Blackninja @Zega: Non sur Séries X sorry 🙃 (il y a 1 Jour)
Zega @Blackninja sur PC? J'ai testé hier l'update DLSS, le rendu est tout cassé. (version GP) (il y a 1 Jour)
Blackninja @Zega:moi je trouve que c’est un des meilleurs jeux sous U5 (il y a 1 Jour)
Zega @Flash_Runner le jeu est cracra techniquement, mais je n'ai pas remarqué d'input lag dégueulasse. Par contre c'est "old school" les timing sont plus rigide qu'un Bayo. (il y a 2 Jours)
Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
Also there were choke points in BC2, but hardly on the level of what we see here. Even then in BC2, those choke points could be overcome by vehicles. BF3 doesn't always allow for that.
But indeed, different strokes. There are still people who don't want prone. At its core (stuff like movement, gun mechanics) BF3 is so, so much better than Bad Company (or even BF2!). There are plenty of other things that are a little less satisfactory. Level design is a valid argument. Kit design and level design (and maybe vehicle combat) were much better in BF2 versus either of these other games.
At this point however, I think the amount of variety in what BF3 offers should please mostly everyone. The game has one pure infantry fighting map (Metro), a handful of BC2-style infantry focused light vehicle maps (Bazaar), and a few (of hit-or-miss quality) sandboxes.
And that's out of the box. Karkand adds a lot more value to that mix.
I don't agree with some of the game design (also inspired by Bad Company 2), like regenerative health (extended to armor), etc.. but I still think the game offers deep options and deep gameplay that you won't find in any other shooter this generation. It's a mixed bag. Karkand helps. I hope there are more expansions of similar quality.
But don't worry.. I'm sure if they make a Bad Company 3 the guns will still be laser beams and the level design will be as ZOMG awesome as you remember it. Every map in both of the original games was a winner after all.
Pwn'd by Phaethon360.
TV Rocket is so damn fucked up after the patch....what a waste.
I do hate the amount of unlocks in this game. I'm playing primarily with the M16A3 lately--it's not like I'm in desperate need of additional gear, but lately I've felt like I need to get the rest of my unlocks anyway. Having played several service stars with of medic and engi, I finally knocked out support this week, and I'm working on recon now. I'm just doing recon with the VAL (which is pretty fun), but I actually really dug the MG36 on support. I'm not really sure why, but I really don't like the M249. I was running with a grip and a suppressor on the MG36 and it felt great.
I hope they don't mess with the weapon balance too much more in the next patch. Not that they would mess with the M16A3, but I really don't think the FAMAS is as big of a problem as some seem to.. it's sorta meh down range.
Dice is finished just like Bioware, they don't care about fans of their feedback, they take forever to release patches for any kind of decent content for their games. Both companies got lazy after EA paid top $$$ to purchase them
sorry about the rant/errors...night shift, haven't slept, studying etc etc
And please.. how is the USAS-12 ridiculous at range? Slugs are awful in this game and frag rounds do awful damage (especially compared to bullets).
ps. the AEK has range and a quick TTK too.
Thankfully, a lot of combat in BF3 isn't done in close quarters. That's not to say that a weapon like the M16A3 can't perform in CQC--you just need to be faster than your enemy. The benefit I get down range more than makes up for anything the FAMAS can offer me. I don't think it needs any serious tweaking. It will get nerfed, but I'm not concerned with it at all.
I only encounter a lot of USAS12 and M320 abusers on 24/7 Metro servers (PC), and plenty of other rifles (M16A3, AEK, etc) are commonly featured throughout the field. I prefer the M16A3 to the FAMAS because I'm a fucking surgeon with it. This isn't a difficult task--It has nearly no recoil and people play dumb.
PS. I bet there are just as many morons on PSN--they just don't have headsets.
Same attachments on the M16:
Note: it says A4, but the only difference is the full auto mode (which is being accounted for here). Both heat maps represent the guns fired in four shot bursts over a period of 5000 rounds.
I'm not desputing that the FAMAS is a beastly gun, even down range, in the right hands. The M16 and AEK are both more flexible weapons. Also, the F2000 is still very effective, even if it's not nearly as dominant as in previous versions.
Subjectively speaking it being a one trick pony makes me hate it since it's obviously in the game to give bad players a crutch to lean on. It's perfect for a defensive player (or camper), you won't be actively clearing an objective with it since the chances of getting caught with your pants down is high. Instead it encourages cowardly play styles, lying on the floor starring at doors, camping in tight corridors, glitching into walls etc. That's about most of the deaths I suffer from the FAMAS.
It makes those terrible high ranking players feel good about them, who place their KDR first and the win second, when in fact they are little better than the scrubs sniping from cranes and tall buildings.
Last I checked, the G3A3 didn't even meet the standards of an MP5, and they were making BF3 a patch-to-patch game of gun to gun leap-frog. Nerf, next best gun, nerf, next best gun, nerf, etc... Was rubber bullet city, and this was in Hardcore.
They get their shit together yet and stop listening to those goddamn forum trolls or what?
You're playing on hardcore. You have 60 hp. Vanilla gun balance is thrown straight out the fucking window anyway. How can any of the guns be underpowered in hardcore? Hardcore sorta sucks.
They added the FAMAS to the game with the B2K patch, which is the quickest TTK AR in the game. Sure, they ruined the dominance of the F2000, but it actually returned the AEK to its place (as seen in the beta). I'm not crazy about frequent changes to game balance either, but I don't think it's been super bad relative to other games. In fact, I don't think it's super bad compared to BF2. BF2 went through game changing patches. We got things like shoehorned stance delays. And sure.. they've even tweaked movement in BF3, but not to the extent that it's a completely different game post patch (as in BF2's case).
I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here. I'm not crazy about frequent changes to weapon balance at all.. I just don't really think they've made any major mistakes (in patches) here yet. The M16 is still my scalpel, so I'm happy.
You know what really pisses me off about this game? Points. The importance placed on scoring and earning experience points to unlock gear has completely ruined the way people play this game. The vast majority of players all pool together on servers with extremely high tickets, mostly on metro. People don't play for the fun of Battlefield 3's core game, people don't even care if they win that game. They are playing the meta game and I think that sucks. Demize said that Metro was fine, because Metro is popular. The reality is that Metro is that popular because he designed a metagame that's more attractive to scrubs than the actual game.
You can't please everyone.. and I think that's important for them to recognize. I've seen people complain about them nerfing AT mines--AT mines! They were a mess in 1.0! I do wish they showed more backbone, and a bit more of a personal philosophy on game design.