Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
I don't mind gunships and turrets as long as you can take them out. The C-130 and Chopper gunner are the biggest offenders- you can't even shoot them down( unlimited, automatic chaff). It is a super lame to get kills for no skills. The Crackdown Announcer would be sad. The turrets are fine- I have the Cold-Blooded Perk on one of my custom loadouts for just such an occasion. Of course, that has to be unlocked too...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 7098 Jours
Posté par Frozpot
Of course, that has to be unlocked too...
Doesn't take much time, and everyone has to unlock it to use it anyways.
Posté par Jin187
Yeah this game really rewards people who put the hours in much more than people with actual skill.
I don't really find this to be the least not to the extent that some people seem to think. Granted, there are unlockables that are useful in getting kills, but the majority of my kills have been from simply seeing a guy and accurately shooting him.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
Yeah, but sights make it that much easier and that split second means alot. I know that I was getting handled until I got a hold of some better equipment. How about stopping power? FMJ? Steady Aim?. The point is it isn't balanced, and the playing field in not level at all.
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 7098 Jours
The playing field isn't level initially, and the balance issue, when it's evident, isn't a huge one. And yeah, red dot/holographic sights are better than iron sights, but it takes next to nothing in terms of invested time to unlock them.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6857 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
I don't really find this to be the least not to the extent that some people seem to think. Granted, there are unlockables that are useful in getting kills, but the majority of my kills have been from simply seeing a guy and accurately shooting him.
I'm sorry but, radar attachments and thermal scopes are huge advantages on a lot of maps, these unlockables take ages to get on the better guns.
Posté par Ronsauce
The playing field isn't level initially, and the balance issue, when it's evident, isn't a huge one. And yeah, red dot/holographic sights are better than iron sights, but it takes next to nothing in terms of invested time to unlock them.
But this is only part of the problem. The bigger problem is that there is no matchmaking whatsoever, players at level 1 go up against players at level 70. I'm baffled as to how anyone can say this isnt in the slightest bit silly??
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Inscrit depuis 7098 Jours
Posté par Jin187
I'm sorry but, radar attachments and thermal scopes are huge advantages on a lot of maps, these unlockables take ages to get on the better guns.
I'm not sure about other guns as I pretty much exclusively use ARs, but those attachments don't take "ages" at all. Also, for such advantageous attachments, I sure don't see a lot of people using them. A lot of people I've talked to share my sentiment that they're slightly novel at first(the HB sensor for sure...thermal scope not so much) but really aren't worth it.
But this is only part of the problem. The bigger problem is that there is no matchmaking whatsoever, players at level 1 go up against players at level 70. I'm baffled as to how anyone can say this isnt in the slightest bit silly??
It is silly. Their whole online setup is silly. Still fun as hell though.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
The only offender is that Cold Blooded and a potent launcher aren't unlocked right from the start. The first 25-30 levels I got mowed down by air support on a regular basis, because practically you can't do that much about them. It's still a mystery to me why people let themselves get killed again and again and don't do something about it (don't they know they can switch classes?).

I used to run around with stingers by default and deny all the kills. But now I don't give a fuck because no one else does and I know how to stay alive. In the end my team doesn't loose to the killstreaks, they loose because they are insane. They get killed on the same spot over and over again trying to out shoot the opponent with SMGs while they uses snipers. When my team dies they'll go to the same spot and try it with the same class again and again (I guess that's the definition of being insane: doing something over and over again and expecting a different outcome). I'm usually the only one who flanks them but I ain't complaining, I get a lot of easy kills that way.

The more I play this game the more I get a feel for what really matters when you want do good. MW1 had a strong emphasis on situational awareness, MW 2 is different and a lot of people have problems with that. You have to know when to push and when you need to hold back because you can die very quick. Also it's less of a run and gun game, not even with SMGs. You still have to worry about positioning and covering your back at all times (I get a lot of these badges with no deaths from behind). I think the gameplay is more sophisticated this time around. Killstreaks aren't my favourite addition but there are ways to deal with them.
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Inscrit depuis 6857 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
(don't they know they can switch classes?).
Lol, I actually didnt know? Do you mean during a match? How?
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Inscrit depuis 6444 Jours
... Did you really not know that?

Start > Change class

You'll have to respawn before you actually change class though - unless you have that perk which allows you to change classes on the fly during a match.
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Inscrit depuis 7235 Jours
lol @ Jin :P
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6185 Jours
Unlocks are nothing, ping is everything.

Just after a session of 23 losses and 4 wins and im buzzing with pure rage, near bust another controller. Lag, Host migration, lag, Dropping back to lobby, lag, games going most of the way through without migrating, intermission, lag, games that quit after waiting through most of intermission, lag, sitting on the loading screen for more than 3 mins, lag, and being constantly dumped on the losing team.

Seems my knife is made of plastic or something tonight, every time ive knifed someone theyve either turned round and knifed me back, or it's taken me 2 or 3 seconds to register the knife hit, by which time im almost dead and this is on "3 green bars".

Just everything about this game pisses me off, and yet im still hopelessly addicted, ME2 cant come out soon enough to give me an excuse to play something else.
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Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Lol, I actually didnt know? Do you mean during a match? How?
this actually sums up the whole current feeling towards this game: people criticizing it either didn't play it or don't know how to play it...
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Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
Posté par Tomarru
Unlocks are nothing, ping is everything.
Just after a session of 23 losses and 4 wins and im buzzing with pure rage, near bust another controller. Lag, Host migration, lag, Dropping back to lobby, lag, games going most of the way through without migrating, intermission, lag, games that quit after waiting through most of intermission, lag, sitting on the loading screen for more than 3 mins, lag, and being constantly dumped on the losing team.
yes, with this i would have to agree. the game seems to be very unstable in terms of connections and lag.
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Inscrit depuis 6444 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
this actually sums up the whole current feeling towards this game: people criticizing it either didn't play it or don't know how to play it...
I really, really hope that's not a serious comment. For your sake.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Posté par blmbox
I really, really hope that's not a serious comment. For your sake.
No he's really believed that for a while now. It's mostly my fault I think. The game can do no wrong.
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Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
I guess everyone can see why a discussion about this game is redundant. Everyone who criticises it is probably a mutant anyway, like the ones playing with an inverted Y-Axis.
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Inscrit depuis 6185 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I guess everyone can see why a discussion about this game is redundant. Everyone who criticises it is probably a mutant anyway, like the ones playing with an inverted Y-Axis.
Lol, so true.
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Inscrit depuis 6870 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I guess everyone can see why a discussion about this game is redundant. Everyone who criticises it is probably a mutant anyway, like the ones playing with an inverted Y-Axis.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 6544 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
I guess everyone can see why a discussion about this game is redundant. Everyone who criticises it is probably a mutant anyway, like the ones playing with an inverted Y-Axis.

I think we all need mass effect 2 and all the other great games coming this year to take our heads out of these discussions.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
You should check out the Halo Reach thread, there's already wicked bickering and wild misunderstandings abound.
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Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
I want to know why it sometimes takes 10mins to find a game when there are 800,000 people playing...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6444 Jours
Because poo game is poo.
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Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
En réponse à

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Citing "industry sources," Destructoid claims Infinity Ward's next will be a massively mulitplayer online game, with the studio reportedly hiring Sony Online Entertainment (EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, PlanetSide) veterans and possibly getting help from fellow Activision Blizzard studio Blizzard (World of Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft).

Whether this turns out to be the oft-mentioned Call of Duty MMO or not, franchise owner Activision is still likely to continue releasing annual entries in the popular series.

That leads into the second rumor going around, which sees VG247 stating that Modern Warfare 3 is to be developed by another Activision-owned studio. One source pointed to Prototype developer Radical as handling the unannounced-but-inevitable shooter sequel, while another put it in the hands of Sledgehammer Games--a newly formed studio from Dead Space veterans Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey that is confirmed to be "creating a new game based on one of Activision's existing franchises."

I'm actually a little surprised. I know Activision was whoring the hell out of this franchise (one could argue that it really started with World At War), but I was expecting War Hero.
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Inscrit depuis 6615 Jours
This game is garbage, this is the undeniable truth. I can play on my own and most of my matches are good with a couple of bad eggs in between. But playing with a party is an absolute nightmare. We tried to get into games for about 2 hours and I think we played 3-4 full games in total, only a single one was more of less lagfree because the other team had a full lobby of 8 French people. The rest of the time we spent searching, when a game is found we either get dropped in unplayable lobbies, my friends are getting booted randomly (this seems to happen the most) or we're put into a rapefest that we loose a minute later and the lobby dissolves.

This is such a fucking joke. I won't attempt playing with friends again. Also a lot of people are getting the hang out of the ways to get lots of kills. You only need 5 kills to get onto a killstreak that can lead up to 25+ kills in a row without firing a single shot from your gun. It's not a problem when at least 2-3 guys use Stingers with Cold Blooded but from experience noone uses them, they run out in the open and get raped by AC130s, Pavelows or the Chopper Gunner. The quality of the match depends on luck alone since MM doesn't seem to work at all.
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