Inscrit depuis 5880 Jours
GT5 Vs. Real-Life:

Damn, I can't tell the difference =O
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Inscrit depuis 5748 Jours
hmmm i can.
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Currently playing: Killzone 2, MGS4, Mass effect (6th playthrough yep!)

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
hmmm i can.
It's just more marketing from Thor man, it's like Greenawalt saying they are the only game doing tireflex, or PD using the "the real driving simulator" line....straight up lying, lol.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Gran Turismo release date: March 2010 Japan--rest of world unknown.

Confirmed things we already knew. 950+ cars, no word on premium cars, 20 environments, 70+ tracks. Lots of interoperability with the PSP version. Play PSP and unlock cars = unlocked cars for GT5. Export replay to youtube, and psp too I believe.

Honestly, I can't believe 5 years of development is worth it. If T10 can do what they have in 2 years, I honestly can't see where the extra time PD is taking is going. Cars maybe, graphics, but certainly not much else. I also wonder how profitable a game like this can be. MS creates two full games, and Sony comes up with one?

Source: Press conference (TGS) live blogs.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 7144 Jours
GT4 came out in Japan in December 2004

The ORIGINAL Forza came out in May 2005
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
I had a feeling this wouldn't make 2009. Somewhat ironically, Microsoft have released a Forza 3 demo today, just to rub it in presumably. I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't been sitting on that waiting for TGS to come around.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM

Inscrit depuis 5880 Jours
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A MS corporate employ has been hilariously caught trying to flame around and trolling with GT5's only 3 months delay of release from its tentative date :)

see here:

For GT fans its basically nothing, as for PD, they already made good money with even a demo priced at 40 USD and selling through 3.7 million.

Its great that T10 made 2 games, but for a lot of fans eyeing GT5 features, those 2 games are already GT5 subsets, and Forza 2 with all its lackings, was basically like a demo in the process of making Forza 3. So, my point is I always enjoy MS's ways of desperation management.
In the same way as they are now rebating 50 USD off of every 360 sold in US to face-off PS3 Slim's onslaught(1 million in 3 weeks) till 5th October. Trying to sell 360 hiddenly for 249 USD. Just to not lose ground there while keep wearing the face of full confidence heh heh.

BANNED - That link doesn't even work and your off-topic trolls are about as subtle as a brick. See you in a month.
Inscrit depuis 5880 Jours
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Posté par LEBATO
Honestly, I can't believe 5 years of development is worth it. If T10 can do what they have in 2 years, I honestly can't see where the extra time PD is taking is going. Cars maybe, graphics, but certainly not much else. I also wonder how profitable a game like this can be. MS creates two full games, and Sony comes up with one?
As I mentioned above, PD made a demo (GT5p) priced at a heavy 40USD and sold through 3.7 million. Thats almost around Forza 2 selling as a full game with larger installed base... so first profit is clearly there. right?

2ndly, GT series has a knock of selling through 10-12 million units each game without any price reduction... that might account for Forza 2 and 3 sold combined... and maybe even more. So, when its demo with such huge price sells through this much, you can guess where GT5 is heading, especially with a history of selling around 10 mill. each. No worries there, profitability is accounted for when we talk of GT :)
Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
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Posté par Thor
A MS corporate employ has been hilariously caught trying to flame around and trolling with GT5's only 3 months delay of release from its tentative date :)

see here:

For GT fans its basically nothing, as for PD, they already made good money with even a demo priced at 40 USD and selling through 3.7 million.

Its great that T10 made 2 games, but for a lot of fans eyeing GT5 features, those 2 games are already GT5 subsets, and Forza 2 with all its lackings, was basically like a demo in the process of making Forza 3 . So, my point is I always enjoy MS's ways of desperation management.
In the same way as they are now rebating 50 USD off of every 360 sold in US to face-off PS3 Slim's onslaught(1 million in 3 weeks) till 5th October. Trying to sell 360 hiddenly for 249 USD. Just to not lose ground there while keep wearing the face of full confidence heh heh.
Yes I find it amusing that Forza 2 will "all its lackings" still managed to Outperform every GT game after GT3 in terms of ratings/reviews.
Inscrit depuis 5880 Jours
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Posté par Jin187
Yes I find it amusing that Forza 2 will "all its lackings" still managed to Outperform every GT game after GT3 in terms of ratings/reviews.
Heh heh, first of all this ain't about ratings/review... you account for Edge giving ODST a 9 in the face of Killzone2 a 7 a fair review? only if you are a fanboy :) Its been pointed out, review conspiracies have been fleshed out properly over the time and now hardly any matter. How gamerailers tried and caught giving 360 games an edge using the PS3 footage... there isn't anything that accounts for fair reviews today.
If you want to judge, Gamespot gave PGR2 a better review than GT4, now would anyone believe that Hahaha?!

This thing out of the way, I was pointing out the concern MS corporate folks are trying to raise in the same way T10 community manager tried to secretly bribe the fanbase to vote for F3's popularity on Cnet's poll, and got caught :) and they sorely lost. Its no secret F2 looked total crap, had glitches, but yeah thats the only thing MS can put against GT and so American critics are fully onboard to defend it on possible fronts.
They have the tendency(again, no secret) to not acknowledge that even GT5: Prologue, a demo, looks way better than the new Forza 3... let alone GT5 complete. See here, off-screen fan-captured GT5P images scroll down a little:
(a great thread, lots of fan catured pics of many games, GT5P is unbelievable)

Apart from that, almost every person that watches F3 videos can point out the physics isn't realistic at all and dammage modelling is 'just not right', but we totally have seen a trend since Forza2 that when it all comes down to it... the secret MS trolls bring up this crippled, mixed-up feature to tout against GT series. C'mon, I'll totally appreciate damage when its complete. And btw, the new Forza 3 demo is totally lacking also... they say visuals don't matter much, but actually they have focused only on that department alone. Here's a F3 demo expression from a fan:

This is what I meant when I said, F2 was nothing but a beta product in the developing ladder of F3 ;)
Inscrit depuis 5880 Jours
Bloody amazing news... GT5 to have a full blown track editor, to make new tracks from scratch, or to remake the existing ones:

This is yet another nail in the coffin for GT competing racing games!
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
not a fan of the series, but that is pretty damn good news. basically takes GT's tracklist to "infinate"
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Brilliant if true, however, it may not be...
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Hmn, would be nice, but it's looking a bit fake. Why would they be so willing to give that info when they've been so tight about everything else. And the last line in that article was dumb.

"Looks like Gran Turismo 5 will live up to its name, “The Real Driving Simulator”".

What does having a track editor have to do with it being a driving simulator?
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Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
I also think that in GT5 there won't be track editor (at least not that kind like in link above). But gymkhana editor would be nice and easy to made.
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Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 5880 Jours
Weather system is "Done", finally fully ready, I hope they include it:

Kaz says its fully functional now, 'night-mode' has been confirmed and now a sort of focus testing for weather is under foot. Really hope to have it in there :)
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
It better be there. I hate Kaz's usual bullshit of "it's not up to our standards, we won't include it". It's no better than what Greenawalt does.

"The functionality is not a problem – we’ve got the weather system done – but if we are not sure about the quality of it, and how it improves the driving experience, we are not going to have it in the game.”"

So you've got the weather system "done", but there is a chance you might have just wasted hours and hours of work? Bullshit, there is no reason why a weather system would not improve the experience, NO REASON. To me this is more like "night racing will be in the game" (good thing--although it does not say it's dynamic), and "we are still working on the weather system, and it might just not make it".
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
It better be there. I hate Kaz's usual bullshit of "it's not up to our standards, we won't include it". It's no better than what Greenawalt does.

"The functionality is not a problem – we’ve got the weather system done – but if we are not sure about the quality of it, and how it improves the driving experience, we are not going to have it in the game.”"

So you've got the weather system "done", but there is a chance you might have just wasted hours and hours of work? Bullshit, there is no reason why a weather system would not improve the experience, NO REASON. To me this is more like "night racing will be in the game" (good thing--although it does not say it's dynamic), and "we are still working on the weather system, and it might just not make it".
considering the game has taking close to 5 years, my guess is they do this a lot, put hours of work into something, find out it isnt going to work and then scrap it.
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Inscrit depuis 7820 Jours
if the weather system isn't up to standards, then it isn't "done." maybe there was a mistranslation.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par vspectra06
if the weather system isn't up to standards, then it isn't "done." maybe there was a mistranslation.
I doubt it, Kaz always comes up with that bs. He said the same thing for for damage for example.
Posté par KORNdog
considering the game has taking close to 5 years, my guess is they do this a lot, put hours of work into something, find out it isnt going to work and then scrap it.
Again, I don't know how a weather system can't help the experience.
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Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
Some new details about GT5.

Photo mode in GT4 is for me great and still the best one in racing games (+ really good idea with photo stages), but photo mode in GT5... the best (and most realistic) looking racing game + 8 megapixel photos sounds marvellous.

BTW IMO they must implement weather system, it's really important.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
I can't believe they are wasting time on NASCAR, it's just awful. They should focus on other GT-style niches out there, rather than waste their time on a boring series with giant moving advertisements.

As for the photomode, I guess they will allow saving to USB stick.

By the way, question to all. Wasn't there a demo for GTHD/Prologue/5 on the PSN? I was looking for it on the PSN and all I found was Prologue for about $30--which I don't plan to buy.
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Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
Now there is only Prologue. From that what I know there was GTHD in the past but for example when I bought PS3 (the same day when GT5:P was released in EU) there wasn't GTHD on PSN, only full Prologue.

MotorStorm: PR (over 1000 pictures taken) and Uncharted2 are saving photos to your HDD (and from there you can copy them to USB) so GT5 (keeping in mind photos size and how it worked in GT4) also should allow to do that.

BTW Someone correct me if I'm wrong: I think there was Prologue demo on Japan PS Store but I don't know if it's still there (GT5:P was my first PS3 game so I wasn't interested in GT5:P demo).
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
GT:HD has an expiration date. it's not there anymore.
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