The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
It's just funny that you guys would get VERY defensive when people would make comments about you just wanting action game combat in your RPGs, but here you are, both excited for....action game combat in your RPG.
That's because people don't like to be labeled or branded even if it's true
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Inscrit depuis 5798 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
It looks like watered-down third-person action game combat with some magic.

It's just funny that you guys would get VERY defensive when people would make comments about you just wanting action game combat in your RPGs, but here you are, both excited for....action game combat in your RPG.
Yes its irrelavant, my mistake I misread what you said.

For teh second part, I think you should read what you wrote there, "watered-down.third.person action game combat"

At least it looks like proper combat and proper gameplay there, at least they are putting some time in it, ES games seems that they create the world, then put a lot of stuff in it but they never look at the combat department at all, no proper hit reactions, no proper player feedback, no nothing just a very below average combat system there.

Now that may be enough for some dudes that pretty much plays it for the immersion and for the exploration but I don't know why is bad to want proper gameplay/combat in a RPG, I seriously don't know why is so insulting to RPG fans.

NG combat in a RPG could be the very best thing the genre needs in order to developers to up their game in this department and it seems Amalur will do just that and thats why our excitement comes.

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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6956 Jours
I am not saying overhaul the entire Elder Scrolls combat, no!
I am saying to add some freaking hit reaction to the damn game. Make the enemies move when I swing my sword, batteaxe, greatsword, warhammer, WHATEVER, against them.

I seen video with high level character with some nice looking weapons and the characters dont flinch one bit to a single hit unless its a power attack which is straight BS to me.
You are telling me a big greatsword "hitting" a enemy doesnt make them react to it? yeah right, thats shit.

I was really expecting much better from Skyrim since Oblivion. But then again, I should have followed my instincts (damn that art and world being the holy grail of it all).

For me, in any melee type of games with RPG, if its real time, I want it to be good because that it is the core gameplay of it, that is what you are going to use the most to get the fun out of it. That is how we usually want to play and level up and test our new skills and such. And when the combat sucks then whats the point of it all.
I judge games on melee by its combat and the rest if interested, I knew it from the video but I still gave it a shot with hesitation thinking maybe at level 20+ with proper perks to do more damage it may change, but no, nothing.

Kingdom of Amalur or even Witcher 2 has good combat. Why? Enemies react to your hits, they are not there for you to swing your weapons like its thin air and hope for them to just fall.
And when they hit you, you react as well.

I love "everything" about Skyrim, but the combat is so boring to me that I have given it so many chances with various builds and it still doesnt change the fact its no different from what I saw from the videos.
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Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
Good combat = enemies react to your hit! lol, Sath thats a new level in BS, there is so much more to combat in an RPG than hit mere hit reaction.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6956 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
Good combat = enemies react to your hit! lol, Sath thats a new level in BS, there is so much more to combat in an RPG than hit mere hit reaction.
Skyrim combat is satistfying? the level of bullshit in that is much higher :)

I meant one of the good things about having a good combat in real-time combat system is to have good hit reaction (among the other stuff I mentioned).

The only thing I can think of that is more important is stats and leveling which I have no issues with.
I wouldnt mind staggering from enemy swings as much as they should when I do my attacks (shield bash and power attacks doesnt count).

But whatever, argueing the same thing over and over is useless.
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Inscrit depuis 6494 Jours
Posté par Sath
Skyrim combat is satistfying? the level of bullshit in that is much higher :)

I meant one of the good things about having a good combat in real-time combat system is to have good hit reaction (among the other stuff I mentioned).

The only thing I can think of that is more important is stats and leveling which I have no issues with.
I wouldnt mind staggering from enemy swings as much as they should when I do my attacks (shield bash and power attacks doesnt count).

But whatever, argueing the same thing over and over is useless.
Dont worry sath, i'm sure you'll love the game again in a day or
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6956 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
Dont worry sath, i'm sure you'll love the game again in a day or
I could constantly mention how much I love Skyrim (which I do, until my obvious issue occurs) until the next Elder Scrolls is out, but it doesnt change the fact I will specifically seperate what I love about it and what I hate about it.

Why I like Skyrim: Everything about it, except combat being horrible (specifically, hit reaction is crap so it makes it very unsatistfying to use).

Cant get more complicated than that.
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Inscrit depuis 6973 Jours
I quit after 2 days aswell, mainly cause im waiting for a patch to stop it crashing.. hmmppf
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
Posté par Sath
Skyrim combat is satistfying? the level of bullshit in that is much higher :)

But whatever, argueing the same thing over and over is useless.
Thats funny, you said you did find it satisfying, about 5 times now lol...??

Yeah give it up Sath, argueing with yourself is not healthy for the mind, i mean your only going to come back in a few days and say how your enjoying the combat again lol....
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Prepare To Drop!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6956 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
Thats funny, you said you did find it satisfying, about 5 times now lol...??

Yeah give it up Sath, argueing with yourself is not healthy for the mind, i mean your only going to come back in a few days and say how your enjoying the combat again lol....

I found the finishing moves in first person to be the only thing satistfying about the melee combat.

Thing is I am not the only one who thinks the combat overal is nothing but a copy-paste from Oblivion with no work on it except added dual wielding and finishers.
Its just bad for me that the thread is full of Elder Scrolls fans with the same mindset, even though some says the same thing about the combat as me. But somehow they go with archery to "hide" the uglyness of its overal combat.

I for one love melee combat when I have the option to choose it because magic only and archery isnt to my liking that much to the point I would use an entire game for that, especailly for such a huge and long game as Skyrim. Unless Robin Hood was my childhood hero since the cartoon :P
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Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
A comment by you sath lol... one of many golden lines from you. :)
And who complains about graphics and animations...etc. what did you guys expect with tons of footage of the game before release and screenshots, did it take you for retail version to know this? Lol
And I am one that didnt follow every detail on Skyrim and yet I am the one who is loving it ;)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6956 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
A comment by you sath lol... one of many golden lines from you. :)
And who complains about graphics and animations...etc. what did you guys expect with tons of footage of the game before release and screenshots, did it take you for retail version to know this? Lol
And I am one that didnt follow every detail on Skyrim and yet I am the one who is loving it ;)
That was me commenting when I wasent level 15+ with not so many perks used in the one-handed weapons skills. That was when I first got it, and that comment was soley based on the overal experience I had, first impression.
Yes, world, music, detail, art, dialogues. It wasent combat-only impressions.

Thanks for trying :)

But you know, lets just drop this repeated of months argeing because it wont change anything.

You guys who enjoy the game overal enjoy, I will just wait for Kingdoms of Amalur to get my RPG fix :)
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Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
Another golden cooment from much later, i could go on and on, but i wont.... ;p
I am really enjoying my mage, I love using powers more than anything in games anyways so I feel right at home with this build.

Some things I love about the mage...

- Summoning a atronach to fight along with you, very powerful (yet Novice level) companion. I always summon it before entering a fight. And summoning strong dead corpses.
- Hadoken! I love charging up lightning bolts or fireballs and shoot them like Ryu/Ken from Street Fighter lol. I hope Master levels can be charged up to Akuma level :D I saw one master necromancer do that, loved it!
- I also really like the combining dual wield elements in each hand. For example fire + lightning and start unleashing them both, pure badassery! Though I wish you could merge two elements and then charge them into one and then release, that would be fantastic!
- Its a thinking mans game sometimes. Sometimes you have to use stradegy to make the best out of your magic for ultimate use, like Illusions, use Fear on the most fearsome bastard and them start doing damage.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 5278 Jours
lol classics..

Anyway off to join the Stormcloakes now, i've made my choice. Can anyone tell if this means the city of the Imperials will be off limits to me?
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Inscrit depuis 6421 Jours
Posté par Sath
You guys who enjoy the game overal enjoy, I will just wait for Kingdoms of Amalur to get my action game fix :)
Fixed. ;)
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Inscrit depuis 6494 Jours
Posté par Sath
I will just wait for Kingdoms of Amalur to get my RPG fix :)
And no doubt proceed to flip-flop between loving it and hating it like you do every other game?
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Inscrit depuis 6202 Jours
Seriously don't understand why the last 3 or 4 pages of this thread exist.

Some people don't like the combat
Some people aren't bothered by it

Its just this over and over.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par sanex
lol classics..

Anyway off to join the Stormcloakes now, i've made my choice. Can anyone tell if this means the city of the Imperials will be off limits to me?
I don't think so.. I think it will have an impact on the world during the events of the civil war, but I haven't started that yet.

One thing Sath is absolutely right about: combat really isn't that much better than Oblivion. I think the game as a whole is a bit better though. And generally speaking, perks both help and hinder this game. Progression is out of whack as ever. Just like any TES game, it breaks more then more you play it. I don't think leveled loot (especially unique, named objects) was a good idea, but it really makes no difference since crafting and enchanting results in much better gear anyway. There are a slew of design issues with Skyrim. Welcome to Tamriel, I guess :D

But as with most people, I'm not only aware of how broken certain aspects of this game are, but I also expected it. I also think the good vastly outweighs the bad, or I wouldn't still be playing it as I approach the world level cap (I still won't be there for a while, but I'm about to hit 40).

To be honest it's about neck-and-neck with New Vegas for me. They're both great games.

I am at a bit of a loss now as to what I should be doing. I was so into making my toon badass that I really lost any sort of momentum I had so far as questing goes. The last two nights have been entirely comprised of word/dragon hunting, and grinding out alchemy and enchanting. I guess I can go do some Guild or Civil War type stuff.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par Sephiriah
Seriously don't understand why the last 3 or 4 pages of this thread exist.

Some people don't like the combat
Some people aren't bothered by it

Its just this over and over.
I just see it as everything being right in the world again. Now I can enjoy the game without as much mindless, enthusiasm killing hype.
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Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
Yeah, i'vehad a bit of a break from the game but still i've just been slaying dragons and getting new words for probably the last 5 hours of game time. I should get back on the questing as well i think.

Will finishing the mian quest wipe dragons from the game? I mean, dare i do the main quest without getting all the words and dragon souls i need?
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Chanticleer Hegemony

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Can you even keep playing after the main quest is over this time? You can't in FO3 or NV prior to DLC. A lot of content won't make sense after the ending..
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Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
Posté par sanex
lol classics..

Anyway off to join the Stormcloakes now, i've made my choice. Can anyone tell if this means the city of the Imperials will be off limits to me?
As i understand it, you can still visit the city and do the city quest? but obviously the Imperials Questline will be off limits.

I at the Mage School and loving the quest's thus far :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 5977 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Can you even keep playing after the main quest is over this time? You can't in FO3 or NV prior to DLC. A lot of content won't make sense after the ending..
I'm sure the dev's stated you can keep playing after??
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6415 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Can you even keep playing after the main quest is over this time? You can't in FO3 or NV prior to DLC. A lot of content won't make sense after the ending..
Youve been able to keep going in all previous TES games, and i'm pretty sure i remember hearing in an interview that yes, you can in fact keep going this time.

*edit: actually i lie, i've only ever played morrowind and oblivion prior to this, but in those games you could keep playing!
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Chanticleer Hegemony

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Posté par Megido
Youve been able to keep going in all previous TES games, and i'm pretty sure i remember hearing in an interview that yes, you can in fact keep going this time.

*edit: actually i lie, i've only ever played morrowind and oblivion prior to this, but in those games you could keep playing!
Ah, right.. just FO then. I'm going to save the end of the campaign for when I'm about ready to retire this toon anyway. I have to imagine it will make quite a few random quest lines make a lot less sense :D
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