Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours <- doesn't seem that bad.. but.. where's the Q&A?

Nothing seems as broken as the Javelin glitch.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
I managed to unlock a heartbeat sensor for the SCAR last night. Not sure about it, I'm still struggling to be honest, 60 kills behind getting a 1 for 1 K/D ratio.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM

Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
The heartbeat sensor is only worth it if you equip it with a silencer, imo. But then you'll run out of ammo every time you're on a streak. I didn't like it for that fact. Also it's pretty boring to play with, because you're relying way too heavily on it, I ditched it in favour of scavenger which is the best perk for the first slot.
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
I'm using the TAR-21 with a silencer and red dot sight at the moment. I used to use the heartbeat sensor and silencer with it, but found myself paying too much attention to what was on the sensor than what was happening around me.

The fact I use the red dot sight instead of the holographic sight is purely down to my own preference; neither one is really better than the other.
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Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 7016 Jours
I seem better at this game than I did the first. That or I'm just getting noobs so far. Had a blast n00btubing guys trying to get the flag in domination on this airplane map (only for the challenge EXP I swear!). I'm a good way above 1/1 KD ratio and WELL above 1 win/loss ratio, at the minute and pretty much all i've used is the starting gun (fully auto, forget the name...) and the rocket launcher in backup. But hey, I've only played 3/4 hours so far.

I have to say I do like it better this way (primary weapon/secondary weapon) rather than always being stuck with a semi-useless pistol in backup.

But I dislike the dual-weilding shotguns, they're insta-kill at ridiculous ranges. And i can't access them yet :P

Also, I got killed by my own supply drop box. Bounced off a railing and splattered me against the wall. That was embarrassing....
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
LOL. That is spot on.
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
LOL. That is spot on.
ditto. akimbo shotguns are so lame. if anyone of you ever find me using that please slap me in the face.

and rc_master, i also was killed by my own crate! pathetic. that and when my crates falls at the top of a building i can't reach, and being knifed in the back while looking up trying to reach it. one step at a time out of noobland...
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
I'm loving it so far it has a very Gears of War intense cinematic feel about it, i'm enjoying it allot more than the first one.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
The game finally did it, the absolute joke that the online part is made me uninstall it.. Ping 100+, no options to select the map etc, and BS arcade gameplay that favors running and jumping arround like a madman with akimbo shotguns and knifing is just not for me..
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Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Double shotgun dude is indeed a dog rapist. Seriously, WTF were they thinking? I am actually getting to the point where I don't want to play this anymore.
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Band myspace =

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
The game finally did it, the absolute joke that the online part is made me uninstall it.. Ping 100+, no options to select the map etc, and BS arcade gameplay that favors running and jumping arround like a madman with akimbo shotguns and knifing is just not for me..
I have a feeling that's going to happen a lot.. this is pretty interesting data:

It's been more than a week since Call of Duty 4 overtook Modern Warfare 2 again on Xfire. Now, granted, this is just a sample of the total PC users playing either game... but among hardcore Call of Duty players, Xfire is a pretty common means of server management and communication. Today's chart (hours by date) is especially interesting, because you can compare it to data prior to Modern Warfare 2's release. Yes, there was definitely a drop off.. but there are still more users playing COD4 every day, and MW2 is dropping users daily (MW2 Chart)..

What does this tell me? Well, firstly, the game isn't going to have the same longevity (on the PC) that Call of Duty 2 or 4 have had.. and secondly, Infinity Ward did not manage to convert many hardcore MW1 players. But then again.. this is a pretty specific demographic we're talking about..

It hardly matters if people keep playing it anyway.. it only matters that they gave them that sale. Activision and Infinity Ward don't actually care about the game's longevity, I'm sure. On one hand, long term interest might lead people to buy additional content, but they'd much rather you be prepared to purchase the incoming Call of Duty 7 in 2010 regardless.

To be fair.. Call of Duty 4 has crazy arcade gameplay too.. it's just a lot more fun when you strip away the gimmicks. Granted, those gimmicks are fun to pub.. for a short duration at least.
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Inscrit depuis 6000 Jours
I'm sure the same pc users that bought MW2 will buy the addtional content also.
Posté par dcdelgado
I'm loving it so far it has a very Gears of War intense cinematic feel about it, i'm enjoying it allot more than the first one.
I'm addicted to spec ops at the moment me and my friends are having a blast!
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
It hardly matters if people keep playing it anyway.. it only matters that they gave them that sale. Activision and Infinity Ward don't actually care about the game's longevity, I'm sure. On one hand, long term interest might lead people to buy additional content, but they'd much rather you be prepared to purchase the incoming Call of Duty 7 in 2010 regardless.

To be fair.. Call of Duty 4 has crazy arcade gameplay too.. it's just a lot more fun when you strip away the gimmicks. Granted, those gimmicks are fun to pub.. for a short duration at least.
I've said this before, they don't care if the game has longlivity indeed.. They want you to buy their next release when it comes out, and paid DLC is gonna flop on PC anyway so every sales is just an extra for them (on top of the huge sales on the consoles).. On the other hand I doubt it will do their sale of CoD7 on PC any good, as I think a lot of PC fans will now not pre-order but rather wait to see what it offers.. For me aswell, if the online is the same as in MW2, it's no buy.. And to fight piracy on PC it's no help aswell to gibb the one part of the game that makes people buy (the online) aswell..

CoD4 was arcady too, that's also true, but not as bad as MW2 is.. MW2 weapons, maps and perks make it worse.. MW2 feels like it was made for 13-14 year old kids who love lame shit like that (running ang jumping arround, akimbo shotguns, knifing etc).. Ironic for a game with such 'mature' content.. At least CoD4 was still a little bit more 'serious' if you know what I mean.. And on top of that the rediculous online P2P system.. It's just to much..

Just wait and see what the backlash will be on PC with the next CoD.. I hope it's big.. Unless offcourse they come to their senses and put proper online back and tone down the over the top arcade gameplay a bit again..
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Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
MW2 feels like it was made for 13-14 year old kids who love lame shit like that (running ang jumping arround, akimbo shotguns, knifing etc)
Know what I've seen very little of in MW2 on the 360? All of the above. Except for maybe the running...I mean people do tend to sprint from cover to cover. Even knifing, which I did plenty of in the short while I played MW1, isn't that prevalent despite the pro-knifing perks. I've often gotten "Most Knife Kills" accolades from a mere two or three knife kills.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
CoD4 was arcady too, that's also true, but not as bad as MW2 is..
I actually adore how arcadey Call of Duty is.. though I still have yet to master hook jumps. It's a holdover from the world of Quake that I was never particularly skilled at.

They really don't need to tone down anything.. they just need to allow people to tweak the game.
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Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Know what I've seen very little of in MW2 on the 360? All of the above. Except for maybe the running...I mean people do tend to sprint from cover to cover. Even knifing, which I did plenty of in the short while I played MW1, isn't that prevalent despite the pro-knifing perks. I've often gotten "Most Knife Kills" accolades from a mere two or three knife kills.
I've been unlucky to see this shit all the time. It's also pretty much a nightmare for me and my friends to play this game at night. We get dumped in US games all the time and the lag is just terrible.
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
trying some online tonight with some workmates, will see what it like for us.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours

New glitch that actually has been possible in CoD4.

I'm already eager to see how the game has changed in a week, when I pop it in on Friday.
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
I've been unlucky to see this shit all the time. It's also pretty much a nightmare for me and my friends to play this game at night. We get dumped in US games all the time and the lag is just terrible.
Just change the settings I posted on page 28 of this topic, and just see what latency (=ping) most people are playing with.. It's pathetic..

Like I said, it's back to the dark ages of dial up on PC.. You cannot put people from all over the world in 1 game, it just doesn't work in a FPS game that requires fast connections.. They might get away with it on consoles because people there are used to P2P gaming and there's more people playing, but not on PC where there are not as many people and people are used to low ping dedicated servers..

It's also very worring to see simular no choice mandatory very restricting P2P matchmaking with the only other option host a private game in games like MW2 and FM3, even on PC now.. FM3 on XBL is a failure, it never has more then 500-600 people online on the (according to MS and T10 brilliant new system) 'hoppers'.. I think MW2 on PC will soon follow suit.. And I wonder if the developers and publishers will learn from it, or if they'll just say in their arrogance that we gamers just need to get used to change, because the new system is so much better, and continue this crap.. I fear..
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
To end (because I'm not gonna go on about this game's crap online forever since I'm done with it and they're most likely not gonna change it) on a positive note:

The credits were the best I've ever seen in any videogame, absolutly brilliant and original..
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I actually adore how arcadey Call of Duty is.. though I still have yet to master hook jumps. It's a holdover from the world of Quake that I was never particularly skilled at.

They really don't need to tone down anything.. they just need to allow people to tweak the game.
Hardcore should be, well, more hardcore imo. And I agree with Inflatable about it being dumb not being able to select maps.

Anyhow, looks like I was right about IW protecting MW1's install base :P
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Just played a game of headquarters where 2 of the enemy team were using the javelin glitch. It obviously breaks the game mode. They just camp in the HQ with a shield capturing it. If we shoot them then they kill the entire room.
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Band myspace =

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Hardcore should be, well, more hardcore imo.
But then they would actually have to design and balance it, instead of just turning the damage up to 11. HC probably took an intern half an hour to implement ;P
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
I am actually getting to the point where I don't want to play this anymore.
I am unfortunately getting near to that point myself. It's one of the most frustrating online games I've played, with the constant camping, ridiculous respawning and over-the-top arcade feel - too many players running around thinking they're frickin' Rambo - completely destroying any enjoyment I've been getting out of it.

I'm finding it hard to understand what all the fuss was about in the first place.
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