Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Inscrit depuis 7098 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
You are out of your mind, or just extremely lucky. I get way more shit games than I don't. Every third game the connection drops to a red bar and sometimes the host migration fails. I need 3-5 tries to find a good lobby. That's 20-40 mins I waste on every time I want to play, most of the time I just quit trying because it's that frustrating. No region filter, and it seems like the host is chosen by a dice roll, I've never been host and I'm sitting behind a 32mbit connection. And that's just the failing MM part of it.
Where do you live? That does suck for you, but I'm not even slightly kidding when I say I've never had to wait more than a minute for a game, and the connection is great 99.9% of the time.
The whole concept of the MP is meant to be unbalanced. For the first 25 level it's been a grind to get cold blooded and then to level 30 to get a stinger.
I was never good at MW1, yet I didn't find this to be much of a problem at all.
On top of that, Akimbo 1887 is the most unbalanced shit in any shooter I played. That's not blowing it out of proportions, that's just straight fact. You can rush in like a brainless maniac and still pull off an impressive K/D ration, with people with a little sense behind those guns you can pretty much lock down areas of the maps on your own.
Nobody has said that the 1887s aren't unbalanced. In fact, pretty much everyone wants them patched.
And then the spawns. The last time I "played" I got spawned in the same spot over and over again with a chopper gunner a few feet behind me.
The spawns are annoying at times...usually not if your team isn't spread out over the whole map though. I complain about it every now and then, but it hasn't been that big of a problem to deter from playing...or to even disrupt my fun.
None of this shit was a problem in CoD4
The air support was much worse in CoD4, spawning wasn't much better, and didn't you still have to play to unlock weapons?
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
Living in Germany, didn't have a problem with CoD4 though (or any other game for that matter). Anyway, I really seem to be unlucky. A friend of mine got his MW2 fresh today and persuaded me to play with him. The first match was decent, it was how I actually enjoyed the game. The second match we had was glitched (we played Ground War and then a game of FFA came up on Rust), I quit immediately. Really don't want to find out whenever it's like STD.

After about 2 other below average matches, one infested with Akimbo 1887 users, we quit. My friend actually doesn't want to play it again (he also played MW1 a lot).

Don't get me wrong. I really like the core gameplay of MW2. It's excellent, no doubt. What rubs me the wrong way is how IW has handled their new game, during development and even now. To top that off they are being dick-ish to their community, they are holding their heads so high, it's actually raining into their noses. At least the updates seem to come out pretty fast. The one in the works should nerf the 1887s and remove some more glitches.

edit: Btw, I'm not criticizing the game because I'm doing badly, far from the truth. But you know there is something wrong when you play a game where the best man on your team almost racks up 90 kills in a single Domination match (most of them from airsupport). My predator missile was worthless because everyone died upon spawning, I couldn't even call in my own harrier and build up my kill streak. Must have been fun for the other team...

Oh and while we're at it. glitch,
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Inscrit depuis 7098 Jours
90 kills? Wtf?

I think I've seen very few around the 35 mark....none higher. No joke, in a few hundred games, I've seen 0 nukes and less than 5 emps.

Maybe TDM and it's variants are just much more friendly in the MW2 world.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I thought the whole world went mad Viginiti.. then I read your posts. Bravo.
Really, I can't get over the fact that you are probably the one with more posts in this thread, screaming over the top of your lungs that the game is terrible and writing stuff like above, and you don't even have the fucking game. OR DO YOU?

And viginti, has it come to your mind that your not so smooth matchmaking and gaming experience has to do to the fact that there's millions playing the game? And of those millions, thousands are just noobs or curious with crappy connections, logging in and out etc?
Oh, and by the way i'm also in germany 16Mb connection and I play just fine.

and regarding your own link, this says it all
A lot of people like to blame Infinity Ward for these issues, but who on Earth could predict that AIDS would come to Modern Warfare 2? I think it has more to do with the determination of cheaters to break the game than IW's development skills. If you make the biggest game of the year, it's bound to get hit by the largest population of exploiters and hackers who will instantly set about trying to ruin the game for everyone, especially if they feel they're proving some sort of "point" about Infinity Ward's online decisions.
I think this says it all, and represents the overall feeling on this thread. people want this game to suck to hard, that everything sucks. Just give it some rest and go play some other game (one you actually own maybe?)
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Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
oh, and just as a side note, this is the same thing as the all mac vs pc security debate. people fail to realize that a piece of software which has to be exposed to several orders of magnitude more users than other, it will look more unstable. no, mac is not safer or more stable, it simple has a much much smaller user base than windows and thus doesn't have it's vulnerabilities so easily exposed.

same here, so many people playing this game and trying to make it break that it simply will.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
You're right.. I'll try to stay less involved. I can enjoy peoples bitching in silent.

This little tweet recently from Robert Bowling about possible mod tools is a little interesting.. seems a little too little too late though. Maybe next time.. if not, you're right, there are other games to play.

I'll stick to Call of Duty 4 for now.
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Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
This little tweet recently from Robert Bowling about possible mod tools is a little interesting.. seems a little too little too late though.
Still, if I were you I wouldn't have my hopes too high. this sounds too much like: "yeah, maybe we will release something...someday. now shut up already" and then they never will...
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Inscrit depuis 6719 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
I think this says it all, and represents the overall feeling on this thread. people want this game to suck to hard, that everything sucks. Just give it some rest and go play some other game (one you actually own maybe?)
Or, you know, some of us actually preferred the game before they added all this bloated crap to it..
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Band myspace =

Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
With a few million people playing and actively trying to exploit your game, some issue are going to crop up. And Modern Warfare 2 has had some issues. But Infinity Ward is tackling them, including that recent infinite ammo thing.

IW's Robert Bowling updated the Modern Warfare 2 masses on the developer's current plans to fix some nagging problems. He writes, "Update in Test now: 1887s Balanced. Public "private" Match fix. Infinite Ammo fix. Prestige Hack on PS3 fix. Texture Hack on PC fix."

Looks like we can expect few double shotgun wielders in our future and less in the way of grenade spam. When all those updates will go live and onto your platform of choice isn't always Infinity Ward's call. But keep an eye peeled! I mean, stay frosty!
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Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
I don't want to get further into this argument. Imo, IW didn't handle this properly, a lot of people/fans are upset and they bought the game, too (haters argument seems invalid here).

Despite not being patched I got into the game again, just to try out the AUG, I heard good things at least. What a beast! With stopping power and grip it just rips through the bodies, got lots of double kills with it and been MVP in 3 of 4 games (one ended with a nuke from a teammate, but it was about 35 kills each round with little help from kill streaks). My new weapon of choice from now on, it's just scaring good.
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Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I don't want to get further into this argument. Imo, IW didn't handle this properly
Didn't handle this properly?!?! They patched the javelin in less than a week. patching everything else (at least known/everybody complains about) in the same timeframe (days/week)...
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Inscrit depuis 7098 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
Didn't handle this properly?!?! They patched the javelin in less than a week. patching everything else (at least known/everybody complains about) in the same timeframe (days/week)...
I don't think they handled the PC side of things properly, but in terms of fixes for glitches, they seem to be doing a good job.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
Almost pulled my first nuke today. But someone found me when I was using the chopper gunner. Still 48 kills, my second highest killcount yet.

Had a hilarious match yesterday. Laged pretty badly on Derail but as I was sneaking around the corners of the map I found a sniper who just called in a care package I picked him off and got a Pave Low. He must have been pissed... that got me at least 10 kills.
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
I finally played MW1 last night, completed it 5 hours later, i knew its short so not holding that against it (i borrowed it) ... single player, very very overated single player, visually nice and smooth story was solid enough, but i was just bored shitless, nukes were cool and it did have its odd momment, but overall 6-10
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6973 Jours
Tried MP for the first time today and got my ass owned, but is was a blast none the less.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
It's pretty hard to get into MW2. My friends loathe the game because of the camping in most matches. I always did good since day one, but I have the feeling that I just started to understand it. I've made my first class that is actually just pure fun to use (silenced UMP, Scavenger, Stopping Power, Ninja, Claymores). With other classes I found myself to play it way too defensive, with this SMG class I sneak behind enemy lines and pick them off one by one, claymores help me control the crowd that inevitably respawns behind me.

The fun is that I consistently pull very good stats despite playing it very aggressively. One match on Afghan I managed to sneak behind the enemy team at the drug plantation, picked a few people off while hiding in the poppy field, placed a claymore in front of the bunker as they kept respawning and got all the way to the chopper gunner. Might give the nuke another shot. :)
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Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
It's nice they "fixed" the shotguns(duel wielding SHOTGUNS!? WTF). This game still frustrates me as much as I have fun with it. It really is the matchmaking that steams me sometimes. That and the dropping out of games and host migration thing. And the annoying camping, death-at-respawn, and kill streak awards that get you kills for doing nothing( I usually don't mind them if you can shoot them down/destroy them, but that C 130 pisses me off to no end). I probably wouldn't even be playing it if my son hadn't scratched the hell out of Battlefield...
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
Shotguns are all right now as they are with the akimbo 1887 fixed (you can still have ridiculous range with akimbo/FMJ attachments, but I hardly run into those). The main class that drives me up the walls are those knifer classes. Just had a TDM match on Rundown, got knifed 3 times in a row by someone using Marathon/Lightweight/Commando, inside buildings there is virtually no way to stop them. Anyway I got on a nice streak after that and ended the game with 32-3, spawnraping the other team with my chopper gunner. :D

Then a game on Skidrow and as the game ended with us winning the host turns off his box and no points/kills were awarded. This is how a MW2 session usually turns out for me. Get into the game, get 2-3 awesome matches and then some BS happens and then I usually just quit.
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Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
Alright. Just when I thought the shotguns were annoying- I just quit after a round were everyone and their dog had a friggin' M203( grenade launcher). Words cannot describe how fustrated I am with this stinkin' game....
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Inscrit depuis 6857 Jours
Finally got round to playing the MP on this game, is it true that this actually has no form of level matchmaking???? I'm level 1 playing against people who are level 70 with ridiculous weapon sets, is this some kind of joke??? Was COD4 like this? I really cant rememeber, this has to be the most unblanaced mp experience i've ever had.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Call of Duty 4 was indeed like that, but it wasn't a big deal. You had the M16 and MP5 at level 1, and unlocked the M4 and AK47 very early on, along with stopping power and deep impact.
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Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
I think you just have to get the hell kicked out of you for a while. I got owned all the way up to, like, level 25 or something. I'm usally in the top 3rd of combatants now ( I'm level 55 now, I think). It's a really douchey way to do a multiplayer set-up. Being better and getting kills should be based on skill and practice, not on unlockables. This game was more "that would be cool( C-130 and duel wielding shotguns)" than, "let's make it balanced so even entry level guys can enjoy themselves"...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
Being better and getting kills should be based on skill and practice, not on unlockables.
This is an unfortunate side effect of the whole obsession with unlocks the genre has now. People will attempt to tell you that it's balanced, and throw words like "Rock, Paper, Scissor" around, but they don't seem to understand that there's a limit to how many different rocks you can have in such a system. And that's not even considering the uneven playing field you get with level progression. It works better at times than others though, and for casual (read: pub) play, people seem to adore it anyway.. so it's not going anyway any time soon.
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Inscrit depuis 6857 Jours
Its absolutely ridiculous, people are running around with radars on thier guns and others just throw smoke grenades and use thermal scopes to get kills. I'm getting owned by kids who cant aim who just spray bullets through walls??? I hate all these gunships, airstikes, turrets and the sheer amount of campaing really is infuriating!
Posté par Frozpot
It's a really douchey way to do a multiplayer set-up. Being better and getting kills should be based on skill and practice, not on unlockables.
Yeah this game really rewards people who put the hours in much more than people with actual skill.
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