Inscrit depuis 7820 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
GT5's environments suck ass (the trees are just laughable, but just one part of the environment), FM3's environments are really good. GT5's in-game cars are downright awesome, FM3's in-game cars are great.

Ok ladies, moving on here. :D

And I find it very ridiculous to hear people say that you don't look at something else while driving (not just in this forum). It's a tired excuse. I don't think anyone is looking at the trees while driving, but to say because of that fact they are allowed to look awful it's just wrong, or somehow they become not important. They come into view every time you take a corner, every single time you are racing they are into view, that's how you make judgments on where to turn.

But by that same logic, who looks at the driver's hands? Who looks at the dashboard even? You really don't look (or should I say stare?) at either while driving. You might glance at it, or look at it for a second while on a straight. But if you say you don't look at the environment/trees you just fooling yourself.

@vspectra, The environment and trees look bad either way, whatever the distance. FM3 does have flat trees, but in much more contained numbers. They are better placed (mostly far from track), they don't look like clone after clone right at the trackside. And then there's everything else. It's not just trees, it's the vegetation in general. The barriers, rumble strips, textures, draw distance, overall track detail. Long story short, GT tracks are starting to look very VERY sterile compared to what FM has shown us.
Sorry Lebato, but are you judging from the GT demo? All of the vids I've seen of GT5 lately seem to sport more detail, even with the 2d trees. Every bad thing you don't like about GT5's tracks are also in Forza 3. The only really good looking tracks in forza 3 imo are kaido, amalfi, tsukuba; many other tracks look like complete ass (Road Atlanta, Sebring, Mugello just to name a few).

There's tons of flat trees near the road side (and if they aren't flat they have some of the largest oddly shaped tree canopies I've ever seen), 2d bitmaps, the repeated trees people hate so much, flat vegetation, flat wheel barriers, poor textures, bad rumble strips, all in addition to the wacky lighting on these tracks. I don't see how GT5 gets so much hate for its tracks when we have some Forza 3 tracks looking like this, but yet no one complains about them and the game gets a free pass for having these hideous tracks.


Since we've only been seeing the same GT5 tracks over and over so far, I think generalizing GT5's tracks being shitty is pretty absurd.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
I'm was not going to start a screenshot war, but I know GT would be on the losing end. I know GT5 got some improvements after the demo, I even saw tire smoke in one replay, how amazing is that? Some people are still waiting for skid-marks, I can't wait. I really feel like the GT cars are almost an entirely different entity from the environments.

Of course it is easy to pick bad shots and then say "how come x and y". I could say how come GT5 gets praised for its graphics when it can look like:
(found in previous page)

Or find a worse and more recent screenshot which I'm not bothered to do. You could also say how can you even begin to even consider comparing them when Forza has environments like this;

But that's not the point you are trying to make of course, and I'd be fooling myself to think GT looks like the shot above.

Some Forza tracks have their bad spots, and they do have flat trees just like I had said already. You post those screens almost as if I wasn't aware of that stuff. And by the way, Road Atlanta looks really good, I don't know what you are talking about. And so does Nurburgring, Laguna Seca, Sedona, Suzuka, Tsukuba, and Catalunya and Monseratt. Basically, outside of Motegi and Sebring, I really can't find much to complain about.

And we've only seen a few GT tracks right? True, but I see the generally ugly environments and techniques we've seen over and over, I don't see them having any great looking tracks. They had a great chance with what seems to be one of Kazunori's favorite tracks (Nurburgring), and they blew it. Of course you can also say it's just a demo, and I will laugh as you wait for miracles and heroic transformations from demo to release--which is what those tracks are screaming for.

I can praise a photomode screen from Forza, and say the car models are as good as GTs. But I know there's more to it than that, with the fact that the high-detail car models don't appear in gameplay, not even replays--and thus I praise GT car models more.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7108 Jours
those shizzles are so tiny though, LEBATO.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par PlumbDrumb
those shizzles are so tiny though, LEBATO.
I know.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
Posté par Jin187
If you spend 100% of your time watching replays maybe. The rest of us watch the track/enviroments when we are, you know... 'Racing'. But yeh, the cars do look amazing.
You're moving at high speeds the entire time (unless you wanna go slow for some reason? Obviously you're not ricky bobby :)) You won't notice the environment when you're actually trying to win a race.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6467 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
You're moving at high speeds the entire time (unless you wanna go slow for some reason? Obviously you're not ricky bobby :)) You won't notice the environment when you're actually trying to win a race.
I'm not trying to get into this graphics war bullshit, but to say that you'll be going at high speed the whole time in a Sim makes me wonder how much you have played GT before. If you are taking corners correct then you should be slowing down quite a bit. This isn't burnout after all
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Inscrit depuis 7820 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
Of course it is easy to pick bad shots and then say "how come x and y". I could say how come GT5 gets praised for its graphics when it can look like:
(found in previous page)
A pic of GT5P, I figured. If we were talking about GT5p I would have agreed pages ago that the environments look like crap. Instead, this is what i've been seeing in the latest gt5 vids.


You act like I deliberately picked bad Forza 3 shots. Just go play the tracks in the images I took, it looks just as bad as the pics regardless of where you are on the track.
Posté par lebato
Or find a worse and more recent screenshot which I'm not bothered to do. You could also say how can you even begin to even consider comparing them when Forza has environments like this;
forza photomode screens? I can find GT5p photomode screens where the crappy environments actually look great.
Posté par lebato
Some Forza tracks have their bad spots, and they do have flat trees just like I had said already. You post those screens almost as if I wasn't aware of that stuff. And by the way, Road Atlanta looks really good, I don't know what you are talking about. And so does Nurburgring, Laguna Seca, Sedona, Suzuka, Tsukuba, and Catalunya and Monseratt. Basically, outside of Motegi and Sebring, I really can't find much to complain about.

And we've only seen a few GT tracks right? True, but I see the generally ugly environments and techniques we've seen over and over, I don't see them having any great looking tracks. They had a great chance with what seems to be one of Kazunori's favorite tracks (Nurburgring), and they blew it. Of course you can also say it's just a demo, and I will laugh as you wait for miracles and heroic transformations from demo to release--which is what those tracks are screaming for.
Laguna Seca is pretty stale looking. Sedona has one of the more cartoonish lighting out of all the environments. As for Road Atlanta, I actually meant Road America. Road Atlanta did look nicer than the other tracks. I don't see anything special about nurburgring though, outside from it having better trees; the lighting is still highly unrealistic looking... For most of the returning tracks it looks like they just ported it over from forza 2, and changed a few skymaps but without properly adjusting the lighting to fit in with the changes. The only returning tracks that looked good are the ones that looked fine in the first place, such as Tsukuba.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par vspectra06
But you were talking about trees...you brought that up. And I asked about why people don't complain about the 2d trees far in the distance in forza 3 (not the whole environment), which is what you arguably see more of when racing, because that was the whole discussion. I don't see why you don't get that. I don't recall us having ridiculous discussions about anything else besides the trees... besides lebato being the only one mentioning other aspects of the enviornments.
Previously, i've brought up lots of enviroment flaws in other vids/screens of GT5, this time i've mentioned trees because Nurburging is all about trees. When you compare the same track with Forza 3 or any other current gen Version, GT5 looks very embarrassing.

Posté par vspectra06
If you want to talk about the full environments, the building and stadium structures look absolutely fine in GT5. Same goes for the lighting, which I find to look much more natural and realistic than Forza's. I also think Forza has higher points in certain aspects, especially for Kaido and Amalfi in terms of what they're actually rendering, but other tracks have wonky looking lighting that totally brings down the visuals for me.
Those building stuctures look avg at best and if the GT5 demo is anything to go by, the stadium bench structures and sprites look horrendous. However I do agree that GT5 has better lighting and i've never stated otherwise. But this isnt about lighting, its about enviroment detail of which ranges from avg to downright awful in every GT5/GT5Demo/GT5p tracks shown so far. I'm yet to see a track that looks beautiful (Forza 3 has LOTS of these).
Posté par scoobs0688
You're moving at high speeds the entire time (unless you wanna go slow for some reason? Obviously you're not ricky bobby :)) You won't notice the environment when you're actually trying to win a race.
Look at this and tell me that you wont notice those hideous walls of (4 block replica) 2D trees.

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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par vspectra06
Well.......there is people out there who thought Forza 2 was a great looking title. There's all kinds of people out there with terrible ideas, and "opinions" about all kinds of things.

By the way, you might want to check the actual latest videos and screens, as in true latest.
Posté par Jin187
Look at this and tell me that you wont notice those hideous walls of (4 block replica) 2D trees.
But they look alright all things considered. GT environments are as bad as Forza's, didn't you read the memo? Next thing someone will say Forza has equally good replays as GT--bringing irrefutable proof of course.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
All I'm saying is... when you're busy trying to actually win a race, you won't notice the trees. If you are watching the trees as your race, you are losing the race.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
All I'm saying is... when you're busy trying to actually win a race, you won't notice the trees. If you are watching the trees as your race, you are losing the race.
exactly. that goes for all racing games and all environmental objects. the footage i've seen of GT you simply dont notice the trees unless you're actively scanning the footage for issues. and if you're doing that then whats the point of even playing it. it isnt like the key components of the game look like ass (the cars and the tracks) it's some trees...the trees in forza look just as bad, but when you'r driving at 150mph and concentrating on driving and winning, how are you going to notice a slot together tree? unless of course you're looking for them.
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Inscrit depuis 6467 Jours
the only problem is you usually are NOT goign 150mph in Forza or GT, I'm starting to wonder if you guys even play sim racers?....
edit: but i do agree though that trees are not that big of a deal compared to AI, physics, and performance damage. Hell even the car models don't mean much when you are driving in cockpit view and doing time trials.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
it isnt like the key components of the game look like ass (the cars and the tracks)
But, many of the tracks shown so far do look like ass.
Posté par KORNdog
The trees in forza look just as bad.
Nope, even the original Forza (of which you must be referring too) had better looking trees...
Posté par Nietzsche
the only problem is you usually are NOT goign 150mph in Forza or GT, I'm starting to wonder if you guys even play sim racers?
Korn doesnt even like racing sims
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Inscrit depuis 5891 Jours
Lol. I will say GT5P still is the best looking racing game even will gfx bugs. Watch this in HD

GT5 will be a class of it own. I am sure no other racing game will come close to it. Although Codemasters games also look amazing. The best thing about GT is that, the game look real unlike other racing games.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
I think Korndog's post was a joke.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Some new screens, some of those cars look phenomenal


Oh and we finally have ourselves a nice looking track :)

I'm still far from convinced by the "new physics" but the new track look hot and i'm loving the day/night cycles :)
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Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
GT environments suck ass.... riiiiggghhht
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
GT environments suck ass....
We'll see, but at the moment, that statement is still 90% accurate. Its all still extremely inconsistent, like that new rally track for example, it looks horrendous and le mans looks pretty bad too, but on the other hand Rome looks rather nice.
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Inscrit depuis 6467 Jours
I think you guys are paying WAAAYYYYYY too much attention to the graphical side of this game. The news that PD have added a lot to the collision physics alone was great news for me.

I've yet to see proof the AI is up to speed but I have a lot of faith the with all this time PD are making sure the game is polished very nicely.

I just recently finally got around to buying a G25 wheel (thank god for ebay haha) and all I've really had was the GT5P to really enjoy it. For me Nov 2nd cannot come soon enough.

I just really hope they don't make it as hard as previous game to earn enough credits to buy new cars. It seemed like it took way too many races to earn a really nice and large car collection.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I think you guys are paying WAAAYYYYYY too much attention to the graphical side of this game. The news that PD have added a lot to the collision physics alone was great news for me.
Trust me, physics is by far the most important aspect of any racing game for me but i cant play the game yet so there's not much to say in that department, although i'm seeing some very disappointing returning characteristics in the physics department that has me worried about the way this game is going to play.
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Inscrit depuis 6467 Jours
@Jin, I just can't imagine this game, after almost six years, not having some significant improvements in the physics department. Granted the GTP and other track demo left some to be desired, but even if the physics are staying at that level I still think the improved collisions and such should be enough to keep this game plenty of fun.

The amount of content and PD's always great fantasty tracks alone get me excited for this game.

It might not be perfect but I can't see the game not being very fun none the less.
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Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
Its been stated a million times that it has an all new physics engine thats supposed to be extremely realistic. I wouldnt worry
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
@Jin, I just can't imagine this game, after almost six years, not having some significant improvements in the physics department. Granted the GTP and other track demo left some to be desired, but even if the physics are staying at that level I still think the improved collisions and such should be enough to keep this game plenty of fun.

The amount of content and PD's always great fantasty tracks alone get me excited for this game.

It might not be perfect but I can't see the game not being very fun none the less.
Yeah, the physics engine has definately changed from what i can tell like as you said, the collisons have significantly improved and they seemed to have fixed the ridiculous 1970s nose diving when braking in supercars.

However, its the behaviour of the cars that is worrying me, from what i can tell, the cars dont seem to handle as they should. One thing i've noticed in these new videos is that spin out look to be way too twitchy and unpredictable (Like the GT5 demo released earlier) and 4WD cars spin out like RWD cars, PD just cant seem to get the tire/traction physics right which is the most important factor of a racing sim.

http://www.gamersyde.com/stream_gran_turismo_5_e3_... (Skip to 1:10 its like the handbrake has been pulled!)

I just hope its all still being tweaked, but seriously, If this makes its way into the final game, it will be a massive dissapointment for me.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
Its been stated a million times that it has an all new physics engine thats supposed to be extremely realistic. I wouldnt worry
Oh thank god for that, no worries there now because it's supposed to be extremely realistic according to the developers :)

EDIT: I'm tired of the whole "confirmed" and no longer confirmed stuff for this game. Really no one knows exactly what makes a car standard and premium, they keep on dancing around the issue.

Also, weather has been "confirmed" several times, but Kaz just said on twitter:
"Regarding weather effects…rain, etc… Maybe."

WTF? And then what about the 16 cars on track? I keep on seeing Position: X/8 in all gameplay videos I see. So we really don't know what's up with those features.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
So yeah, I called it! If you can actually bump your hype down a few notches it'll still be a great game. ;)
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