PGR4 flying under the radar?

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Bike controls are awesome, I really like them. Especially powersliding. I didn't play with a steering wheel, I don't have one, but rodman, even if I had it I wouldn't use it for bikes.

If it helps, Blim says FF support is spot on.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
good to hear, thanks.

I don't see myself using the bikes that much, but nice to know they control good. Friend of mine said he thought the were kind of overpowered, since you're always first out the gates, and unless you F it up by crashing or something, you'll pretty much keep the lead. Or maybe that was just with him :p
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par kenshin2418
good to hear, thanks.

I don't see myself using the bikes that much, but nice to know they control good. Friend of mine said he thought the were kind of overpowered, since you're always first out the gates, and unless you F it up by crashing or something, you'll pretty much keep the lead. Or maybe that was just with him :p
MAYBE, I haven't played the game that much to notice any balancing problems. When I played with bikes I did smoke the AI and it was my first time with them, so maybe your friend is correct.

I'm guessing that with higher difficulties that could be solved somewhat, especially while playing arcade mode not career. But I will be the first one (or not lol) to talk about this if I find them to be unbalanced.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
You know what I dont get ? This game is made in Britain, yet comes out in the US before it does here. WTF ?
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
You know what I dont get ? This game is made in Britain, yet comes out in the US before it does here. WTF ?
I know, but then it's also payed for by a US corporation for an American console.

But the wait will be worth it, at least now you know that :D
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
This is true. To be honest I'm still not 100% gonna buy it. Orange box is at the top of my list right now. Also want skate. Plus Halo 3 just came out. I love the 360.
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
This is true. To be honest I'm still not 100% gonna buy it. Orange box is at the top of my list right now. Also want skate. Plus Halo 3 just came out. I love the 360.
All good games. COD4 was on my list too, but now I'm not too sure too. I've spent too much already. Orange Box is definitely going to have to hold out for next year. I've played Skate and it's a very fun game too.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
Crap forgot about COD. After the BETA I am a bit meh about it though. I just watched the gametrailers review of PGR and I am mighty tempted to get that. How are the jaggies compared to three ?
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
How are the jaggies compared to three ?
Better, but you can watch of some Blim's videos in 720p and judge for yourself.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Inscrit depuis 6869 Jours
New HD vids, guys.
Looking good, I just can't wait.
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Fanboy officiel de Call of Duty 4
Nintendo c'est vraiment n'imp :

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
well game just came in, but can't play right now due to a headache(just great!). Can't wait to boot it up later in the day. I'll try and post some photomode pics for the hell of it :p
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 6998 Jours
It's not a bad, doesn't look much better than PGR3 though, I never did get PGR3 so i guess thats one good thing :D

I still not sure whether we needed another PGR this gen, it seems way too much like PGR3 (well duhh), and im not sure there is enough of a difference to warrent buying it.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
It's not a bad, doesn't look much better than PGR3 though, I never did get PGR3 so i guess thats one good thing :D

I still not sure whether we needed another PGR this gen, it seems way too much like PGR3 (well duhh), and im not sure there is enough of a difference to warrent buying it.
I suppose you would have to like racers to begin with! /jk

Really, the changes to the physics and everything they added makes it a really great addition and worth the buy. The bikes is a whole new way of playing the game. They have fixed the broken and added lots of content. Graphics aren't day/night to PGR3, but they are good enough to be the best out there by a vast margin. When are we going to see a racing game that just has it all in term of graphics? Car models, lighting, shadowing, good AA, environments--tons of variety in this, in-car camera, ALL kinds of weather effects, and really not much of a weak link here. I think some people understate what BC did with this game, you shouldn't!

Small changes make a big difference. Probably the biggest and most varied single player in all past PGRs, etc etc. I say probably because PGR2 is still a legend, and I would have to play more to make a final judgment. But really, if you liked previous PGRs you are missing out by not buying this. If you didn't really like past PGR2s, I guess not much can be expected, but if you only have played PGR3, you have to at least try this one.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Inscrit depuis 6998 Jours
Well I suppose the bikes are a nice addition.

But like you say i guess it helps if you're a racer fanatic.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
holy snapple cakes at the Nurburgring Snow invitational race :o

also, how the hell do you upload pics? I don't see the option when I'm trying to upload the pics that I saved to my harddrive.
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 6998 Jours
There is an option to upload the picture when you take it, after you save it to the harddrive.

Not sure if you can upload pics you have taken in the past though.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par kenshin2418
holy snapple cakes at the Nurburgring Snow invitational race :o

also, how the hell do you upload pics? I don't see the option when I'm trying to upload the pics that I saved to my harddrive.
Yep, that invitation is just unbelievable all around.

I haven't used photomode yet in this game, too entertained with the game itself.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
why the hell can't you retry races once complete, but you can retry races during the actual race? That's just retarded. You pretty much have to pause, and click retry right before you cross the finish line.

Also, the AI is pretty aggressive once you get further a long in the game. A lot more unforgiving than it was in PGR3. Well, at least I think so. Makes the races all the better now.
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par kenshin2418
why the hell can't you retry races once complete, but you can retry races during the actual race? That's just retarded. You pretty much have to pause, and click retry right before you cross the finish line.
What? I don't see a problem with that. That's something they did with career mode.

You ALWAYS know if you are going to lose or not before you finish the race. Unless of course you have some extremely tight situation which I don't think are very likely, at least I haven't had that problem.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
heh, iono I don't like retrying during a race. I've made comebacks before, so I try to stick the race out. It's not that big of a deal, but I still wish they could have left the option in there for career mode(like in arcade). I mean if they left in the pause retry option, why not the option after the race is completed? Then again, maybe I'm just nit picking for the sake of nitpicking :p

also, I want an Audi R8. That is all.
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
I tried it this weekend.. still haven't purchased it. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in the interface and design of progression. The new career mode sorta sucks compared to PGR3, as do the menus, the garage interface, the way you purchase new vehicles.. bleh. A little turned off by all that.

It's a shame too, because the core gameplay is obviously much better.. although they did also make a lot of turns in established tracks MUCH easier. Not sure if I dig that yet either. Either way, I have to play it more.. but my first impressions aren't as favorable as I had hoped. I really like what they've done to core gameplay elements but I think they've sorta taken a step backwards in other areas.

Don't like their new career mode.. don't like the easy corners. Not having either.. I'm actually considering picking up FM2 now instead. I was going to save FM2 for next years spring gaming drought. Not so sure anymore.
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
FM2 will certainly keep you busy for a very long time of you want to beat the SP career in that, let alone get all the achievements.. I still haven't finished it.. I'm close though, only a few endurance races left (which can litteraly take close to an hour to complete)..

Online I think PGR is more enjoyable though.. FM online is only fun if you can play it with people that really want to race seriously without pushing eachother of the track etc.. PGR is way more forgiveable in that area..
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Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
Been playing this over the weekend at my brothers house, I like the new car physics, reminds me of PGR2. Graphically it looks pretty much the same as PGR3, with really nice weather effects. Soundtrack is good and the engine noise are aaceptable, what annoys me is that you can barely here the tires screech when powersliding, it doesnt give you enough feedback when drifting.
Posté par LEBATO
Bike controls are awesome, I really like them. Especially powersliding.
The bikes just feel horrible, really really bad, especially with the first person cam, I honestly cant believe they made into the final game in such a state.
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How Do You Silence the Millions of haters out there?

Create the Greatest game ever made...

Halo 3... Believe.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
What I find interesting about the graphics comments is that PGR4 is 720p (instead of 1024x600), has MSAA and less aliasing (applied to more surfaces), higher AF levels, realtime reflections that include dynamic objects (and no aliasing and more perspective correct), better particles, and improvements to texturing and yet I still see quite a few comments about it looking the same as PGR3.

Artistically they the same. But PGR4 has added a lot of IQ enhancements. And yet people don't notice.

Which goes back to my theory that AA, AF, and general IQ are secondary to console gamers in the view of many developers (which I have heard). Forums tend to be the place where it is drawn out, and only due to console war stuff.

I think Halo 3 is probably the shining example of this (poor IQ in a number of areas, specifically AF and AA) and people don't seem to care or notice. The fact a number of people (not just Jin) are saying PGR4 is graphically pretty much PGR3 indicates some people just don't notice these things. PGR3 was a graphicallya dvanced racer in 2005 and still holds its own... but still quite interesting.
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My Blog:

Inscrit depuis 6998 Jours
Probably because as graphics get better there is a diminishing returns thing happening.

I do see that it looks better, but it's not a big enough jump to grab my eyeballs and shake them out of their sockets. (not like the jump to PGR3 was)

I noticed that in your list of things you didn't mention higher polygon models, is this because they are the same/similar. (i've not looked into it)

The lighting doesn't seemed to have changed much (not that it needed to) and some of the car textures can be pretty blocky when up close.

One thing for sure is that the move to 720p makes it look a lot less jaggie as does the addition of MSAA, however the AF could be better (although AF doesn't really concern me that much)

Personally i don't think resolution is a huge deal anyway, as the models and graphics remain the same just with higher pixel density, so there is only a very small noticeable difference in what extra you can see. (the most obvious is that things look less blury)
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

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