusing to accept that doing things the slow way is a handicap and suggesting that it's somehow backwards logic is abso-fucking-lutely stupid. And just because a game is easy enough for you to get away with a handicap doesn't mean it's not one. You can clear a lot of games without using whole features.. that doesn't mean you're not doing it wrong.
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Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Yes. Adding a half second of time to your actions is absolutely a handicap.
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