The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Inscrit depuis 7066 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
lol level scaling...

Oh, come on... like anyone with a PC built in the last three+ years should be playing this on a console regardless.
my pc died, motherboard or ram, not been arsed to find out to be fair. but elder scrolls is one of those games that are begged to played on a pc
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Santa better bring me what i want...

Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Blm: So baiscally you didn't play it with mods and enjoyed it, hence fuck mods? Brilliant. Also, when i wrote that reply you hadn't edited in the second paragraph of your post so don't try to play that against me :P

Grift: True enough, but i don't know if that is common knowledge. If they didn't bork the systems i might actually prefer to play it on the couch with a pad as that's a bit more comfy, but de-borking the game with mods is more important than that :P

Well, i should be set anyway. just got a new computer today. 3Ghz i7 quad core, 6 gigs of ram and a GTX 450m card with 1500 megs of ram. I should be good for a few years at least :)
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 6454 Jours
Posté par Megido
Blm: So baiscally you didn't play it with mods and enjoyed it, hence fuck mods? Brilliant.
Are you... are you actually being serious?
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Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Ok, so first off i never said taht mods are needed, i said that tehy make the game better. Your reply to that is "The game was good enough that it doesn't need mods". How do you want me to interpret that? From over here it seems like you said it doesn't need mods because it was good without them. I'm not agruing your abillity to enjoy the goddamn game here, all i'm saying is that there are mods that improves upon the foundations established by the game enough that they warrant mention and use. Why wouldn't you want to fix some of the problems in the game, even if it is playable without them. Why invent the car? I never had any problems with horse and cart!
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Chanticleer Hegemony

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7122 Jours
It is a pretty weird position to take.
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Inscrit depuis 6890 Jours
I'll wait mods.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 6454 Jours
Posté par Megido
Ok, so first off i never said taht mods are needed, i said that tehy make the game better. Your reply to that is "The game was good enough that it doesn't need mods".
No, my reply was that I have it for my Xbox 360 - which, if you aren't aware, is a games console - and still enjoy it immensely to this day, despite the fact that it doesn't come with the possibility of having its flaws fixed (surprise surprise, it has flaws!) through mods. Of course mods can make a game better; that's like saying the sky is blue, cancer isn't nice or Megan Fox is hot. It's almost universally objective.
From over here it seems like you said it doesn't need mods because it was good without them.
In incredibly basic terms that's what I'm saying - and heck, you even agree with me:
Ok, so first off i never said taht mods are needed, i said that tehy make the game better.
So, to recap, mods aren't essential, but they do have the potential of improving the game in question. So, erm, we agree?
Why wouldn't you want to fix some of the problems in the game, even if it is playable without them.
I never said I wouldn't want to fix these problems, but not everyone has access to such luxuries (such as those who own the 360 and/or PS3 versions). As I've said pretty much all along, with the knowledge that I can't correct its flaws, I'm perfectly content with the version I own - despite the fact that I'm missing out on the 'real fun', as you so aptly described it.
I'm not agruing your abillity to enjoy the goddamn game here, all i'm saying is that there are mods that improves upon the foundations established by the game enough that they warrant mention and use.
Most Obvious Statement of This (Still Very Young) Decade Award.
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Inscrit depuis 6454 Jours
Also, for those of you bitchin' about the level scaling, it's been confirmed that it won't be like Oblivion's:
Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/levelling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's.
There was nothing wrong with the scaling in Fallout 3 - well, not to me anyway - so that's one concern which has been addressed.
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Inscrit depuis 7005 Jours
Just saw the scans and must say the art style is so much better than Oblivion, especially the humanoid models.

Obviously these are PC screens but looks like the standard is set for next gen graphics. (looks like I will be forced to upgrade)
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 5310 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Also, for those of you bitchin' about the level scaling, it's been confirmed that it won't be like Oblivion's:
Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/levelling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's.
There was nothing wrong with the scaling in Fallout 3 - well, not to me anyway - so that's one concern which has been addressed.
Great news.

I agree with you on the playing and enjoying it just as much on a console, as that's what i'm doing :).
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Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Posté par sanex
Great news.

I agree with you on the playing and enjoying it just as much on a console, as that's what i'm doing :).

How can you say that you enjoy it as much as something you haven't tried? that's my point, you don't know how you'd look at vanilla oblivion without trying it with mods.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 5310 Jours
Posté par Megido

How can you say that you enjoy it as much as something you haven't tried? that's my point, you don't know how you'd look at vanilla oblivion without trying it with mods.
And how do you know i have not tried PC Oblivion mods? oh thats right you don't!!

Granted I only tried a few mods (Wild Creatures / Some quest and a UI bt-mod...) but i still greatly enjoyed and completed the game on a console, and will do so with Skyrim also.
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Inscrit depuis 6650 Jours
Behind the scenes:

Mostly showing the studio.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
Awesome studio!

God I hope Skyrim turns out fantastically!
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Inscrit depuis 6454 Jours
Posté par UrukHaiPT
Behind the scenes:

Mostly showing the studio.
Man, that almost made me want to pursue a career in video games.

Can't believe Skyrim is more or less a whole year away (at least).
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Inscrit depuis 6881 Jours
Saw the Screens! This is what I always wanted Oblivion to look like. Awesome! If they have good animation I will be in heaven! The art direction destroys all previous efforts. Hype-meter on full!!
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Also, for those of you bitchin' about the level scaling, it's been confirmed that it won't be like Oblivion's:
Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/levelling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's.
There was nothing wrong with the scaling in Fallout 3 - well, not to me anyway - so that's one concern which has been addressed.
I'm not a fan of Oblivion or Fallout's scaling, but there are so many other things that sound awesome in this game, that i care not! :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6650 Jours
Road to Skyrim:
Video 1: Todd Howard tells the story of how he got into the industry, recalls his earliest gaming habits, and offers advice for those looking to follow in his footsteps.

Video 2: Learn about the evolution of the Elder Scrolls series and the lessons of the past that led the team to the creation of Skyrim.

Video 3: Todd Howard reveals his favorite games of this generation, his thoughts on current trends in the gaming industry, and his perception of the difference between eastern and western role-playing games. He also discusses his impressions of Kinect, Move, and 3D technology, and whether we'll ever see an Elder Scrolls game on mobile phones.
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Inscrit depuis 6650 Jours
Sound of Skyrim:
We talked with Mark Lampert, audio director and sound designer at Bethesda Game Studios, and the chief architect of the aural experience players will encounter in Skyrim. He revealed details on all the sound elements players will encounter in the game, and had some fascinating examples of his work to share.
Gameinformer got quite the exclusives :P
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
Jeremy Soule is so awesome, the teaser trailer theme for Skyrim is amazing, can't wait to get it...and the rest of the OST :D
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Inscrit depuis 6650 Jours
Posté par Sath
Jeremy Soule is so awesome, the teaser trailer theme for Skyrim is amazing, can't wait to get it...and the rest of the OST :D
Indeed. <3 Jeremy Soule!

Here's the track from the trailer, no voice, just the music: So good.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
Posté par UrukHaiPT
Indeed. <3 Jeremy Soule!

Here's the track from the trailer, no voice, just the music: So good.
Finally damn it!
Thanks a bunch, so epic!

Wish it was better quality, but better than nothing...for now :)
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Inscrit depuis 6454 Jours
I do love me an epic fantasy score.

It's one of the reasons why The Lord of the Rings is so damn... well, epic.
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Inscrit depuis 5830 Jours
Posté par UrukHaiPT
Indeed. <3 Jeremy Soule!

Here's the track from the trailer, no voice, just the music: So good.
Freaking insane, I want to fight crime now goddamn!
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 6555 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Also, for those of you bitchin' about the level scaling, it's been confirmed that it won't be like Oblivion's:
Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/levelling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's.
There was nothing wrong with the scaling in Fallout 3 - well, not to me anyway - so that's one concern which has been addressed.
Level scaling is not bad, in fact it is good to have if done right

Which means have actual new higher level monsters and unique new stuff as you go higher level, than having level 99 rats
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