Since 6873 Days
"i'm the US producer for Gran Tourismo here in the US". Lol. Anyway, I don't see why they are going with 3d glasses for this instead of head tracking. It gives the same depth impression and can be used to enhance gameplay as well( like turning your head with the corners). It's not like you won't be the only one using the screen most of the time anyway. This way limits things substantially( ie, not many people even have a 3d tv) when the other way all you need is an eye toy :P...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6518 Days
nope, that was in there. i read first hand reports on it, saying it worked well. all it did was shift the focus of the track when you moved your head. i dunno if it's still in there or not tho. i'd be surprised if they took it out.
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Since 6873 Days
I hope not. That's the sort of thing that can make games better. I'm also not sure how well the 3d effect works with head-tracking unless it's tracking the z-depth too. Of course, the head tracking they were using may not have changed your perspective based on your position(only turned the view as you turn your head), I'm not sure...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7236 Days
Posted by KORNdog

confirmed for 2010 release?

seems 3D could have been the main reason for the delay.
It's been "confirmed" for 2010 for some time now, 3D is still too early and a gimmick at this point. I don't see why they would waste time, and actually delay the game over it.
Posted by Nakano
A while ago i heard about head tracking support as well...was that a fake rumor?
No one knows really.
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Since 6518 Days
i guess the inclusion of 3D would be to sell the idea the best they can. if your going to introduce something as major as 3D and try to persuade people to buy a 3D enabled TV you need a hardcore, massively popular franchise to get people onboard. just like natal and move need games people actually care about before they pay attention.
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Since 6873 Days
Posted by LEBATO
I hate the fact that in Forza you can't see the interior of the cars outside of the in-car camera. .
You know, this one has been eating at me, as I remember there actually being, yes interiors rendered in F3. With this in mind, I fired it up and, Lo and Behold!- There ARE interiors. Is your contrast waaay up or something? You can see( depending on the size of the windows and such) the seats, the driver, and even the center console( The driver being in the way of the dials and what-not. Or are you reffering to something more specific?
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7236 Days
Posted by Frozpot
You know, this one has been eating at me, as I remember there actually being, yes interiors rendered in F3. With this in mind, I fired it up and, Lo and Behold!- There ARE interiors. Is your contrast waaay up or something? You can see( depending on the size of the windows and such) the seats, the driver, and even the center console( The driver being in the way of the dials and what-not. Or are you reffering to something more specific?
I thought it was common knowledge that Forza swaps models the very moment you are given control of the car, replays also use the lower lod model too.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6873 Days
Posted by LEBATO
I thought it was common knowledge that Forza swaps models the very moment you are given control of the car, replays also use the lower lod model too.
Every game does that. It would be stupid not to. Having a lower poly iteration doesn't mean they don't render an interior :P Gran Tourismo does it too, BTW.
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7236 Days
Posted by Frozpot
Every game does that. It would be stupid not to. Having a lower poly iteration doesn't mean they don't render an interior :P Gran Tourismo does it too, BTW.
Every racing game changes the level of detail of the car depending on the distance and whatnot, but with Forza 3 is night and day. PGR4 has a fully rendered interior regardless of mode, and so does GT5. Forza 3 doesn't. Also, even in photomode, the player's car has a fully modeled interior, but not the AI cars.

If you haven't seen this by yourself, and you can't tell how it is a big deal unlike in games like GT5 and PGR4, then I don't know why it's even worth discussing this with you.
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Since 6873 Days
I can see it being more of a deal in photo mode, but when you are playing it's absolutely moot. They could have zero geometry on the dash and you probably couldn't tell( just throw on a normal map over minimal polys). The fact is that you can see inside the windows. The LOD in Forza does have a bit of a downgrade, but the cars still look good. Saying it's a BIG deal is absolute shit, though. They ARE rendering the interior, just not at the full detail level, and if you think they aren't going with a toned down polycount on the interiors in those other games, you are fooling yourself. No dev is going to waste the processing on stuff you can't see...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7236 Days
Posted by Frozpot
I can see it being more of a deal in photo mode, but when you are playing it's absolutely moot. They could have zero geometry on the dash and you probably couldn't tell( just throw on a normal map over minimal polys). The fact is that you can see inside the windows. The LOD in Forza does have a bit of a downgrade, but the cars still look good. Saying it's a BIG deal is absolute shit, though. They ARE rendering the interior, just not at the full detail level, and if you think they aren't going with a toned down polycount on the interiors in those other games, you are fooling yourself. No dev is going to waste the processing on stuff you can't see...
You don't get it. Forza 3 looks awesome still, but the interiors are pretty much completely missing. Sure you can KIND OF see a sit in there, but you don't really see shape, you don't see color, you don't see interior shadowing besides the most basic of levels. Here is what you can try, because I don't know how you can't get something that obvious.

Go watch a replay of Forza 3, try to see inside the car at all times. Now put on a replay of PGR4 or the Gran Turismo demo. Now THAT is what it should look like, that's how it is in real life. You can see some complex interior shadowing going on at all times. The front seats creating a shadow on the back seats, etc. You can TRULY see details of the cars' interiors--you can see the other half of the car you know, I would say that's huge.

See this video:
At 17 seconds for example, or the sequence from 2:32 TO 2:36. See how defined the interior is, you can tell exact shape and color of all components, and the added shadowing adds so much to the overall look. You can see this from miles away, can't actually, so I have to pinpoint a specific second in the video. PGR4 does this as well. This is for ALL cars in the grid. Try THAT with Forza, which doesn't even do it for the player's car.

Look at 19 seconds in this video (forza 3) when the camera is close to the viper:

Pause the video at 29 secs when the Viper is making a pass, you can't see shit, it's that what you call a rendered interior? Really? In Forza 3 you can see more of a silhouette, but you can't really see shit. It's totally lacking in details. And if you tell me the windows are tinted I will have to give you a virtual slap, however that works.

And you.......err, I can tell this does add a lot to the look in all areas, including gameplay. And I'm not comparing overall graphics of any of this games, I think FM3 looks really good regardless, the track detail is generally awesome and much better than what GT has shown for example. I just think this is a big drawback for it.
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Since 6873 Days
That's not the argument I was making. You were saying that you can't see the interiors, making it sound like what they did in old Gt games(where the window is basically blacked out. I was saying that they DO render the interiors. I didn't say it wasn't at a lower LOD, or that they were rendering shadows. All of these are very different things, and I do agree it has an impact. I just don't think its a huge deal, and has nothing to do with gameplay...
Posted by LEBATO
I hate the fact that in Forza you can't see the interior of the cars outside of the in-car camera.
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7236 Days
Posted by Frozpot
That's not the argument I was making. You were saying that you can't see the interiors, making it sound like what they did in old Gt games(where the window is basically blacked out. I was saying that they DO render the interiors. I didn't say it wasn't at a lower LOD, or that they were rendering shadows. All of these are very different things, and I do agree it has an impact. I just don't think its a huge deal, and has nothing to do with gameplay...
Well, what we can see in Forza is like seeing nothing. It's a sad level of detail, if the word detail fits in somehow, lol.

Well I'm glad that is over :P
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6873 Days
Posted by LEBATO
Well, what we can see in Forza is like seeing nothing. It's a sad level of detail, if the word detail fits in somehow, lol.

Well I'm glad that is over :P
You and me both ;p lol...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7236 Days
Two new screens from photmode showing the awesome car models, and ugly ass environments :(
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Since 6873 Days
links don't work...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6858 Days
Posted by LEBATO
Two new screens from photmode showing the awesome car models, and ugly ass environments :(
My thoughts exactly, great looking cars but those environments really shouldn't be allowed in this generation of racing games, its embarrassing!
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Since 5749 Days
Its a game by people that love cars and its pretty clear they aren't concerned about anything else lol, they get 16 cars that look like that on a track and im happy.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Since 7236 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
Its a game by people that love cars and its pretty clear they aren't concerned about anything else lol, they get 16 cars that look like that on a track and im happy.
Well I just think that FM3 truly did something special graphics wise all things considered. I can tell you it's a lot more consistent, which is always a big plus in my view.
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Since 5749 Days
FM3 looks fine, but other than environments it really isn't even close to Gt5
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Since 6467 Days
Both forza 3 and GT5 look great in their own ways, I think the two have been compared to death.

I have faith GT5 will look very good. I'm much more interested in seeing what kinds of fantasy tracks, new physics, etc they have in store for us.

Should be very interesting to see how it all plays out. Also, they have yet to prove themselves online really. It will be interesting to see if PD can do online in a way shows the level of polish they are capable of.
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Since 5749 Days
I think the problem w/ GT5 is they're spending so much time on making the game the most beautiful thing you'll ever see... and not enough time trying to play catch up to Forza. Forza is lightyears ahead in terms of gameplay than GT5, lets hope all this delay time will give PD time to add features we already have in Forza.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Since 7236 Days
By the way, am I the only one hoping for a rewind feature being part of GT5? I can't even begin to describe how the back button has saved me from much of the frustration. In Forza 2, it was downright demoralizing to lose a race after 12 laps, I remember just shutting the Xbox down after repeats of those.

I'd like to see this in all racing games that are punishing like that.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6518 Days
Posted by LEBATO
By the way, am I the only one hoping for a rewind feature being part of GT5? I can't even begin to describe how the back button has saved me from much of the frustration. In Forza 2, it was downright demoralizing to lose a race after 12 laps, I remember just shutting the Xbox down after repeats of those.

I'd like to see this in all racing games that are punishing like that.
no, i certainly dont want to see that. i can accept such a feature in something like DiRT or GRiD but it shouldnt be in 'sims' imo. it kinda takes away from what it's trying to achieve entirely, they're aiming for realism and authenticity, you shouldnt have what is esentially an arcade style power up. rewinding time should be left in the arcade games, shouldnt even be in forza imo. makes a mockery of of what sim racers are.

now do i want to see a rewind option in something like motorstorm 3?....hell yeah. any arcade game with rubberband AI needs a feature like this. although thinking about it, in the case of motorstorm, i think it could take away a lot of the intensity and fun of the game, since you're no longer afraid of screwing up. thats kinda part of the fun for all racing games. your constantly at the edge of your seat rewid options take that away.
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Since 7236 Days
Posted by KORNdog
no, i certainly dont want to see that. i can accept such a feature in something like DiRT or GRiD but it shouldnt be in 'sims' imo. it kinda takes away from what it's trying to achieve entirely, they're aiming for realism and authenticity, you shouldnt have what is esentially an arcade style power up. rewinding time should be left in the arcade games, shouldnt even be in forza imo. makes a mockery of of what sim racers are.

now do i want to see a rewind option in something like motorstorm 3?....hell yeah. any arcade game with rubberband AI needs a feature like this. although thinking about it, in the case of motorstorm, i think it could take away a lot of the intensity and fun of the game, since you're no longer afraid of screwing up. thats kinda part of the fun for all racing games. your constantly at the edge of your seat rewid options take that away.
I disagree with everything you said!

By that standard, all assists should not be part of a simulator. I think it comes down to accessibility. Much like some people don't have the patience to learn how to drive without a green line telling them where to break, I do not have the time or patience to repeat a 20 lap race. When I got to endurance races in FM2, I stopped playing, I had enough.

Having a rewind button does not change the simulation of the game (it is there), it does not degrade the experience, and it really is my choice. Some people were offended at the 1 button driving too, and that's the same situation.

So I guess my question is, would you be disappointed to see a rewind button in GT5?
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

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