Splinter Cell Conviction Thread!

Inscrit depuis 5641 Jours
Not to worry Simon i doubt anyone listens to anything Manthatyoufear has to say anyway, Especially when it come to any 360 exclusives.
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
To be honest simon i expected more from the story i was kinda let down, but it did its job and i did enjoy it :)

Overall experience was kinda meh though, due to controls are just backwards the game has little to no stealth which would be alright if its controls were as fluid as say gears but there not
The writing on the walls was cool to begin with (very fringe) but lets be honest, after a hour you notice this feature is ALL through the game and every 3 minutes, and gets really annoying its IN YOUR FACE! and ruins any kind of realism and makes it feel more like a cheap tv show (very fringe..)

And the biggest issue for me...

omfg... as i say this game is very little stealth and when someone is about to notice you WARNING! (annoying noise like a bullet hitting tin) then when they see you DETECTED! (repeat noise) then a additional noise for when they no longer see you... THEN FUCKING REPEAT!
in a big battle (when you get ambushed in certain room at end) and the battle lasts more than say 10 minutes... this shit takes the piss

The game is to dark and due to NO night vision it makes the dark sections awkward, and when it goes black and white it just makes it fucking worse (yes i adjusted the settings to what the game says is best... then upped it.. and it still sucked)
As for what you get later on... that shit makes it worse.

Overall i rented this and i am glad :) this is NOT worth the full price (OMFG!!!!! TEH MULTIPLAYER!!!!)

Mp not interested on xbox360, my splintercell buddies all jumped ship to ps3, WHEN it comes to ps3, I will buy it for the MP but chances are.. i wont touch the single player again

In short after completing it i don't care what anyone says.... Double agent was BETTER! (single player wise) maybe not in story but in gameplay it rapes this.

Dont get me wrong though.. i still enjoyed it, i just expected ...more
Gulf was fucking awesome though :) that shit blew me away :)
i agree with most of that at least based on the demo. i like the projected text, but at the same time, the more i see of the game the more it looks like it interferes then helps. it's handholding to a level i've never seen before. the old games would list objectives in a pop up box or via radio chatter, and for those CORE objectives, the projected text seems like a perfectly fine alternative (a very spiffy looking one at that) but the projected text doesnt stop there, it litterally tells you what to do all the time, i saw one part where it said "work your way through the room" as if it wasnt obvious enough, it's not like SC has ever taken place in a large, sprawling open environment where you could get lost, it's linear, and now they're holding your hand through it on top of that. i can definately see how it could end up being used in a massively excessive way.

i agree with the black and white, purely becasue, much like batman arkham asylum, it takes what is essentially a decent looking game, and drains the colour from it 90% of the time. BUT, i have more of an issue with identifying safe shadows. in past games, a shadow was a shadow, they didnt really vary, if it was black, you where safe, it was a simple, visual way to distinguish between safe zones and danger zones without having to constantly look at the light meter. in the new game, even in the demo, the shadows vary, they're all lightened too, meaning you run to shadow, expecting safety, only to find it isnt safe at all.

the stealth elements are definately there tho, it's just a far more attack based stealth then a defense based stealth. i've said before that i'd like elements of old SC's to return, namely the whistle, being able to move bodies, being able to kill or incapacitate, being able to grab enemes from behind to interigate, that sort of thing. but they're all missing. and it does detract from the stealth aspect of the game imo. since you in essence have way less options then before.

i can't comment on double agent being better, but if you're talking double agent for the original xbox, i can definately see where you're coming from. it is, afterall, the second best SC out there, and was basically fan service through and through for those who enjoyed chaos theory. now, if you're talking the 360 version of double agent, then hell no, even the demo of conviction was better then the entirety of that pile of crap. double agent 360 is the worst SC i've played.

ultimately it's the lack of consistency with the past games that i disslike the most. i can cope with the more predatory aproach to stealth, i'm fine with most of the design decisions. but i cant accept that sam forgot to whistle, forgot how to grab and interogate enemies, forgot how to do certain moves, forgot how to move bodies or see the benefit of doing so. the way he has the same iconic goggles, but somehow they lost the ability to use night vision. the list goes on and on and on. it's like the past games didnt exist, and for that i can never love this new approach to SC.

i'm sure it'll be a decent 5 hour rental, but at the end of the day, i've purchased EVERY SC that has ever been released, sometimes the same game on multiple consoles, and conviction is the only one i dont think is good enough to buy...and for me, that says it all. another franchise that is dead to me...and unsurprisingly, it was ubisoft that did it.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Anyway, yeah, I grossly disagree with everything ManFear is saying and find half of it to be outright misinformation.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
The controls feel different because they accomodate more playstyles and more actions than cover based systems like this normally do. You have a plethora of things you want to be able to do from cover, including selecting items, accessing sticky camera feeds, setting up remote mine traps aswell as marking targets
You listed the RB button and x there...wow is that your excuse for cumbersome aiming? cumbersome wall hugging ? delayed aiming? gadget list changing so you think your throwing a flash but OH you threw a fucking camera.. awesome .
Posté par SimonM7
Hearing this often means one thing; you were fucking up often. That stealth you're telling yourself isn't in here? You're just not using it!
A game that does not rely on stealth its entire time? a game that forces you into firefights into certain points of the game?
sure did i say i was spending the entire game hearing that ? no just when heat of battle like the vice president scene
Posté par SimonM7
after being fully comfortable playing the majority of the old splinter cells in a variety of trippy vision modes
in the dark you had night vision in the cold freezer you had the heat vision in normal lighting... omfg YOU HAD NORMAL vision... trippy indeed
In this game you got it flipping from black and white to colour and later on them shitty visors, the transition from black and white to colour happens so often its almost unsettling/confusing making me lose focus, so later on i tried using the sonar in real dark sctions to help me out.. made it fucking worse because it sees through walls... thank god for the constan "your objective is here" marker...
Posté par SimonM7
I'll just let that hang there.
It was.
Posté par SimonM7
Stripping the game of all its mechanics, giving you two weapons with unlimited ammo and a panhandle camera for 15 minutes? Narratively it played its role awesomely, but gameplay wise that's easily the worst part of the game, and that was your favourite?
yes because it was the first time the game admitted THIS is what we wanted.. this is HOW we wanted it to play.
Posté par SimonM7
Anyway, yeah, I grossly disagree with everything ManFear is saying and find half of it to be outright misinformation.
Misinformation ? what the game LIED to me... damn i must ask blockbuster for my money back..

Maybe you reply to try and justify your purchases ? who know..
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par gym4life
Not to worry Simon i doubt anyone listens to anything Manthatyoufear has to say anyway, Especially when it come to any 360 exclusives.
Posté par dcdelgado
Yes yes yes... because there is no way in hell i could ever possibly enjoy gears of war ? viva pinata ? banjo kazzoie ? perfect dark ? call of duty 2 ? (hopefully Alan wake) halo 3 ? be signed up to xbox live since the day it was available in England ? ( except until recently when i finally canceled it)
Mass effect ?

oh god no ... it could not be shut the fuck up.

believe it or not i enjoyed this game, even with its downsides... but i suppose the xbox360 camp cant take any flack about anything on there exclusives...

Hell there are many things i can slag off on the ps3 and about it.. but you know why i don't? take a look at the site, take a look at the lack of interest in its games and over all functions there is not talk... hell it would end up just been me and korndog agreeing that you lot have tunnel vision.
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I think i have stood in poo

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7139 Jours
The challenge system is pretty neat. I'm only now getting into it proper because I'm running out of points to upgrade my weapons with.

So, the challenge system feeds into the weapons upgrade system which is persistent between playthroughs. You earn points for completing challenges that you then spend as currency on adding extra M&E slots, better accuracy, better zoom etc to your weapons. The challenges can be something simple like throwing a flashbang and then vanishing, but they can also be something more elaborate like shooting a guy investigating your last known position from 10 metres away, or even *complete an entire level without being spotted, no retries* which is just mental.

You get a ton of them if you're just the kind of person to experiment a lot with it, obviously, but some also call attention to tactics you haven't thought of and sometimes things you didn't even know you could do. I think the way games are becoming broader in terms of how you choose to play them, leaving many options open, this is a good way of encouraging experimentation while still letting the run and gunners do their thing if they're so inclined.

I always become super completionist with dynamic games like this and look for any excuse to replay them. Uncharted I replayed 4 times, almost back to back even before there were trophies tracking what you had achieved, and this challenge system totally dooms me to my OCD ways. :O

EDIT: This wasn't a reply to any particular post, not sure why it shows up as one. :O
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Inscrit depuis 6002 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
yep pretty much agree and I'm loving the feel of the game and the freedom to stealth or be more aggressive.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 5641 Jours
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What a pile of bollocks!!, so you dont slag off anything ps3 because of a lack of interest of the ps3 on this site in your eyes, yet you praise the hell out of every ps3 exclusive you talk about on this site, how does that make any sense!
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7139 Jours
Let's try to get this thread somewhat back on topic, please.
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
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Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Manthat, you traitor, when did we become the Xbox360 camp!? :P I thought you were one of us!

On a serious note, don't confuse lack of talk on some ps3 threads as a sign for lack of interest.

One of my most played games this generation is Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm for the PS3, but I thought maybe I'd more be talking to myself than actual other people, so I didn't post too much about that game.

There's no game, literally no game this entire year that I could possibly want more than Mass Effect 2, and look at my activity over in that thread. Slim to none, right?

I, at the last minute, decided to purchase the pc version to max out the game, since my pc sorta owns. Then proceeded to download the closest save game to what I did in the 360 version. Only I got a good length into the game, but not too far, and immediately decided to stop playing there and never play again, until I get the 360 version.

Why? I'm literally 100% certain that something I did in the 360 version of the first game, would've changed one particular event from ending up how it did. It was so brutal seeing it end that way that I never played Mass Effect 2 again, and will never play it again, until I get the 360 version and start over using my own save.

Simon's right, time to get back on topic. Starting tomorrow, I'll be all over Splinter Cell Conviction. Thanks for the impressions Simon, I've heard a lot about the challenge system. It's good to hear that they even offer points for completing entire levels without being spotted.
En réponse à

Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
Just wait until I am free to Dig into all the game the PS3 offers. I will flood the forum with threads like I do for the 360 :D

Now back to SPlinter Cell
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Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
cumbersome wall hugging ?
Now, I don't agree with most everything you said, but this I couldn't possibly disagree with more. To me, SC:C has the best cover system I've used in a game.
delayed aiming?
I don't have issues with aiming, but I do have issues with the delay between pulling the right trigger and Sam actually firing his gun. On numerous occasions, it's resulted in me missing a shot and drawing attention to myself. It's annoying, but it makes sense when it happens. If I have my gun drawn and am aiming, there's no delay, but if Sam's back is turned, and I'm not zoomed in, it stands to reason that he'd have to take some time to align himself properly.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5751 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
Manthat, you traitor, when did we become the Xbox360 camp!? :P I thought you were one of us!

On a serious note, don't confuse lack of talk on some ps3 threads as a sign for lack of interest.

One of my most played games this generation is Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm for the PS3, but I thought maybe I'd more be talking to myself than actual other people, so I didn't post too much about that game.

There's no game, literally no game this entire year that I could possibly want more than Mass Effect 2, and look at my activity over in that thread. Slim to none, right?

I, at the last minute, decided to purchase the pc version to max out the game, since my pc sorta owns. Then proceeded to download the closest save game to what I did in the 360 version. Only I got a good length into the game, but not too far, and immediately decided to stop playing there and never play again, until I get the 360 version.

Why? I'm literally 100% certain that something I did in the 360 version of the first game, would've changed one particular event from ending up how it did. It was so brutal seeing it end that way that I never played Mass Effect 2 again, and will never play it again, until I get the 360 version and start over using my own save.

Simon's right, time to get back on topic. Starting tomorrow, I'll be all over Splinter Cell Conviction. Thanks for the impressions Simon, I've heard a lot about the challenge system. It's good to hear that they even offer points for completing entire levels without being spotted.
Lol lets be honest optimus, you posted about 50 times in the ME2 thread.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
Lol lets be honest optimus, you posted about 50 times in the ME2 thread.
In the very early stages, I did. Notice how I completely stopped altogether beyond initial impressions after seeing it at a friend's house? There is no talk or impressions from my own hands on time with the game at all because I haven't beat it, nowhere close to such, and didn't want to risk spoilers with what else may be going on or being said in the thread.

So, despite my enormous interest and excitement around the game, perhaps greater than any other game for this entire year, with even Reach being a distant second, I've said next to nothing about it. I've even ignored reading or looking into anything remotely related to dlc or extra content that may be coming to the game for fear that I could learn something about the game I don't wish to know yet.

I may not have made very many posts in the thread once the game was actually released. If I did, it was probably to say how I can't wait to get it, or that I was still waiting on my replacement 360 from MS.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
I'll agree to disagree then :)

On a side note, i only ever praised uncharted 1-2 and LBP, god of war 3 i not really praised due to i chose this game over that and yet to play it (and base my whole argument of the whole sc vs GoW3 argument on 1-2s epicness and the footage i have seen of 3 on the net)... oh and MGS4 was over pretentious drivel...
I'm not a traitor :) i still love you all.. i just disagree :)

But i am in a damn good mood today because i got lots of new koi in my koi pond and there fucking AWESOME! just got to keep them away from my big boys due to they eat everything in there path... including toads... which i did not think possible.. until i witnessed it myself lol poor fucker.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
Come on Optimus, if you cared ME2 that much you would have played through it. (even though it's an overrated game)
ManThatYouFear - I'm afraid that when you choose vastly inferior version of a game (TRA on PS2) due to console brand preferences, something begins to be wrong...
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
LMFAO! i can only argue with my choice of consoles based on the fact i dont sell my games and always play them multiple times and after ..
(i am as bored of saying this as you lot are of hearing it i know :()
so many of my 360s broke, i have lost all faith and trust in this machine, i dont want in years to come to not be able to play my past games because my 360s keep breaking (and due to current trend of SONY everyone pushing BC out of the market completly)
And i will buy legend also on ps3 and underworld on ps3

If i was that bothered about the visuals of a game i would play everything on my pc, last gen all my games are bought on xbox (unless like silent hill and tombraider, only part of the series was released on the machine, then i will choose the machine that had them all on, due to i am a SLAG! and love the binders to match when it comes to a series (resident evils on GC been best yet :).

i know i come across a bit harsh but hey :) everyone to them self ... but i gotta say in the words of Ubisofts writing team "this aint no civilian this is sam fucking fisher, this guy climbs through vents and stuff... he DID climb through vents".... yes yes.. he once did :(
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
I do find your reasoning crap. Tomb Raider is a game that heavily relies on visuals and the PC version the other ones to pulp in that regard. Not to mention your sense of continuity on one platform - I have all 3D Tomb Raider games that ever came out on PC, can you beat that?

Has Ubi released any footage of Conviction on PC? I would love to see if they did something extra for that platform.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
More of a console lover myself, as i said, i would own everything on pc else lol
And i don't find tomb raider relies on visuals myself, that may just be your preference

you never know when my love for the 360 finally comes back (doubtful, but believe it or not, i keep trying and keep hoping) i might buy them again on there, until then, its looks fantastic on the ps2 ;)
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Oh and in my defence of preference, how many of you bought the 360 version of FF13? it was the worst version but you chose it and chose it because of console preference, even alimo who had choice of both machines (even my friend did.. and there is a major difference in visuals, but who cares.. the game was dull)
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6002 Jours
Jeezzz let it go man, if you prefer the ps3 you prefer the ps3, if others prefer the 360 then they prefer the 360, lets move on.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
Jeezzz let it go man, if you prefer the ps3 you prefer the ps3, if others prefer the 360 then they prefer the 360, lets move on.
They wont let me, and I make a solemn promise not to bring it up again... well unless you lot start bitching about it again :).

Back on topic, What is the MP like, I did not even look to see if it had Vs, is its comparable to any of the past games which is it closer to?
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Oh and in my defence of preference, how many of you bought the 360 version of FF13?
Haha, I didn't buy either. I'm the winner here. :)
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par szaromir
Haha, I didn't buy either. I'm the winner here. :)
touche ;)
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Posté par szaromir
Come on Optimus, if you cared ME2 that much you would have played through it. (even though it's an overrated game)
ManThatYouFear - I'm afraid that when you choose vastly inferior version of a game (TRA on PS2) due to console brand preferences, something begins to be wrong...
No joke, I may be unorthodox, but of all the games I wanted this year, Mass Effect 2 is #1 on the list.

I take story in my games pretty seriously, perhaps a bit more serious than I need to. Mass Effect 2, however, is different from other story games that I've played before. I'm not saying it's a grand masterpiece that has never and will be equaled in any capacity, even though I do consider what I've played thus far to be rather incredible. What I'm saying is that, seeing as how the decisions and actions you took in the first game play a role in Mass Effect 2, I feel closer to the story than would have otherwise been the case if there was no carry over whatsoever from the First Mass Effect. It feels like I made a personal investment with the first game's story, and anything that is deemed to put that investment at risk in the second game, is something I just consider a big enough deal to force me to hold off on finishing the game altogether, until I can experience the whole story the first go around exactly as how I'd like to experience it. There's surely a possibility that the situation I'm thinking of will work out exactly the same on my 360 save, and this whole wait to finish the game may have been for nothing, but I feel very strongly it will end up different, if only slightly.

Now, some may find that really weird of me, but then many also find it weird that I purchased games like Gears of War, Halo 3, COD4, COD Modern Warefare 2, Forza Motorsport 2 and 3, and haven't played even a seconds worth of any of the multiplayer components, even though I've been an Xbox Live Gold subscriber. What games have I played online? NBA 2k10 (and some of the versions before it), Naruto Rise of a Ninja, Naruto Broken Bond, PGR3, Fight Night Round 3, Dead or Alive 4. With Forza 2 and 3... I just use those like friendly get together games when people come over. I also get this awkward enjoyment out of getting destroyed by the CPU time and time again. Gears, Halo 3, both COD games, got them all for SP campaigns. I will change this habit for Reach, however.

Oh, and I have a message for those who would potentially deliver Splinter Cell Conviction later than expected today.... pray :P
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

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